Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Unexpected Skill

Dark embers began to rain down from the storm, threatening to engulf everything below. The intensity of the storm's approach filled Seojun with dread. He felt the immense power and danger of the storm, knowing that if he didn't act quickly, it could led to death of the Bino.

"I'm screwed!" Seojun muttered, panic rising. He dashed down the cliff, heading straight for Malara and the Bino clan. He had to ensure their safety before the storm hit.

Reaching the Bino clan, Seojun activated his Barrier skill, creating a protective shield around Malara and the captured Bino demons. "Stay inside the barrier!" he shouted urgently.

Turning his attention to his guardians, he called out, "Huno! Silla! Activate your barriers and protect the other Bino!"

Huno and Silla responded immediately. Huno summoned a large barrier around the other Bino demons, as well as Silla in the others. The Bino demons murmured in panic, their voices trembling as they stared at the cursed emberstorm brewing in the distance.

"There's no way this barrier can handle that!" one of them cried out, sinking to the ground.

"We're gonna die!" another wailed, clutching their chest in terror.

"I've never seen anything like this!" another voice added, their fear spreading like wildfire among the group.

Seojun remained on high alert, watching as the Cursed Emberstorm raged around them. The dark embers rained down, creating a fiery tempest that threatened to burn everything in its path. Seojun knew that the storm's power was far beyond his initial expectations, and he worked quickly to ensure everyone's safety.

As the Cursed Emberstorm subsided, the aftermath revealed a grim sight. The once vibrant and bustling terrain had been reduced to a desolate wasteland. The storm had turned everything to ashes, leaving no trace of the Oni or their territories. The forests, villages, and even the stronghold were nothing but smoldering remains.

Seojun's barrier had held up just enough to protect the Bino demons from the storm's worst, but the surrounding area was devastated. He was exhausted, his mind racing with the sheer scale of destruction. He removed his barrier and stared at the barren landscape, muttering, "What the heck was that skill?"

Malara, trembling from the shock, looked around at the devastation. "It's terrifying," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "It destroyed three entire territories in one attack."

Huno and Silla, standing beside Seojun, watched in awe. Huno barked proudly, "That's our master! Three clans in one attack!" Silla added, "Incredible… I've never seen such power."

Suddenly, the system notifications began to flood in.

[System Notification: You have annihilated 1,500 Oni demons along with their leader!]

[System Notification: You have eliminated 2,300 members of the Riptide Clan along with their leader!]

[System Notification: You have defeated 5,400 members of the Stormclaw Clan along with their leader!]

[System Notification: Congratulations, Host! You have level up!]

[System Notification: Initiating Soul Harvest...]

As the Soul Harvest began, Seojun observed the horrifying effects. The battlefield, once filled with life and activity, was now a sea of ashes. There were no bodies left—only the remains of what once was, scattered in the wind. The remnants of the Oni, Riptide, and Stormclaw clans were reduced to mere cinders, their presence wiped from existence.

Seojun tried to intervene, but the system's process was already underway. He watched helplessly as the Soul Harvest continued.

Malara knelt on the ground, her eyes fixed on Seojun with a mix of awe and reverence. She began to speak, her voice filled with solemn respect, "My lord, I offer you my homage. This is not mere praise but an acknowledgment of your power. Just as one makes offerings to the Deities, I present my loyalty and devotion to you."

She continued, her tone earnest, "Your strength and might have saved us from certain doom. I humbly offer myself and my clan's service to you, recognizing you as our true lord."

After Malara's heartfelt acknowledgment, the other Bino demons, overwhelmed by the display of Seojun's power and Malara's example, began to kneel one by one. They lowered their heads and spoke in unison, mirroring Malara's words.

"Our lord, we offer our homage and devotion. Your strength has saved us and restored hope. We pledge ourselves to you, just as Malara has."

Seojun stepped back, astonished by the sudden shift in the Bino demons' behavior. He had not expected such a widespread response. The entire group now knelt, eyes lowered, showing their respect and acknowledging him as their lord.

He took a deep breath, trying to process their reaction. "You don't have to do this," he said, his voice carrying a hint of unease. "I didn't seek this recognition."

The Bino demons remained kneeling with their faces to the ground. Huno and Silla approached Seojun, their expressions a mix of pride and excitement. Huno barked several times, as if congratulating Seojun for his overwhelming victory. Silla, her many heads nodding in agreement, looked at Seojun with admiration.

Just then, the system hologram flickered to life with a new notification.

[System Notification: Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a significant achievement. The Cursed Emberstorm has resulted in the annihilation of 1,500 Oni demons, including their leader, and has devastated three territories. Your efforts have earned you the following rewards:]

-Gold Coins: 500,000

- Oni Clan's Sword

- Demon's Amulet

- Void Essence Shard

- Cursed Ember Crystals

- Ancient Oni Armor

And more.

[System Notification: Acknowledgment from the Bino Clan. The Bino demons, recognizing your power and leadership, are now aligned with you.]

[Law of the Nerathiel Domain – The defeated clan leader's successor becomes the new clan leader. You, Seojun A human, have now become the leader of the Bino clan. This information will be automatically communicated to other clan leaders.]

Seojun hand was pressed against his forehead, trying to process the immense scale of what had just happened.


[Congratulations, Host! You have acquired the title: "Devastator of Nerathiel Domain and Master of Cataclysms."]

The magnitude of destruction was staggering. Seojun hadn't anticipated such a wide-reaching impact.

[Congratulations, Host! You have acquired the title: "Lord of the Bino Demons Clan.]

Seojun looked around at the kneeling Bino demons, their faces pressed to the ground in reverence. He turned to Huno and Silla, who approached him, barking in what seemed like celebration and he muttered, "I didn't want this."

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