Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 27: General Long and Shi Shun


In the VIP Stands of the Family Competition Venue.

"So, who do you propose will win this little battle among the juniors of the Devilduke Family?"

An Elder from the Ashura Family voiced his question while stroking his long white beard. His ancient gaze scanned over all the young men and women below.

He already knew who he thought would win the competition, but he wanted to know what everyone else thought about the matter.

"Is it not obvious that my Great Grandson's friend will win? I mean, just look at Yan Xue; his posture is immaculate, and his stature is truly befitting that of a top-tier champion!"

The one who spoke this time was a wizened old man from the illustrious Dragon Tamer Sect—a Rank 3 Sect that decided to accept the invitation sent out by Lord Xiao. In fact, they appreciated the invitation so much that they sent out Grand Elder Mo to watch over the younglings.

However, regardless of who had come for the Family Competition, the actual fights were more of a secondary matter. The true reason so many powerful figures in and above the Core Formation Realm arrived at the Devilduke Family was for the connections!

They wished to expand their net of influence, building up solid relationships that they could lean upon in the future. But for those relationships and potential friendships to solidify without a hitch, they had to conduct idle chitter chatter.

Powerhouses of the Core Formation and Golden Core Formation Realms laughed in the stands, while the contestants below looked at each other with menacing glares.

No matter who it was, they wanted to win the competition, and in a family like the Devildukes, any methods to acquire victory were deemed acceptable.

This resulted in even the weaker contestants— who were in the Pulse Condensation stage—to sport a confident glow in their gazes.


"You truly think you can beat me this time around, Yan Xue…? You, who are merely of the Body Refinement Realm??" A red-haired young man sneered, his disposition resembling that of a haughty flag pole.

"Shut the fuck up, Huan Tu! You really think you are all that just because you reached the Qi Condensation Realm a little sooner than I did!? Well, fuck you and your small dick! Yeah, I heard what all the ladies around town said!" Yan Xue spat back with a tone just as sardonic. He crossed his arms over one another, caring not about the unusual glares everyone was giving him.

"Y-You…" Huan Tu practically fumed at the top as his face morphed into a deep shade of purple and green.

He was someone from a Branch Family of the Devildukes, and he worked his butt off in order to reach the Qi Condensation Realm at the age of 25!

He didn't go through all that he did just to be insulted by some loser who wasted all his time with women and booze!!

Just as he was about to blow his lid and strike out at the complacent Yan Xue, a loud, boisterous voice announced the arrival of someone:

"The 6th Young Master of the Devilduke Main Family has entered the stadium!"

"!!!" "!!!" "!!!"

As if all working on the same wavelength, every single person in the extravagantly decorated arena shot their gazes toward the large gated entrance. Without exception, their eyes honed in on the 6th Young Master—a man who wore a disposition so aloof that even the immortals above paled in comparison!

"So that is the boy of yours who has been immersed in cultivation for the past 2 weeks? I do wonder how far he has progressed after this sudden change in attitude."

A middle-aged man wearing war-like attire mused to Lord Xiao, lightly tapping his muscular thighs with curiosity evident in his gaze.

"Yes, General Long. This son of mine isn't as much of a failure as the rest of them," Lord Xiao responded with a voice devoid of emotion.

He was looking at the nonchalant demeanor of his 6th son and couldn't help but see a semblance of himself in this new version of Lucifer.


Unlike Lord Xiao, a mother knew her child best, and there was definitely something suspicious about her son.

However, no matter how Miss Mu thought about it, she couldn't figure out what had caused such a change in that boy…

"So, my dear daughter, Shi Shun. What do you think of this Lucifer? Is he to your liking?"

General Long turned his pleased expression down toward an icy-cold girl by his side. She wore a light blue veil over the lower half of her face, but even without it, one could tell that she possessed extraordinary beauty.

If it weren't for the expressionless face that Shi Shun was always making, then she would surely be the talk of the town with her voluptuous figure and exquisitely sculpted facial features.


Shi Shun moved her face for the first time since this silly little children's game began. Her icy blue eyes found the young man her father was referring to.

"That man…" She softly murmured underneath her breath, seemingly discovering something that Lucifer thought he had kept hidden.

After a moment or two of staring at his broad back go up the wooden podium, she turned her icy face back toward her father. "He is ordinary."

"I see…"

General Long thought they might've found something special—something that could help them in the making of a pill. But it seemed that was not the case…

If even Shi Shun's special set of eyes cannot see anything unique in the boy, then he is likely not worth making into pill material.

Marriage is still an option, but I doubt Shi Shun will comply with such a request…

But then again, I can just make it a demand. After all, we need this alliance with the Devilduke Family in order to secure our position in the Fire Nation. With a full-out war on the horizon, we need every advantage we can get.

General Long's thoughts veered in the direction of self-centeredness, as he was willing to do absolutely anything in order to accomplish his goals.


Shi Shun realized this as well, but she was far too preoccupied with staring at the large 'uniqueness' of Lucifer to care.

That light… Why are there so many Elements present within his body…? What does this mean…?

For the life of her, she couldn't comprehend what she was looking at.

There are so many different colored lights, and all of them are shining at an unbelievable level. But for there to be so many Elements present within a human vessel, well… It shouldn't even be possible.

And yet this Lucifer is the very proof that shows someone can have more than 6 Elements reside within one's body...

Lucifer… Just what are you?

For half an instant, the sheet of ice covering Shi Shun's flawless jade face nearly broke and shattered. However, it returned to complete stoicism just as fast as it vanished. After which, her gaze always seemed to involuntarily hone in on the broad-shouldered young man who stood atop the stadium...


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