Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Wyrms

Seojun felt a surge of relief and happiness as he looked at the rewards and the level-up notification. He had made it through the battle and was now stronger for it.

Curious about his new status, Seojun activated his appraisal skill As he read through the details stats increased , new skills, his eyes were drawn to the status below


Hostility to Wyrms: Increased. They may become more aggressive toward you.

Seojun read the appraisal details, noting the increase in his stats and the new status effect. 'I've gained hostility from the Wyrms, That might make things harder in the future.' He thought.

Just then, another screen popped up, displaying a blue emoji with a flat expression.


"Don't be like that, System" Seojun said, a mix of amusement and frustration in his voice. "Aren't you happy for me? I defeated it!"

The system responded, [It took you two hours,Host.]

Seojun sighed, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. It was a tough fight. But I did it, and that's what counts."

With the Wyrm defeated and the rewards collected, Seojun felt a strong sense of accomplishment.

Seojun continued to fight Abyssal Wyrms, gaining valuable experience and insights with each battle. As he engaged more of these creatures, he observed their patterns and found an easier way to fight them.

The key to defeating the Wyrms lay in their predictable attack sequences. Seojun discovered that the Wyrms had a brief moment of vulnerability after using their most powerful moves. He learned to exploit this by dodging their initial strikes and then counterattacking during their recovery period.

Seojun's strategy was now finely tuned. He would wait for the Wyrm to use its Coiling Assault or Tail Slam, then quickly move to the side, avoiding the full force of the attack. When the Wyrm reared up and prepared to strike again, Seojun would use this brief window to close in and strike with his Flame Dagger, aiming for the vulnerable areas he had identified.

The battles became more manageable as he applied this strategy consistently. The Wyrms were still dangerous, but Seojun's improved tactics made each encounter less overwhelming.

Finally, after hours of relentless fighting and careful observation, Seojun faced the last Abyssal Wyrm. With his new approach, he managed to bring the creature down efficiently. The Wyrm's defeat marked the end of his long and exhausting fight.

Despite the grueling battles, Seojun didn't feel physically exhausted or sweaty. However, his mental fatigue was palpable. He had been focused and strategic for so long that the mental strain was taking its toll.

He collapsed to the ground, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. As he rested, a notification screen appeared before him.

Ding! Quest Complete!


- 10,000 Coins

- Experience Boost

- Rare Wyrm Core x2

- High-grade Healing Potion

- Wyrm's Scale Armor (New Item)

Level Up! You have reached Level 300!**

Seojun's eyes widened as he saw the rewards. The 10,000 coins and items were a significant boost, and the Wyrm's Scale Armor was a valuable new addition to his gear. His spirits lifted despite his mental fatigue.

Just then, another notification screen appeared.

[System Notification]

You have completed the Abyssal Wyrm Quest. For the next phase, would you like to take the Easy Way or the Hard Way?


- Easy Way: Less challenging, but rewards may be lower.

- Hard Way: More difficult, but rewards will be greater.

Seojun stared at the options, weighing his choices. The thought of an easier path was tempting, but the lure of greater rewards was strong. He took a deep breath, considering his next move carefully.

Seojun stood up, pacing back and forth, his mind racing. The choice before him was significant, and he needed to make the right decision. He stopped, turned to the system, and asked, "What do you think, System?"

The system responded, [Considering you're still relatively weak, the Easy Way might be the best option. I'm not sure what the exact differences between the Easy and Hard Way are.]

Seojun mulled it over, then thought, 'But what if the Hard Way leads to a better quest or greater rewards?' His curiosity was piqued, and he was tempted by the possibilities.

Before he could decide, a sudden tremor shook the ground beneath him. It felt like an earthquake, and Seojun lost his balance, crashing to the ground. A massive Wyrm emerged from under the earth, its size dwarfing even the largest demons he had encountered.

Seojun's eyes widened in shock as the creature revealed itself. The system's appraisal activated immediately.

[Appraisal - Wyrm Queen]

Level: 755

Type: Wyrm Queen

Status: Extremely Angry. This Wyrm Queen is furious about the death of her children.

"This isn't good!" Seojun muttered, scrambling to his feet and started running. He had no idea how to handle a creature of this magnitude.

Just then, a notification screen appeared.

[System Notification]

You have chosen the Hard Way.

"Wait, what?! No, I didn't!" Seojun shouted at the white screen in disbelief. Another blue screen appeared nearby, indicating the system's response.

[You have entered the Hard Way by accident, Host. Prepare for the worst. ]

The white screen then started a countdown.

Transporting in 5... 4...

Seojun, still disoriented from the shock, accidentally stepped on one of the Wyrm's writhing tails. He rolled to the ground, his mind racing with panic.

As the countdown reached 1, the Wyrm Queen's massive body loomed overhead, preparing to slam down on him.

No! And he covered his head, bracing for impact.

3... 2... 1...

In a flash, the ground beneath him vanished, and Seojun disappeared just as the Wyrm Queen's attack struck where he had been moments before. The last thing he saw was the enraged Wyrm Queen's shadow engulfing him.

Seojun felt his body twist and turn as he fell through a strange, colorful void. The ground disappeared, and he was spinning in all directions. Before he knew it, he hit solid ground hard and rolled across a rough surface.

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