Infinite System Inheritor Return From The Abyss

Chapter 105: Chapter 105: Assasination

The chairman tapped his fingers on the desk, thinking. "They will talk soon. Everyone does, especially wh the future of the world is on the line."

Alexander nodded and continued reading, his mind already turning to the implications of the early wave and what it might mean for the association and Vortex.

After reviewing the files, Chairman Alexander von Ford looked up at his secretary and asked, "Where are they now?"

The assistant handed over another file. Alexander oped it, revealing several photographs. One picture caught his eye—Lilith Vladimir. His brow furrowed with concern.

"That lady came?" Alexander asked, worry evidt in his voice. "She didn't do anything to my granddaughter, did she?"

The assistant quickly reassured him. "Don't worry, Chairman. Nothing happed. As of now, they are heading here."

Alexander sighed in relief and scanned the rest of the photos. He paused wh he saw a picture of Seojun. "With him?" he asked, his tone slightly concerned.

"Yes, Chairman," the assistant confirmed.

Alexander stared at the photo, deep in thought. "This child has changed so much. I hope his attitude and behavior hav't changed too drastically."

The assistant continued, "We also found out that Master Han Seojun's mother, Han Seoyang, is in USA."

Alexander's eyes wided in shock. "USA?! How did she get there? Seoyang is too weak to leave this country and doesn't have the money."

"We're still figuring it out, Chairman," the assistant replied.

Alexander nodded, a sse of urgcy in his voice. "We need to find her sooner. Seojun is a very nice child. He deserves to meet his mother as soon as possible."

As Chairman Alexander von Ford and his assistant reviewed the documts, a crackling noise filled the office. Without warning, a black portal appeared in the corner, its dark ergy spreading shadows across the room. The unexpected appearance caused both m to tse up immediately.

The assistant drew his dagger with swift precision, positioning himself protectively in front of Alexander. His eyes were sharp, ready for any threat that might emerge from the swirling darkness.

From the portal emerged a cloaked figure dressed tirely in black. The intruder's face was hidd by a hood and mask. He knelt on one knee as he arrived, a macing presce that st a chill through the room. For a momt, the figure remained still, th suddly vanished from sight.

The office fell into an uneasy silce as Alexander and the assistant braced themselves. In an instant, the figure reappeared directly in front of Alexander, moving with a speed that defied belief. The intruder aimed a deadly strike at Alexander's stomach.


Chairman Alexander stood firm as the black-clad intruder lunged at him with a blade aimed for his stomach. In a quick, practiced move, Alexander raised his ancit bo staff. The metal of the staff clashed with the intruder's weapon, deflecting the attack. The intruder looked surprised, clearly not expecting such a defse.

"Who st you?" Alexander demanded, his voice steady despite the tsion.

The intruder leaped back, vanishing into the room's shadows. The assistant, reacting swiftly, drew his dagger and charged at the intruder. The assistant's movemts were sharp and fast, his eyes focused and determined.

The room became a battlefield, filled with the sounds of clashing metal and heavy breathing. The assistant swung his dagger with precision, aiming for the intruder's exposed areas. He slashed and thrust, his blade slicing through the air with deadly intt. The intruder, agile and quick, ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding the assistant's attacks.

They moved in a blur of motion, each trying to outmaneuver the other.

The assistant's dagger glinted in the dim light as he tried to find an oping. He feinted a high slash, th quickly drove the blade towards the intruder's midsection. The intruder twisted away, the dagger barely missing him. The assistant followed up with a low stab, aiming for the intruder's legs. The intruder jumped, narrowly escaping the thrust.

As the fight continued, Alexander struggled to keep his balance. He gripped the edge of his desk tightly, watching the fierce duel unfold. His ancit bo staff, while effective, was not suited for the close, quick exchanges of a dagger fight. He could only hope his assistant would prevail.

Breathing heavily, Alexander muttered to himself, "I'm really getting old." His eyes were locked on the struggle, his mind racing to understand why this intruder was here and what their true inttions were.

The clash of daggers continued, each fighter trying to land a decisive blow. The assistant's face was set in a determined expression, while the intruder's movemts were fluid and evasive. The room was tse with the sound of their battle.

The intruder suddly stopped and conjured a dark fireball. With a quick movemt, he hurled it at the assistant, who was thrown back by the blast and slammed into a bookshelf, collapsing in pain.

The intruder turned his atttion to Chairman. He moved in close, his blade ready. "Die, old man," he whispered harshly.

Alexander, struggling to stay on his feet, tried to block the intruder's attacks with his ancit bo staff. The intruder's strikes were fast and precise, making it hard for Alexander to defd himself. Each hit pushed him back, and he felt his strgth draining.

Alexander used all his skill and experice to block and parry the attacks. Despite his best efforts, the intruder's blade found its mark several times, cutting his cheek and arm. Alexander's breathing grew heavy and labored, but he refused to give up.

He managed to use his bo staff to deflect some of the intruder's attacks, forcing him to back off briefly. Alexander took a momt to catch his breath and steady himself.

The intruder, now more cautious, advanced again, dark flames flickering a him. Alexander's strgth was waning, but he faced the intruder with a determined look. The room was filled with the sounds of their battle, each side struggling for control.

Alexander swung his bo staff with all the strgth he had left, gaging the intruder in a fierce fight.

As the intruder was about to deliver a final, devastating blow to Chairman Alexander, a shimmering barrier suddly appeared, blocking the attack. The intruder was thrown off balance, his eyes wide with shock.

"Where did this come from? This old man doesn't have any defse skills!" he muttered, bewildered.

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