I’m Only a Stepmother, but My Daughter is Just so Cute!

Chapter 19

Dont worry. The King and I have a good relationship.


Yes. You can try asking the others if youre doubtful. Ive been having quite a few meals with him as of late. I shed a virtual tear upon realizing just how ridiculous I sounded as I spoke...To think Id ever boast of my friendship with someone just because they agreed to eat with me

Sir Moize actually took that surprisingly well, seeming slightly thoughtful even, To think youre now able to have a meal with him It looks like the relationship between you two really has improved.

It appeared as though his rant was finally going to end, butI knew that wouldnt be the case. Situations like thisneverend when you want it to. Sure enough, he continued with renewed vigor, But this is still a matter of much concern. If you dont get an heir, your position as Queen would be in danger, and this danger might extend to Cronenberg as well.

It was understandable that Abigails parents and Sir Moize would be worried.

After all, Cronenberg was an incredibly weak country compared to Nergen. But, honestly

Do youactuallythink I can pop out a child just because I want to, you fool? Sabelian doesnt love me, nor do I, him. And lastIheard, making a child is a co-op game, not singleplayer!Granted, I have never actually wanted one to begin with, so the thought of not conceiving a child is more than welcome in my head.Sir Moize became a little suspicious when he found that I had not responded to him. Youre still not being hated by him, are you?

Of course not. Were on very good terms together.


Really. I decided to push through with the power of sheer bullheadedness. It wasnt like hed be able to say otherwise anyway.Whats important right now isbluffing! Just like how I did every thanksgiving!

Sir Moize stared at me for a moment before putting up a smile, So Ill finally be able to see you two dance.

Eh? Wait a second.Sir Moizes eyes instantly turned sharp when I couldnt answer him immediately. Could it beyou were lying about the relationship?

O-of course youll be able to see us dance. Why would I lie?

I see. Then Ill be looking forward to it. Indeed, Sir Moize looked incredibly happy.

Oh dear, oh dear. I think I just dug myself a very deep grave.


Sabelian felt a strange chill run down his neck. At the same time, he felt a tiny itch on his right ear, making him scratch it subconsciously.

Is something wrong, Your Majesty?

Its nothing. I just felt cold for a second. Sabelian replied as he entered the garden. Millard followed closely behind him. It was a little warm, but perfect weather for a walk, regardless. Come to think of it, Blanche and Abigail had been taking walks together here as well. He did see them once. It was a sight he would never have imagined seeing just half a year ago.

It seems youve been on good terms with the queen recently. Millard interrupted his thoughts, sounding annoyed. Sabelian found himself pausing in his step for a second, Im just eating with her every once in a while. Plus, you were happy that I would be eating with Blanche as well, if you recall.

Millard sighed. Its good that youre getting close with the princess, butI still find it difficult to trust the queen. As a knight of the royal family, his top priority was always the safety of Sabelian and Blanche.

The nutmeg incident is still very suspicious to me, he continued, Yes, Miss Jeremie confessed, butI find it strange that the queen was the one to eat the food.

You believe Abigail had a hand in this matter?

She did voluntarily consume poison once, after all. In Millards eyes, Abigail was evil and would always remain that way. Every action of hers, even those considered mundane and normal, he considered as potentially malicious and foul. This was a woman who had been so jealous of the little princess that shed used violence to hurt her. If someone could resort to such terrible actions, there was no way they would suddenly change just likethat.

Which was precisely why he was not a fan of how Sabelian was acting nowadays. To think the king would be on good terms with that womanIt was almost as if hed been charmed by a witch. Sabelian noticed Millards expression hardening and decided to speak after a moment of thought, Its not like I actually trust Abigail. Though I do find it foolish to be suspicious of her when Miss Jeremie confessed already.

Yes, you are correct, Your Majesty. Millard finally said. Sabelian found himself pondering the matter a little bit more. He mustve looked very close to Abigail for Millard to be this worried.

Did he like Abigail? No, not at all. He was morecuriousabout her, if anything.

Abigails facial expressions seemed to be changing as fast as the summer weather recently, challenging all he thought he knew of her. It was rather interesting to watch. In fact, the reason why he started eating with her in the first place was exactly because of that. He remembered the incident when shed grabbed hold of his face and his fingers reached up to stroke his cheek at the memory.

As he was thinking to himself, a servant approached him hurriedly. Your Majesty, the queen requests a meeting with you.

Abigail? He could see Abigail standing at the entrance of the garden. When Sabelian nodded, Abigail immediately made her way towards him. She greeted him courteously but expressionlessly. Have you been well, Your Majesty? And thank you for all your hard work, Sir Millard.

Millard nodded at her politely. The man never bothered to speak with Abigail. Back in the day, Millard used to angrily tell the woman off for her manners. It even got to the point where Abigail would visit Sabelian just to ask that Millard be fired. But recently, Abigail didnt even seem to care anymore in the least, like now, Id like to speak in private, is that alright with you?

Of course. Millard, if you would. Millard clearly wasnt pleased with the situation, but he still complied. He watched the two talk from afar. It was a particularly bright, sunny day. The bonnet on Abigails head cast a dark shadow over her face. What would you like to talk about?

Um, well Abigail hesitated for a second, Id like you to dance with me during the festival this year.

Dance? He echoed. Abigail nodded. She seemed pretty nervous, I know that you dislike dancing, butthings have gotten a little troublesome for me this time around.

What happened?

A messenger came from Cronenberg. Sabelian could guess what had happened. Abigails family mustve been pressuring her. After all, the one whod be in trouble without a child was Abigail, not Sabelian. Sabelian had Blanche.

Blanche wasnt a boy, but he should still be able to make it work out one way or the other. But for Abigail, not so much. A queen without a child was bound to have a lot of bad rumors surrounding her. My family seems to think we are unable to have a child because of our relationship.

Abigails face seemed particularly dark.Was it because of the shadow?I denied it, butthey didnt seem to believe me. Thats why

If we dont dance, the rumors about you would just get worse. He finished for her. Abigail nodded once more. Sabelian didnt say anything for a while. This wasnt the first time she had asked him to dance with her. In fact, Abigail had begged him for a dance at least once last year as well. It was the same request, essentially. But.it also feltdifferent.

Was it because of her eyes? Before her death, Abigails eyes had always been full of greed. He detested them, for they reminded him ofthat womanseyes.

Eyes that seemed to want to swallow him whole, consume him and never let him go.

But her eyes this time left a different impression on him. They were the same purple eyes, but they had somehow changed in essence. The greed from last year was nowhere to be seen. Instead, they were filled with worry. Perhaps that was why he did not feel annoyed at her request unlike the last time. But even so

Im sorry. Sabelian apologized. He thought about explaining why he couldnt dance, but he ended up swallowing the words back. He did not believe she would understand, so he decided to lie, I dislike dancing because of my lack of skill for it.

AhI see. Would you like to practice together, then? Abigails rejoinder was so natural and innocent, catching Sabelian so off guard that he found himself unable to react properly from shock.

We might as well practice if youre bad at it. We still have plenty of time. She seemed dead serious. It would have been much easier for him had she been shocked, or if she had laughed at him instead

Practice, you say. He finally murmured.

Yes. I havent danced in a while either, so I need it as well. She said matter-of-factly. Sabelian hesitated when he turned to face her properly. He could not detect any hidden motive or malicious intent from her so far but at the same time, he did not like dancing. In fact, one could even say he greatly disliked dancing. Thus, he decided he could just say no to her like always.

Dancing He started to say but trailed off, for Abigail was looking up at him. Her concerned face looked so innocent, and her eyes were incredibly bright and clear under the sun. He swallowed. He had to refuse thatface? He found it very difficult to answer her directly.

Ill think about it. He finally managed a proper response. To Abigail, however, it sounded like a plain refusal. A moment of awkward silence passed. Her gaze flitted around for a moment before she responded politely, Yes, I understand. Im sorry for asking you to do something like this. Ill take my leave now, Your Majesty.

Abigail turned away to leave. Sabelian did not understand why, but he could not take his eyes off her back until she had completely disappeared.


To the left, and then turn straight to the rightyes, verygood, princess! Blanche stepped forward with her left foot in rhythm with the music. She was dancing, her features set with concentration.

It was a very energetic dance with a light, cheery music, definitely meant for a child. Normally, they would have her dancing to an actual band, but this time they had to settle for a music box. Blanche was skipping around lightly to the music. She seemed like a little doll straight out of a movie.

I had placed several mirrors all around the room so that Verite would be able to record this.She is SO adorable. I really should watch this whenever Im feeling depressed.As soon as the music box stopped playing, Clara and Blanche stopped as well. Blanche bowed to Clara as an acknowledgement to the song ending. I found myself jumping from my seat to clap without thinking twice.

Amazing! Absolutely spectacular! Surely youll be the one to shine the most during this years festival! I burst out.Surely?Of coursethatd be the case! No one is as cute as Blanche in the whole wide world!Blanche bowed towards me with reddened cheeks, T-thank you, Miss Abigaileven though Im still so bad at it

No no, you were great. Wasnt she, Clara?

Yes! Of course! Princess Blanche is the cutest in the kingdom!Ohoho, it seems my love for Blanche has been spreading recently.To think even Clara has finally started to fathom the depths of her cuteness B-U-T youve still got a ways to go, Clara. Blanche isnt the cutest in the kingdomShes the cutest girl in the world!!I silently beamed at the two with pride. Clara, meanwhile, turned to speak to Norma, You think so too, right, Norma? That Princess Blanche is just thecutest!

Calling someone whos your master cute is just rude, Clara. Norma spoke with a very cold voice.Well, she wasnt wrong. Indeed, in any and all other situations, calling your boss cute would just be plain rude.Having realized that she had potentially overstepped her position, Clara immediately apologised, Ah! Im sorry, princess. I just

Its ok, Clara, you were complimenting me. Blanche smiled faintly, but her face shone as brightly as the sun itself, clearly still happy over receiving praise.Ah, how could a little girl be this cute and well-mannered at the same time?

Actually Id like to do it better if I can, She continued hesitantly, Maybe Father would praise me if I danced well?

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