In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 49: Nameless Shadow

In the room, a humanoid figure wandered among the shadows, cracks, and debris fall as a result of the explosion and battle of Theos and the Curse.

The figure, totally shrouded in darkness, could not be se exactly, but it did not appear to be small, about two meters tall and a muscular figure.

He looked at the large crater caused by the explosion of the curse, he commted with a frown. "Well, it wt rather better than I expected hahaha," he laughed madly, but despite the mad laughter, they sounded like little bells that could hypnotize any mortal just by listing to them.

But the laughter stopped abruptly, as if from one momt to the next his amusemt had turned to anger. "That bastard... He's moving too fast, faster than I first imagined," he remarked solemnly, drawing closer to one of the hundreds of scattered pieces of the curse.

A small piece of meat stood out, with a pale reddish hue; the figure grabbed it with his very hands, and as he observed the piece of meat a little more, the smile on his face grew wider. "Not bad at all," he commted, crushing the piece of meat in his hand.

Anyone would have imagined that the piece of meat would have scattered into pieces, but quite the opposite, the piece of meat suddly came out as a liquid that fell to the g through the hole he inttionally created in his fist.


The liquid fell drop by drop on the g, each drop moving on its own, gathering with other drops and merging in a process that seemed to create a new being or mass.

"Be born, my little son," the voice declared, the drops forming little by little finally gerating a figure, a mass of flesh but one that seemed to force itself to take shape... To a humanoid form.

As if it had waited for that momt, the figure smiled wider in a twisted, macabre smile; its elegance and subtlety had be set aside so that from its body it would expel Mana, but a Mana very differt from common Mana, also differt from the negative ergy of Theos...

Mana of a transpart color, ev having celestial sparkles that seemed to be the cosmos itself covered the figure.

He further wided the range of his Mana, covering the newly born mass as well.

"Hiiiiiiii," in less than a second, the mass managed to develop a large mouth full of fangs, beginning to shriek eerily; at the same time as from its body, it absorbed more of this mysterious Mana.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's it, grow my son," the man began to laugh maniacally like a psychopath, his mad eyes watching with each passing second as the mass grew more and more, thus forming a more humanoid creature.

Unlike his previous body, it only took a few seconds for his power to multiply several times what he had before.

From a Master rank, he became a Grandmaster, and not only that but in power,r, he ev became a Peak Grandmaster, being monstrously powerful.

The very g began to tremble from the great power released by both the man and the mass that looked more and more like a human.

"Let's continue this somewhere else," suddly declared the man, stopping his Mana, and thus the creature stopped its constant evolution, growling a little.

"Oh Did you growl at me?" the man asked with a wide grin that could be anything but fridly.

The large murderous intt made ev the curse shrink back in fear, choosing to shake his head from side to side.

"Oh, that's good to know, and always keep in mind, I am your lord and master; at any time, I will make you disappear if I want to," he stated with his smile slowly fading, ding in a neutral and emotionless expression.

"Now, let's get out of here; we already drew too much atttion, he probably recognized us, but that doesn't matter for now." Extding his hand in a position as if his hand was a sword, he made a slash with his hand, managing to slowly break through the same... Reality, a gap of reality inside the room where total darkness could be se, infinite darkness.

"Tsk, this expds a lot of mtal ergy," clutching his head, he groaned, but that didn't stop his course of action. Grabbing the curse, still cowering in fear with his other hand, he leaped toward the hole.

Upon tering, the hole closed instantly, leaving no trace of his existce.

As if nothing had happed...

"We're out," sighed Luna, relieved to be out of danger, her face and body completely sweaty from exhaustion.

"Yes, fortunately...", Theos commted, looking back at the cave he had come out of. 'That power from a momt ago... It was from a Peak Grand Master,' he thought, his eyes fixed there.

"Oh, Theos What's wrong?" asked Luna beside Theos, getting up from the g.

She hadn't noticed that he all the while seemed to be looking back, with concern for his mere state of health or future danger she wondered.

"I rectly ssed a great power, ev much greater than that curse, a power beyond Grandmaster rank," he declared in a serious voice, startling Luna.

"A Grandmaster? Are they coming for us?" she asked nervously.

One had to know that a Grandmaster rank oppont is differt from a Master, and if it's a Peak Grandmaster, it's a hell of a lot worse; she didn't ev have the slightest hope that Theos would face something like that and defeat it.

Fortunately, her heart regulated her pulse as he watched Theos shake his head from side to side. "No, that monstrous power disappeared a while ago as if it never existed in the first place."

"Ahhh... I see," with her head down, she couldn't say much, her fear stopped, but every time she analyzed... She got ev more scared. "Theos... You know what that means, don't you?" she asked with difficulty speaking, a lump in her throat settling in her throat.

Instead, Theos nodded quietly with his eyes growing colder and colder. "Yes... This only strgths my theory that we were controlled or manipulated by another, more powerful being."


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