Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 820 820 Arrived In Style

Chapter 820 820 Arrived In Style

The group was flying together on a platform of gravity magic, not quite moving at supersonic speeds, but moving fast enough to shock Reiko when they slowed to a stop overhead and began to descend.

"Your advisor, friend, um, their fashion is unique." Reiko stammered, and Wolfe looked up to see what she was talking about.

They were all sitting on the platform, for a more comfortable journey, but from this angle, it was obvious that Rail was not wearing underwear under a very short skirt.

"It's all about the shoes. See, nice long boots, she's definitely properly dressed." Arthur tried to explain to the horrified witch.

"Cassie, translate please." Reiko begged.

Cassie giggled and gestured to the incoming group. "Succubi don't see nudity as shameful, and they misunderstand clothing conventions.

I am quite certain that they do it purposefully, but to them, naked is just naked, but shoes off means they're trying to seduce you. So, if they're wearing shoes that are difficult to take off, but almost nothing else, they're actually dressed for business by succubus standards.

She probably also isn't wearing a shirt under her blazer, but Succubi don't need a bra, and I kind of want to strangle them for that."

Even Arthur laughed at that one.

"It's a normal part of dealing with the various Demonic factions, I'm afraid. Just be glad that you haven't met any of the Wrathmonger men from the Barbarian tribes. They wear nothing but a single strip of cloth as a codpiece, and it never stays properly in place. Disturbing, I tell you." The Demon joked.

One of the witches raised an eyebrow in interest. "They must have something going for them if they dress like that."

Wolfe laughed, but Arthur shook his head. "Don't even get me started. But they're six metres tall, and what you're probably thinking would be anatomically impossible."

"A girl can dream."

The group landed on the platform next to them, and Rail straightened her jacket before stepping forward to greet everyone.

"Coven Leader Reiko, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Rail, here today as a legal advisor for Forest Grove. This is Dana, Princess of the Incubi Kingdom, Miss Stephanie, who is Saint Noxus' Familiar, and we have also brought along the Princesses Caroline and Nimue, who did not want to be left alone and bored."

They had also brought the rest of the bodyguards, and two Fae maids with them. Or at least they had brought Fae in maid dresses. It was always best to ask if they were actually doing the job or just liked the outfit. Fae were strange like that.

But since she hadn't introduced them, Wolfe assumed these ones were working today and had managed to convince the Demons to take them on a field trip.

Nobody was questioning their presence, as it was quite normal to bring staff with you when a dignitary travelled, but the fact that they were Fae, accompanying a bunch of Demons and Stephanie, was rather suspicious.

For the moment, they just remained silent and rolled a pair of suitcases with them, but Wolfe didn't miss the wink that they gave the new Morgana Coven Guardian.

Then it all made sense. They were her friends from Forest Grove, and they were here to hang out for a few days before either trying to get hired or heading home to their regular duties.

Everyone knew the Fae as tricksters, but many would forget that extended to a simple love of practical jokes and surprises as well.

"This should be everyone for the evening. Mary will be along in the morning, but she should contact us before she arrives. If not, there is a phone at the door, and she can just ring you." Wolfe offered.

"There are guards here when we're not around. They will welcome her here if she forgets to warn us that she's coming, I have already informed them that we will be having more guests, and more frequent guests in the future, so they won't be as alarmed if someone approaches." Reiko explained.

That was likely a good idea. They were not used to having visitors of any sort, so suddenly getting trade convoys to the city on a nearly daily basis was going to be a real shock. Almost as much of a shock as it was going to be when the cargo jets landed at the runway that Wolfe would need to build for them.

"These two can stay with me for the evening. There are extra rooms off of my room." The Fae Advisor announced with a gesture for the two maids.

"That shouldn't be a problem. They are intended as personal servants rooms, in case you have bodyguards or others who need to sleep very close by."

Wolfe thought about answering, but Risa's amusement made him reconsider his comment.

There was really no good way to explain what their sleeping situation was likely to resemble, especially with Nimue here.

She normally slept with Carmine, but it could be nearly anyone, and the half Fae Princess was giving Reiko's prodigious bosom an appraising look as if she were sizing up a new pillow.

The advisors weren't quite sure what to make of all this. First with the Succubi, then tossing around the word Princess repeatedly, and then two cute Fae in maid outfits who the Advisor seemed to know quite well.

Reiko turned to her advisor group. "Do you have any more suggestions before we retire for the evening? I will get Miss Rail and the Princess a copy of the documents so they can review them tonight, but we will be going over it all day tomorrow."

The group consulted each other, then shook their heads.

"I think that everything should work out for the best. We should report back to the Council members that the guests are here safely, and that the morning meetings should be on schedule.

It has been a pleasure meeting everyone, and we hope to have a productive day." The Noxus Advisor declared, but his eyes were firmly locked on the two succubi.

"Off you go then. I will talk to them about witch fashion." Reiko announced, chasing them away, while Rail tried not to laugh.

"I knew that the Witches would be fun, but they're really into business suits?" The Succubus asked.

"It's a long story, and we can go over it in the morning. Right now, I fully intend to go to bed and no move until I smell breakfast." Wolfe teased her, which made Nimue giggle.

"If we play games long enough, they will end in breakfast. I did that once before, and it was pretty amazing." She suggested.

Reiko smiled at the short hybrid. "I like the way that you think. But tomorrow has far too much work for that. Even if we use a stamina spell."

Nimue looked at her strangely. "I thought that those spells were just for..."

Rail cut her off in the middle of her sentence with a hand over her mouth.

"How about we see those rooms." The Succubus suggested instead, earning her a dirty look from Nimue, whose social skills were virtually nonexistent to begin with, and had only further dissolved once she moved to Forest Grove and started hanging around Succubi all day.

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