I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 306 Stronger Than They Thought

Billy could already guess who had just saved him from death.

The security guard looked at his stun baton which stopped in the air because it was stopped by some kind of silver light.

His face showed a look of confusion. It caught him off guard then an attack came and hit him hard.

His body flew into the air. Then thrown toward his other friends.

The guard hit many other guards and knocked them down. The guard behind him had a hard time getting ahead because of that.

Adrien turned. He saw Aurdis standing while stretching her arms.

The bracelets and rings on her hands gave off a faint silvery glow.

'Thanks,' Adrien said. He ran towards Billy who was still sitting on the floor.

'Take care of Billy. I'll handle them,' Aurdis said.

Aurdis saw Adrien nod. She moved her hand again and created a silver wall of force.

'With this, they will be reluctant to advance,' Aurdis thought.

The security guards are only human. And now they were clearly dealing with Magic.

Earlier, they were still attacking because they didn't see clearly that Adrien and Billy were using Magic.

They are both just invisible but they still fight the way humans fight.

That made the security guards believe that what they were dealing with were invisible ordinary humans.

But now, they were facing a being that used Magic.

What Aurdis predicted did indeed happen. The security guards immediately put on scared faces seeing the wall of light in front of them.

Although Aurdis only created a weak wall of light. The wall of light wouldn't be enough to hold them all if they decided to keep charging.

However, the security guards seemed doubtful.

"What should we do?" one of the security guards asked.

"That wall looks dangerous. I'm not sure anymore."

"Shouldn't we retreat now and let the subjects handle this?"

Panicked words came out of their mouth. In the end, it is their leader who must make the decision.



Meanwhile, the sound of explosions mixed with the tremor of the walls around them indicated that the situation was getting chaotic.

"We're retreating for now!" The leader of the security guards said his order.

Hearing that, the security guards happily complied.

They immediately flocked to retreat.

Aurdis breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the security officers were not so dedicated to carrying out their duties.

Unlike the Daemons of Calamity or the army of Ogres who dared to die as long as they could destroy the Elves.

Billy saw the security guards retreat in a hurry through his blurry eyes.

'They ran, sir,' Billy said.

'Yeah, I see that,' Adrien replied.

All of that was because of Aurdis' presence here.

But why was she here when the sounds of fighting around them indicated that a fight was still going on?

Aurdis approached them. The thin wall of light was still there because Aurdis had purposely kept it to give the impression that the threat was still there.

'How is your condition?' Aurdis asked while looking at Billy.

'A little bit dizzy,' Billy replied in a weak voice.

Blood came out of his head until it flowed down his forehead.

Aurdis didn't say anything and immediately reached out.

A silver light shot out and enveloped Billy's head. A moment later the wound was healed.

Billy no longer felt sick or dizzy.

'Thanks,' Billy said.

Aurdis answered with a nod.

'What is going on?' he asked.

'Saeldir is fighting that man called Conrad. Erend fought with Steve and Billy,' Aurdis explained to them.

'Now, what shall we do?' Billy asked.

'Well, there's no way we can help Erend or Saeldir. You hear that?' Adrien said.

Sounds of explosion and destruction were heard from all directions. Tremors like an endless earthquake followed.

'That is the sign of a huge Magic battle. We can't do anything about it.'

'You guys better stay away from that fight. I'll help Saeldir,' Aurdis replied.

'Are you sure?' Billy asked worriedly.

Aurdis nodded confidently. 'Yes. You guys just do the task you talked about and stay away from the fight.'

'Alright,' Adrien said.


Aurdis took off the two rings on her fingers and gave the rings to them.

'What should we do with this?' Billy asked.

'That ring can strengthen Magic. Based on what Erend said, there should already be some Magic in your bodies even a little bit.'

Billy and Adrien looked at each other. They are still unsure of the existence of Magic within their bodies.

However, now they had no time to doubt that. They need to act fast.

So with that, Adrien and Billy parted ways with Aurdis.

They both walked toward the other location to secure any data or equipment related to this experiment.

To ensure that the government can no longer continue this experiment.

At least, not for now where the goal is to create a weapon the President can use.

While the two of them went to find their way to another room, Aurdis caught up with Saeldir.

The room that Saeldir and Conrad used to fight was empty leaving only a mess.

Aurdis entered the hole where the sounds of fighting could be heard.

'I have to help him. This battle must be more difficult than we thought.'

Aurdis could already feel how strong the man was when she tried to get rid of him.

It's only natural because basically, that man's power comes from 'her'. So his Magic will be strong.

Aurdis cursed silently at the Elf who give her Magic on that man.

Aurdis felt that this fight would be hard for her and Saeldir.


The ground beneath the facility building inside the forest was blown apart by what looked like a huge explosion.

However, it was not caused by an explosion. But because Erend's body was pushed by a very strong force.

That power is the combined power of Steve and Annie. And of course a little reinforcement from that cursed tree Magic.

Erend was pushed through the roof of the underground facility. So he appeared under the concrete floor which was used for the training ground under the rain at that time.


Erend fell on the concrete. Steve and Annie jumped from the hole that was created by Erend at the same time.

'Damnit! They should only be imitations. But how can they be this strong?'

Erend immediately got back up. The attacks of the two of them had actually left marks on his scale and that wasn't a good sign.

The scale that could withstand the Magic-coated ax attack of the Daemon of Calamity back then was now scarred from being hit by their Magic attacks.

That means, their Magic is stronger than that Daemon.

'How is that possible?'

Erend wondered. Was it because their Magic power was originally that strong?

Or was it the addition of that cursed tree's evil Magic that made them that strong?

Steve's eyes which were burning red became even more intense.

Annie's eyes, which previously looked normal, also turned red with black pupils like Steve's.

'The two of them seem to be under the full influence of that evil Magic. This is bad.'

Steve suddenly lunged at Erend. His body was burning with great flames so he looked like a ball of fire shot at high speed.

Erend dodged to the side. But Steve threw fireballs at him as if he could already guess that Erend would dodge in that direction.

Meanwhile, Annie shot at him with both hands covered in ice.

Annie's body has also been covered by a bluish ice armor that looks glistening under the lights from the building.


Annie slammed her fists together. Erend managed to block the fist.

But the force behind the fist was great enough to knock Erend back a little.

The fireballs that Steve fired hit him like a barrage of bullets. To make matters worse, the fireballs also explode when they touch him.





Explosions occurred several times until Erend staggered. Again he felt the effects of the attacks.

After the flames from Steve's exploding fireballs dissipated slightly, Annie came from behind the flames with an attack she had prepared.

Annie held out her icy hand. She strangled Erend's neck then lifted him. Only for her to smash him into the concrete.


The sound when Erend hit the ground was quite loud. A small crater also formed there indicating how strong Annie's power was.

After that Steve came from above. He jumped high and created a spear of condensed fire.

Steve shot down right above Erend and then plunged his flame spear into Erend's chest.


The flames spread as if there had just been a huge explosion.

The fire spread to several meters and burned the grass, trees, and buildings around them.

Steve and Annie then walked away from there. They stared at Erend's body which was now burning with intense fire.

A terrible grin appeared on Steve's face. Meanwhile, Annie just stared with a straight face. It was as if all emotions had been erased from her heart.


Steve laughed loudly. The sound of that laugh sounded evil coupled with the background of the flames surrounding him.

But Steve's laughter immediately stopped.

His heart which originally felt relieved because he thought he had succeeded in killing Erend felt heavy again.

From behind the flames, Erend's figure stood up.

He stepped out of the flames covered in black and red scales that gave the impression that he had just been scorched and came out alive.

"Not bad for imitations like you," Erend said.


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