I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 176: Boss, he knows…

Chapter 176: Boss, he knows…

6: Boss, he knows

Then Song Xuan looked skeptical.

Seeing Wu Chens attitude, she really couldnt say anything. She felt that because of Soul Cure, Wu Chen became a bit overconfident, but she wouldnt say it out loud.

Then love Song Xuan thought.

What about the style? Wu Chen asked again.

Style lyrical the chorus can be a little faster Song Xuan spoke very slowly, and said in a long voice, Its better to have a little punk feeling.

Wu Chen raised his eyebrows with a smile and nodded. He had an expression of Okay, no problem.

The lyrical songs with the theme of love, but adding punk elements, especially in the most important chorus part, which seemed to conflict, but in fact, there was no conflict at all.

Many songs had a lyrical rhythm with a beautiful melody at the beginning, but it would suddenly become dry when it reached the chorus.

This contrast could highlight the explosive power of the chorus.

But its also hard to write!

However, this was of course no problem for Wu Chen.

He had a bunch of songs that had been confirmed to be popular in a day!

There were a few types of songs, and love was the biggest theme in the songs, so Wu Chen had something ready-made!

What I mentioned was it too much Song Xuan suddenly changed her tone again, the more confident Wu Chen acted, the more uncertain she became, How about just love as the theme, senior, you can write whatever you want

Then, Ill write it. Wu Chen didnt say anything more and started to write in the notebook.

There was no pause at all!

Wu Chen wrote super fast, as if he didnt need to think at all!

Song Xuan looked at it, and began to feel that Wu Chen used the song he had written before to deal with her, but it didnt feel right, because Wu Chen only asked her what song to write today.

In ten minutes, Wu Chen finished writing the lyrics.

Less than ten minutes later, Wu Chen finished writing the simplified score.

Then came the mixing part. Wu Chen marked the instruments, harmonies, and different stages of singing. Wu Chen knew Song Xuans voice when she sang, and he also knew her singing habits, so his markings were all targeted.

After Wu Chen finished writing, Song Xuan could directly record the demo according to the content in the notebook, and she didnt need anyone else to guide and correct her.

It took a total of half an hour.

After Wu Chen finished writing, he handed the notebook back to Song Xuan, then smiled and said, Look.

Song Xuan took it and looked down.

Song for me Song Xuan muttered, she read the title of the song, it was called Song for Me.

This was a very small and fresh song at the beginning, but the chorus part suddenly becomes dry.

Telling people about love, it would give people a cool feeling

Because it was only words, Song Xuan couldnt judge how the song would end up.

But just from the lyrics, it was very well written!

Thank you senior. After Song Xuan finished watching, she didnt comment on the song, but thanked Wu Chen.

Its sold to you, so I should thank you. Wu Chen smiled.

This seemed to remind Song Xuan.

Oh yes! Song Xuan came to her senses, took out her mobile phone and said, Senior, what is your card number, I will give you 100,000 yuan first. Once there is a contract, we will make an appointment again. I will definitely not cheat

Scan the code. Wu Chen opened the mobile phone payment QR code, put the mobile phone flat on the table, and pushed it over.

Wu Chen knew that Song Xuan always had millions of pocket money in Penguin Pay and WeChat.

Song Xuan scanned the QR code to pay.

One hundred thousand arrived!

Okay, thats it for today. I still have something to do Wu Chen put away his phone and stood up.

Okay, senior lets do this first. Song Xuan also stood up. In fact, she was also in a hurry to leave. She wanted to go back to record the song and didnt want to waste any time. Senior, lets make an appointment next time. Ill treat you to dinner, lets talk about it

Sure, lets do that. Wu Chen stopped talking nonsense, gathered his suit, smiled at Song Xuan, turned and left.

When passing by Bai Lings table, Wu Chen seemed to inadvertently glance at Bai Ling who was fiddling with her mobile phone to send messages.

Bai Ling didnt seem to pay attention to Wu Chen, until Wu Chen walked over and turned his back to her, then she turned her head to take a look, and then clicked the send button on the phones chat interface.

Song Xuan watched Wu Chen go out.

Sitting down again, she tidied up the computer bag and other things that she always carried. Before putting away the notebook, she looked at it again, pursing her lips and frowning slightly.

She still felt Wu Chen was unreliable.

Although Wu Chens song was written quite well, and the theme style was decided by her today, it might have just been written by Wu Chen.

Song Xuan would not question Wu Chens talent.

But could it be a hit? Could it work? Many long-established singers were surrounded by a group of professionals, but they still had to take breaks. If a new song was not popular, no one would listen to it. It was very difficult to make a song popular. Wu Chen wrote it casually how could it be possible?

Even though she thought so, Song Xuan definitely wanted to record and release the song when she went back.

After spending all that money, she must try it!

A few minutes later

On Dongfeng Road, Wu Chen was driving a Lamborghini, neither fast nor slow.

He looked in the rearview mirror frequently, because a car had been following him since he left the cafe!

At first it was one car, but now a few minutes later, two more cars converged, and three cars followed him together.

Wu Chen was not surprised at all.

Its been two minutes.

The fourth tracking car finally appeared. The first three were two cars and a commercial vehicle, and the fourth car was a black off-road vehicle. When Wu Chens Lamborghini was crossing the intersection, he suddenly turned right and followed

Wu Chen knew what they were going to do.

They would be given a chance, but not now.

He hit the accelerator!

Lamborghini suddenly accelerated!

But they didnt accelerate too fast, ensuring that the four vehicles following him could follow,

They couldnt catch up further. Unless they wanted to cause a big accident, but obviously they didnt want to.

Another twenty minutes passed

Wanlong Road, Dongcheng District, Donghai City, at the southeast corner of the intersection of Wanlong Road and Dongshi Street, just beside this wide intersection, stands a ten-storey enterprise building. This building looked old. At least it was built more than ten years ago. The construction style was very advanced and had a sense of design.

Even if one looked at it now, it was not outdated.

The Lamborghini came at a high speed, and when he got close to the enterprise building, he started to slow down. When he drove down the road, four tracking cars surrounded him. One overtook and stopped in front, and the other three cars split into left and right and behind.

It blocked the road!

Wu Chen braked and stabilized the Lamborghini.

He turned off the engine and pulled out the key to get out of the car, then slammed the door.

Wu Chen gathered his suit, put one hand in his pocket, and looked indifferent.

People got out of the four surrounding cars, a group of bodyguards in black suits.

Wu Chen turned his head directly and glanced at the Leader, a short-haired bodyguard in his thirties with a hulking back. Wu Chen knew who was the leader without looking at their positions.

As expected, this person went directly to Wu Chen and said seriously, Im sorry, Mr. Wu, please come. Our boss wants to see you.

Lets go. Wu Chen smiled, and as he said that, he threw the Lamborghini car keys to the short-haired bodyguard and said, Park the car for me!

After speaking, he bypassed the people and walked directly to the main entrance of the enterprise building.

The short-haired bodyguard had a strange expression on his face, but he didnt say anything. After gesturing for several others to follow Wu Chen, he looked at the car keys Wu Chen threw to him, then took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

It went through.

Did you get him? The other party asked directly. It was a very soft female voice.

Boss got him. The short-haired bodyguards tone was even weirder.

Whats wrong? The woman could hear the bodyguards tone was wrong, He didnt cooperate?

No, its not that. The bodyguard immediately said, and at the same time raised his head and looked at the top of the enterprise building. There were four signboards on the top of the building Senlan Group!

Boss, hes downstairs right now, the car he just parked he seems to know you want to find him the bodyguard said in a weird and uncertain tone.

What?! Wu Yurongs voice froze.

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