Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Million Beast Tide_1

The progress of the Divine Cannon Blueprint Level One is at 0%!

Chu Yuan immediately saw, within the system space, what seemed to be a real projection of a huge cannon barrel, dark and cold, several times longer than the copied Divine Cannon.

"Weapon of War!"

Just a 0% completion of the blueprint was ough to let Chu Yuan feel the terror of the Divine Cannon.

"I proclaim, the first prize of this Imperial Dynasty hunt will be the Gold Feather Hawk!"

Boom! With a surge of mana, the colossal body of the Gold Feather Hawk plummeted to the g.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"

Countless soldiers cheered loudly. Their thoughts were not as complex as those of the civil and military officials. They saw Chu Yuan kill a large monster in the Divine Realm with a single arrow, just as if the previous Emperor had descded, invincible in his divine might. The terrifying display of martial prowess filled them with ecstatic joy.

To become an Emperor, to garner the respect of t thousand people, and have influce over the four seas, one needs not just status but also strgth.

"How did his strgth become so formidable?"

Neither Shangguan Qingyun nor Li Yun could understand how Chu Yuan's strgth improved drastically each time they countered him. The act of shooting down the Gold Feather Hawk with a single arrow, ev the head of the Imperial Guards might struggle to achieve that.

"Haha, big brother Emperor, I'm off!"

Chu Xiaoniang mounted her horse and instantly shot off like an arrow. A large red bow appeared in her hands, from which she pulled out five arrows and drew them back into a full moon.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Five consecutive shots, and th five rough-skinned, ferocious beasts simultaneously fell.

"Impressive!" Exclaimed the crowd, "No wonder she's of royal blood, inheriting the previous Emperor's martial prowess. So young and her horseback archery skills are exquisite!"

Not just Chu Xiaoniang, many young descdants also began to ride out, tering the Mountain Range of Beasts. The Imperial Dynasty hunt was actually a form of competition among the younger geration, the older geration did not interve.

As a member of the younger geration, Chu Yuan had previously participated, but today, as the Emperor, he wouldn't be joining in.

Siltly, he reseated himself on the dragon-themed chair. Expressionless, nobody could guess his thoughts. He calmly observed the mountain range, his demeanor non-threating yet authoritative.

The Imperial Dynasty hunt continued. Chu Yuan's eyes swirled in anticipation, commanding the tire sce. He didn't seem to participate, but every time a particularly fierce beast pounced out, an arrow would promptly shoot out.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Suddly, at that momt, the g slightly trembled. It was like the om before an earthquake. Next, a rolling wave of dust came, containing numerous terrifying shadows.

"Beast tide! Damn, it's a beast tide!"

Wan Lianji, who has guarded the Mountain Range of Beasts for many years, changed color at this sight and shouted, "A beast tide is coming, Your Majesty! According to its scale, there are at least a million beasts. I suggest you stop the Imperial Dynasty hunt and retreat to the Royal Palace."

A beast tide with over a million beasts, an evt that has barely happed since the founding of the Dawu Dynasty.

However, the cunning monsters living in the Mountain Range of Beasts seemed to know that after Dawu's last emperor's demise, there would be no guarantee of the country's stability. They intded to break through the Dawu capital city and remove this thorn that had hindered them for thirty years once and for all.

[Choice One: End the hunt, retreat to the Imperial City. Rally the four beast camps to resist the beast tide. Obtain one hundred Destiny Points, and the Armored Flying Boat Blueprint Level One's progress increases by 0%.]

[Choice Two: Continue the hunt, lead the army directly into the beast tide. Obtain one hundred Destiny Points, and the Divine Cannon Blueprint Level One's progress increases by 0%. Currt progress is 0%.]

"There's no time, this beast tide has a violt momtum. If we retreat now, they will inevitably attack the Imperial City. I have decided, the chaos, glutton and Zhu Yu camps will quickly rush to provide reinforcemts to the Mountain Range of Beasts. Lord Zhong Yong and Geral Wan, you'll each lead your respective armies to directly obstruct the beast tide."

Chu Yuan issued an order. The rectly formed 30,000-strong Divine Warriors Army seemed unparalleled in power, but they hadn't yet be through the fire of battle. This was their chance.

"Ding! Host chose Option Two. Reward: One hundred Destiny Points, Divine Cannon Blueprint Level , construction progress 0%."

"Currt Destiny Points balance, one thousand."

"Furthermore, Geral, Prime Minister, and the officials of the six ministries, you are all masters of the Divine Realm. You are responsible for stopping the mighty monster."

Chu Yuan issued his orders methodically.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wan Lianji also understood the seriousness of the situation. If this horde of a million beasts really poured into the Wan Beast Mountain Range and wreaked havoc within Dawu, the consequces would be catastrophic. At that point, the four countries would surely launch an immediate attack.

The reason for the fall of the Imperial City under the former Chu Yuan was not only due to the fierce aggression of the allied forces from the four countries, but also due to the chaos provoked by the beast horde.

Boom boom boom!

A few thousand more Divine Cannons were wheeled out, bringing the total to ,000. This was the full firepower of the camp.

Bang bang bang bang!

The cannons roared, and the light beams they shot out looked like serpts. Wh those beams hit the beast horde and exploded, they swallowed up dozs of kilometers. Countless brutal beasts were turned into dust in an instant.

But Chu Yuan saw that although the cannons looked fierce, they had mostly killed the lower-level beasts. The number of higher-level beasts they killed was actually low due to the limited power of the shells.

Having obtained the Divine Cannon Blueprint Level with 40% construction progress, Chu Yuan knew that the power of the copied Divine Cannons was not ev half that of the original ones.

Whoo whoo whoo whoo....

The call for an assault sounded. Standing at the front, clad in his terrifying armor, was Wan Lianji. Behind him were the 5,000 troops of the Forbidd Army. Immediately, they charged towards the incoming waves of the beast horde.

The beast horde was said to number a million, but in reality, it was more than that -- it was several millions. Ev if one were to thrust high-level warriors into the horde, they would barely cause a stir.

However, the soldiers of the Forbidd Army were quite capable. They had a lot of experice fighting against the beast horde. They fought in groups, with a hundred people forming a team and a thousand people forming an army. They never fought alone, but were tightly connected, advancing from one side.

But the beast horde was simply too numerous. It surged from all sides of the Wan Beast Mountain Range. The single camp stood little chance.

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and Lu Qianfu immediately drew the Fragmtation Knife, pointed it at the front, and shouted, "Divine Warrior Legion, charge!"

"The Divine Warrior Legion is moving!"

Shangguan Qingyun, Li Yun, and Wei Sh all shuddered together. They had a good understanding of the combat strgth of the Forbidd Army, but they didn't know how powerful Chu Yuan's newly formed Divine Warrior Legion was.

The Divine Warrior Army consisted of 30,000 m, four times lesser than the Forbidd Army.

But their imposing aura was ev stronger. The lesser Forbidd Army consisted of low-level soldiers, but in the Divine Warrior Legion, the weakest was at Soul Forging level.

"Li Dangxian, lead t thousand m to form the left chain formation. Liu De, lead t thousand m to form the right chain formation. And I will form the ctral chain formation, commanding the tire army."

Lu Qianfu's expression was solemn. This was the Divine Warrior Legion's first battle before the world, carrying Chu Yuan's hopes.

Instantly, the chain formations formed up. From a distance, it looked like a city wall made of chains. The thirty thousand soldiers each played their part, charging fiercely into the beast horde like a chain. Every strike created a cleared area where countless beasts had be.

Chu Yuan appeared to take no action, but in reality, he had already used the War Army Chessboard to form a battlefield domain and moved it a, controlling the 30,000 soldiers like an extsion of his own body, guiding them to attack wherever he pointed.

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