Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: New Ally

He's eyes widened as he read the system notification. "Trapped and will not be able to leave?..."

The idea made his heart race, and the dark, rocky landscape around him seemed to close in. Seojun stared at the small, trembling Dark Slime as it circled the area where its parent had fallen. Its cries, though soft, cut through the silence like a blade, tugging at something deep within him.

The system had mentioned that the monster core could be used to enhance shadow-related abilities. What if, instead of trying to consume it himself, he gave the core to the baby slime? It was a gamble, but it might just help the little creature grow stronger, maybe even strong enough to survive in this harsh world and might able to help him.Seojun knelt down, holding out the dark, pulsating core.

The baby Dark Slime hesitated, its tiny, quivering body inching closer. "Kyuuh?" it whimpered, almost as if asking for permission.

"It's yours," Seojun said softly. "Take it."The slime seemed to understand. It slithered forward, touching the core with its small, gelatinous body.

The moment it made contact, the core began to dissolve, its dark energy being absorbed by the slime. Seojun watched, fascinated, as the slime's form began to shimmer, its shadowy body growing darker, more defined. The energy from the core infused the slime, strengthening it, molding it.

[System Notification]

Baby Dark Slime has absorbed the Dark Slime Core.

Status: Evolving…

Seojun's eyes widened as the slime's shape began to shift, its size increasing slightly, its color deepening to an almost pitch-black hue. The shimmering effect on its body intensified, as if it were becoming one with the surrounding shadows.

[Appraisal Activated]


Type: Shadow Elemental Slime

Level: 55

Abilities: Enhanced Shadow Manipulation, Dark Pulse, Shadow Meld

Threat Level: Moderate

Status: Favorability 20% --- The Young Shadow Slime is beginning to warm up to you, but there's still a long way to go before it fully trusts you.

Seojun stared at the status screen, his eyes narrowing as he read the favorability rating. "Favorability... 20%?" he muttered.

He frowned, glancing around the dark, rocky landscape.

"System," he asked cautiously, "Is this favorability the same as Reputation Points?"


Favorability reflects the bond between you and the individual. It measures the creature's trust and willingness to follow your commands. In the Abyss Realm, Reputation Points from Planet Earth levels no longer apply. Favorability is now specific to your relationship with individual creatures or familiars and cannot be influenced by general reputation.

Seojun sighed, understanding that he needed to build this bond from scratch if he wanted the Young Shadow Slime to become a true ally.

"Kyuhh" The little creature—no, the young Shadow Slime—looked up at Seojun, its form now exuding a quiet strength. It seemed more confident, less fragile.

The system's earlier notification about the quest echoed in his mind. He had to stop the Red Slime from claiming dominion over the Shadowed Ravine, or risk being trapped here. The stakes were high, and Seojun knew he wasn't powerful enough to take on such a creature directly—not yet. However, the young Shadow Slime was a wild card.

It had gained new abilities, perhaps enough to tip the scales in their favor. But could he really rely on a creature that was still so new to its own power? Seojun glanced at the slime. It met his gaze, its dark form flickering slightly, as if responding to his thoughts. There was no fear in its movements, no hesitation.

It was ready. "We'll do this together," Seojun said, more to himself than to the slime.

Seojun took a deep breath, looking down at the now more confident Young Shadow Slime.

"We need to find out where the Red Slime is hiding," he said softly, kneeling before the creature.

"Are you up for this? We need to avenge your parent and stop the Red Slime from taking over." The Young Shadow Slime's favorability rating, which had just been updated, was now at 30%. The system notification confirmed a growing trust between them.

[System Notification]

Favorability has increased to 30%. The Young Shadow Slime is showing increased trust and willingness to assist you.

With a determined nod, Seojun straightened and began to scan the surrounding area. The dark, rocky landscape stretched out in all directions, the jagged rocks and creeping shadows making it hard to discern any clear path.

"Does the Red Slime have a cave or something?" he muttered to himself.

The Young Shadow Slime made a soft, curious noise—"Kyuuhh"—and stretched out an arm, pointing toward a shadowed alcove in the distance. Its dark eyes gleamed with purpose. Seojun followed the direction of the slime's gesture, he spotted a big Hole up in the Rock mountain.

"Is that... a cave?" he asked, feeling a surge of hope.

[System Notification]

The Young Shadow Slime is indicating the location of the Red Slime's hideout. The alcove is likely a cave where the Red Slime resides.

Seojun's heart raced. This could be their chance to gather valuable information or even confront the Red Slime. He gave the Young Shadow Slime an encouraging nod.

"Good job. Let's check it out."

As they walked toward it, He glanced at the the air and muttered.

"Why do I feel like you're becoming more talkative System?"He paused, then turned to the system.

[It's just your imagination, Host. ]

Seojun's face lit up with a mix of surprise and amusement. "See! You're really becoming talkative," he said, pointing at the system interface with a shocked expression. As they crossed the Rock that blocked their way, a holographic display suddenly appeared in the air before him. The display showed a small, cartoonish face with a "-_-" expression.

Seojun's eyebrows shot up in confusion. "What's this supposed to mean?" he asked, staring at the display.

[The "-_-" expression is a system-generated response indicating a humorous or annoyed reaction. It suggests that your recent comment about the system being talkative was noted with a touch of sarcasm.]

Seojun chuckled at the odd response, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. Seriously System You're becoming weird. Let's focus on the task at hand."

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