Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Final Floor

"What the heck is this? A walking rainbow burger?" Seojun asked, glancing at the system hologram that appeared beside him.


Item Identified: Edible Sweet Bug

- Type: Edible Creature

- Appearance: Mimics food items; this one has taken the shape of a rainbow-colored burger.

- Effect: Restores health and energy. Consuming it will temporarily boost morale.

- Taste: Deliciously sweet with a hint of fruitiness.

Seojun's eyes widened. "Wait, what?! It's a burger bug?!"

He looked around the cave and saw more of these rainbow-colored bugs crawling along the walls, with one even perched by the water, sipping daintily from it.

System hologram appeared. [You should try eating it, Host. It's quite beneficial.]

Seojun blinked at the hologram. "System, you want me to eat this? It's a bug!"

[Yes, it's an edible bug. It's safe and will give you a morale boost. The taste is quite pleasant, I assure you.]

Seojun shook his head in disbelief. "No way! I love animals, especially insects. How can I eat something that's disguised as a burger?"

[Think of it as a culinary adventure. It's not just any bug—it's a bug in disguise. You'll be fine host]

Seojun looked at the rainbow-colored "burger" in his hands, he gulped but the idea of tasting something sweet and familiar was tempting. Taking a deep breath, he bit into it.The moment the sweetness hit his tongue, Seojun's eyes widened. The taste was incredibly nostalgic, like the desserts he remembered from home.

The fruity sweetness was comforting and filled Seojun with warmth. As he ate, he was flooded with memories of simpler times. It wasn't hunger that made him emotional, but the taste that connected him to his past.

With each bite, he felt a lump in his throat, remembering the warmth of home and family. When he finished, tears welled up in his eyes. "It tastes just like home," he whispered, trembling slightly.

He hadn't realized how much he missed that feeling until now. The taste reminded him of something worth fighting for and waiting for outside the labyrinth. For a moment, Seojun let the warmth and memories wash over him. The labyrinth had given him this precious moment, strengthening his resolve. Wiping his tears, he stood up with renewed determination.

"I'll make it back," he said quietly, looking out over the shining blue water seeing his a bit long brown hair "I'll see home again."

Seojun stood up, feeling both refreshed and amused by his unexpected snack. He took a deep breath and turned to the system's hologram.

"Thanks for that, System," Seojun said, smiling. "That was surprisingly enjoyable. Now, where do we go next?"The system's hologram flickered to life, displaying a map of the labyrinth with various indicators.


Next Destination:

- Current Floor: 99th

- Next Floor: 100th

- Access: Underwater Passage


The way to the 100th floor is underwater. Swim through the tunnel to get there. Be careful of any underwater dangers.

Seojun took a deep breath and stepped into the pool of blue water. He swam through the tunnel, which was lit by glowing creatures and colorful corals.

After a short swim, he reached the100th floor. The new area was bright, with floating lights and shimmering plants.


[Floor Reached: 100th Floor]

Seojun looked around at the new surroundings, admiring the glowing lights and shimmering plants. Just as he started to feel a sense of relief, a new notification appeared.

[System Notification]

Error: You have reached the final floor.

Seojun's eyes widened in shock. "The final floor? I wasn't expecting this so soon!"

Before he could react, the ground beneath him trembled violently. The floor began to shift and change, cracking open and revealing molten lava below. The chamber transformed into a volcanic interior, with fiery eruptions and rising heat.


Heat Resistance Activated

- Skill: Heat Resistance

- Effect: Reduces damage from extreme temperatures and enhances tolerance to heat.

Seojun felt the heat, but his heat resistance skill kicked in, protecting him from the worst effects. "Good thing I got this heat resistance skill from the fire salamander floor," he thought, looking around for cover.

He spotted a large rock formation nearby and dashed toward it. The intense heat from the lava and volcanic eruptions made it difficult to see clearly, but Seojun managed to take shelter behind the rock, panting from the sudden change.

As he crouched behind the rock, he could hear the roaring of the volcano and feel the vibrations through the ground. He took a moment to catch his breath, processing the rapid shift in the environment.

"Alright, this just got a lot more intense," he muttered, peering around the rock for any signs of danger. "Let's see what this final floor has in store."

Seojun crouched behind the rock, trying to shield himself from the volcanic eruptions. As he scanned the river of lava, he noticed something stirring beneath the molten surface.

Suddenly, a gigantic creature leaped out, its massive form creating a geyser of lava.Seojun's eyes widened as he saw the creature's fiery, scaled body glinting in the light.

Seojun crouched behind the rock, trying to shield himself from the volcanic eruptions. As he scanned the river of lava, he noticed something stirring beneath the molten surface. Suddenly, a massive creature erupted from the lava, sending a shower of molten rock and lava into the air.

Seojun's eyes widened as he saw the creature's colossal form. It was a Volcanic Kraken, a gigantic, multi-tentacled sea creature with glowing magma-filled appendages.


Alert: Lava Rain Incoming

Reacting swiftly, Seojun activated his barrier skill. A shimmering shield surrounded him just as molten rock and lava began to rain down around him.


[Barrier Activated]

With the barrier in place, Seojun focused on the Volcanic Kraken. He activated his appraisal skill to gather more details about the creature.

[System Notification]

Appraisal Activated

Creature Identified: Volcanic Kraken

- Level: 2050

- Type: Final Floor Boss

- Description: A massive, multi-tentacled sea creature adapted to volcanic environments. It has magma-filled limbs and can generate powerful shockwaves and lava attacks.

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