Invincible Divine Destiny Selection System

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Princess Chenxi Chu Xiaoniang_1

"The Emperor arrives!"

No matter the speculation of civil and military officials, or the great families on the currt situation, Dawu remains, the heavs have not collapsed, and the emperor is upon his throne.

The ongoing conversations soon died down, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the approaching Chu Yuan.

Shortly, there was a sea of people appearing on the official road from the distance.

The majestic flag of the Divine Army rose high, a blood-black military flag that fluttered in the wind. Under everyone's gaze, an imposing legion emerged.

"The Divine Army, the Divine Army reappears!"

The first to arrive was the Divine Army, leading to a momt of complete silce. The Divine Army is the symbol of Dawu, deterring the four nations. If it were not for the sudd collapse of the large army, ev with the death of the previous emperor, the four nations wouldn't dare to harbor any thoughts of military aggression.

Thirty thousand Divine Soldiers proceeded in unison, not a word spok. The only sound was of armor clashing, loud and resonating, a pott aura of masculine dominance pervading all a.

"The Emperor arrives!"

Eunuch Wei appears!

Behind him appeared a multitude of warriors, holding halberds and umbrellas, stationed on either side. The most striking sight was of nine dragons, pulling an emint being in a huge chariot.

On the chariot, there was a young man with a cold demeanor, his eyes shone like the sun, the moon, and the stars!

Lu Qian walked beside the chariot, with the Fragmtation Knife strapped at his waist, looking a imposingly, anyone daring to approach would be turned to fragmts.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

Chu Yuan arrived, and the civil and military officials knelt down, shouting their blessings. Some ev stole glances at Chu Yuan from time to time.

They were amazed. Although they knew that Chu Yuan was re-recruiting the Divine Army, many didn't pay much heed, thinking it was Chu Yuan's resort to desperation. However, wh they saw this thirty-thousand-strong army,

So fierce, so powerful, their ergies soared skyward, scattering ev the dark clouds in the sky.

The quality of this force was simply higher than the previous Divine Army.

It was of course. Chu Yuan had the Taiyi Pill Furnace. As long as there were sufficit materials, any pill could be refined without failure, naturally a lot of them could be potions they had never ev heard of before.

With an dless supply of these pills, It was of course possible to cultivate a legion of thirty thousand m.

This was just because of the limited time; if they were trained over a year or half, the result would simply be unimaginable.

"This young emperor is so powerful! The royal family indeed has deep roots. He managed to call upon another large army, and this young emperor emits an unpredictable aura, making ev me feel threated. This cannot be, I must inform my father, let him prepare early."

Wei Sh was also tak aback in the crowd, quietly taking note of the information.

"By pulling out a thirty-thousand Divine Army and appointing the Duke of Loyalty as the leader, the Emperor is displaying his strgth, showing to some petty people that ev though the empire has suffered a major change, it is not so easy to destroy."

At the momt, the crowd had complex thoughts, each speculating on Chu Yuan's motives.

"Lords, rise."

The slow voice from Chu Yuan on the chariot broke the silce. "Is the Head of the Imperial Guards, Wan Lianji, prest?"

"Head of the Imperial Guards, Wan Lianji, greets His Majesty!"

A man in black armor stepped out, knelt on one knee and saluted, "Your commands, Your Majesty."

"Has everything be prepared for the Imperial Hunting Ceremony of the Dawu Empire?" Chu Yuan stared at this Wan Lianji.

Among all the forces of Dawu, the strongest is naturally the Divine Army. Apart from them, there is an Imperial Guard of one million m, who protect the capital and fight battles on all fronts.

The Imperial Guards are divided into eight camps. Each camp has 5,000 soldiers, a total of a million m.

The eight camps are divided into the four divine beasts: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird.

And the four savage beasts: Chaos, Poorness, Greed, Ignorance.

The four divine beast camps are stationed in the Imperial City.

The ferocious beasts are stationed at the Beast Mountains, responsible for watching over the beast movemts and resisting the beast tide.

Wan Lianji is precisely the leader of the Qiong Qi Camp, a master with nine levels of divine abilities.

Supreme Geral Shangguan Qingyun is nominally the highest commander of the Million Forbidd Army. Although the eight camp leaders might not all be his m, his people are planted among the middle and upper military officers, and they can respond in unison wh the time comes.

Chu Yuan knew who Shangguan Qingyun's m were but refrained from purging them, fearing backlash that might make those who were originally loyal to the royal family feel threated and turn to Shangguan Qingyun, leading to rebellion.

He was waiting for an excuse.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan sighed softly.

The previous Emperor only valued the Shwu Army and did not pay much atttion to other legions, handing over the Forbidd Army to Shangguan Qingyun. No one would have thought they would counter such a great crisis.

If not, the situation of the past Chu Yuan would not be as difficult as it is now.

The previous Chu Yuan wouldn't have led his country to ruin twice.

All of these are hidd dangers left by the previous Emperor.

"Your Majesty, your servant is ready. The Qiong Qi Camp has sured the Beast Mountains, and your Majesty can start the royal hunt at any time," said Wan Lianji.

Chu Yuan nodded. Wan Lianji was a faithful man who did not belong to Shangguan Qingyun's faction, yet he was not as loyal as Huang Yong, the Minister of War. Wh the four countries attacked the Imperial City years ago, he fled to the Beast Mountains with the remaining Forbidd Army.

Just as Chu Yuan was about to start the hunt, suddly thousands of fires appeared in the distance, rushing over like the Vermilion Bird.

"Princess Chxi is coming!"

Chu Yuan saw clearly that there was a giant firebird in the sky, burning with flames, with two figures on it.

"Princess Chxi."

Chu Yuan smiled.

There wer't many people in the royal family; the previous emperor was obsessed with conquering the world and cultivation, and thus only had three daughters and one son. Princess Chxi was the youngest princess, who was just thirte this year, two years younger than him.

"Emperor Brother."

Princess Chxi, named Chu Xiaoniang, despite her youth, did not exude the demeanor of a damsel, or frail princess. Instead, she wore a fiery red armor, looking heroic and valiant, quite the valiant heroine.

This was a reflection of the martial spirit of Dawu, ev stronger among the emperors. Ev the princesses were required to learn martial arts from a young age.


Wh Chu Yuan arrived in Dawu, it was the most chaotic time. He was so busy that he never had time to go to the palace to see his younger sister.

"Your Majesty, the princess insisted on going hunting, and I had no choice but to accompany her with t thousand Vermilion Bird soldiers," said the woman in fiery red armor next to Princess Chxi.

Zhu Fgfg, the commander of the Vermilion Bird Camp, with nine divine abilities, was the only female commander among the eight Forbidd Army camps.

If the Forbidd Army's eight camps were infiltrated by Shangguan Qingyun's people, the Vermilion Bird Camp was absolutely free of them.

Shortly after the establishmt of Dawu, the former Emperor tered the Beast Mountains and rescued a woman, Zhu Fgfg. It was rumored that she had a trace of the Vermilion Bird's bloodline, and she was later appointed as the commander of the Vermilion Bird Camp.

The former Emperor granted Zhu Fgfg great powers for the Vermilion Bird Camp, not subject to Shangguan Qingyun's orders. Any officer's deploymt had to list to Zhu Fgfg.

Zhu Fgfg was loyal to only one person, that was, the currt Emperor.

And the currt Emperor being Chu Yuan, naturally, she was loyal to Chu Yuan alone.

Additionally, Zhu Fgfg was Princess Chxi Chu Xiaoniang's teacher, teaching her martial arts.

"The princess is also a member of the royal family; it is my negligce. You did nothing wrong; you did very well. The princess will also participate in this hunt."

Chu Yuan did not reprimand Zhu Fgfg. Seeing Chu Xiaoniang looking so heroic, his mood improved a lot.

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