I Obtained a Mythic Item

Chapter 61

Episode 61 Hidden Peace (2)

“Yes? Cadet Min Jae-hyeon went out?”

“I came last night and asked for a pass to go out because I have work tomorrow. I allowed it because I wanted to have some family circumstances. oh! Are there any problems?”

“Oh no. Please keep working hard.”

Instructor Kim Ji-yeon was greatly taken aback by the manager of the hotel where Jae-hyun was staying.

‘What are you going out at this time? Does that make sense?’

According to the manager, Jaehyun went out with permission a while ago.

However, in Kim Ji-yeon’s opinion, this was obviously strange.

‘Of course, there is no problem with regulations, but…’

In principle, cadets of Milles Academy can go out freely with permission for weekends or anniversaries.

But what day was yesterday?

It was the day when there was a simulated dungeon attack.

In particular, Jaehyun, who was lucky, had to hold a kobold rod that was stronger than others, so it must have been several times more difficult.

‘I’m sure you said that at the forensic class yesterday. The boss monster that came out of there will be at least B-class.’

Of course, I didn’t believe everything the forensic team said.

Because it makes no sense whatsoever.

A Class B Dungeon is a place where a Class B Raider must form a party of at least six people to attack.

A dangerous zone where they cannot be sure that they will return alive.

Only two cadets cleared such a place?

Finding someone to trust will be more difficult.

Not that they were lying, of course.

However, she thought that the forensic result must have been wrong.

In any case, Kim Ji-yeon thought that Jae-hyun must be resting as much as she had experienced. Fortunately, yesterday was Friday, so I decided to take a break on the weekend.

However, an unexpected reply came from the manager.

It was that Jaehyun had gone out and would come back only on Sunday evening.

It really couldn’t have been more embarrassing.

‘If the numbers were just a little bit wrong yesterday, both Min Jae-hyeon and Seo E-na would have died. It was an incredibly dangerous situation!

But at this point, does it make sense to go out calmly?’

Instructor Kim Ji-yeon laughed dejectedly.

she is now I came to Jaehyun to get information about the simulated dungeon incident yesterday.

But going out

No matter how you think about it, it wasn’t something a person who was in danger of dying would do.

Considering that it is normal for pro raiders to take a rest for about two days after clearing a dungeon, it was a crazy recovery speed.

either physically or mentally.

‘He’s a cadet who has as much guts as his skills. I can’t wait to see how Min Jaehyun will grow.’

Jiyeon Kim smiled lightly.

It is normal for cadets who experience dungeons for the first time to be terrified and locked in their homes.

Some very rare cadets come to school the next day to take private lessons, but they also suffer from the trauma of clearing the dungeon for a few days.

Having a mana rebound or not being able to concentrate in class due to fear.

No wonder.

It was the first time that the cadets risked their lives to fight.

Before they were raiders, they were students and still minors.

It was a very rare case for those who could quickly come to their senses and promise the next time in a life-threatening situation.

‘And those who overcame their trauma so quickly became A-class and S-class raiders.’

Jiyeon Kim lightly bit her lower lip. It was her usual habit when she was curious.

‘Perhaps the second S-class wizard will appear after CEO Yoo Seong.’

Kim Ji-yeon remembered all the disregard the magic world suffered from the martial arts world.

Those who do not have the ability to be evaluated as martial arts or become magicians and hide behind them. Kim Ji-yeon remembered the names of those who cursed at them for not having the right to enter the dungeon.


I thought that a wizard who would break their prejudice would appear one day…

‘I think I found it.’

A tingling sensation all over the body stimulated the skin.

A small smile spread across Kim’s lips.

“Could you please tell me to come find me when cadet Min Jae-hyeon comes?”

“yes. All right. But why are you asking me when you can contact me by phone…”

“There are circumstances.”

Kim Ji-yeon’s face was curious as she said that.

Of course, you can also call or leave a message, as the manager says.

‘But if you do that, all contact records will remain. Chairman Gu Jain is dangerous.’

After the mock dungeon incident.

As a result of listening to the stories of other instructors and investigators, there was obviously a strange corner in this case.

For example, Gu Ja-in, who usually focused only on external activities, directed the cadets’ events directly.

Kobold Lord, the boss monster, appeared in all simulated dungeons.

All of a sudden, a much stronger monster than any other room popped out of the dungeon where Min Jae-hyeon, who was first in the freshman hunt, and Seo In-na, who was second, came out.

All of them are full of strange things.

However, when I asked the other instructors, they all kept quiet, ignoring the details.

‘Perhaps Chairman Gu Ja-in deliberately caused this incident. And… There is a high possibility that Min Jae-hyeon already knew about this incident.’

Jaehyun was always calm.

Even in the freshman hunt the other day and in the mock dungeon this time.

That means that there is a high possibility that he already knows about Gu Jain’s plan.

‘I have to approach and find out the truth.’

Kim Ji-yeon nodded slightly and left the hotel lobby.

* * *

Oh! Mysterious country Neverland~!

Hearing the voice of a woman he often heard as a child, Jaehyun finally realized that he had arrived in Neverland.

‘Now that I’m listening to it, it’s three times as old-fashioned…….’

The song I heard a moment ago was Neverland’s title (?) song.

It is a song that indie singer JN directly participated in for a TV commercial, and the quality of the song itself is quite high, so I remember listening to it often.

Of course, Jaehyun, who has lived in the future for more than 10 years, couldn’t help but sound a little unconventional, but he also has his own old mood, so it’s not bad.


Jaehyun exhaled lightly and then bought the ticket.

Sooner or later, this area will be devastated. There is no time to ride rides.

Incidentally, this place is closed not only for theme dungeons, but also due to a series of water tank explosions.

It was a refusal to take risks and ride rides.

“Besides, there’s no way you can feel the thrill from the rides once you’ve become a radar.”

Radar is a job that requires you to risk your life in and out of dungeons every day.

It was natural if it was natural not to blink an eye with tolerable stimuli.

Jaehyun stepped inside.

Overall, the atmosphere of the amusement park was almost the same as in my memory.

Since it is the weekend, there are more crowds among the employees, a bright atmosphere, lovers on dates, and middle and high school students on a school field trip.

They all have happy looking faces.


‘In a little while, people in this area… will all die due to the dungeon.’

Jaehyun knew better than anyone about the disaster that was about to happen.

He walked straight ahead and headed forward.

After a while. The figure of the staff managing the line came into his eyes.

Jaehyun approached and spoke to him.


“Oh hello~ If you want to ride the rides now, please stand in the back row and wait a bit.”

It was a cheerful and bright voice.

After taking a deep breath, Jaehyun sighed. He whispered to her, acting the best he could.

“I am Min Jae-hyeon, a cadet at Milles Academy. After a while, a 《Theme Dungeon》 will be created here.”

* * *

It didn’t take long to convince the staff.

Upon showing her academy cadet card, she immediately brought Jae-hyeon to the broadcasting room.

The employee bit his nails nervously. It was such an emergency.

Jaehyun tells the staff that a themed dungeon will soon be formed in Neverland. We know that at least thousands of people will die as a result.

As an employee, I had no choice but to trust him.

The cadet ID brought by Jaehyun. This is from Milles Academy.

Counterfeiting is also impossible.

If he did this as a joke outside, he would definitely be expelled.

‘Dangerous. Hurry up and prepare the citizens…’

The staff first tried to request assistance from the National Radar Association, but failed.

The National Radar Association is directly managed by the state as a public interest organization, but legal procedures are required to formally request them.

It is difficult even for the president to call them at will.

“That… is it really okay? To think that an amusement park would have a themed dungeon…”

the staff member asked in a nervous voice.

Jaehyun nodded his head with an expressionless face.

“If you evacuate quickly, no big deal will happen. Do not worry too much.”

Anyway, Jaehyun knows the future.

A little while later, a sea of blood is expected to blow here.

Only one person survives.

In fact, strictly speaking, Jaehyun had no reason to get involved in someone else’s death.

I don’t know how the future will change again if the person who was supposed to die survives.

Because that will act as another serious variable.

‘But… no matter how hard it is, I can’t just leave people dying in front of me.’

Jaehyun’s helping them was not in terms of profit, but in terms of mentality.

What if here he was left to watch the deaths of others?

Right now, it’s okay if you don’t have to do troublesome things, but you’ll have to suffer from a lot of trauma in the future.

Even before returning, how shaken he was after seeing Lee Myeong-ho’s death.

I was suddenly thinking about it, but the staff didn’t know what to do and asked Jaehyun.

“What should I do now?”

“This is an emergency, so please get everyone inside out. At least 5km away from the amusement park grounds. please.”

“all right. But is it okay without the other radars?”

The staff asked as if they were worried.

Jaehyun nodded his head, keeping a face as kind as possible.

“Do not worry. Even though I look like this, I am pretty strong.”

It was a word to reassure, but Jaehyun’s sword was simple.

It was because it seemed that if other raiders arrived at the scene and stole the item, they would be angry.

“I’ll start right away.”

The employee nodded with a determined expression.


chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chik-noise, and it flows into the ears of people who spend time at the amusement park.

[Ah, notice to all of you who have visited Neverland. There is an emergency right now and we have to close the amusement park right away.

Please evacuate here immediately. I will inform you once again…….]

* * *

Everyone left Burinake Amusement Park.

People these days are always threatened by demon attacks, so persuasion wasn’t that difficult.

‘In the past, even when an earthquake occurred, few people followed the safety rules.’

The current Republic of Korea is where gates explode on both the streets and the roads, and demonic beasts pour out.

In this situation, announcements containing the word ‘urgent’ meant disaster.

Jaehyun stood alone among the people evacuating and looked at the watch on his smartphone for a while.

2:58 p.m.

“It’s starting soon.”

He stretched out his entire body and relaxed it. It’s kind of a stretch.

He purchased more mana potions directly from Lee Jae-sang and made sure to wear the 《Shadow Armor》 and 《Valkyrie Apprentice Set》.


To Jaehyun, who exhaled lightly.

Finally, the voice he had been waiting for came.

―The theme dungeon 《Ruined Neverland》 appears.

―If you clear five consecutive dungeons, you will receive a special item.

―The special quest 《BIG 5》 has been accepted.

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