I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

Chapter 14

I Kinda Came to Another World, but Wheres the Way Home chapter 14: Start line

As an H rank adventurerKitsune who was able to achieve his first requesthas put the silver coin as his reward into his pocket

As his tension in which he became too happy from obtaining the reward earned by his own power fellKitsune is now thinking about his next actionThe reward was obtainedand if the money that has been received from Rishe will be added then the money he has right now would be 3 silver coinsThough he didnt understand if this amount is enough to get some lodgingthere was still timeit was still fine to receive another requestand it was also fine to search for lodging in ease to get some rest

Howeverto find lodging or to receive another requestthere was something that he knows that is top priorityHe thought about that while on the way to receiving another requestto get to know the value of the currency

How much money is needed to stay at the innhow much money is needed for a single persons everyday life needsis what he needs to knowOnly in former world, The sense of money values of Kitsune is comprehensible by the decimal system10 pieces of 10 yen is 100yen100 pieces of 10 yen is 1000 yenand that was how it was easy and simple

Howeverhe doesnt know any other coins of this world other than silver coinsand hes not sure if there are bills in this world(TLN: paper money)

this cant be helpedFirst of all lets find someone who doesnt mind to explain some common sense

Kitsune-sanwhat will you do now

YesLets get some lodging at an inn for the time beingIs the place where Rishe-chan is staying alrightand she knows of my circumstances too

I see

Finia approved of the standard-like decision of KitsuneShe has already sat on the right shoulder of Kitsune that has turned into her fixed positionwhile having a bright smile floating in her face

Kitsune who was thinking of how pleasing the sight of that girl wasmoved in front of MiaThough the girl in the information desk next to Mia had a disappointed expression in her facehe didnt mind that occurrence for the time being

Though Mia who Kitsune appeared in her presence still had a sour like expression in her faceshe still sent a glance to him while looking up because she is sitting on a chairShe seemed to have a will for only talking

Thats about it Mia-chanIll be coming back alrightThank you for teaching me various stuff

NoIm just doing my job

Yepwell even so

is that so

See you again Mia-chan This is a thanks from me

when Kitsune and Finia finished saying their thanks to Miathey began to walk to the entrance of the guildMias expression somehow softened because of that occurrence a little while agoHer glance pierces the back of Kitsunewhich she seems to be holding a little bit of interest now

And an evidence to that is when Kitsune goes out of the entrance of the guild and disappears she would vomit a heavy sigh

Lets return to the inn a while ago for the time being


Kitsune and Finia went out of the guild and is now facing the direction to the inn where Rishe is stayingDid they remember the way to that place but they still unhesitatingly continued to walk

Since daytime has already passed, the customers entering in the restaurant also has passed the peak.The lively town was now somehow looking like its settling downIn the people who comes and goes bythere are people just live their lives normally and there are people who opens up shops and devotes their time in businesses too

There are also people who wears an adventurer like aura and there were also knight-like people who were overflowing with a justice sensation When thinking about Kitsune being surrounded by those kinds of peoplehe became a little timid

Thena strange person has been foundA guy with a scary face was pulling a cart while walkingIf it was only to such extent then Kitsune wouldnt mind it but the problem was what was on the cartA cage is placed on the cart and inside were several men and women of all agesAlmost all the people inside had empty eyesand they all wore the same worn out clothes

Moreoverthere are also people in there who were obviously not human eitherThere were people who had animal ears on their head and also had tailsPerhapsthose might be from the race they call Beast people

thatwhat might that be?

HmmWho knows I dont know

Passing each otherthe man with a scary face went to the direction on my backAs a possibility Kitsune thought ofthe people inside that cave was most likely what they called Slavesand perhaps they had been sold by someoneor maybe there was a reason for their enslavementin which they have fallen into slavery but those werent the ones that Kitsune minded about

Originallythere were no slavery system in the country called japanOf course there was oppressionbut it was a peaceful country who hated the act of entrapmentand so the reality of this slave system has not been easily accepted a bit by Kitsune.

Welltheres no positive proofHowever if there are slaves then

Though Kitsune hasnt easily accepted the matter of slavery in his mindhe also thought that this maybe exactly good at the same timeSlavesan existence where all of their rights are given to the ownerAndthis worlds slavery is a very convenient matter for Kitsune or in generalfor the inhabitants of this world

In shorthe thought that did a problem exist wherein he would purchase a slave and learn from them of the common sense in this world Since their rights will be takentheyre unlikely to reveal his secretand he will learn the know-hows and behaviors in the different worldIt truly is a very convenient existence for the Kitsune as of now

A slavehuh


Noits notihing

The top priority right now is to get some lodgingsFor now he just bundled up the thought about the slave and so on as an option and threw it away to the back of his mind

While thinking sothey walked for a whileuntil they reached the inn where Rishe was stayingIf youd accept the letters Finia has read on the signboardInn of Dusk would seem to be its name

When they have entered insidethe dining room and the reception desk that has been seen once caught their eyesSeveral inn guests went down to the dining room because it was the time for snacks and enjoyed their time with idle chats

Welcomeare you a customer(TLN: Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka?)

Thereuponthe woman who seems to have a good mood at the counter spoke out to meHer seemed to be in her 40sand she wore an atmosphere of being easy to talk toPerhapsshe is the shopkeeper and the proprietress of this place

Kitsune stepped up to the counter and stood in front of the proprietress

Yesbut first i want to hear on how much is a stay for 1 night though

Oha one night stay here is 650 rupi(TLN: Or is it Rupies? Meh who cares)

Rupi Whats thatI completely dont understand

Kitsune neatly floated a faint smile that seems to understand-like expressionFor the time beinghe took out 1 silver coin and places it on the counter

Will thisbe sufficient

Hmm1 silver coin huhwith this youll be able to stay for a half monthso what shall you do

Seriously Then that please

Alrightthen your change will be 250 okay

The proprietress took the silver coin on the counter and put it away in the place where they put the coins which made a *Charin* sound effectAbout 25 coins made from stone material were given to him

She also brought out a key to a vacant room and left it at the counter

Okayroom 207its the room in the interior of the second floorEven though this hotel serves meals toothe meal fee is a different feeIf youre good at cooking then we can lend the kitchen to you but if you want us to serve you a meal then for half a month it will be 3000 rupi

Then with this

1 silver coin huhthen here is your 7000 rupi change

Seven coins made from copper has been returned to me this timeHere at lastKitsune has finally understood the values of money in this world

From the name of the Silver cointhe coin made of copper is a copper coin and the coin made from stone is a stone coinWhen converted into the Japanese Yen1 silver coin is 10,000 yena copper coin is 1000 yenand a stone coin is 10 yen is what it seems to beRupi is to the sense of Kitsunecan be changed to yen

3000 rupiin other words 3000 yenin which would be 3 copper coinsTherefore with 10,000 rupiwhich is 10,000 yenwhich is 1 silver coin is usedthen 7000 rupi which is 7000 yen came back to me in the form of 7 copper coinsThough hes thinking that the meal fee is cheapwell he gave his consent for the extra charge since its a different world from his

650 rupi for half a monthin other words 650 yen 15 days is 9750 yenand when I paid with 1 silver coin (10,000 yen)then 250 rupi got back to meThough he was anxious if there were no 100 yenwell that might be common sense here(TLN: I hate math. Next time I see math in any chapter, Ill just let Kuma Otou-san translate it)

Though he doesnt know where there are other coins other than silver onesfirst of all he should be thanking Rishe for receiving 30,000 yen in Japanese yen

Thank you very much

Breakfast is served at 7 to 9 oclocklunch is served at 12 to 14 oclockand because we dont serve food at 18 to 20 oclock then you should be careful


Kitsune received the change and key and said his thanksHe went upstairs to his room afterwards

In the bedroomKitsune sat on the bed which was inside the roomFinia leaped into the soft bed and started to rollover happily

Now thenTime to rest for once

While Kitsune muttered sohe started to thinkThe matter about the money at the present time has been acquired and understood from its values and he also understood that there is no difference with the concept of time from his former worldA little while agoFrom the word of the proprietress who said the time for the meal, he took into consideration that it was quite the same as from his former world

The price of a single night stay is 650 yenthough isnt that too cheap but in spite of Kitsune thinking of thatwell theres a bed, a table and some furniturebut the room isnt quite too wideIts not a servicesince its an in where the true purpose is lodgingEven if one thinks that its foolish for the price to be so cheap but that might be common sense to this world

Howeversince lodgings are guaranteed nowhe can manage to breathe in ease now



For the time beinglets decide our policy from here onward


First of allsince from today onward well be living hereI think that we should handle requests until we can earn money so we can return Rishes money

Yepit would be bad to not return a debt owned

I dont want to work afterwards

THIS LONER NEET (TLN: N.E.E.T. = not in employment education or training )

A magnificent display of acting like a useless person by KitsuneEven Finia had to make a come back with all her best

Just kiddingfor the time beinglets look for the method to return to my former world


Therefore for the sake of that then our most extreme priority is for me to not dieIt is not separately significant to the matter of winning in a fightbut its important to survive even if a fight happens

Indeedwhich means that its training right Training until you become unparalleled

Nope thats not itI cant seem to expect anything from the ability level of my offensive powerbut because there seems to be potential for my defensive powers insteadthen Ill just raise my defensive power With thatit would be settled with me receiving no damage no matter what is done to me

Your motivation to fight is zero huh its rather refreshing

Kitsune has secretly peeped at the statuses of all the people that he has met up to nowThereforewhen comparing his own status to themhe examined whether his status is alike with normal peopleFor exampleMiria who is a normal person and also a child


Name: MiliaAilin

Gender: FemaleLv8

Strength: 30

Stamina: 60

Resilience: 10

Dexterity: 20

Magic: 30

Though her skills have been omittedher status was greater than the inferior Kitsune who was higher in terms of level

And Mia who grew up as a normal person


Name: MiaTigurisu

Gender: FemaleLv14






This is what it becomes toThough her level is higher than Miliathere were no difference with MiliasKitsune set up the expectation of the extent seen to this conduct of himself

Perhaps, the level goes up even if battle experience is not piled upMaybe ones ability level would go up when ones body and knowledge growsHowever in that casebattle experience would make the expansion of the ability value from the level that goes up very littleThereforeLv4 Kitsune who has raised his Ability level with battle experience exceeds greatly than Milia and Mia

And nowlastly is the E rank adventurer Jeno who was involved with Mia


Name: GenoGreas







Its highThough the skill was omitted, he seemed to have acquired a lot ofuseful skills for combatWith thathis level was 10 times larger than KitsuneEach ability value did not differ in the level but was also high

However In the case of magic, it was lower than the othersPerhapspeople who has a strong body would become a overwhelming power type fighterPeople with high level magic would perhaps become wizards and make good use of their magic by performing it in battle is what his conjecture thoughtThis might apply to an individuals talent

ThusKitsune has his attention mostly on his Resilience of his statusThough Kitsune was level 1 but his Resilience was 100In spite of thatthe level 47 Jenos Resilience was at the same value of the initial value of Kitsunes

This perhapsKitsunes Resilience maybe his talent is what he is convinced

ThereforeKitsune thought about itHis own combat policywhich is

to obtain the Resilience that can prevent any attack

In doing sothe I wont lose attitude could be brought in a battleIf he does sowhile he is dealing with the other partys attackhe would be able to run awayIf it is possible to run awaythen it is possible for him to surviveAnd if it is possible to survivethen the possibility of returning to his former world would be tied to that too

Howeverthere would surely be opponents who would be impossible to escape to or have overwhelming strengthI dont want to fight as much as possiblebut if it is needed to fight then not fighting would be bad

Yes It is so

Therefore at that timeI want Finia-chan to deal with the decisive blow

Decisive blow what do you mean though it sounds very awesome

I want Finia-chan to be my Strengthespecially when its support attacks while Im running away and occasionally being the strength to defeat the other party at that time

In the case of Kitsune having not to die with the use of his ResilienceFinia will be the Strength that shall defeat the other partyOriginallyResilience is not easy to raise if the person doesnt have an aptitude for itthen in that case, Finia-chan who had a considerably high strengthshould be the one to excel in that ability to thoroughly annihilate the other party

Okayokay I understand This beautiful fairy Finia-chan shall annihilate everything for you I wont even let oxygen near you

Wouldnt I die with that Wont I get annihilated with that

Leave it to me

HahahaYoure really so reliable

Finia who can always have an energetic smile like a sunflowerWhile thinking soKitsune smiled wrylyThe policy has been decided, a combat policy that uses the maximum power of each aptitude

First of all is to secure lodgingsand finally to set up a starting lineHereafterKitsune shall start the course of action to return to his former world

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