I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 76 - I Confronted a Gigantic Beast

Chapter 76 - I Confronted a Gigantic Beast

The day of the hunting tournament finally arrived. There were so many people in the city of Rigforeshia that the atmosphere around us could rightly be called a festival, as compared to last night.

[Speaking of which, Rei-san. How are they going to determine the winner of the hunting competition?]

[It’s based on quantity and quality. There are various animals and monsters in the forest, and each of them has their corresponding points. Of course, the more powerful a monster is, the higher the points, but danger also increases. Well, a lot of people take part in this event every year, so if you ever get in danger, there are people nearby who will come to your aid.]

[So…… Speaking of the most powerful monster, what monster is it?]

As we all walk around the city, I ask Rei about the hunting tournament.

It seems that the rankings are based on a point system, and it’s up to the individuals to decide whether they would hunt a large number of weaker animals or to defeat the more powerful monsters.

How they tally up the points is still a mystery though…… Do they bring back parts of the beings as proof of their subjugation?

[The most powerful monster should be the “Black Bear”.]

[Black Bear? I’ve heard of a Red Bear before, but are they something similar?]

[No, the Red Bear and Black Bear isn’t similar. Red Bears are very popular as prey because of the quality of their meat and fur. However, Black Bears have poisonous flesh that can’t be eaten, and their fur is difficult to process, making them a vermin with hardly any use.]


[More than anything else, their strength is completely different. The Red Bear may be a fierce beast, but it’s quite easy to hunt if you can use magic. However, Black Bears are as strong as wyverns. Their movements are slow, but their power is tremendous, and their fur is as hard as iron, and it can’t be scratched by those with half-baked abilities.]

Thinking about wyverns made me think about those wyverns that were easily killed by Kuro, but it seems that Kuro is just too strong, and wyverns are very powerful monsters.

If someone can defeat a wyvern on their own, they can be said as one of the best fighters of Humans.

[Most participants will probably avoid it, but Lilia-chan, Lunamaria-chan, and Sieg should be able to defeat it alonge, so the key to winning the championship will be how many of these black bears they can hunt.]

[……Is Rei-san also aiming for those black bears?]

[No, I’ve been retired as a mage for a long time. It’s also a pain in the ass dealing with those black bears. If I could, I’d like to earn my points from somewhere else.]

[Is there a chance that Lilia-san and the others can win?]

Rei-san seems to have participated in many hunting competitions in the past and is familiar with many different situations here. So, I decided to ask him if there was a chance that Lilia-san and the others could win the competition.

[……Honestly, it’s going to be tough.]

[!? ]

[I’m not saying that it’s impossible for them but…… There are far more participants in this year’s tournament than usual, probably because of the prize this year. It seems that the captain of the Elven Guards will be participating as well. However, putting them aside…… I looked around a bit this morning, and there were two people who were clearly different in status from the others.]

[Different? Are you saying that they’re stronger?]

[Yeah, one of them is a “pink-haired fairy”. Fairies inherently aren’t very powerful, however that girl’s magic power was far greater than mine…… She might be among those Great Fairy-ranked.]

Unnn? That kinda…… Reminds me of someone I’ve seen before……

[And the other one is a “Knight in Black Armor”…… The way he carries himself, the atmosphere he wears, his magic power, it’s all terrific. Perhaps, that person might even have the power of a high-ranked demon.]

(T/N: Rei-san here doesn’t know this knight’s gender)


Isn’t he talking about Raz-san and Neun-san…… Neun-san used to be the Hero, so she would certainly have the strength powerful enough to defeat the Demon Lord.

And although I don’t know how strong Raz-san is, Acht is calling her “Sis”, and Neun-san is quite respectful of her. She’s probably a well-known figure among the fairies.

I see, in Rei-san’s opinion, Raz-san and Neun-san are the most likely candidates to win…… If one of them wins, I should ask them if they would be willing to give up the Fruit of the World Tree.

Both of them are kind people, so if I explain the situation to them, they might agree.

Well, it would still be the best possible outcome if Lilia-san and the others win……

[Uwaaahhh, Miyama-senpai! Aoi-senpai! There’s a lot of amazing shops everywhere!]

[They certainly are amazing.]

[Yes, it really is a big festival.]

We saw Lilia-san and the others off to the starting point, but since we couldn’t go into the forest where there are monsters and fierce beasts, we were left with nothing to do until the hunting tournament was over, so the three of us were now looking around the stalls.

I don’t know if it’s because she likes festivals or not, but Yuzuki-san frolicked around like she’s having fun, while Kusunoki-san and I watched her with wry smiles on our faces.

[Speaking of which, Miyama-san. We happened to see you yesterday, but are you acquainted with that fairy and that person in armor?]

[Yeah, I talked about them before, they’re Kuro’s family, Razelia-san and Neun-san.]

[Eh? Then, that person in armor was the one who gave us rice…… I should have given her my thanks.]

[They should still be here until tomorrow, so I think there’s still a chance we could talk with them again, so let’s just wait for that time…… Anyway, Yuzuki-san is going to be out of our sight, so let’s hurry.]

[……Geez, Hina-chan, you’re too excited.]

If Raz-san or Neun-san were to win, I’d visit them to try negotiating with them, and I know there would be lots of things I need to think about before that but…… for now, let’s put aside the hunting contest and worrying for Lilia-san and the others.

The only thing I can do now is to root for them, and while I’m cheering for Lilia-san and the others in my heart, I’m going to enjoy the Sacred Tree Festival for now.

[Senpaaaiiii~! Quickly, come here already!]

[Yeah, we’re coming.]

After gathering my thoughts, together with Kusunoki-san, we went to where Yuzuki-san is.

Having fun looking around the stalls with Kusunoki-san and Yuzuki-san, it was already getting close to lunchtime.

[Arehh? There’s hardly any stalls around here?]

[Yeah, you see the wall over there, this might be the last one around here.]

[I see! Then, let’s go touch down on that wall and let’s go make a U-Turn!]

The number of stalls began to dwindle as we progressed considerably, and after walking a few steps further, we could see the wooden wall surrounding the town of Rigforeshia in a circle.

It seems that this is the end of the stalls, and Yuzuki-san seems to be enjoying herself as she runs towards the wall.

(T/N: The city is protected by Barrier Magic, but there was still a wooden wall surrounding the city.)

[You’re really having fun huh~~]

[I’ve loved festivals since junior high. I would be in high spirits in times like when there’s a Cultural Festival happening in my school.]

[Ahaha, that certainly sounds like Yuzuki-san…… ah, it’s almost noontime, isn’t it? As I recall, the hunting tournaments lasted until 2PM?]

[Yeah, I think that’s right. How about we have lunch? Or shall we wait until after Lilia-san and the others returned?]

[Hmmm. How about we ask Yuzuki-san what she thinks——!?]

[W- What is that sound!?]

As I was talking with Kusunoki-san about what to do about lunch, I suddenly heard a loud sound as if something was crumbling.

When I turned my attention to the direction of the sound…… I saw a large cloud of dust rising from where the wooden wall had been.



Kusunoki-san and I called out Yuzuki-san’s name, who should have been heading towards that direction.

At the same time, the cloud of dust cleared, and when I saw Yuzuki-san standing there, I was about to pat my chest in relief—— but something unbelievable was happening right before my eyes.

A few distance in front of Yuzuki-san, a jet-black bear, standing over four meters tall, was revealed from the collapsed wall, pushing away the cloud of dust.

[It’s…… It’s a Black Bear!!!]

[Has the Barrier Magic been broken!?]

Just as we’re seeing its appearance, we could hear screams from people around us.

Why didn’t I notice it? Was it because of the Barrier Magic that I didn’t sense its approach with my Sympathy Magic? Anyway, doesn’t the situation look pretty bad!?

The Black Bear saw Yuzuki-san’s figure, and slowly walked towards her.

[Hina-chan! Run!!!]

Kusunoki-san shouted to Yuzuki-san.

It’s alright…… It will be alright. Yuzuki-san can use that amazing Body Strengthening Magic. Rei-san also said that the Black Bear is slow, and since it was still a few meters away, she can easily escape……

[……Hiiihhh…… aahhh……]



Her trembling voice leaking out of Yuzuki-san’s mouth, I immediately ran towards Yuzuki-san.

I’m an idiot! It’s one thing if she has the ability to deal with that situation, but using that ability to deal with it is another!

She’s just a 16-year old girl…… Being faced with a monster like that all of a sudden, there’s no way that she can keep calm and think of the best way to deal with the situation!

Dashing forth towards Yuzuki-san, a magic circle appeared in my hand.

And in response to that, magic power began leaking out of my body as I got ready to use the magic Kuro taught me.

I’m not a saint or anything like that. I can’t risk my life to save a stranger.

However…… There’s no way I can do that for people I know. I’m a coward after all…… I’m too cowardly to even dare abandon my friends after all, so I can’t just leave Yuzuki-san here to die!

Only a few seconds passed…… When I reach Yuzuki-san, I pull with all my might on her shoulder while she’s standing upright, and cut myself in between Yuzuki-san and the Black Bear.

At the same time as Yuzuki-san, who has been thrown backwards, fell on her buttocks, the Black Bear saw my intrusion and sped up its approach.

I’m not the protagonist of a batlle manga, nor am I a Hero. I’ve never been in a fight, and my athletic ability is just below the average for my age group.

If you ask me if I have a chance of winning against the Black Bear, which the former Court Mage Rei-san is calling as a pain in the ass to deal with, the answer would be a flat no.

Even if I had a sword in my hand that could kill a Black Bear with a single blow, I don’t think I’d even be able to hit it.

There’s no way someone who has never even been in a fight before can fight just as he thought the battle would go. I can’t even land a single decent punch…… That’s why, the first thing that came into my mind was the combat magic that Kuro taught me.

If I can’t decently fight, I should just find a way to protect myself when I’m forced to do so.

My only weapon is the Perception ability brought by my Sympathy Magic. This is enough to detect the approach of the wyvern at about the same time as Kuro, one of the Six Kings.

That’s why I asked her to help me come up with a magic that would make the most out of it.

Kuro told me not to use it if possible, but I don’t have any other options.

As if it was ready, all my magic power burst out of my body at once, and the magic circle floating in my hand emits an exceptionally strong light.

And just when it got in front of me, the Black Bear raised its paw overhead as if it was about to mark a tree, but I also unsheathed my single double-edged sword.


When I say the name of my magic, all of my body comes off my control, leaving only my thoughts, and reacting to the hostile magic power read by my Sympathy Magic that has become clearer due to my magic, my body begins to force itself to move.

Dear Mom, Dad—— “Sometimes, a man has to make a decision, even if he has to force himself.” Isn’t that what Dad used to tell me? I don’t know if now is that time, but in the midst of the hustle and bustle—– I confronted a gigantic beast.

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