I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 920: Mutual Assistance

Chapter 920: Mutual Assistance

Early in the morning, before the sun had fully risen, Greninja, who had been sleeping by the lake, grew impatient and turned over. Unable to fall back asleep, it decided to sit up.

Lately, for some reason, it had been feeling restless deep within. Unable to sleep any longer, it checked the sky and saw that dawn was approaching. Greninja decided to get up.

A small, Feebas by the lake was startled by Greninja's movements. It darted into the central part of the lake, hiding among the water hyacinths, causing ripples to spread through the water.

Greninja paid no attention to the Feebas, leaped effortlessly onto the nearest tree with a few graceful bounds, and disappeared from the lake's edge.

Ever since the Linoone and Mightyena couple had moved to the gym's small Ecopark to manage the patrolling Pokémon, this section of the forest by the lake had been left with only Greninja.

The shy and timid Feebas cautiously peeked its head out from the water hyacinths, seeing that Greninja was gone. It let out a bubble and swam out once more.

Two Milotic, much larger than Feebas, were also awakened from their slumber at this time. They saw their child being so timid and shook their heads helplessly.

At the edge of the forest, Greninja stood on a tall tree, peering through the dense leaves at the calm sea. It wondered: What should I do so early in the morning?

With that thought in mind, it leaped down from the massive tree, made its way to the beach, and plunged into the sea, creating ripples on the surface.

About ten minutes later, a swift silhouette burst out of the sea, landing on the rocks where the Clamperl lived. It stood tall on the highest rock, gazing into the distance. Upon closer inspection, it was the Greninja that had just jumped into the sea.

At this moment, all the Clamperl were fast asleep. Some of them tightly closed their deep blue shells, while others carefreely opened their shells, revealing the light blue flesh inside and their pink pearls.

Two much larger Cloyster had somehow mixed in with the Clamperl. They nestled their bodies in the crevices of the rocks, and their hard shells opened and closed, showing that they were in a deep slumber.

Greninja's movements were silent and didn't disturb the sleeping Clamperl. However, when it jumped back into the sea, a Gorebyss and a Huntail emerged from the holes in the rocks, looking at the rippling waves in trance.

Having left the Clamperl behind, Greninja swam to the territory of the Clawitzer. By now, the sky was fully lit, and the Water-type Pokémon in the Shallow Seashore Sub-Ecopark had started to wake up, including some Clawitzer.

Before Greninja had arrived at the Ecopark, it had been the guardian of the Clawitzer. They were quite familiar with each other, and when they saw Greninja approaching, the Clawitzer along the way greeted it in a friendly manner.

The Pokémon in the Ecopark had been instructed to exercise every morning. When other Water-type Pokémon were beginning their morning exercises, the Clawitzer leader, who was still sleeping in the coral reef at the seabed, was awakened.

Greninja tried to wake it up by patting its large pincer, but it only stirred slightly and didn't open its eyes.

Helplessly, Greninja used a gentle Water Shuriken on it, tapping its head, though not with much force.


In its sleep, the Clawitzer leader thought it was under attack and frantically released a flurry of bubbles. It swung its large pincer as if it were ready to fight.


It's you again! Are you here to fight me?

After realizing that it was Greninja in front of it, the Clawitzer leader let out a sigh of relief, lazily lying back on the ground.

They had been old friends for years, so their attitude towards each other was quite casual.

Greninja was the most combat like Pokémon in the entire Ecopark, and there was no doubt about it. Whenever it came to see the Clawitzer leader, it was always for a friendly spar.

But it was precisely because of Greninja's combative and self-disciplined nature that it became one of the fastest-growing Pokémon in the Ecopark.

The Clawitzer leader, who had always been somewhat of a slacker, had no interest in fighting early in the morning. At this time, It exuded an air of decadence.

Honestly, if it weren't for its relatively old age within the Clan, it wouldn't have become the leader, and it didn't want to be the leader either. It planned to pass on the leadership position in a while and continue to live a lazy life.

The environment in the Shallow Seashore of the Sub-Ecopark was excellent. It could lie leisurely on the coral rocks, soaking up the sun every day. This was the ideal retirement life for the Clawitzer leader. Although it was still in its prime age-wise among the Clawitzer, it didn't prevent it from wanting to retire early.

Actually, Yūga knew that some Pokémon didn't enjoy fighting, so not all Pokémon were expected to excel in battle. However, daily morning exercises were necessary for both their well-being and the benefit of future generations.

But the Clawitzer leader typically found ways to skip the morning exercises.

Greninja, with its relatively strict and serious personality, didn't like the leader's slacker mentality. So when it saw the leader not responding to its call for a sparring match, it grabbed one of its antennae and tossed it aside.


A blue figure burst out of the sea, flying into the air.

Dewgong, Sharpedo, Corsola, Lapras, Kabutops, and Horsea... These Pokémon all raised their heads in unison to look at the Clawitzer leader, who was now falling back into the sea in an arc. Then, they lowered their heads and continued with their own activities.

This was another lesson from Greninja!

It was widely known that the slacker Clawitzer leader was often taught a lesson by its good friend Greninja.

An hour later, the slacker Clawitzer leader lay sprawled out on a rock above the sea, thoroughly defeated.

(﹏) Clawitzer leader: Life is meaningless.

After some stretching and movement, the Clawitzer leader felt completely disjointed from its body.

Influence by this inner restlessness, Greninja's desire for battle grew stronger, and the energy within it seemed ready to burst out at any moment.

What could be causing this?

Driven by this inner restlessness, Greninja's fighting spirit continued to expand, so it left the Shallow Seashore Sub-Ecopark and headed for the Desert Sub-Ecopark.

If you were to ask which Sub-Ecopark Greninja visited most frequently for battles, it would undoubtedly be the Desert Sub-Ecopark. The Gligar and Flygon, inhabitants of the Desert, were its most common opponents.

The environment there was unique; once inside the Desert, there was no concern about environmental damage during battles. Moreover, in such an extremely dry environment, Greninja's control over its Water-type abilities could be further honed.

When Greninja entered the Desert Sub-Ecopark, both the Gligar Clan and the Flygon Clan were in the midst of their morning exercises, supervised by their respective leaders.

Greninja thought for a moment and then ran towards the Gligar Clan's location.

Lately, the Gliscor leader had been in a great mood. Ever since Yuga helped it nurture offspring with blue potential, it had placed great importance on training its children, hoping they would grow quickly and eventually take over the leadership of the Gligar Clan, ensuring its prosperity.

Recently, its children had finally evolved from Gligar into Gliscor, and two more offspring with blue potential were born in the Clan. Everything was progressing in the direction the leader had hoped for.

Haha, it wouldn't be long before our Gligar Clan would defeat the Flygon Clan! Haha... Haha...

As the leader watched its children train and daydreamed, it suddenly noticed a blue figure rapidly approaching their location.

Tsk! Is it that Greninja guy again? The Gliscor leader grumbled discontentedly.

While the Gligar Clan was considered a combative group within the Ecopark, they weren't masochists. They used to welcome Greninja when it came for a friendly spar, but over time, they realized that none of them could defeat Greninja, and gradually, they preferred Greninja to stay away.

As Greninja arrived, the training Gligar and Gliscors stopped what they were doing.


Does anyone want to have a match with me?

Greninja asked as it looked around.

The Gligar and Gliscors backed away, not wanting to be defeated.

Disappointed, Greninja muttered: No wonder you can never beat the Flygon.

Hearing this, the Gliscor leader became furious. It was fine for Greninja to say they weren't as good as anyone else, but it couldn't tolerate being compared unfavorably to the Flygon Clan, even though it was true.

Although the Gligar Clan had developed well in recent years, so had the Flygon Clan. Moreover, the Flygon Clan had a much stronger foundation than the Gligar Clan. The gap between the two Clans hadn't really narrowed.

In the Gliscor leader's mind, the idea that the Gligar Clan could surpass the Flygon Clan had always been a fantasy. However, Due to years of rivalry, it refused to admit this fact.

"Today, I'll show you just how formidable our Gligar Clan is!" The infuriated Gliscor leader assumed a battle stance, preparing to enter the battle personally.

Greninja's eyes lit up at the challenge, and its restless desire for battle made it feel like its blood was boiling.

In reality, Greninja hadn't intended to provoke a fight. When it said those words, it had just wanted to express its thoughts and had no intention of angering the Gliscor leader.

In short, while Greninja is strong and talented, it has a rigid personality and low emotional intelligence. It often unintentionally says things it shouldn't.

When Greninja prepared for battle, the Gliscor leader launched a barrage of Stone Edge. The other Gligar and Gliscors stepped aside, creating space, and cheered on their leader.

While Greninja was being bombarded by countless stone blades, the Gliscor leader used Acrobatic moves to charge at Greninja swiftly.

Greninja quickly threw numerous Water Shurikens, accurately deflecting each stone blade, and in the midst of the Gliscor leader's acrobatic charge, it extended its long tongue, using its Lick move to immobilize the Gliscor leader, then it used Water Pulse to knock it away.

The Gliscor leader, now lying on the ground, not only suffered from the effects of Water Pulse but also was paralyzed due to the Lick move.

In a paralyzed state, the Gliscor leader couldn't smoothly use its moves and was quickly defeated by Greninja.

After Greninja left, the Gliscor leader fell into self-doubt, wondering: How did I lose? I didn't even use my full power!

Greninja, after departing from the Gligar clan, it paid a visit to the Flygon clan. After some intense sparring with several strong Flygon, it left the Desert Sub-Ecopark.

The more it battled, the more it felt restless. The boiling power within its body seemed ready to burst out.

Could it be that the previous battles no longer satisfy me? Am I now unsatisfied?

Maybe I need a stronger thrill! Greninja couldn't help but think.

With this in mind, it headed to the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, intending to find a more formidable Druddigon.

However, after searching for a while and not finding Druddigon, but it encountered Dragonite's mother instead.

Greninja wasn't the type of Pokémon moveed in social interactions, so it wasn't very familiar with Dragonite or Dragonite's mother. Meeting such a powerful elder like Dragonite's mother made it feel somewhat uncomfortable.

At that moment, Dragonite's mother was instructing Zweilous and Shelgon in their training. Shelgon showed signs of evolving soon, which was why Dragonite's mother had been personally guiding them. Before that, they had been trained by Druddigon.

The idle Druddigon took its only remaining apprentice, Noiverm, somewhere for a break. When it heard that Greninja had been looking for Druddigon but couldn't find it, Dragonite's mother knew that Druddigon had likely slacked off again.

Yuga always had a lenient approach to managing Pokémon whose power above Elite level Pokémon, so Pokémon like Druddigon often became lazy as they didn't feel the need to push themselves.

Back then when it still lived in the wild, the environment itself pushed them to become stronger. However, in the Ecopark, where they had access to ample food and safety, life was much more relaxed.

Seeing Greninja's dejected demeanor and realizing that it was not in the right state of mind, Dragonite's mother grabbed Greninja and began examining it thoroughly.

The helpless Greninja could only let Dragonite's mother thoroughly examine it.

(_) Sob sob sob, I can't get married anymore! (Just kidding)

"You're about to break through!" Dragonite's mother said to Greninja after examining its condition.

Greninja was puzzled by the statement: Break through?

Seeing Greninja's confusion, Dragonite's mother realized it lacked experience and said, "You two, continue your training for a while. I'll be right back."

Shelgon and Zweilous nodded, and Dragonite's mother grabbed Greninja by the arm and flew out of the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark.

Compared to Dragonite's imposing and strong physique, Greninja looked as small as a chick and was carried away quite directly.

Dragonite's mother flew with Greninja all the way to the Shallow Seashore, which was the ideal place for its breakthrough.

She could tell that Greninja's level had already reached the peak pseudo-Elite level, and any further progress would bring it to Elite level. This was a significant milestone, and Dragonite's mother knew she had to be careful.

Although Dragonite's mother lived in the Flower Sea, she was quite familiar with the Shallow Seashore. Despite they lived in Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, the Dragonite clan was a water-loving species of Pokémon that spent their early years living in water.

She dropped Greninja on the sandy beach and conjured a small blue water droplet from somewhere, placing it on Greninja's forehead. The droplet immediately merged into Greninja's brain.

This blue water droplet was a treasure Dragonite's mother had found in a lake in the Petalburg Forest, containing potent Water-type energy. Unfortunately, neither she nor her son had any use for it, so she decided to let Greninja benefit from it today.

As soon as the water droplet entered Greninja's body, it felt like a surge of clarity washed over its mind, and the restlessness in its body vanished. Right after, its breakthrough began.

The Shallow Seashore was a place teeming with Water-type energy. During Greninja's breakthrough, a massive influx of seawater rushed towards it, forming a swirling water current that enveloped Greninja.

With Greninja's momentum continually rising, after more than ten minutes, the water current exploded, and it successfully broke through.

Seeing Greninja's successful breakthrough, Dragonite's mother nodded in satisfaction and said, "A good student indeed, and it didn't go to waste that I used one of my precious treasures."

Greninja was about to express its gratitude to Dragonite's mother when she suddenly flapped her wings and flew away.

Greninja thought to itself: A true elder, always ready to help!

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