I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 10: Re-entering the Night, A Shocking Encounter with the Dark Serpent Men!

The parchmt had warned: never vture out into the night.

The currt dark creatures are far beyond what the prest Overlords can handle.

However, Charles was differt. He now commanded a formidable Zerg army, each unit boasting no less than a first-tier ranking.

For a mere night exploration, this force was more than adequate.

Upon hearing that they would be heading out into the night, Catherine agreed without a trace of fear. "Master, let me first produce a few Toxic Banelings to accompany us on our exploration. I think that would make our vture a bit safer."

These two days of exploration had giv her a fair understanding of this world, and she wholeheartedly supported her master's ambitious drive for rapid strgth.

Charles nodded approvingly. While she wt to program the Toxic Banelings, he casually skimmed through the parchmt.

It was now the third nightfall, and no special monster siege was expected, making the chat channel particularly lively.

[ID 6458: "After two days of hard work, one of my minions has brok through to the lower tier of the first rank!"]

[ID 4368: "What? Bro, you must have had some lucky break! My Kobolds are still stuck at zero rank. To reach the first rank, I reckon I need to explore resources for a few more days."]

[ID 89: "I wonder what Big Boss No. is up to now. We all have the same six hours of exploration time, so why is he so ahead? The first Silver Overlord in the tire server, definitely a second-tier powerhouse!"]

[Eve: "Cough, cough, rumor has it that Big Boss No. sleeps during the day and wakes up at night, so…."]

[ID 4567: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! The parchmt clearly states that going out at night is forbidd!"]

Charles chuckled and shook his head as he read the commts. Is it possible that the prohibition against night outings is merely part of the newbie protection phase on the Contint of Overlord?

During the day, Overlords explore resources and hunt those monsters that respond passively.

At night, they fd off dark invasions, dealing with challges reactively.

This mode only applies in the early stages of the Overlord Contint. Later on, both dark creatures and the divine races will be in a state of rampant chaos... The true era of turmoil has yet to come.

[ID : "The prohibition mtioned on the parchmt is directed at Overlords who have yet to form a substantial army. If you possess a legion of several hundred first-tier and a few second-tier minions, you can explore parts of the darkness."]

[ID : "Alright, educational session over. I'm off to hunt."]

After subtly showing off, Charles exchanged a few more flirtatious remarks with Eve before stepping back into the darkness.

This time, Charles brought along two blade bugs, t Toxic Banelings, and twty Zerglings.

The duo, accompanied by their Zerg squad, set out lightly equipped to avoid a pottial total wipeout should they counter any unknown dark tities. After all, this place was indeed bizarre.

"Master, is our objective still to clear out the nearby dark creatures?" Catherine asked, her tone light and cheerful, as she extded her Que's Blades.

Charles nodded as he walked. "Yes, the main goal is to eliminate dark creatures to hance our Zerg forces with high-d combat units and rich our getic database."

"Additionally, I plan to map out this area. In the days to come, we will lead our Zerg army to annihilate all the dark creatures here. Terrain intelligce is crucial."

For instance, Zerglings might not be suitable for flat terrain but could be highly effective in more chaotic landscapes. The importance of terrain cannot be overstated.

Catherine nodded thoughtfully, her eyes filled with admiration for Charles.

He was brave and wise, always handling matters with a cool head.

Externally, he was a strong yet gtle leader, and in bed, he was a dominant and powerful lover. Catherine felt she could spd her tire life under his dominion, willing to give up everything for him.

As they reached the dark river, it was noticeably quieter. Ev the flocks of Four-eyed Crows feasting on carrion and insects were no longer preyed upon by The Five Vomous Toad.

Observing the almost whirlwind-like flocks of crows, Charles raised an eyebrow and directed a Toxic Baneling to attack.

A jet of deep gre vom shot towards the crows with incredible speed, bridging the gap in levels, resulting in several crows succumbing to the toxic spray.

Charles estimated that if these long-range units were used for ranged attacks, fifty Toxic Banelings spitting vom could create a toxic curtain, effectively dealing with most monster groups below the second tier.

So this is the origin of area-of-effect attacks.

The death of a few Four-eyed Crows seemed to draw the atttion of the tire flock, their gaze filled with malice as they fixated on Charles and his companions below.

Quantity over quality, without a doubt.

Charles merely smiled at the sight. Using his Heart of the Swarm, he directed the Toxic Baneling to perform a toxic explosion, seizing the opportunity to test out the new unit.

The Toxic Baneling let out a fierce roar, and the toxin sacs on its back began to glow with a gre luminescce. It th unfurled its wings at an extraordinary speed and darted into the flock of crows.


A blast of bright gre toxin erupted, filling the sky with a noxious gas.

As the mid-tier first-rank Four-eyed Crow, initially targeted, was blown to pieces by the toxin explosion, its fragmted flesh carried an abundance of toxic explosion factors. These factors, wh splattered onto other crows, triggered secondary, tertiary, and ev quaternary explosions!

Just a single Toxic Baneling's power wiped out a flock of several hundred non-tiered and a few first-tier bird-like monsters.

And all of this happed in less than half a minute.

Charles watched in astonishmt as the gre remains rained down from the sky. He reached out and caught the head of a Four-eyed Crow. The gre toxic explosion factors began to spread onto him but were instantly neutralized by his Overlord Physique.

It must be said, the true pottial and power of the Toxic Baneling are fully realized only wh all suring units are emies.

A mid-tier first-rank Toxic Baneling easily obliterated several hundred non-tiered Four-eyed Crows. This was simply because their highest rank was non-tiered. Ev if their average rank were mid-tier first rank, Charles believed the outcome would not change.

The Eye of Data began to process the situation, and hundreds of bronze and silver chests were added to his invtory—a considerable haul.

He pulled Catherine into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss, praising her, "My silly slave girl, it seems you're truly not cut out to be a combat unit. Look at how many surprises you've giv me these days!"

The Blade Bugs are already impressive on their own, theoretically, with sufficitly advanced materials, they could be fashioned into tities similar to Zerg heroes. As long as the getic material is ample, Charles wouldn't be tak aback if Catherine managed to program something akin to a Cthulhu-like creature.

Wh it comes to the Toxic Banelings, their impact has be nothing short of explosive. The sheer terror induced by such a biochemical weapon, coupled with the fact that it can still be mass-produced, is absolutely mind-boggling!

Catherine, somewhat lost in the kiss, couldn't help but reach for her master's dick. Hearing his praise, she blushed, "It's all because you gave me this opportunity, Master. I was a top scice studt back in school. These things are like math, requiring massive calculations. Now that I'm a Zerg Que, I can research and develop such war machines."


After a momt of tderness, they prepared to move on. In this tranquil forest, the dark river was merely a small branch. Their journey was still long.

They countered countless dark creatures along the way. First-tier creatures became the norm, which Catherine and the Zerg minions handled. Wh a second-tier creature appeared, Charles personally took it down.

In just a few short hours, their gains far exceeded what an average person would collect from a month's worth of daytime exploration, and this was merely the tip of the iceberg in the night.

"Master, do you think once we Zerg conquer this place, we could have some wild fun here?" Catherine couldn't help but laugh as she eyed a uniquely shaped, lounge-chair-like tree.

This tree seemed to be just the right height for her to bd over and rest on while her master thrust vigorously from behind. The wild setting might ev bring back the thrill she almost felt wh she was nearly fucked to death in the training room back in the real world.

Charles was about to make a playful remark, but his expression changed upon seeing the tree's shape.

He immediately signaled for them to stop and directed Catherine and the Zerg minions to move into the shadows.

Catherine said nothing, merely watching to see what her master intded to do.

Charles, without uttering a word, retrieved a fire starter from his system space and tossed it over.

In no time, a group of scantily clad, terrifying serpt m appeared, frantically extinguishing the light.

They were Dark Serpt M!

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