Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 33: Chapter 33: They're a Legendary Entities

Inside the guardian space—a boundless realm where Seojun's guardians resided—Huno, the three-headed hellhound, and Silla, the silver-scaled hydra, sat observing their master's actions through a glowing orb that displayed his surroundings in the Abyss.

Huno's middle head muttered, "Master is acting so strange... Don't you think?"

Silla, lounging nearby with his heads resting in a coil of his long body, nodded. "Maybe it's because he's with a woman? I've never seen him interact with one for this long."

Huno's left head snorted, "Is Master shy? Is that why he's acting all cold toward her? Look, he's even ignoring Dad." The head turned slightly, looking at the void above them

The right head chimed in, "Yeah, Dad's getting jealous."

As if on cue, a bright hologram materialized before them, interrupting their conversation. The message displayed in bold, capital letters read:


An angry emoji appeared next to the text, vibrating furiously as if to emphasize the point.

Huno's middle head chuckled. "Father, you're always watching him so closely. Anyone would think you're a bit possessive."

Silla's nine heads collectively nodded in agreement, "Maybe it's time to loosen up a bit, Father. Master Seojun is just exploring. He has his reasons for doing what he does."

The hologram seemed to shimmer with frustration, and another line of text appeared:


This time, a flushed emoji replaced the angry one, its cheeks a bright shade of pink.

Huno's heads collectively burst into laughter, and even Silla couldn't suppress a sly grin. "Sure, sure," Huno's right head teased, "We totally believe you, Father."

The middle head spoke up again, still amused but more thoughtful. "You know, maybe Master's just focused on his mission. He never was one to get distracted easily. But still, it's funny to see him like this—almost... awkward."

Silla's central head tilted in thought. "True. Though it is interesting."

The guardian space grew quieter, the playful banter giving way to a shared understanding among Seojun.

Malara led Seojun to the edge of a steep cliff overlooking the Oni Clan's territory. Below them, a sprawling encampment of black stone fortresses and crimson tents stretched out across the jagged terrain. The air was thick with the distant sounds of guttural roars and the heavy footsteps of patrolling Oni, their single horns glinting menacingly under the dim, eerie glow of the Abyss.

Seojun knelt at the cliff's edge, his sharp eyes scanning the area, taking in every detail. Malara, still trembling with fear and awe from his presence asked, "Do you have a plan, My lord?"

Without answering, Seojun sat and continued observing. His expression was unreadable. After a few moments, he called out with a low, commanding tone, "Huno. Silla."

The space around him warped slightly as two colossal figures materialized by his side. A massive, three-headed hellhound—Huno—stood at nearly six feet tall, each head emitting a low growl that resonated through the air. Beside him appeared a hydra with shimmering silver scales and nine heads, each one vigilant and poised—Silla, towering just as tall and exuding an aura of raw, coiled power.

Malara's eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat. She stumbled back, almost falling off the cliff in sheer disbelief at the sight before her. She muttered to herself, "A-are those... legendary entities?"

Malara stared in awe and fear, her voice quivering. "My lord... they're like the ancient beings from myth and legend, the ones who were said to exist only in stories..."

Seojun didn't reply immediately, keeping his gaze fixed on the Oni encampment below. It was only after a moment that he glanced at his summons and stated calmly, "They are my guardians."

Malara gulped, feeling the immense pressure from both creatures. Huno, the Cerberus, exuded a fierce aura that seemed to ignite the air around him, a heat that prickled Malara's skin. The way his three heads scanned the surroundings, each with a different expression—fury, curiosity, and hunger—showed their intelligence and unyielding loyalty to Seojun.

Beside him, Silla's presence was even more daunting. The hydra's silver scales shimmered like blades in the dim light, reflecting a deadly beauty. Each of his nine heads was watchful, as if ready to strike in nine different directions at once. His body coiled with power, and his heads hissed lowly in unison—a chorus of ominous, synchronized sounds.

Malara's knees buckled slightly under their combined aura, and she whispered,, "A Cerberus and a Hydra… creatures of legend… "

As Seojun surveyed the Oni Clan's encampment, he turned to Malara, who stood anxiously by his side. "Go with Huno and Silla," he instructed. "Save your clan. I'll deal with the Oni."

Malara's eyes widened "How can i get near of the l-"

Just then, Huno let out a commanding bark and, with surprising gentleness for his size, scooped Malara up with his powerful jaws. She was safely cradled in his mouth, and the Cerberus leaped from the cliff, landing silently on the ground below.

Silla, the colossal hydra, followed closely behind. Each of his nine heads swiveled in various directions, scanning for any signs of detection. With precise movements, Silla and Huno navigated through the shadows, heading toward the captured Bino clan members.

Seojun watched as they moved with incredible stealth. Huno's massive form was almost imperceptible as he carried Malara through the dense forest surrounding the Oni encampment. Silla slithered silently beside them, his sleek body making almost no noise as he maneuvered around obstacles.

The Oni Clan was completely oblivious to the impending rescue. The Oni warriors continued their patrols.

Seojun, meanwhile, turned his attention back to the Oni Clan's encampment. He observed the scene below, noting the patrols, the guard stations, and the overall layout of their defenses.

"It's my turn now," he declared. As he readied himself, a system notification popped up:

[System Notification: Blaze Sphere Evolution Complete! Your Fireball skill has evolved into Dark Flame.]

He quickly reviewed his new Dark Flame skill. It had transformed from Blaze Sphere into a potent ability with several new spells and transformations:

- Hellshadow Fire: Conjures a wave of dark fire that engulfs enemies, causing intense burning and shadow damage. The flames linger and can seep into the ground, creating pools of lasting dark fire.

- Soulfire: A concentrated beam of dark flame that targets a single enemy, dealing high damage and draining their vitality. The beam saps the enemy's life force, partially healing Seojun.

- Cursed Emberstorm: Summons a storm of dark embers that rains down on a large area, causing continuous burning and inflicting a curse that weakens enemies and reduces their resistance to further attacks.

- Darkflame Weapon: Allows the weilder to transform the Dark Flame into various weapons or enhance existing ones.

Seojun stood on the cliff, eyes scanning the below as he prepared to test his new spells. Curious about how the Cursed Emberstorm will affect the Oni, he aimed his hand upward and muttered "Cursed Emberstorm".

He watched expectantly, but for a moment, nothing happened. The sky remained clear, and Seojun frowned, wondering what went wrong.

He decided to switch to Hellshadow Fire, readying the spell to unleash on the Oni forces. Just as he was about to activate it, he felt an ominous shift in the atmosphere. His eyes widened as he looked up and saw dark clouds swirling ominously above him.

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