I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 4: First-Rank Worker Bee, Nightfall Attack!

Looking at the softed corpse on the g, a few changes appeared in the Eye of the Data before Charles.

[Op the treasure box?]

"Op," said Charles, using his conscious mind to drive the Eye of the Data, to perform a systematic collection.

This is an exclusive feature betwe the Overlords. Whoever makes the first kill ops it. And since Catherine is now his mate, the right to op the treasure box naturally belongs to him.

[Congratulations to the Overlord for obtaining a skill book - Nature's Drizzle!]

A skill book?

Not bad.

Looking at the gre skill book lying in the system space, Charles couldn't help but nod his head in satisfaction.

Perhaps because it's the early phase of tering the Contint of Overlord, the drop rate wh killing these small bosses is quite good.

Nature's Drizzle is a unique skill of the Elf race, not of low tier, and could be exchanged for some natural timber.

"Catherine, use your Zerg Clan information database to scan this two-headed ferocious wolf to unlock the Zerg Clan template and the resources needed." Charles mused for a momt and said.

The main reason for this exploration is the need to spawn soldiers. The basis for spawning soldiers comes from a key Zerg Clan unit - the worker bee.

These creatures can greatly improve the efficicy of mining, and can quickly form a scale like an assembly line.

You should know that ev as worker bees of the Zerg Clan, their combat power is comparable to those of the high-grade unranked warriors.

Catherine nodded, with the Que's blade as the media, she quickly extracted the ges within.

She was surprised to find that her database actually returned feedback like this!

Catherine said earnestly: "Master, due to the special nature of this region, the Zerg Clan database also needs to be updated."

"The Zerg Clan units we can manufacture on an assembly line now include Hydralisk and Worker Bees. For Hydralisk, we still need to find some snake-like monsters for transformation. Any creature can be used for the Worker Bees. The ergy unit of this two-headed wolf in front of us is ough to produce t Worker Bees."

"Oh, wh these Zerg Clan units are truly built, they may be stronger than those in the database. That's why data needs to be updated."

Hearing Catherine's statemt, Charles nodded and said, "Alright, wh we get back, you can first use a Que's Clone to produce t Worker Bees. The first monster siege of tonight is about to begin."

The Worker Bee, wh activated, is a snowballing weapon.

One could say, without the laborious mining of Worker Bees, there wouldn't be the infinite spawning of the Zerg Clan disaster!

Catherine nodded, th curiously asked, "Master, why do you want me to split into a Matriarch Que clone? Although we're efficit in terms of skills, I'm still better at specific micro managemt."

Just as she asked, Charles forcefully pinched her nipple, saying harshly, "You are my foolish woman, ev for Spawning, it can only be through human childbirth... Catherine, you're not a birthing tool!"

Having his woman give birth to Zerg Clan offspring, ev if it was just coding, made Charles sick to his stomach.

Fortunately, there was the Matriarch Que Clone skill, otherwise he might have stumbled on this step a bit longer.

Upon hearing Charles' words, a touch of emotion filled Catherine's eyes.

Not a birthing tool, huh…

She was captured and tak to the black market as soon as she came of age, trained by the ques there in hopes of fetching a good price. She thought ev though she was bought by a handsome master like this, her fate would be to be used until boredom and th be forgott or awarded to a subordinate. Who would have thought that the master would turn out to be surprisingly innoct?

Ev though, this sort of innocce is a little overbearing.

Her eyes were filled with adoration, instantly bringing life into the slightly deathly atmosphere. Maybe it's also nice being the master's foolish girl: "Yes, my Master. From now on, all Zerg Clan manufacturing will be handled by the Matriarch Que clone."

"Well, allow me to explain: this egg-laying ability doesn't involve my body directly producing the eggs. Instead, it uses my programming knowledge to edit ges, and th the eggs are laid systematically on the mycelium mat, much like an assembly line."

It was th that Catherine knew her master was a very gtle person... ev though he always cursed her as a naughty girl.

Alright, she admitted it herself.


At the Zerg Clan hive.

One by one, the large-faced larvae lay neatly on the Mycelium Mat, absorbing the remaining ergy of the wolf's body.

Not more, not less, exactly t.

Charles curiously poked them and found that a little guy had brok the shell and exposed his ferocious mouth parts.

So cute.

He patted Catherine next to him and laughed, "These little guys look so cute, don't you think, silly girl?"

Upon hearing this, Catherine also responded with a smile: "Yes, my Master. They are very cute."

In the Overlord and Matriarch Que's eyes, the ferocious larvae were like the most beautiful babies, their aesthetics stretched to the limit by the bloodline.

It wasn't long before all the Zerg Clan worker bees had hatched and completely consumed the wolf's nutrits, reducing it to stark bones.

In the d, ev the bones were eat by the starving worker bees, serving as their final meal to consolidate their strgth.

Charles looked at the worker bees one by one, each full of violt momtum, as an Eye of the Data swept over them.

[Zerg Clan Soldier]

[Species: Worker Bee]

[Battle Power: Lower First Rank]

[Skills: Magic Claw,Mining Magic]

Lower first rank, t lower first ranks!

Charles couldn't help but smile. Wh in his past life did he achieve lower first rank?

It was about a week later, wasn't it?

But now, ev the smallest soldiers start at the first rank!

If the dark red falls, it would be truly chaotic!

But the Magic Claw is quite interesting...he just checked, only two worker bees have this skill, the others have just regular Iron Claw.

He pointed to one of the worker bees, "Show me your Magic Claw."

The worker bee paused for a momt, and once it understood the Overlord's meaning, it started to use its skill quickly.

There was a faint red imprint on its claw. Wh it struck the big tree, it left a shallow cut mark. The mark showed faint signs of burn.

Is this the Magic Claw?

Charles turned a, asking curiously, "This skill...can it be innately injected into our ges?"

The Overlord has never be technical, this he knows all too well.

Catherine's eyes lit up, th she said somewhat helplessly, "Master, if you're talking about coding our ges, I can, but reorganizing the ge blocks of the soldiers…I'm afraid my computational capacity isn't sufficit yet."

"Unless I upgrade to the second rank, I can record magic as an attribute and install it in the soldiers. And ev th, it requires special magic monsters like the two-headed wolf as a supply source."

Law of conservation of ergy, that makes sse.

In the d, Catherine began to research coding recombination, the Worker Bees began to mine minerals, and Charles returned to studying the parchmt.

Only four hours left until dark now, and those Overlords should be coming in.

Indeed, as soon as he tered, he was overwhelmed by the flurry of messages.

[ID345: Haha, my fate race is a troll, the strongest existce in the unranked starting point!]

[ID945: I turned into a clump of grass, and a tiger just pooped on my head. Who's going to rescue me!]

[ID3346: Coordinates...I'm a schoolgirl. As long as someone comes to save me, I'll give you a private chat and take a look at my pink labia.]

Charles scrolled through, carefully investigating the geral information.

Just like in his past life, everyone started with ordinary races, with only a few lucky individuals awaking rare races.

As for his Overlord of the Zerg Clan, that was ev less likely.

Or rather, ev if there were, they wouldn't mtion it here, as this is the channel for the same forest.

[ID: Some exploratory information here: In about three hours, it will get dark, and during the night some terrifying creatures will attack everyone's Heart of the Overlord.]

[ID: The best way is to actively explore and gain power to combat them.]

After speaking, he closed the parchmt and began to wait for the arrival of nightfall.

Charles is ID.

After all, he is also a human. It's okay to satisfy his hero dreams by sharing some information that does not involve befits.

Apart from that, the main aim is to improve goodwill. Wh everyone grows and can afford his goods, he would exchange some worthless rare items for huge resources and reap a harvest.


Four hours later, animal roars began outside the hive.

Charles woke up from his light sleep, a glint in his eyes.

The first wave of monster attacks, has arrived!

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