I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 948: Retaliation

Chapter 948: Retaliation

The safe return of Yuga and Joyna relieved everyone. Learning that the negotiations with the Nidoran clan had gone smoothly, they celebrated even more, as they no longer had to worry about returning empty-handed.

They naturally felt grateful to Yuga and Joyna for making this happen.

As soon as Yuga returned to the cruise ship, he went to find Joycelyn, and then the two of them entered the pharmaceutical room on the ship with Revival Herbs in hand.

In addition to the main ingredient, Revival Herbs, creating Max Revives required many other materials, but luckily, the Joy family had prepared them before their departure.

Yuga had experience in making Max Revives, and Joycelyn, was an experienced pharmaceutical physician. So, the two of them successfully created Max Revives in one night.

Fortunately, the cruise ship had fully equipped pharmaceutical equipment. And just like Yuga, Joycelyn was not as powerful as Joyka who specializes in medicine. without specialized medical equipment, they would be clueless.

Early the next morning, Yuga and Joyna visited the Nidoran clan once again, bringing the Max Revives they had created the previous night.

The Nidoran clan was even more cautious than expected. Nidoqueen did not immediately consume the Max Revive; instead, she had a Nidorino try it first. The Nidorino gladly volunteered.

Under the treatment of the Max Revive, the injured Nidorino quickly recovered and started bouncing around, showing no side effects, convincing Nidoqueen to believe in Yuga and Joyna's words.

Subsequently, negotiations for the trade of Revival Herbs and Max Revives took place once again.

In the end, they reached an agreement. For every Max Revive they created for the Nidoran clan, the clan would provide them with ten Revival Herbs.

Initially, the Nidoran clan was reluctant to trade one Max Revive for ten Revival Herbs, feeling that it was unfair to them.

However, Yuga explained that creating a Max Revive not only required manual labor but also various precious materials that the Nidoran clan did not possess. He convinced them that it was a fair trade.

The Nidoran clan was willing to trade only Three-Leaf Revival Herbs, refusing to part with the more valuable Five-Leaf Revival Herbs.

According to them, the Five-Leaf Revival Herbs were the foundation of their constant supply of Revival Herbs. They never used them themselves, let alone trade them to outsiders.

Over the next week, Yuga and Joyna continued trading with the Nidoran clan, shuttling between the seaside and the clan's territory. Both sides preferred to keep the trade in small quantities to avoid any potential tricks by the other party, so each trade consisted of fifteen to twenty Max Revives.

During this time, they not only provided Max Revives but also taught the Nidoran clan how to properly store them to prevent the Max Revives from losing their effectiveness.

Under the healing power of Max Revives, Nidoqueen quickly returned to her prime. Just as Yuga had guessed, she not only didn't turn against them but also became quite friendly.

At the same time, Joyna's Latias also fully recovered under the treatment of Max Revives. The smile returned to Joyna's face.

As they cooperated, both sides gradually developed a silent understanding and became less tense than at the beginning. Even Nidoking's attitude towards Yuga and his group improved significantly.

One time, Nidoking even took the initiative to show Yuga the Revival Herb cultivation area of the Nidoran clan.

Their Revival Herbs grew collectively in a valley. According to Yuga's estimation, it should be directly above the dome space. The place appeared to be a perfect location, explaining why the Revival Herbs thrived there.

The valley was covered in a dense growth of Revival Herbs, resembling a lush green carpet spread across the ground. It was a sight that made Yuga almost envious.

However, 70% of the Revival Herbs were ordinary Three-Leaf Revival Herbs, while 29% were Five-Leaf Revival Herbs. The remaining 1% were Seven-Leaf Revival Herbs.

As for Nine-Leaf Revival Herbs, Nidoqueen said she had never seen one. Perhaps Nidoqueen knew about them, but Nidoqueen couldn't say for sure.

The Revival Herb growth area of the Nidoran clan was heavily guarded by many Pokémon guardians, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to enter. This was especially true for the Five-Leaf Revival Herbs, which were guarded even more rigorously than the Seven-Leaf Revival Herbs.

The Five-Leaf Revival Herbs represented the only period in a Revival Herb's life when it would reproduce. If anything went wrong with the Five-Leaf Revival Herbs, the entire Revival Herb supply of the Nidoran clan would be in jeopardy.

Before leaving the Revival Herb growth area, Nidoking even gifted Yuga a handful of Revival Herb seeds as a souvenir for their visit.

Nidoking was generous with this gift because he knew that once these seeds left the valley, they would never sprout again. They had attempted to plant Revival Herbs elsewhere before, but unfortunately, they couldn't get them to grow.

Yuga was surprised as he held a handful of Revival Herb seeds. He hadn't expected Nidoking to be so generous.

Nidoking's hand was not small, and the number of seeds he grabbed required Yuga to use both hands to handle them.

Of course, Revival Herb seeds themselves were not large, and a handful could hold around a dozen or twenty seeds.

The trading of Max Revives and Revival Herbs had been handled by Yuga, Joyna, and Joyka throughout. The other members of the group saw that the trading was going smoothly and embarked on adventures on the island.

Surprisingly, many of them found valuable items. The island had existed for a long time, remained undeveloped by humans, and although it was inhabited by a multitude of wild Pokémon, these Pokémon often didn't recognize the value of certain items, leading to opportunities for the adventurers.

As three days passed, Nidoqueen noticed their growing inventory of Max Revives and, in a good mood, decided to gift Yuga and Joyna each a Seven-Leaf Revival Herb, which pleasantly surprised both of them.

During these days, Yuga and the Joy family had acquired a total of three and seven Revival Herbs, respectively. For Yuga, this amounted to a substantial number of Revival Herbs.

If it weren't for Yuga's role in facilitating the trade with the Nidoran clan, he might not have obtained even a third of the Revival Herbs. After all, Yuga had come to the island at the invitation of the Joy family, and they had provided the equipment and materials for making Max Revives.

Yuga required all the Revival Herbs to have intact roots, along with soil and vitality, as he didn't intend to use them directly but rather wanted to plant them in his secondary garden.

These Revival Herbs, once stored in the system backpack, would maintain their vitality regardless of how much time passed, so Yuga wasn't concerned about them wilting along the way.

Besides Yuga, the Joy family seemed to have the same idea. As soon as their Revival Herbs were brought back to the cruise ship, they were placed in a special nutrient solution, making the Revival Herbs grow vigorously.

That nutrient solution appeared to be custom-made.

Yuga even suspected that the Joy family might have already figured out how to artificially cultivate Revival Herbs. If that were the case, their family would likely become even more prosperous in the future.

This day marked the final trade between Yuga and his group and the Nidoran clan. Both sides had enjoyed a harmonious collaboration recently, so after the exchange of goods and payment, they parted on good terms.

Just as Yuga and Joyna were preparing to leave, the sky suddenly echoed with a loud roar, and they both felt a tremendous sense of oppression.

"This... this is the Pressure Ability!"

Yuga's Absol had this Ability, so he was very familiar with it and instantly realized that a Pokémon in the Nidoran clan's territory had activated Pressure Ability.

"Nidqueen! Nidqueen!"

It's that guy again! Darn it!

After a furious roar, Nidoqueen charged towards the border of their territory, with Nidoking and the two Kangaskhan following closely behind. The ground trembled beneath their running.

"It must be the Aerodactyl!"

Yuga glanced at Joyna and immediately knew who the guy mentioned by Nidoqueen was. Then he whispered a sentence.

Joyna responded, "Let's go check it out!"

Yuga nodded and followed Nidoking and the others.

As they reached the edge of their territory, Nidoqueen looked up and saw the imposing Aerodactyl soaring above their home. Following behind Nidoqueen and her group, Yuga and Joyna also saw this intimidating Aerodactyl.


[ Aerodactyl ]

Type: Rock/Flying

Ability: Pressure

Gender: Male

Nature: Purple

Level: 100

Moves: Headbutt, Wing Attack, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Scary Face, Agility, Crunch, Hyper Beam, Take Down, Rock Slide, Giga Impact, Dragon Claw, Double Team, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Retaliate, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Tailwind, Earth Power, Iron Tail, Stealth Rock, Brave Bird.


No wonder this Aerodactyl was able to severely injure Nidoqueen. It was clearly not to be messed with, radiating a strong aura of danger. It had undoubtedly gone through countless life-and-death battles.

The arrogant Aerodactyl, upon seeing Nidoqueen emerge, wasted no time and unleashed the Rock Slide move. Massive boulders rained down from the sky, targeting not only Nidoqueen but also the less powerful members of the Nidoran clan and Kangaskhan.

Piercing screams echoed as many Nidoran and Kangaskhan who couldn't evade the giant stones were injured.

Nidoqueen shattered one of the boulders with a punch and glared at the Aerodactyl with fury, but the Aerodactyl remained provoking.

Nidoking opened its mouth and fired an Ice Beam at the Aerodactyl, but the Aerodactyl swiftly evaded it with an Agility move.

In terms of level, Nidoqueen was on par with the Aerodactyl, with neither holding an advantage in terms of type. However, the Aerodactyl had incredible speed, making it impossible for Nidoqueen to land an attack no matter how hard it tried.

Every time it dodged Nidoqueen's attacks, the Aerodactyl would unleash a barrage of Stone Edges, razor-sharp blades formed from Stone Edge moves. These blades not only struck Nidoqueen but also affected other weaker Pokémon.

However, the Aerodactyl didn't mind. It was extremely cunning and knew that Nidoqueen was resistant to Rock-type moves. It patiently led Nidoqueen on a wild goose chase, aiming to wear her down.

One thing puzzled the Aerodactyl, though. Why hadn't Nidoqueen's strength decreased at all? It had long coveted the Nidoran clan's Revival Herbs and knew more about their secrets than others. It knew that a Pokémon's strength would significantly drop if it consumed a Revival Herb after being injured. This was why it had challenged Nidoqueen last time, expecting her to make that choice.

Seeing Nidoqueen fully healed, it had initially thought that she had chosen to consume the Revival Herb. However, as the battle progressed, it realized something was off. Nidoqueen's strength remained undiminished.

Could it be that the rumor about consuming a Revival Herb weakening a Pokémon was false?

In this moment of doubt, the Aerodactyl made a crucial mistake while evading, and its wing grazed against Nidoqueen's Ice Beam, causing it injury.

With a wounded wing, the Aerodactyl's speed immediately dropped. Faced with Nidoqueen's relentless Ice Beam moves, it struggled more and more. Several times, it narrowly avoided getting hit again.

The battle between these two powerful Pokémon wreaked havoc, leaving the border of the Nidoran clan's territory riddled with damage. Some neighboring Pokémon who shared the territory with the Nidoran clan were also affected by the battle.

Watching the fierce battle between Nidoqueen and the Aerodactyl, Yuga and Joyna remained hidden in the distance, with no intention of getting involved.

Their relationship with the Nidoran clan was merely one of cooperation, not alliance, so they had no obligation to help fend off external threats.

Nidoking and the two Kangaskhan, on the other hand, were actively trying to assist their leader in the battle. But facing the considerably stronger Aerodactyl, they were overwhelmed and unable to contribute much.

The battle between the two Pokémon continued for nearly two hours before it finally came to an end.

The Aerodactyl is injured but Its injuries weren't severe, but it needed time to recover. Nidoqueen had also sustained injuries, though hers were more heavier than the Aerodactyl's, yet far better than her previous battle. Even without Revival Herbs or Max Revive, she could heal with some time.

Having overcome this difficulity, Nidoqueen was in a great mood and generously rewarded Yuga and Joyna with a Seven-Leaf Revival Herb each. As for Yuga and Joyna watching from the sidelines, Nidoqueen didn't mind at all. It had nothing to do with them.

With two Seven-Leaf Revival Herbs in hand, Yuga and Joyna happily left the Nidoran clan's territory and returned to the cruise ship by the sea.

Early the next morning, they were set to return to the mainland.

This trip to the unnamed island had been fruitful for both Yuga and Joy family. Every member of the team had their own gains, and so they excitedly departed from the island on their cruise ship.

As they watched the island disappear into the distance, Yuga couldn't help but sigh, wondering if they would ever have the opportunity to return to this bountiful island.

If only this island were closer to the human mainland and had a safe trade route. They could have established a long-term partnership with the Nidoran clan—Nidoran clan would provide them with Revival Herbs, and they would supply the clan with finished Max Revive.

As they departed from the island, everyone was in high spirits. However, just as they had left the island's vicinity, Yuga received a report from the crew that a Pokémon was rapidly approaching them.

Shortly after, Yuga saw the furious Aerodactyl charging toward them. It was the same Aerodactyl they had clashed with before Nidoqueen.

"Why is this Aerodactyl following us?" Joyna's expression changed as she saw it.

"Could it have found out about our deal with Nidoqueen and come for revenge?" Joyna speculated. Besides that, they had no grudges with the Aerodactyl.

"It's a possibility," Yuga replied calmly. He was already thinking of a solution, as he knew that battling the Aerodactyl head-on wouldn't work.

The approaching Aerodactyl was seething with anger. Just as Joyna had guessed, it had indeed discovered that Yuga and his group had helped Nidoking recover, foiling its plans. That's why it was now pursuing them, driven by resentment.

Despite its careful planning, the Aerodactyl unleashed its ultimate attack and charged directly at the cruise ship carrying Yuga and his group. To make matters worse, it activated its oppressive ability to the fullest.

In the moment the Aerodactyl charged, Nana and Joyna's Latias worked together to create a psychic barrier, attempting to block the furious Aerodactyl.

However, the sheer force of the Aerodactyl's impact began to crack the psychic barrier, and it seemed on the verge of breaking. Tension gripped everyone on board.

But suddenly, a yellow figure emerged from the sea, colliding with the Aerodactyl and sending it flying. The Aerodactyl let out a pitiful cry, narrowly avoiding plunging into the ocean. Already injured from its previous encounter with Nidoqueen, this collision worsened its condition.

Once the yellow figure stabilized in the air, Yuga and his group could clearly see the true identity of this savior.


[ Dragonite ]

Type: Dragon/Flying

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Purple

Level: 100

Skills: Twister, Dragon Fury, Thunder Wave, Agility, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Hyper Beam, Hail, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Safeguard, Hurricane, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Roost, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Brick Break, Steel Wing, Protect, Aura Sphere, Giga Impact, Stomping Tantrum, Surf, Waterfall, Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Draco Meteor, Superpower, Tailwind, Rest, Focus Punch, Extreme Speed.


Seeing this Dragonite, everyone aboard took a collective gasp. The Dragonite waved at them with a friendly smile, displaying its gentle demeanor.

Furious from the surprise attack, the Aerodactyl retaliated against the Dragonite, but it was no match for this powerful Dragonite.

The Dragonite scolded the Aerodactyl sternly after giving it another thrashing. It turned out that the Dragonite was peacefully sleeping underwater when the Aerodactyl, driven by its Pressure Ability, flew right over its head, rudely awakening it.

Startled from its deep slumber, the Dragonite woke up and chased the Aerodactyl from the depths of the ocean. It not only disturbed its peaceful nap but also intended to attack a human ships.

This was unacceptable! One of its favorite things to do was to rescue ships in distress at sea. How could it just stand by and watch a ship sink?

The Dragonite decided to intervene, and when the Aerodactyl realized it was no match for the Dragonite, it cast a harsh glare at Yuga and the others before fleeing in a sorry state.

Seeing the Aerodactyl retreat, the Dragonite nodded in satisfaction, then waved to Yuga and his group once more before gracefully diving back into the ocean.

It was... an unexpectedly look like a silly Dragonite.

"Did we just... get saved?" Joycelynasked incredulously, her eyes wide with disbelief. Everything had happened so suddenly, it was hard to believe.

"Yes, we got saved. Let's thank our good fortune!" Joyna reassured her.

Aside from the incident with the Aerodactyl, their journey back had been relatively trouble-free, with any minor issues well within their capabilities to handle.

A week later, the cruise ship docked at the Cerulean Strait.

Meanwhile at the same time Yuga and the others returned to Cerulean City, on an unnamed beach, a red-haired young man wearing a cape walked around anxiously. Soon, a yellow figure flew over the sea, revealing itself to be Dragonite.

The red-haired young man's worried expression vanished as soon as he saw Dragonite. When Dragonite landed beside him, he immediately complained: "Old Ancestor! What happened to your promise? You said you'd play for just two days and come back, but look how many days its has been passed!!!"

Seeing the agitated state of the red-haired young man, Dragonite scratched the back of its head and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, as if saying: What are you talking about? I have no idea!

Seeing his old ancestor play dumb, the young man deflated and said, "Alright, alright, let's forget about it this time. But you can't do this next time."

Seeing that the red-haired young man wasn't holding a grudge, Dragonite stopped pretending and grinned. Then, it playfully embraced the young man and nuzzled its head against the man's fiery red hair.

Seeing his ancestor using cuteness and stubbornness to evade responsibility, the red-haired young man sighed in resignation and said, "Alright, you've had your fun. It's time to go back!"

Dragonite obediently nodded, then carried the young man on its back and soared into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

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