Interstellar Age

Chapter 238 Negotiating With an Asuran Despot Part I

Chapter 238 Negotiating With an Asuran Despot Part I

While Erich was preparing to meet with his Army of Orcs, Kali was visiting the despot of the world which she was currently in. Naturally, she was given respect by the other woman, but this respect did not extend to submission. And thus, the other woman was feigning politeness as the two Asuran beauties negotiated over a meal.

"I must say, I never thought that the great Destroyer would personally visit my domain. After all, I figured you had better things to do than speak to a petty little despot like myself..."

Kali grinned, but it was not a kind smile, but rather a wicked one that did not conceal the thoughts she had, despite the fact that she twisted her words to seem friendly on the surface.

"Oh? I think you underestimate how much free time I have. In fact, I am currently signed as a companion to a rather interesting Archon from Alfheim space. You see, he is searching for those fugitives which the Elves refer to as Sages. Those so-called prophets of destiny.

We know the man we are looking for is in this world, and I must say, I believe the data file you sent me regarding all the elves who are currently residing in your world was missing the individual we are looking. No doubt this was an accidental error on your part, but I would very much like to get my hands on the full list."

The despot frowned when she heard these words. She did not think the Archon and his team would find out that she had deliberately left out Thyrin's information. And thus she decided to end this facade of politeness with a rather hostile tone in her voice.

"Cut the shit, Kali, why do you want this Sage? And don't tell me it's because they are now fugitives from their own respective civilizations. Since when have you ever cared about galactic politics?"

Upon seeing how the woman had dropped all false pretenses, Kali's smiled curved into a wicked sneer as she informed the despot just why she wanted the sage.

"Honestly? There is a terrifying little genius on board our ship who is trying to find out how the essence of fate is synthesized. Evidently, it has the ability to expand Erich's abilities. And I would very much like to form a close personal relationship with a powerful sage. But it appears you have beaten me to it....

As for Erich's goals, he intends to interrogate the man. If he were to betray his order, and peacefully surrender the information that Erich needs, then I might be able to convince the man to spare his life. But I am sure that is something that neither you nor I are capable of achieving."

The despot frowned when she heard this. It appeared Kali had similar goals in mind to herself. To expand her operations with the aid of a Sage. If a Devi got her hands on a powerful sage, it was impossible to know just how powerful her faction would become.

Then again, Erich's goals were also perplexing. Why was he so ruthlessly chasing down the prophets of fate? In fact, she knew very little about the Prophecy which the Sages unanimously agreed on regarding Erich, and thus she was quick to cast the blame on him.

"I don't see how your companion has any chance of winning. He is fighting a war against an order of mystics who can see the future. They call him the dark sage, so I suppose that means he also has their abilities, but one sage against a thousand is not exactly what I would call winning odds. He sounds quite foolish to me. You would be wise to ditch such a man, because it sounds like he will only bring you disaster!"

Kali smirked once more when she heard this. She took a sip of the wine in her glass, and shook her head, where she began to lecture the despot with a particularly conceited tone in her voice.

"Oh, on the contrary, though he is a bit na?ve, and woefully ignorant of the galaxy at large. He is not as foolish or incapable as you might believe. In fact, it is the Sages who are foolish. After all, they have declared war on Erich."

The despot looked at Kali with a questioning look in her eyes. She did not understand why this was foolish and was quick to voice this concern.

"I don't understand. He is one man, sure he is an archon, but why is it so foolish for the Sages to declare war on him? Is there something I am missing?"

The smugness of Kali's expression was almost intolerable as she continued to lecture the despot on the Sage's grave mistake, one which she truly believed would be their undoing.

"Erich may be one man, but he is a man that the sages quite simply do not understand. You know there is a parable from the homeworld of Erich's people?

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither your enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle...

You see, Erich understands the Sages and the type of people they are. Sure, many of them are ancient beyond words can describe, and their wisdom is among the greatest in the galaxy, or it would be if they were not a bunch of zealots who worship the hand of fate.

Their fanaticism blinds them. This is evident by the fact that they declared war on Erich, without realizing the kind of man he is. The sages spend their entire lives in luxury, gazing into the distant future to advise their masters. Or they did prior to their betrayal.

But Erich is a soldier. He was born and bred for the purpose of war, and has been given the knowledge, tools, and resources to track the sages across the universe. Erich is a relatively peaceful man, despite being a talented warrior.

If you leave him alone, he will leave you alone. But the Sages have made the mistake of declaring war on him, and as a warrior, Erich knows too well what wars entail. Thus, he will now pursue them until he is the last man standing."

The despot looked carefully at Kali, and could understand the hidden intent behind her words, but she was quick to clarify the matter.

"Are you saying that there is no peaceful resolution to this matter? I either give you Thyrin, or what? Do you seriously plan to invade my territory with your forces? I should remind you that such an act would be a breach of my sovereignty as a despot, and could cause the entirety of Asuran space to enter a state of anarchy! Are you really willing to cause such chaos for the sake of your companion?"

Kali simply scoffed when she heard this, in fact, she would never do something so foolish simply for the sake of Erich and his war. But then again, she didn't have to. Erich had a far more serious threat, and that was a card which Kali intended to put into play.

"As if... No, I am not so irresponsible. But then again, I don't need to do something so chaotic. Because Erich has the ability to lay waste to your domain himself. Have you ever heard of an Orc by the name of Mala Ironhand?"

The look on the despot's face turned to one of caution. As a sovereign of a single world, naturally she knew about those threats which lurked behind her borders, and the name Ironhand was definitely one of them. As for Mala herself, she did not know the woman, and was quick to ask.

"Let me guess, she'd related to the Warchief of the Ironhand clan? What does that have to do with Erich?"

If it was any more possible to look like a devil, Kali's sneer somehow managed to achieve it as she informed the despot about Erich's terrifying secret.

"Oh quite the contrary, she is their Warchief, or I should say was.... Erich somehow managed to best the brute in single combat in an engagement duel.... By all rights, he is the new Warchief of the Ironhand clan.

And has gone so far as to outfit them all with advanced power armor... Now, imagine what would happen if you tried to resist Erich's demands with military force. Like I don't know, attempting to apprehend him, or trying to prevent him from leaving the system?

I imagine you don't have the military capabilities to adequately defend against an Orc raid, let alone one conducted by Orcs who are equipped with power armor?"

The despot gazed at Kali in complete and utter shock. The idea that an Orc Clan would raid her world was terrifying enough. But to equip such monstrous brutes with power armor, only a madman would do such a thing. She was beginning to consider Erich in an entirely new light. And thus, after recovering her senses, the despot made a request.

"I believe I understand the gravity of the situation. I will invite Erich to speak with me personally about these negotiations. Thank you for your warning. I am sure he and I can come to some sort of understanding without having to resort to violence...."

After saying this, the Despot stood up, and left the restaurant, while Kali smirked with utter confidence on her pretty face.

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