Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 109: Two Weird Girls...


Creeping and crawling in Raven's End, there were creatures far beyond the scope of mankind's feeble imagination—creatures that were never meant to escape their bedtime stories…

These were the monsters that the denizens of the Nightmare Realm truly had to watch out for.

But even with the scythe of death looming over them all, there were still some people, like the Witches, who made organizations and kingdoms in the Nightmare Realm. Though such organizations would only be around for as long as the powerful Nightmare Monsters stayed clear of the area, a lot of them still managed to stay strong for thousands of years.

Of course, there were some rather 'unfortunate' incidents over the years, but such incidents were few and far between…

Anyways, as night turned to light, a new dawn graced the Nightmare Realm.

From that dawn, two girls, one beautiful and the other cute as a button, awoke from their slumbers. Watching over them was the man that always seemed to be at the forefront of their minds. But seeing as he appeared to be deep in his cultivation, they didn't disturb him and simply waited for him to escape his stupor.

While doing so, they also took occasional glances at each other, seemingly curious about the other's existence.


Dispersing the Qi around his mind after a successful breakthrough into the Pinnacle of the Gold Mind Rank, Lucifer opened one of his shut-tight eyelids. Seeing the two girls staring at him like they wanted to eat him, his expression morphed into a confused one. "What the hell are you two looking at? Am I too handsome or something?" He asked subtly and humbly.

Hearing the immortal-like man speak up for the first time in over 6 hours, both Xue Lan and Li Yan got lost in the sight of his facial features. But after a moment to regain their bearings, they immediately looked away from him and found something interesting to look at on the walls.

"???" 'These girls are so damn weird…'

Ignoring the unusual behavior of those two weirdos, Lucifer lifted Xue Lan's head off his thigh and let it fall on the couch cushion. Then, with a few satisfying cracks, he stretched and prepared himself for the grind that was to come. "Another day filled with loot awaits me," he said expectantly.

"Uhmm… Lucifer…"


Taking him out of his self-indulgent reverie, Lucifer looked toward the timid ghost chick, asking, "What is it? If you need help going to the bathroom, I'm sorry, but I can't assist. You see, I am a married man—married to the grind, umu!"

Closing his eyes and waving his hands left and right, Lucifer effectively and easily rejected his die-hard fan girl. It had to be done! He was not a disloyal man!

Making a few rather brazen moves, Xue Lan moved her reddened face right in front of Lucifer, then she used her hands to clasp his mouth in an x-shape. "N-Not that… It's something else…!" Completely overlooking how intimate she was acting with Lucifer, she also failed to notice that her well-endowed breasts were rubbing all up on his chest.

'Woah now! Using the temptations of two mountains of pudding in an attempt to seduce me?? This girl is a… pervert!?'

Xue Lan would likely die right then and there if she ever knew what Lucifer's opinion of her was. Though, luckily she didn't, and fortunately, she was also a dense idiot just like him…

"Y-You see, I was trying to say that if we leave now, we can make it to the Nightmare Express before it leaves for the next region…"

Still rubbing her mommy milkers all up and down on the innocent narcissistic man, Xue Lan spoke with flickering eyes and a face redder than a tomato.


'They almost feel like… Ahhh, water balloons? No… It's more like mochi… Maybe water balloon mochi?'

Thinking some rather peculiar things with an expression that was far too serious-looking, Lucifer eventually shook his head and said, "Definitely like the perfect douse of jello and pudding. Yes, this is the formula."


Not understanding what he was talking about, Xue Lan briefly looked down, only to see the extremely scandalous position she found herself in!

Turning redder than a red moon, she accidentally looked to the left and saw a short goth girl staring right at her and Lucifer, seemingly ready to pounce. "I-I… T-There was… Th-The…" With her eyes erratic as sh*t and her breasts jiggling all over the place, Xue Lan attempted to explain herself. But in the end, all that happened was a short fuse and a fall.



Collapsing to the ground and hitting her head right up against a table, the gentlemanly gentleman seemed to have forgotten his duties of catching the clutsy heroine.

"Ahh… Hmm?"

Stopping his analysis of the sensation that was no longer there, Lucifer looked down, only to see a beautiful ghost girl knocked out cold with her tongue out of her mouth and one of her tits slipping out of her dress!

"Holy! If I were a Japanese protagonist, this would most assuredly be the part where I have a few more 'accidents' that eventually lead to me 'accidentally' undressing the rest of her. These accidents would ultimately have me 'accidentally' slipping it in on 'accident'. Welp, it's too bad this isn't a hentai or a generic isekai anime!"

Bemoaning the sorrowful virgin fate of a Xianxia protagonist, Lucifer slipped the tit back into the dress and heaved the sleeping beauty over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. "Time to go and find this 'Nightmare Express' or whatever this chick was talking about before flashing me."

Using Xue Lan as a temporary guide, Lucifer scanned only the relevant memories pertaining to this 'Nightmare Express'. After which, he looked toward the grumbling midget in the corner. "What's got you in such a sour mood? Don't tell me… Is it really the shits!? I don't recall their being a Taco and a bell in this world, but who really knows what can happen these days!"


Covering his mouth like all girls tend to do when around him, Li Yan vehemently shook her head and said, "Not the shits, not the shits…! I-I just…"

In the end, she was unable to get out the proper words; thus, she turned her face to the side. "Humph! Dummy!" She grumbled. After which, she grabbed both his cheeks and made him look away from her. Then, with cute movements, she climbed up his shoulder and used Xue Lan's bouncy butt to reach his head. "Stupid bimbo," she faintly murmured.


Like the genuine article protagonist, Lucifer once again showed that he was a dense motherf*cker!

'Girls, they're like rare animals… They look all exotic on the outside, but on the inside, you have no clue what the fuck is going on!'

Quoting someone who probably said that, Lucifer then put the matter to the back of his mind and brought both his 'guide' and 'Santa's little helper' outside of the swamp house. Catching a good whiff of the fresh mountain air, he just knew that the faint rays of dawnlight would lead him into a new day filled to brim with… loot!

Setting out into the vast swampy world beyond, Lucifer was on a mission: find the Nightmare Express and kill anything that got in his way!

After a few minutes of 'killing anything that got in his way'.

"Ahh, yes… I see now… This is very interesting indeed…"

Looking both left and right as well as up and down, Lucifer realized something utterly mind-boggling and completely unexpected!

"Umu, yep, yep. I'm most definitely fucking lost!"

He had no f*cking clue how it came to this, but with him aimlessly walking around like a dumbass, he somehow got lost in the process!

"I assumed Xue Lan would have a brain with some useful directions in it, but this woman has rarely even left her house in the last 50 years! She might as well be a lvl 99 Neet, Otaku Lord, because this sh*t is crazy!

I don't even know how she knew about this 'Nightmare Express Bullet Train' because she sure as hell hasn't witnessed it in person! And with it being the only way to leave Raven's End without meeting a few large fuckers beyond the Void Refining Realm, we need to find it A.S.A.P."

If night once again came around for him and his gang of two, those Void Refining Realm Evil Apparitions would definitely find him, and he would most assuredly fucking die!

So left with only one real option right now, he would either find the Nightmare Express or he would die trying! Either way, that fucking choo choo train would be his-!



After hearing a hair-tingling roar reverberate nearby, Lucifer left his thoughts and focused on the direction behind him.

Upon noticing something big and white rushing toward him, he was about to dodge and jump out of the way. But before that could happen, the white thing sped up to a level that made it look like a white blur in his eyes!


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