I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 847 The Supreme Leader

As the news of the four noble houses' downfall spread like wildfire throughout the Lower Abyss, chaos erupted in its wake. People were in a frenzy, their emotions running high. The rebels, however, wasted no time in taking charge and restoring order amidst the chaos.

The rebels, a determined and battle-hardened force, mobilized swiftly. Their eyes were filled with chicken blood as they set out to bring stability back to the fractured realm. They knew it wasn't going to be an easy task, but they were ready to face the challenges head-on.

In the aftermath of the rebels' successful uprising, the toll on the four noble houses was evident. Their forces had been significantly depleted, with a staggering 40% of their fighters lying lifeless on the ground. The once-proud and powerful warriors of the nobles now lay defeated, their bodies strewn across the battlefield.

The rebels, with their diverse skills and unwavering determination, had managed to vanquish the high-end combat power of the Lower Abyss. From demon lords to devils, none were spared from the rebels' relentless assault. The air was heavy with the scent of blood, mingled with the lingering remnants of powerful spells and fierce clashes.

Among the rebels, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction painted their faces. Beads of sweat dripped down their brows, their chests heaving with every labored breath. But their eyes sparkled with a sense of accomplishment, a fire that couldn't be extinguished.

One rebel, a young woman with fiery red hair and a defiant gaze, wiped the sweat from her brow and let out a victorious cheer. She raised her sword high, its blade glistening with the blood of fallen enemies. Her battle-worn companions rallied around her, their cheers blending with hers, creating a symphony of triumph amidst the chaos.

Others, wounded but not broken, tended to their injuries with grim determination. Their bodies bore the scars of the intense battle, their movements strained yet resolute. They knew the fight wasn't over yet, but their spirit remained unyielding.

Amidst the carnage, a figure emerged—a rebel leader, adorned in tattered armor, bearing the weight of responsibility on his broad shoulders. His gaze swept across the battlefield, taking in the magnitude of the victory and the cost it had exacted. His features were etched with a mix of grief and resolve, a testament to the sacrifices made to bring about this moment.

With a weary yet determined voice, he addressed his fellow rebels, his words carrying a sense of gratitude and a call for unity. "We've come a long way, my comrades. Today, we've dealt a heavy blow to those who sought to oppress us. But let us not forget the price we've paid. We stand here today because of the sacrifices made by our fallen brothers and sisters."

A solemn silence fell over the battlefield as the rebels paid tribute to their fallen comrades. It was a poignant moment, a reminder of the stakes they were fighting for. The rebellion had exacted a heavy toll, but it had also kindled a flame of hope within their hearts.

The rebels knew their journey was far from over. They would need to rebuild, regroup, and prepare for the battles yet to come. But in that moment, amidst the wreckage and the echoes of victory, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, they would forge a new era—one where the Lower Abyss would be governed by justice and equality. The rebels had proven that the power of the people could overcome even the mightiest of oppressors. And as they basked in the aftermath of their triumph, a flicker of hope burned brightly in their eyes, igniting the path towards a brighter future for all.


As Fein sat alone in his room, a blood-red moon casting an eerie glow through the window, he couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. The rebels, in their infinite wisdom, had decided to appoint him as the supreme leader of the new regime in the Lower Abyss. Now, that was a surprise he hadn't seen coming.

Fein scratched his head, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. "Seriously? They want me to be their leader? Do they even know what they're getting themselves into?" he mumbled to himself, a hint of laughter in his voice.

He looked around the room, taking in the absurdity of the situation. The walls adorned with strange paintings, each one seemingly mocking his newfound position of power. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. "Well, I guess I can't say no to being a supreme leader. Might come in handy if I want to make my way to the Middle Realm," he muttered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Fein stood up and walked over to the window, peering out at the blood-red moon that seemed to be in on the joke. "You know," he said, leaning against the windowsill, "I always thought my path would lead to adventure and excitement, but becoming a supreme leader wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Guess life has a way of surprising you."

He gazed up at the moon, its eerie glow reflecting in his eyes. "Well, I might as well make the most of it. Who knows, maybe I'll bring a touch of comedy to this whole 'supreme leader' gig. Can't have it all serious and boring, right?"

Fein turned away from the window and flopped back onto his bed, his body sinking into the soft mattress. "I suppose I'll have to figure out what being a supreme leader entails. Maybe I'll start with a funny hat or a ridiculous title. 'Fein the Jester Supreme' has a nice ring to it," he chuckled, picturing himself in an outrageous costume, entertaining the rebels with his witty remarks.

With a shrug and a twinkle in his eye, Fein closed his eyes, ready to embrace this unexpected role thrust upon him. "Well, Lower Abyss, get ready for some laughs. Fein, the accidental supreme leader, is here to shake things up."

And as the blood-red moon continued to cast its surreal glow, Fein drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with comedic visions of his newfound reign in the Lower Abyss.

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