Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: The Demon Clan Lords

The midday sun blazed over the newly restored Bino village as Huno and Silla reluctantly moved away from Seojun, leaving their trays of food nearby. Their competition had subsided for the moment, but the tension between them was still palpable. Silla slithered up to a stone pillar, coiling around it lazily, while Huno stretched his three heads, his middle head yawning loudly.

"Next time, Snake, I'll make sure you're the one fetching water," Huno growled, each of his heads smirking in unison.

"Keep dreaming, Mutt," Silla hissed back, flicking his tail dismissively. "I'd rather eat rocks than follow your commands."

Their rivalry never seemed to end, but there was an undercurrent of camaraderie that only came from years of bickering and working together.

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed over the village, blotting out the sun. A powerful gust of wind blew through the village, sending debris flying and causing the Bino demons to look up in panic. Both Huno and Silla sensed it instantly—a massive presence descending upon them from above.

A loud crash shook the ground as a massive, hulking figure landed in the middle of the village square. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, knocking over several Bino demons and causing the trays of food to clatter to the ground. Huno and Silla's heads whipped around, their eyes narrowing as they growled and hissed in unison, immediately on guard.

A terrified murmur spread among the Bino demons as they recognized the monstrous figure before them. He was an enormous, beastly creature, his fur matted and dark with patches of exposed, leathery skin. His eyes burned with a wild, crimson glow, and his fanged maw dripped with saliva.

"It's… it's Lord Hound!" one of the Bino demons cried out, pointing a trembling finger at the intruder.

Lord Hound's eyes locked onto the one who had spoken. With a savage snarl, he lunged forward, his massive clawed hand reaching to grab the terrified demon. Just as his hand was about to close around the helpless Bino, a blur of red shot forward.

Malara, towering and imposing with her newly evolved form, yanked the demon out of Lord Hound's grasp just in time. She stepped in front of the terrified Bino, her red skin glistening in the light and her once-curved horns now smaller, with shoulder-length hair cascading down.

Lord Hound's eyes widened for a moment, a dark chuckle rumbling from his throat. "Malara? Well, well, looks like you've undergone an evolution," he sneered, his eyes scanning her new form with both surprise and amusement.

Malara's face hardened, her eyes narrowing into a fierce glare. "You are no longer our lord, Hound. So, get out of here before I make you," she declared, her voice steady and filled with authority.

Lord Hound let out a menacing laugh, a deep and mocking sound that seemed to vibrate through the very ground beneath them. The surrounding Bino demons, already on edge, began to retreat further, hiding behind whatever cover they could find. Some ducked behind rocks, others hid inside nearby houses, their eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.

"You dare speak to me like that?" Lord Hound growled, his voice dripping with menace. "I see your little evolution has made you forget your place, Malara. You think that just because you've gotten a bit stronger, you can stand up to me? Pathetic!"

"She's right. You're not our lord anymore. You lost that right when you betrayed us." the other Bino started to fight back.

Lord Hound's smile twisted into a snarl, "I don't expect anything from weaklings like you. I came here for one reason: to take back what's mine. This village, this clan—they belong to me!"

Malara stood her ground, "The Bino clan belongs to the new lord now. A true leader, not a traitor like you."

The tension in the village grew unbearable as Malara, Huno, and Silla stood ready to fight Lord Hound. The ground trembled with each step Lord Hound took, his eyes wild with anger and madness. The Bino demons around them were nervous, feeling the weight of the battle that was about to begin.

Suddenly, the ground shook even more, but this time from multiple directions. The sky darkened, and a cold wind swept through the area. A strange, heavy feeling filled the air, and everyone felt it—powerful forces were approaching. Dust began to swirl up in the middle of the village as if something huge was moving toward them from every side.

Malara's eyes scanned the area. She could sense that something was wrong. "This isn't good..." she muttered under her breath. Huno and Silla, both ready to attack, also sensed it—the intense pressure growing all around them.

Without warning, a massive force slammed into the ground. The earth shook violently as several huge figures landed around them, creating shockwaves that knocked people off their feet and filled the air with dust and debris. The Bino demons stumbled, some falling to their knees, while others hid in fear.

"What... what is happening?" a young Bino demon whispered, his voice trembling.

As the dust began to settle, a murmur spread among the demons. "It's the other Clan Lords!" one of them whispered in fear, eyes wide. "They're all here!"

Sure enough, the figures appearing from the dust were the leaders of the other demon clans. Each one had two large horns on their head and radiated an intense aura of power and authority. There were six of them, each with a unique and terrifying appearance.

Malara stepped back a bit, her heart beating fast as she looked at each of the newcomers.

The first to emerge was Gornak, a demon with a monstrous pig-like face. His skin was thick and rough, covered in scars from old battles, and his large tusks stuck out from his mouth. He snorted loudly, sending misty breath into the cold air, and looked around the Bino village with a sneer.

Next to him was Balor, a frightening demon with a single, huge eye. His eye never blinked and seemed to pierce through everything it looked at. His skin was dark and shiny, almost like wet stone, and his mouth was full of jagged, sharp teeth.

To the right stood Kazrak, with the face of a lion and a thick mane of red fur that stood on end like sharp spikes. His eyes were a fierce golden color, and his muscles bulged with strength under his fur. He let out a low, menacing growl, showing his large, deadly fangs.

Behind them was Zholga, her body covered in black, shiny scales that looked like polished stone. She had a long, snake-like tail that flicked back and forth, and her eyes glowed a sickly green. Her horns curved upward like a crown, and she gave off a cold, poisonous aura.

Beside her was Vrok, a massive demon with the head of a bull. His horns were thick and twisted, spiraling forward like giant drills. His body was covered in dense, dark fur, and he snorted like a beast ready for battle, steam puffing from his nostrils.

Finally, there was Sorgar, a tall, skeletal figure covered with thin, leathery skin stretched over his bones. His eyes glowed a ghostly blue, and his twin horns were thin and sharp like blades. He carried a staff, which glinted in the dim light.

The Bino demons huddled together, whispering in fear. "Why are they all here? What do they want?"

Gornak snorted and stepped forward, his massive feet making the ground shake. "We heard stories, Hound. A new clan lord who beat not just you but three others? Sounds like a joke to me."

Kazrak, the lion-faced demon, let out a deep growl. "I want to see this new lord for myself."

Zholga's green eyes flicked over to Malara, her tongue flicking out like a snake's. "Or maybe it's just another weakling trying to act tough."

Malara felt a chill go down her spine.

Vrok's deep voice rumbled through the village like distant thunder. "Enough talk. If this new lord is here, let him show himself. Or do we need to drag him out like a rat?"

Lord Hound laughed, enjoying the chaos. "You hear that, Malara? Your so-called lord isn't here to help you. Maybe he's hiding like a coward."

Malara narrowed her eyes and stood firm, even though she felt the fear creeping up inside her. She needed to buy time until Seojun arrived. "The new lord of the Bino Clan isn't afraid of you," she said, her voice strong. "If you want a fight, you'll get one—but don't think it'll be easy."

The six Clan Lords looked at each other with amused smiles, clearly not taking her words seriously. Lord Hound stepped forward, his grin growing wider. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this."

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