Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Brace the impact

Seojun stood on a huge rock enough to reach half of the Abyss Calamity body. The dark aura from the creature swirled below him, but it couldn't reach him up here. This high ground gave him a good view and kept him safe.

He took a deep breath and began preparing for the battle. Seojun pulled out a health potion and drank it, feeling its soothing effects heal his wounds and refresh his energy. Next, he drank a mana potion to restore his magical power. He continued with other necessary potions, making sure he was fully ready for the fight.

With the potions taking effect, Seojun turned to the cores he had collected in the Abyss. He took them out and used their energy to enhance his basic fireball spell. The cores glowed brightly as their power flowed into the spell.

[System Notification: Fireball Upgraded! The basic fireball spell is now a Blaze Sphere, with increased power and a bright light effect.]

[System Notification: Fireball Enhancement Maxed! The Blaze Sphere is now at its maximum level, delivering maximum damage and light intensity.]

As Seojun focused on forming the Blaze Sphere, the immense power of the spell caused the ground beneath him to crack and tremble. The weight and intensity of the fireball created visible fissures in the rock, making Seojun aware of the dangerous strain he was putting on his position.

The Blaze Sphere in Seojun's hands was a blazing sphere of intense light. It was much stronger now, capable of dealing heavy damage and producing a bright light.

Seojun looked down at the Abyss Calamity, still moving away. He knew their plan was to use the fireball to draw the Calamity's attention and then follow up with Silla's ice beam.

"Time to go," Seojun said to himself. He aimed the Blaze Sphere above the Calamity's head.

[Host is ready for attack. Prepare for combined strike with Silla's ice beam.]

Seojun threw the Blaze Sphere into the air. As it soared upward, the intense light from the spell cut through the darkness, heading straight for the Calamity. He watched carefully, knowing that the success of their plan depended on getting this right.

With the Blaze Sphere in motion, Seojun took out more potion.

Silla was on the other side of the rock, making sure he had a clear view of the Abyss Calamity. He drank several potions to fully restore his mana. Behind him, Huno stood by, channeling all his mana to help Silla.

Silla was a sight to behold. All nine of his heads opened their mouths wide, making them look even more powerful. With Silla's full strength and Huno's support, they were ready to strike.

From their position, they saw Seojun's Blaze Sphere flying through the air. The fireball grew larger and brighter as it approached its target. When it hit the Abyss Calamity, it exploded in a huge burst of light and heat. The explosion lit up the area and shook the battlefield.

[System Notification: Blaze Sphere Impact! Massive explosion caused significant damage to the Abyss Calamity.]

The Abyss Calamity let out a loud screech, its voice echoing through the Desolated area. The Abyss calamity stumbled and almost fall.

Seeing the Calamity distracted, Silla took his chance and unleashed a powerful ice beam, a focused blast of freezing energy aimed straight at the Calamity's head. The beam shot through the air, glowing with a cold light as it headed towards the Abyss Calamity.

Seojun watched closely as the ice beam moved towards its target and drink all the potions he took out. This combined attack of fire and ice was their best chance to take advantage of the Abyss Calamity's weaknesses and turn the battle in their favor.


[Consumption successful: Effects Activated]

You have consumed a series of strength-enhancing potions. The combined effects have resulted in

- Strength-Boosting Potion: Increased physical strength by 50x.

- Mighty Power Elixir: Enhanced strength by an additional 25x.

- Titan's Might Brew: Further amplified strength by 15x.

- Brute Force Tonic: Added an additional 10x boost to strength.

Total Increase: Physical strength is now increased by 100x.

Your physical power and combat effectiveness are now at their peak, greatly enhancing your ability to perform powerful attacks and feats of strength.

The ice beam struck the Abyss Calamity with a blinding burst of cold energy. The Calamity's massive, dark form began to freeze, the ice rapidly spreading and crystallizing its monstrous body.

[System Notification: Ice Beam Impact! The Abyss Calamity's body is turning to ice. Significant reduction in mobility detected.]

As the Abyss Calamity fell, unable to move effectively, Seojun took swift action. He activated his Wind Step skill, propelling himself through the air and landing on top of the Calamity's head. From this position, he could oversee the final stages of their assault. Huno and Silla quickly arrived at his side.

Huno leaped with power, his claws slashing across the frozen surface of the Calamity. He followed with a Tri-Jaw Bite, his jaws snapping shut with immense force on the Calamity's head.

Silla swung his tail with tremendous force, executing a Tail Slam that resonated through the frozen body. His combined assault with Huno further weakened the already frozen form.

Seojun, standing on the Calamity's head, raised his hand and delivered a powerful punch. His fist struck the ice-covered head, causing the ice to crack and shatter.

Suddenly, the Abyss Calamity's frozen body erupted in a massive explosion. The force of the blast was intense, sending shards of ice and dark energy flying in all directions.

[System Notification: Abyss Calamity Explosion! Major explosion detected. Activating barrier for safety.]

As the explosion erupted, Seojun's barrier activated automatically. The protective shield surrounded him, Huno, and Silla, shielding them from the debris and shockwave of the explosion. The barrier held firm, keeping them safe amid the chaos.

When the explosion subsided and the dust began to settle, Seojun lowered his barrier and surveyed the scene. The Abyss Calamity was completely destroyed, its massive form reduced to shattered ice and dark remnants.

[System Notification: Abyss Calamity Defeated! Major threat neutralized. Rewards and bonuses will be provided.]

The fierce battle with the Abyss Calamity had taken its toll. As the explosion subsided and the dust settled, Seojun stood victorious but exhausted. The intense combat, coupled with the strength-enhancing potions, had drained his energy.

Seojun's vision blurred as he felt his strength waning. He tried to stay upright, but his legs gave way, and he began to collapse. Huno, ever watchful, noticed Seojun's condition. With urgency, he rushed to catch Seojun, his three heads showing concern as he supported his master.

Silla, equally concerned, quickly coiled around them, his massive form providing additional support. As Seojun fell against Silla, both Huno and Silla's energy was also depleted from their earlier efforts in the battle. The exertion and strain from their combined attacks took their toll.

Huno and Silla, weakened from their efforts and drained by the battle, began to lose consciousness as well. Their once-powerful forms slumped, and they collapsed alongside Seojun.

The battlefield fell silent, the once chaotic scene now calm. Seojun, Huno, and Silla lay together on the ground, all three succumbing to exhaustion after their monumental effort.

[System Notification: All combatants are incapacitated. Recovery and healing processes will initiate shortly.]

You are now cleared to leave the Dreadlands of Witherfall and proceed to the next area: Nerathiel, The Fallen Deity Domain.

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