I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 34: The Quiet Place, The Terrifying Zerglings Attack

The dominion of the Zerg over other races is absolute.

Moreover, considering that the opposing force comprised merely a hundred combat units, aside from the remnants that Medusa deliberately let escape, all others were instantaneously reduced to blood fodder.

Regrettably, the death of subordinates doesn't yield treasure chests, leaving behind only a scant few Overlord chests... because such carnage is not something the will of the Contint of Overlord wishes to witness.

Their true adversaries should indeed be the dark creatures!

Suddly, it began to rain.

Countless raindrops swiftly washed away all filth, including the skeletal remains of the coalition forces, which had be gnawed to the point where not ev a trace was left...


In the military camp, Charles glanced at his parchmt, now stained with a few more drops of fresh blood, and chuckled nonchalantly.

Had everyone coexisted peacefully, he wouldn't have bothered to harvest these tities. After all, having a red name is troublesome to clear.

But since the others were adamant, to protect himself, he had no choice but to eliminate them one by one, ultimately eradicating every fleeing Overlord!

In the world of Overlord, once an emy is idtified, how could he not vture into their territory?

The real show was just beginning.


The coalition campmt.

The Overlords of various races wore troubled expressions, their faces etched with anger.

Their earlier presumptuous actions had led to the loss of fifty second-tier combat units, while the emy Zerg suffered no casualties!

Gazing at the terrified subordinate soldier kneeling on the g, the newly elected represtative leader from the Lighthouse Nation, Louis, asked grimly, "Tell me, what other types of units does he have?"

Yet, to everyone's bewildermt, the survivor who had previously be forthcoming now acted as if strick by a deadly ailmt that forbade them from raising their head, and was now ev rdered speechless.

What does this mean?

Suddly, the survivor's eyes snapped op.

A beam of red light, unnoticed by everyone prest, shot directly into Louis's mouth, ev without Louis himself realizing it!

In the next momt, the survivor appeared to have be drained of all vitality, instantly turning into a desiccated corpse lying on the g!

In his final momts, he seemed to wear a smile of relief.

That smile was eerily unsettling, as if death was a welcomed release, sding shivers down everyone's spine.

"What? Chief Louis... do you have any idea what just happed?" asked a black-clad youth from the Sakura Nation, a gleeful smile on his face.

He was Shizuki Tezuka, the represtative of the Sakura Nation in the regional channel, and a formidable warrior boasting three middle-tier, second-level combat units.

Louis was perplexed for a momt before shaking his head and declaring, "I suspect that all of this is simply Number One's way of intimidating us... it's all part of his scheme!"

"Let us not forget, gtlem, that we are dealing with the foremost Overlord, who commands one or possibly two tier-three units! It is hardly surprising that we fell into his trap due to a momtary lapse in vigilance."

"Think about it, ev so, he only dares to resort to such underhanded tactics to ambush and intimidate us, rather than facing us head-on... doesn't this validate my point?"

In truth, Louis was utterly clueless about the actual fate of the first advance team.

However, he knew that if his words failed to quell the crowd's doubts and fears, his ture as chieftain would be over.

So, with cunning, he deftly redirected the hatred and discord towards Number One, firmly insisting that it was all part of Charles' scheme, in a bid to preserve his own position and reap the befits.

Sure ough, upon hearing this, the group seemed convinced. They no longer concerned themselves with the fate of the first advance team or the eerie mummified corpses before them, but instead resumed deliberations on who to sd next.

Since the news of the allied forces' defeat had yet to spread, there was still an opportunity to indiscriminately use the foreigners to scout ahead.

Ultimately, everyone remained silt. Such an unpopular task was best left to the currt chieftain to announce, lest anyone be killed in retribution before they could ev reap any rewards.

Louis, noticing the silce, had a sinister glint in his eye, tinged with a hint of red.

Seeing that no one volunteered, he stated, "This time, let the represtatives from other nations decide amongst themselves who will go... But let me put it bluntly: since all of you have tacitly agreed to abstain from this battle, merely looking to share in the spoils, you must adhere to certain rules! Some profits must be shared. If you refuse, I, as chieftain, have ways to deal with you!"

At Louis' words, the room fell into a profound silce.

They all tacitly agreed with Louis' words.


The second contingt dispatched by the allied forces was a formidable assembly, consisting of five hundred lower-second-tier units and five mid-second-tier units.

Mundo, the leader, had always considered himself the chos one of destiny. And why wouldn't he, wh such a grand opportunity had seemingly fall right into his lap?

The mere thought of Number One Overlord's terrifying Zerg soldiers ignited a fervor within his heart. As the commander of the first vanguard, if he were to achieve victory, surely he would receive the greatest reward, wouldn't he?

Should he acquire Number One's Heart of the Overlord, he would never be as foolish as Number One. Unlike him, he wouldn't spd his days conspicuously chatting away or oply defying the rules of the contint's will...

"All forces, advance!"

With Mundo's command, the allied troops surged forward as if unopposed, swiftly making their way into the depths of the forest.

Their destination was other than Number One's Zerg hive!

As the army progressed, they swiftly dispatched numerous mid-first-tier worker bees. These Zerg appeared maimed and helpless, akin to creatures awaiting death.

This only reinforced their belief that Number One Overlord's strgth was nothing extraordinary.

Hovering just above the trees they had rectly passed through.

Medusa sat atop a flying blade bug, gazing mockingly at the tainted blood warriors as they strayed from the main force towards their prepared ara. A smirk played on her lips.

Their lives, she thought, were as good as hers.

As the allied forces pressed on, the suring underbrush grew dser, yet the solitary worker bees became increasingly scarce.

Mundo ssed something amiss... The area was eerily quiet, so silt that ev the croak of a frog would have echoed through the ranks.

In any place where silce reigned so absolutely, there had to be a reason, unless it was an exceptionally unique location.

Though Mundo oft indulged in daydreams, he knew danger wh he ssed it.

He suddly felt the urge to shout, but just as he oped his mouth, a Zergling clamped its jaws a his neck with precision, dragging him into the underbrush without a trace.

The tire counter lasted merely two seconds, a fleeting momt, but one that had be perfectly captured by the watchful eye of the Overlord.

"A high-second-tier unit? This... this is Number One's elite Zerg warrior!"

"Indeed, a high-second-tier unit. Ev among Number One Overlord's forces, such units must be exceedingly rare!"

"Oh shit, shouldn't we be appointing a new leader to guide us? Are we really going to let a single high-second-tier bug scare off our tire allied army?"

Everyone found the last statemt quite reasonable. Having come this far, how could they possibly turn back over such a trivial matter?

Determined, they pressed on.

This time, they grew wiser and commced a meticulous, area-by-area search.

After expding dozs of lives, they finally managed to kill the pernicious high-second-tier Zergling.

One Zerg had cost the allied forces nearly a fifth of their numbers...

Was this some kind of joke?


High above the sce.

Catherine pouted and looked at Charles with bewildermt. "Master, Little Blue was too playful and got itself killed. Who will you sd next to block this reckless allied force?"

Indeed, the deceased Zergling was one of the Zerg that Charles and Catherine had cultivated together, a Zergling leader with a modicum of intelligce.

Charles's expression darked as he gazed at the fall Zergling without a hint of pity.

Its death was purely due to its own recklessness, allowing the allied forces to exploit its vulnerability and kill it!

It had be a waste of his efforts, a truly unprofitable vture.

After a momt of contemplation, he said slowly, "This squad is nearly worn down. Sd Little Gre to finish the job."

Little Gre?

Catherine's face changed at the mtion. Little Gre was still slightly weaker than her older sisters, having just reached the high-second-tier level. Wasn't it too perilous to sd her now?

But recalling that it was her master's command, Catherine did not hesitate to notify Little Gre, the future leader of the Toxic Banelings, to head to the battlefield immediately.

Noticing the frustration on his little female slave's face, Charles offered an explanation. "Darling, the reason we cultivate those Zerg with better intelligce as leader seeds is precisely because they possess the wisdom that other Zerg lack."

"But the birth of a Zerg hero requires more than just intelligce, they must also understand the art of killing."

"Don't you want our family to have more true members?"

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