I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 112

Episode 112. Showing good behavior (1)

Ok-joo’s eyes widened.

When he thought that the person who attacked him was the executioner, he thought that there must be more scars than Gil today.

However, after blocking the executioner’s attack a few times, he changed his mind and thought that he could win if others killed all the enemies while he blocked Lee.

Then, suddenly, the fireman intervened.

I was going to make a pincer attack in sync with the fireman, but the moment I turned around three steps to the side, I saw the executioner’s arm floating in the air, spraying blood.


Ok-joo couldn’t believe it even though he had seen it with his own eyes.


In the meantime, his own sword, which he swung reflexively, cut half the executioner’s neck.

Puhua Ah …..

The blood came out like a fountain from the neck of a house lion.

The Executioner grabbed his neck with his unsevered arm and staggered to the ground.

The fireman immediately ran to the other masked men after the executioner fell.

Ok-joo stabbed the dying executioner in the chest and killed him for confirmation, then ran towards the masked men.

‘Killed the executioner! That person… is the Hwa-ta that I’ve known so far, right?’


“Keukeoeouk …..”

The fireman, who was one step ahead, was cutting the waist of the masked man who was attacking polarization before he knew it.

* * *

The executioners, who had fallen behind after stepping on the iron, resisted to the end, but were eventually attacked by the firefighters and all died.

The firefighters gathered the corpses in one place and took off the masks only after recovering the stray dogs scattered around.

“Do you know any faces?”

Ok-ju shook her head at the painter’s question.

“But the enforcers of the Taepyeonggyo are right.”

Ok-ju searched the arms of the dead and took out the executioner’s plaque.

While Ok-ju was doing that, the painter was treating the injured polarization.

Polarization was in front of her to protect her daughter, and because of that, someone threw a dagger and hit her forearm.

The fireman placed torches around several of them to make the scars of polarization more visible.

“Boy, I don’t know if there is any poison, so tie it in several layers so that it doesn’t bleed.”


“Mr. Do you feel pain in your forearm?”

“It hurts, but I don’t feel the poison yet.”

“Then it’s not a neurotoxin.”

The painter poured out the distilled spirit Buna had brought, washed away the blood, and inspected the wound where the dagger had been lodged.

“It seems there was no poison. I just need to close the wound.”

“Isn’t that enough to cut off your arm?”

Even in the midst of that, polarization took a joke.

“Maybe if I had a bad addiction, but not at all now.”

The fireman said so and then spoke to the back.

“Bring more Suna distilled water. Prepare a needle to see. God bless you with this.”

When the painter handed out the dried cotton cloth, Polaris nodded, realizing what the painter was trying to do.

The fireman, who had polarization bit a cotton cloth, inserted a needle to reduce the pain, while boldly cutting out the area that had been stabbed by a dagger with a sterilized knife.


“Boya needle.”

“Your master.”

When Obo handed over the threaded needle, the fireman quickly began to sew. Polarization struggled in pain, but watched the fireman suturing it.

‘It’s really amazing. If it were me, I would have had to cut off my arm because I didn’t have these skills.’

If you are yourself, you are in a situation where poison is suspected, so it is difficult to find any other way than cutting off your arm.

Polarization secretly learned a lot by comparing how his and Hwabu’s treatment methods were different.

After finishing the treatment of the polarization, the fireman also treated the two injured people.

Even in the midst of discomfort, Polarization followed the fireman and watched how he treated the injured.

‘I don’t know if I really learned medicine from a freshman.’

* * *

“Would you like to take a look at this person?”

When Ok-ju pointed at the man who was already dead, the fireman put on a puzzled expression.

“why? Is there anything strange about it?”

“He’s the one I was dealing with earlier, but he seems pretty strong.”

The painter heard Ok-ju’s words and remembered that it was the man whose arm was cut off by his own sword.

“ah! Interest. But what are you looking for?”

“It’s my opinion, but I think Lee was probably the executioner.”


Ok-joo tore the man’s clothes that were half tattered at once. Then, the naked body of a man wearing only one underwear was exposed.

“Are you the executor? I am not an enforcer.”

“The person who leads the executioners is called the executioner. He is quite capable.”

The painter listened to Ok-ju’s words and examined the dead man’s body carefully.

“Try to touch your belly.”

“A belly?”

The painter was slightly surprised to see his lower stomach, where he could feel his tight abs.

Even though it was already the body of a dead person, I could feel the remaining bet.

“Isn’t this a bet?”

“you’re right. As expected, Hwata-nim feels it.”

“It must have been amazing when he was alive to be this much even though he was dead.”

“It was amazing. Didn’t Hwata-nim cut off the arm of such an executioner in three pieces?”

“It was possible because I made a surprise attack while Uncle Joo was fighting Lee Ja.”

“Even so, I am the executioner. In my view, Hwata-nim’s skills have improved in an instant.”

“Did you say you’ve grown up? Hmm~.”

The fireman looked back for a moment on how he fought against the enemies today.

‘Come to think of it, it seems that your skills have improved compared to before, right? I felt that my inner strength had increased dramatically when I was practicing fortune-telling in the early morning. Is that because of that?’

The painter took a deep breath and looked at his lower stomach.

‘His internal strength has doubled!’

“Until now, I have taught Hwata, but from now on, I must learn more.”

When Ok-joo trembled, the painter shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

“Haha, what kind of modesty do you have?”

After a while, the painter looked up at the sky while talking with Ok-ju.

Suddenly, it was bright and it was morning.

Suddenly, I felt the weight of the Shea Sapae in my arms.

‘I used to have no strength… but now that I have strength, I’ll have to make you pay for hurting me. You guys from the Taepyeonggyo have touched the wrong person.’

I almost got killed, so I have to pay it back.

“Ah, Mr. Lord. This is Deungbong County, right?”


“Is there a Taepyeonggyo branch in Deungbong County?”


“Do you know where the branch is?”

“I don’t know. But if you try to find out, you will quickly find out.”

“Then I will take the corpses of the executioners to Deng Feng County and meet the county lord, so find out as soon as possible and come back.”

“I can’t guarantee that we will find out today. It will take at least a few days.”

“all right. Find out as soon as possible.”

“All right.”

When Ok-ju disappeared on horseback, the fireman took the corpses and went to the county office of Deungbong-hyeon.

* * *

When the fireman held out the shea sapae at the entrance of the prefecture office, the prefecture ran hurriedly, accompanied by officials.

The rank is high, but the seeers who can directly raise the cow to the emperor and the emperor have power that surpasses the rank.

“As soon as I stopped by Dengfeng County, who was supposed to inspect the county under His Majesty’s orders, I was almost killed. If I can’t reveal the people behind them, I have no choice but to suspect the Hyeonryeongnim.”

Hyeon-ryeong’s face changed as if he had been hit by a thunderclap at the words the fireman pointed at the corpses.

“If I hadn’t gone crazy, how could I have thought of harming Mr. Hwa? These must be a group of weightlifters who are against the emperor, and they will release all the Qing soldiers and make a wish.”

“Wouldn’t the group of weightlifters go into hiding if you make it so noisy?”

“hmm! Then what would you like to do?”

“I will be staying at a nearby inn, so please watch the area to make sure no one is watching me or attempting a night raid. So, shouldn’t we be able to root it out by chasing after them?”

“Oh~. It’s a recipe. okay I will.”

“Then let’s go.”

“If you had come all the way here from the imperial city, you would have accumulated travel poisons…. Have a drink and go.”

“no. My eyelids are thin because I stayed up all night due to the night raids of these people. I need to get some sleep so I can come to my senses.”

“I see. Then, after catching the traitors, I’ll make room for the guest house.”

“Yes, then…”

As soon as the fireman left, the hyeongryeong immediately ordered his men to lie down near the Aru guesthouse.

Ok-joo found out the location of the Taepyeonggyo branch that evening and returned to the inn where the painter was staying.

The painter looked at Ok-ju with surprised eyes.

“You said it would take a few days, but how did you find out before a day had passed?”

“Their habits and methods were almost the same as when I was in Chohyeon. So it was easy to figure out.”

“is it so. Then we should move the guards right away.”

“yes. The Enforcers may have known they had failed, so it’s best to use the soldiers ASAP.”

The fireman ran straight to the prefectural office and told the prefecture the information Ok-ju had brought.

The hyeongryung, who was already worried, gave an order to the hyeongwi, and the hyeonwi assigned 200 soldiers to the most powerful military officer, the chief, to arrest all those in Mojijang, who were suspected of being the Taepyeongdo branch.

Mogajang is a merchant family, and it was a place that delivered some food materials and daily necessities to the prefecture, so it took only half an hour to arrive.

Lieutenant Jang released 50 soldiers to surround Mojijang and at the same time attacked Mojijang with his lieutenants and soldiers.

“Chief Jang! What the hell did I do to scare you?”

Mojo, the head of the mother’s household, was not properly defended because the guards suddenly attacked without any prior warning.

The servants were already flat on their faces, and only Moho and about 20 warriors hurriedly drew their weapons and protested.

“What wrong you have done, head of the family, will be revealed when you go to the government office. So, please accept the arrest.”

When Lieutenant General stepped forward, Moho raised his sword and pointed at him.

“To be imprisoned without knowing what a sin is? Do you think I will comply with such an unreasonable demand?”

At first glance, Moho’s words made sense.

It was a world in which even non-existent sins became something if they were made and put on hold. If you were dragged to the government office by the government forces, you had to assume that it was over.

Of course, I didn’t see much hope for rebelling like now, but I still couldn’t be dragged away without trying anything.

‘Damn, I felt bad that the executioner didn’t come back… Did things turn out like this in the end?’

“To dare to think of resisting the government forces is sure to be a group of traitors. If you resist, I will kill you. I ask you one last time. Drop your weapons immediately and be arrested.”

“Treason! What nonsense are you talking about?”

Moho could have guessed what had happened, but he still pretended not to.

“To dare to point a sword at me like now is treason. Hit!”

Lieutenant Commander gave the order and immediately swung his sword at the chief owner, Moho.

“What crazy! There is no law like this in the world.”

Moho received Lieutenant General’s sword.


When Moho received the continuous attack, Lieutenant Jang’s eyes changed.


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