Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix

Chapter 262: Borders

"Hey, Rain. Look at this," Liss said.

As Liss channeled her magical energy and summoned a fireball, it expanded in size and grew more intense. The heat emanating from it spread in every direction, causing the surrounding air to shimmer and ripple from the extreme temperature. The fireball pulsated with inner energy.

With focus etched across her face, Liss exercised control over the fireball's movements. She willed it to spin, and the flames began an elegant dance within the sphere in response to her command. The rotation was mesmerizing, akin to a fiery ballet, as the fire swirled within the fiery globe.

With a purposeful motion, Liss launched the fireball forward. It streaked through the air like a blazing comet, leaving behind a trail of shimmering embers. The spinning motion she had imparted to it allowed the fireball to maintain its shape, transforming it into a formidable and lethal projectile.

"You used wind magic as well?" Rain asked.

"Sometimes, you are annoyingly perceptive," Liss forced a smile. "That is right, that way, it also increases its firing speed and explosion range."

"Do you control the wind around the fireball or inside?" Rain asked.

"Outside… I would have to use more mana to create wind inside the fireball," Liss replied while understanding what Rain was thinking. "Still, that will increase the speed and the explosion range, right?"

"That is right. The wind inside will disperse upon impact, spreading the flames," Rain replied.

"That seems interesting… but now that I think about it… It won't be very useful against fire dragons," Liss furrowed her eyebrows.

"No one said that we will," Rain shrugged. "Anyway, you are getting smarter, good girl."

"... You are also starting to get annoyingly condescending with your half-assed praises," Liss frowned. "Just because you are taller than us now."

"My bad," Rain said.

After the group passed by the capital, the group met a lot more people coming and going while following the main path. Some people showed some disdain at them, even though the guards that Geio chose to escort them were leading the group.

Rain assumed that it was because of the war… a lot of wagons carrying stuff for the soldiers were heading in the same direction, and Rain could smell the scent of potions coming from them.

"The smell is quite strong…" Rain said. "I remember that the highest quality spiritual potion had a strong smell, but not as much as this."

"It must be a more potent version," Terra said. "From what I have seen so far, the magic people have a lot of plants that we don't have, so they must have created better versions of that."

"Good, I will be able to use them without having to pay if they ask for help," Rain said and then grinned. "Hehehe, this will be fun."

"Aren't you rich?" Jori asked. "You should be able to buy that kind of thing with ease."

"I am not as rich as I am stingy," Rain said. "Besides, few things are more delicious than free food."

"I guess you have a point," Jori said while recalling the meals that his group had at Rain's house.

Jori and the others couldn't help but notice a significant change in Rain. In a rather unconventional way, Rain was evolving into someone quite different from the person they had known. Rain had been single-mindedly focused on training and work in the past, presenting a reserved and disciplined demeanor.

However, recent times have brought about a surprising transformation in Rain's character. He was beginning to exhibit a newfound depth and personality that had remained hidden before. It was as if Rain had uncovered a previously concealed aspect of themselves, and this transformation intrigued those who had only known him in a more one-dimensional way.

Intrigued by Rain's changing demeanor, the group also found themselves wrestling with some apprehensions. Rain had achieved a heroic status and was highly regarded by many. Still, there was a lingering worry that his reputation might take a negative turn if he didn't exercise caution with his words and actions.

Being labeled a hero came with certain responsibilities and expectations. Any inadvertent missteps or thoughtless remarks had the potential to tarnish the positive image he had built over time. The group was acutely aware that preserving a sterling reputation demanded more than just heroic deeds; it required careful conduct and diplomatic choices.

In any case, the journey for the next few days had been a very pleasant one, to the point that Rain felt odd. Maybe he was being overly suspicious of thinking that the magic people would target them when they came to help.

Still, he was going to see a bunch of the top dogs of the country soon enough, and they should have lost plenty of people at Rain's hands during the war. They also should have plenty of reservations about him…

After another five days on their journey, the group couldn't help but notice a decline in the number of tribes they encountered along their route. The frequency of these encounters gradually diminished, leaving them with a growing sense of solitude.

As they pressed onward, a massive mountain range came into view on the distant horizon. The towering peaks created an imposing natural barrier, signifying a significant milestone in their expedition.

Rain and Asche, both possessing sharp eyesight, made a fascinating discovery against the backdrop of these towering mountains. In the distance, they spotted colossal creatures gracefully soaring through the sky. These majestic beings, their outlines etched against the mountain peaks, added an element of awe and intrigue to their journey.

"It is them… I didn't know that the magic people also shared a border with the dragons using some mountains," Rain said.

As Jori, Reca, Liss, and Terra continued their journey, an air of tension gradually enveloped them. The realization that they were drawing nearer to their destination weighed heavily on their minds. However, when they finally spotted the dragons soaring in the distance, their reaction was nothing short of astonishing.

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