Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 828 828 Stacking Cash

Chapter 828 828 Stacking Cash

Wolfe nodded to the Council members. "In that case, why don't we take a one-hour recess, and we will go over the paperwork, while you decide how you feel about receiving aid from Forest Grove. The matter won't remain secret for long once the others learn that you are converting to our currency, so please do think it through properly.

You won't be able to change your mind later without public backlash at the loss of the program."

That should give the two Succubi more than enough time to review the contract along with Arthur. All three of them were experts in contract law, and Arthur had centuries of experience with the topic. If the witches lawyers thought that they would be able to pull a fast one, they were in for a rather unpleasant surprise when the group returned.

"How long will it take you to get the currency for the exchange and return?" Reiko asked as Wolfe relaxed at the table, watching the others leave.

"Since you're going without the coins, and you're going to do it entirely with cards and cubes, I don't need to go anywhere. I will make them over the next hour, and then we can spend a few days transferring all the existing mana crystals into approved energy. I will drain them to feed the cubes and cards, and then I will add charge to a cube for you to convert all the coins that come in later.

We won't actually need a huge amount of new energy, just what I top off the Coven with, and what I provide as an aid payment to help the people get up on their feet.

Something like a week's wages at the new rate will stabilize ninety percent of the population under the new currency, since they have less than a week's worth of savings anyhow."

Reiko frowned at that reminder. She had grown up as the Council Leader's daughter, in wealth and privilege, at least relative to everyone else around her. But Wolfe had grown up on the lower levels before moving to the bottom side of the middle levels, and the idea that there would be leftover money, savings or anything of the sort was just for the crime families and business owners.

But most of those businesses were actually owned by the Coven member's distant relatives, so once they sorted out the Coven itself, just distributing preloaded cards with a week's wages would be enough for nine out of the ten million people.

That was still a lot of mana for Wolfe to be distributing, but if he spent all day casually channelling it, then it probably wouldn't be a problem from what the others had to say about his actual power level.

That did bring up the question of how the Magi became extinct in the first place. Could it really have been because they didn't fight back and thought that the witches and humans would calm down eventually? If he had the power of an entire city as a newly elevated Saint, then with a dozen Saints and the last Magi King, it no longer seemed unreasonable that they would be able to completely remake the world to put a stop to the war.

"I ordered them not to do anything stupid or put strange things in the deal, so it should be fine. Would you like to start on the cards now? Millions of them is bound to take a significant amount of time." Reiko suggested.

"Find me a warehouse. The cards are thin, but as strong as steel. However, making millions of them is going to need some space. I would say twenty pallets worth, so we might be able to make them in a garage bay, but it would be close."

Reiko chuckled at Wolfe's estimation. Trying to get the cards back out of said garage would be an entirely different matter if he packed it to the ceiling. But they did have an appropriate place nearby, the amphitheatre and fairgrounds, on the top floor.

Normally, only the wealthiest of citizens would even have access to the area, but it was designed to seat over ten thousand people for ceremonies and plays, so the amount of space was more than sufficient.

It also had a large empty area behind the stage that would normally be filled with dressing tents, supplies or other essentials for whatever event was taking place there. If they filled it with stacks of cards, they could pass out cases at a time to the area overseers.

That would be only four hundred people, but they would need some way to move the cards, unless they all came with a truck.

Then, it occurred to Reiko that they already had the perfect distribution system in place. The couriers delivered everything from mail to parcels, and they could deliver the cards to every business in the entire city before business hours ended today.

There would be some waste and excess if they dropped them at businesses, as they didn't want anyone stuck without a card looking for the last few available ones, but they could send extras and have the couriers pick them back up again next week.

Then the excess could be consolidated, and when new cards needed to be issued, they could be obtained from the courier companies or bank branches. Not that anyone on the lower levels actually used a bank. The closest thing that they had to them were loan sharks.

"Alright, I have a plan. Follow me to the open air theatre, and I will call every courier in town to send a truck. We will have them drop cases at every major family and business in the city until they run out, with instructions for everyone to take no more than two cards.

I heard from Priya how the businesses do it with a blank card, so both parties can see the transaction amount, and that sounds amazingly efficient. That won't be a problem, will it?" Reiko asked.

"Not at all. Call the couriers now, starting at the lower levels, as they need the most travel time to get up here. They're going to get stuck at the checkpoints as well, so inform floor security to let them through, and inform the Families on the lower floors of what is going on before we get started, or this whole thing will turn into a mess of blocked couriers and delays.

In fact, bring me all of the Family representatives. That shouldn't be more than a thousand of them, and I will explain the aid payment to them personally so that they don't try to hoard the money. Kind Intentions is a pretty good spell, but if you don't make things absolutely clear, then there can be misunderstandings.

I will just put an extra layer on the spell so that anyone with one of the aid payment cards bonded to them can't activate another, and they won't work for the first time until they are bonded." Wolfe agreed.

Reiko rubbed her temples as she felt a headache coming on.

"This is going to be a nightmare." She sighed.

"But the fun kind, with prizes and celebrations. We can do the formal signing ceremony right here as well. The news is probably going to show up before I finish making the cards anyhow." Wolfe agreed.

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