I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 79 - Journey to the Imperial Palace (2)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 79 - Journey to the Imperial Palace (2)

[Kyaaah! What is happening here?! This lump of milk melts as soon as it touches my tongue!]

“Hehehe! This is called ice cream!”

[Ice cream…! A food that melts and disappears the moment it enters your mouth! How extravagant!]

Earthy’s eyes sparkled as he continued to gobble up the ice cream.

That guy had made a huge fuss when Julia used a spell to shrink him, insisting that he be returned to his original size.

Now he had willingly made himself small and was strutting around the estate confidently.

“Kyaaah! So cute, waddling around!”

[I am not cute!]

“Great Earth Spirit, would you like some castella?”

[Since you made it with such effort, I’ll accept it this time!]

And now, even when people called him cute, he didn’t get too upset as long as they offered him snacks.

Earthy, sitting on the maids’ laps, devoured the castella.

This guy. His daily routine has become nothing but eating snacks and being fawned over.

Isn’t he just a pet spirit at this point?

‘Well, it’s better than causing trouble.’

At least he’s come a long way from causing earthquakes and wreaking havoc.

Just the fact that he hasn’t left the Vermont estate is a huge relief.

If the renowned treasure of Vermont, which was presented to Her Majesty, vanished, what an embarrassment that would be.

It seemed Earthy would continue to serve as Vermont’s mascot for the foreseeable future.




Suddenly, a head appeared upside down behind me—Charlotte’s.

I turned around and saw her hanging precariously over the back of the sofa, her legs hooked around the top, bending over without the slightest sign of discomfort.

How strong is her core, exactly…?

“…You scared me.”

“You’re late! Even though you weren’t really surprised!”

“I was surprised. Just… in a different way.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Hmmm. Are you not working today, Mister?”

“I’m taking a break.”

“Then… do you have time to spend with me?”

[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is warning you not to say you don’t have time.]

Charlotte tilted her head, her face earnest and hopeful.

How could I not have time?

If I didn’t have time, I’d make it.

What could be more important than work? Spending time with Charlotte is way more important.

“Of course I do.”

“Ah! Then, could you do me a favor?”

With a bright smile, Charlotte leaned in close to me.

A favor?

It’s not often that Charlotte asks me for a favor.

I was ready to say, “Sure, let’s do it,” but I asked her first.

“What kind of favor?”

“Could you inscribe a brand on me too?”

“Sure, let’s—wait, what?”

I stopped short, almost repeating my pre-programmed response.

Wait a minute. What did she just say?

Did I hear that right?

My face hardened without me realizing it.

“…What did you just say?”

“You know, like the brand that’s on sister knight. I want one too.”

“Do you even know what that brand means and what it does?”

“Um… I heard it once, but I forgot!”


That bright smile again.

I sighed deeply and lowered my voice seriously.

This was not something to be taken lightly.

I needed to make sure she understood it thoroughly, so she’d never forget it again.

“Listen carefully. The brand on Sylvia isn’t just a tattoo. It’s a mark of her vow to serve the Vermont family for life. Anyone with that brand can’t leave Vermont or disobey its orders.”

“Hmm… Isn’t that a good thing? I don’t want to leave your side, Mister. And I don’t want to disobey you.”


I was at a loss for words.

Does she think of the brand as just a symbol of loyalty?

Didn’t she notice Sylvia always buttoning her collar up to her neck, even in the heat of summer, to hide it?

The brand is a source of shame for her.

“It’s not what you think. That brand takes away a person’s free will. Your freedom isn’t something you should give up so easily.”

“But you already own my freedom, Mister.”


“I’m already your slave, so isn’t that the same as having the brand?”


Again, I was at a loss for words.

This girl. She usually acts so naive, but sometimes she’s surprisingly sharp.

I was struggling to find the right words to explain when Charlotte suddenly giggled and covered her mouth.

“Aahaha! I’m just kidding. Even though we’re slaves, I know you don’t treat us like regular slaves. Even with my lack of common sense, I know that much.”

“Talented slaves get special treatment, of course.”

“Hehe. But Mister, I wasn’t joking about everything.”


“The part about wanting the brand. That wasn’t a joke.”

Crawling closer to me, Charlotte whispered softly.

“You said you failed to remove the brand from sister knight, right? But didn’t she actually refuse to have it removed?”


“I think I understand how she feels. It’s a connection to you, Mister. No matter what, I’d always be loyal to you and look only at you. It’d be a waste to erase something that marks me as yours, right? It’s not that the brand itself is good; it’s the fact that it’s your brand that makes it good.”


This girl.

She’s a master at leaving me speechless.

Staring at Charlotte’s mischievous face, I sighed deeply and began to explain gently.

“Did I ever tell you? I don’t like slaves.”

“This is the first I’m hearing of it…”

“As you can see, there are no slaves in my estate. Except for you two, who ended up here by chance. Why do you think I go out of my way to pay wages and hire free people? I wouldn’t have to pay any wages if I filled all the roles—maids, butlers, coachmen—with slaves.”

“Um… Because you’re not into slaves?”

“That’s not entirely wrong, but fundamentally, it’s because I hate the rotten mindset embedded in slaves’ minds. People who don’t get paid for their labor develop a slave mentality. And once that happens, they don’t try their best or make an effort to work hard. I despise such people.”

I was lucky to have rescued the children as soon as they were sold to the slaver.

Once a person adopts a slave mentality, it’s nearly impossible to root it out.

Giving up one’s autonomy even once makes reclaiming it incredibly difficult.

I don’t want the children to live for my sake.

I want them to live their lives for themselves.

It would be unbearably boring to have someone who was always mine, who would obey any command I gave.

It’s only when someone with their own free will chooses to devote themselves to me entirely that my heart races.

That’s why I don’t treat Charlotte and Julia like slaves.

“I don’t want you to grow up into adults with that slave mentality. That’s the only reason.”

“Then what about sister knight?”

“It’s too late for her.”


Charlotte nodded as if she finally understood.

I’m glad she’s getting it.

“I’ll hold off on the brand, then. But how about a tattoo—”

“Absolutely not. I’d rather die than let that happen. If you get a permanent mark on your body, I’ll confiscate your Super Strong Sword, so keep that in mind.”

“Hehehe. It was just a joke. I wouldn’t do something you hate, Mister.”

[The Evil God ‘Kali’ breathes a sigh of relief.]

For once, I felt the same as Kali.

A tattoo on Charlotte’s perfect skin?

That’s crossing the line, even as a joke.

I would never allow such an abominable act.

She gave up playing outside and came to spend time with me, and I ended up scolding her so much.

I thought of using my Massage Pass as a peace offering when—


“What is it? Is it something important enough to interrupt my rare and precious alone time with Charlotte?”

It better be.

I gritted my teeth.

The maid looked terrified as she stammered her response.

“Y-yes, master. A messenger has arrived from the Imperial Palace.”


A messenger from the palace?

That certainly was important.

So, I missed my chance to use the Massage Pass again today.

Swallowing my disappointment, I reluctantly got up.

I quickly put on my coat and headed outside, where the messenger was waiting at the front gate without moving an inch.

What’s with this guy?

Can’t he come in and have a cup of tea while we talk?

“I will now deliver Her Majesty’s message to Count Vermont.”

“Yes, please go ahead.”

“Ahem, ahem. Aslan Vermont. I have heard about the recent monster outbreak in Ariente Territory, as well as the performance of your Security Company and the slaves.”


“Her Majesty was deeply impressed and would like to entrust Vermont Security with a task.”

“I apologize, but please inform Her Majesty that Vermont Security is not yet equipped to handle official assignments. We are not qualified to accept Her Majesty’s request at this time…”

“I must reject your rejection. When we traced the origin of the monsters, it seemed suspiciously like your own doing. Of course, I know you’re not the type to endanger lives for your own glory, but not everyone shares my trust in you. If a rumor spread that the Vermont family staged this, you would be in a very difficult position…”


Am I being blackmailed right now?

My mouth felt dry.

“It’s a proposal that would benefit you as well. At least come and listen. The Imperial Palace is always open to you… And that is Her Majesty’s message.”

“May I head to the palace with you right now?”

“I’ll escort you by carriage.”

I decided to go to the palace immediately.

What are you thinking, Empress Big Sis?

I need some explanation.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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