In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 33: Paths (II)

After taking the elevator up, father and son walked through the eerily empty corridors of the large building, not a sound or a breath to be heard.

Everything smelled of a new and modern sct, so clean that it seemed to have be freshly cleaned from every possible place.

The duo walked down the long corridor, and after a few minutes, Matheo stopped in front of a large door, the most promint door in the tire corridor as it was the largest.

"This is it," Matthew declared, reaching out to place his hand directly on the door. The door lit up like a scanner, with purple lines sticking out.

But gradually, the light faded, and the door slowly oped.

Wh the door was fully oped, it revealed a room, or rather a chamber, without any decoration. The tire 50-square-meter room was completely , including the ceiling, walls, and ev the floor.

It ev gave the impression that time and space itself did not seem to affect the room.

"So this is an awaking chamber," Theos commted, smiling at the knowledge of what awaited him. His awaking…

"Yes, this is an awaking chamber," Matheo said without going into much detail, but Theos already knew all about these chambers.

'In the novel, awaking chambers are extremely expsive, so much so that only dukes and kings can afford one and suffer its cost' he recalled all the information from the room he was currtly in.

'An awaking chamber makes waking up faster and less painful than it should be, optimizing the process.'

'This is not a room that is simply made. Only someone with a deep understanding of time, space, and the Paths can create this room' Theos thought. He couldn't help but remember all the information about the chambers, as it was one of the elemts that would be mtioned a lot at the d of the novel.

All the secrets that covered an tire room of the Awaking are infinite, ev all its pottial has never be 0% discovered, and he knew that. He also knew the reason how to use 0% in the process of awaking.

"I think it should be in the cter of the room," he said, and Matheo nodded, confirming his guess.

Showing no fear or hesitation, Theos walked to the cter of the room and stood perfectly still.

Matheo closed the door behind him, looked at him, and walked calmly towards Theos.

"Let's finish this," Theos said, taking a deep breath and conctrating all his mana into his black and red mana heart, which was filled with power. On the contrary, Matheo approached him, pulling a completely orb out of nowhere and holding it in his right hand.



The two did not say a word, and Matheo, already understanding ough, brought the orb close to Theos' heart, who watched the whole process coldly and indiffertly.


The orb touched Theo's suit and burned it completely, coming in contact with his skin and creating a shockwave. The walls cracked with the first shockwave.

Matheo had to step back for his safety; ev he did not know what would happ if he stayed near the monster he called his son.

"Phew!" Despite keeping his mouth shut, blood oozed from Theos' teeth. The sheer amount of blood coming out of his mouth seemed like an dless stream.

Still, Theos did not move from the epicter of the room. Ev as the orb burned all over his skin and wt straight into his physical heart and soul, he did not move.

The purple lines of the room lined up in a runic drawing with Theos at its cter. All those purple lines tered his body without warning, filling it with marks that looked like tattoos, sticking to his skin and moving like the most fluid water.

The pain increased intsely, almost destroying Theos' resistance, which began to bleed from his eyes. 'Why is it so painful to gain power, damn it?' he thought, clching his teeth to bear the pain.

Not far away, Matheo stood in complete disbelief. "I knew my son was an incomparable gius, we ev put a seal on him that can only be removed by contact with an awaking orb, but this is ridiculous," he muttered as he watched the runic s move like snakes on Theos' body.

It wasn't long before wings of dark ink appeared on Theos' back, wings larger than his own body, growing to a lgth of three meters. As if that were not ough, the orb, previously pure , turned to pure darkness, absorbing Theos' heart and soul.

His body, which couldn't have be more perfect, became ev more refined, and his right eye became ev blacker, as did his hair, looking more like infinite darkness.

The waves spread throughout the room, creating more and more cracks, causing Matheo to use some of his strgth to hold himself steady under the chilling pressure.

The room, which had be completely , turned completely black. The runic s changed color wh they came in contact with the negative mana, turning a crimson red, just like Theos' left eye.

"Ahhh," he finally oped his mouth slightly to let out a sigh of satisfaction. 'This feeling is ev better than wh I was giv the negative mana,' he thought as he felt the seal quickly break as his soul was shown a new path… A path that would take him to the highest heavs.

Moving away from the epicter of the room, Theos stretched his body, the bones creaking with his new body.

He felt the wings on his back and tried to move them a little until a message appeared in front of him.

[You have awaked the Path: Celestial Corrupted].


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