Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Own Teritorry

Seojun now lay on the bed. The once chaotic battleground outside had transformed, and his new role as the Bino Clan's leader had come with unexpected rewards.

[Reward Received: Clan Restoration. As the new leader of the Bino Clan, you have been granted the ability to restore and develop the area you have taken control of. A village has been established in the area previously destroyed. This includes residential houses, communal areas, and necessary infrastructure to support the Bino demons.]

Seojun looked around the room, taking in his new surroundings. The interior of his house was modest but functional, with the basic necessities of a living space. The bed was surprisingly comfortable, a stark contrast to the rugged conditions he had faced recently.

He sighed and muttered, "I can't even enjoy this bed. This is too much! System, why didn't you warn me?!"

The system responded with, [...]

Seojun sat up, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at the hologram. "You seem to be enjoying this!"

[Aren't you glad, Host? You have become stronger and gained control over a new territory.]

Seojun frowned, his frustration evident. "Tell me, System, be honest with me. Me being strong has benefits to you too, right?"

The system remained silent, leaving Seojun to brush his hair with his fingers. He noticed a faint smell and realized his hair needed washing. "I should better wash up," he muttered, standing up. "You better answer me after this."

Seojun stepped out of his house, shielding his eyes from the intense brightness of the sun. It had been so long since he'd seen natural light that the sudden glare was overwhelming. He slowly removed his arm from his face and squinted, his eyes adjusting to the brilliant sunlight.

For the first time, he took in the sight of the sun in the Abyss Realm. The warmth on his skin felt almost foreign, and he marveled at how different everything seemed.

"How long have I been here?" Seojun asked

[You have been in the Abyss Realm for 121 years, Host.]

Seojun was shocked. He had been here for over a century. He glanced around at the bustling activity of the newly restored village. Bino demons were working on fixing houses, and he noticed a few female Bino demons walking by.

Seojun frowned. Bino demons' appearance changed, particularly the reduction in fur and the addition of hair among the females.

Just then, he felt a light poke on his back. Turning around, he saw Malara towering over him with her 8-foot figure. Her body had undergone noticeable changes: less fur, red skin, and her once-curved horns had become smaller and a hair in shoulder length.

"W-What happened to you?" Seojun asked, pointing at Malara's transformed body.

Malara blushed and responded shyly, "Because our clan lord is strong, it has affected us. It's a sign of your power."

'Because of me?' Seojun thought, trying to process this information.

Malara twirled around and asked, "How do I look, my lord?"

Seojun chose to ignore her and continued walking around, still trying to adjust to the fact that he was surrounded by demons. Malara followed him eagerly, while some of the younger Bino demons ran up to him, bowing and showing their respect. Seojun paid them little attention, absorbed in his own thoughts.

"May I know where you are going, my lord?" Malara asked, catching up with him.

"Finding water," Seojun replied, looking around. He noticed there were trees in the area.

"What are you going to use it for, my lord?"

Seojun sighed. "I'm going to wash myself."

Malara's eyes lit up. "This way, my lord! We have prepared a personal bath spring for you!"

Seojun followed Malara as she guided him a short distance away from the village. They reached a rocky wall, and Malara pointed behind it. "Behind this, My lord, is your bath spring. It's made only for you, so no one will disturb you."

Seojun nodded and stepped behind the rock wall. As he approached the hot spring, he could see the steam rising from the water, indicating its warmth. The hot spring was nestled in a natural rock basin, surrounded by smooth stones and lush greenery. The water was clear and inviting, with a soothing, warm glow.

Seojun stepped down into the water, feeling the heat envelop him. The warmth was comforting, easing the tension in his muscles and relaxing him after the intense events he had experienced. He sighed in relief as he submerged himself, letting the hot spring soothe away the grime and stress of battle.

[A hot spring, Host]

The spring was naturally bordered by rugged rocks, some partially submerged, creating a natural and inviting pool. Surrounding the spring were lush green plants and vibrant mosses that thrived in the humid environment. The soft, bubbling sounds of the water.

Seojun slowly sank deeper into the steaming water, feeling the warmth envelop his entire body. Seojun leaned back against a smooth rock.

Seojun opened his eyes slowly, the warmth of the hot spring making him feel drowsy but at ease.

"Where are Huno and Silla?"

[They are with the Bino demons, Host,] the system promptly replied.

Seojun chuckled softly. "Hmm, they always seem to be gone when I wake up,"

Meanwhile, tension hung in the air as Huno and Silla engaged in another one of their endless quarrels. The Dog size three-headed Cerberus, Huno, growled menacingly, his middle head glaring at Silla, who had coiled up on a nearby stone. The hydra-turned-snake hissed back, flicking his forked tongue in annoyance.

"And where are your eight heads, Snaky?" Huno snarled, all three heads speaking in unison. His jaws clenched around a tray laden with freshly cooked meat. "Lost them somewhere?"

Silla's tail lashed out playfully, maintaining perfect balance as it held a tray filled with an assortment of fruits. "Why do you care, mutt?" he hissed, his silver-scaled form gleaming in the sunlight. "I look cute in this snake form, unlike a drooling beast like you."

Huno's left head bared its fangs, but his right head chuckled. "Cute? Ha! You're half the size you used to be and thrice as irritating."

The middle head of Huno, holding the tray of meat tightly, turned its attention to Silla's offering. "Why are you wasting time with fruits? Master needs something hearty and filling after battle!"

Silla's tail flicked again, nearly tipping his tray over, but he balanced it with ease. "Master also needs his nutrients, idiot. Not just a plate of greasy meat!"

The two continued their back-and-forth, their competition becoming more animated.

Huno's right head, fed up, suddenly bit down on a nearby tree branch, snapping it off with a loud crunch. "Let's settle this once and for all. Whoever presents the best meal to Master will be deemed the superior guardian!"

Silla hissed in agreement, his eyes narrowing. "Fine by me! But don't cry when I win, you oversized mongrel."

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