I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 840 The Dumbfounded Butler

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, its warm rays gently kissed Fein's face, coaxing him out of his deep slumber. He stirred, stretching his limbs with a satisfying groan. Ah, the joys of a good morning stretch. Fein couldn't help but marvel at the benefits it provided.

"Stretching in the morning," he mused to himself, "increases blood flow, improves flexibility, and prepares the muscles for the day ahead." His body responded with a surge of energy, invigorated by the simple yet effective act. With renewed vitality coursing through his veins, Fein swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose to his feet.

Making his way to the table, Fein's stomach growled in anticipation of a hearty breakfast. The tantalizing aroma of eggs and hotdogs filled the air, wafting from the sizzling pan that awaited him. His maid, a figure of unwavering loyalty, stood by his side, her eyes fixed respectfully on him. This was the customary ritual of the demon realm, where the master was served first before anyone else could partake.

Seated at the table, Fein's gaze fell upon the plate before him, adorned with perfectly cooked eggs and succulent hotdogs. The vibrant colors and inviting aromas danced before his senses, enticing him to dig in. With a satisfied grin, he picked up his fork and knife, ready to indulge in this morning feast.

As he savored the first bite, the flavors exploded on his tongue, a delightful symphony of tastes that awakened his taste buds. The tender eggs, their golden yolks oozing with richness, complemented the savory hotdogs, each bite a harmonious blend of textures and flavors. Fein relished every mouthful, fully immersing himself in the pleasure of this simple pleasure.

Beside him, the maids stood patiently, their gazes fixed on the master, awaiting his completion. It was an unspoken understanding, a symbol of respect and hierarchy ingrained in the fabric of their world.

Feeling satiated and content, Fein gently placed his utensils on the empty plate. With a nod, he signaled to the maids that they were free to indulge in their own breakfast. Their expressions softened with gratitude, their eyes reflecting the appreciation they held for their master.

As the maids settled down at the table, Fein's attention shifted to his cup of coffee, lovingly prepared by one of the maids. The rich aroma wafted up, embracing him like a warm embrace. He cradled the cup in his hands, feeling the gentle warmth seep through his palms. Taking a cautious sip, the bittersweet elixir danced on his taste buds, awakening his senses and sharpening his focus.

After devouring a hearty breakfast, Fein felt the energy coursing through his veins. It was time for his daily routine of physical training, a ritual he followed with unwavering dedication. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he made his way to the backyard, ready to unleash his inner warrior.

Positioning himself on the grassy expanse, Fein took a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature around him. The birds chirped merrily, oblivious to the intense workout that was about to unfold. He stretched his limbs, his muscles awakening like a slumbering beast, ready to roar into action.

"Ah, the wonders of stretching," Fein mused aloud, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "The key to unlocking the secret powers hidden within our bodies. Science says so, you know."

With a theatrical flourish, Fein began his routine of 100 squats. His legs flexed and extended, the rhythm of his movements resembling a well-choreographed dance. Each squat brought him closer to enlightenment, or at least that's what he jokingly believed. Sweat formed on his brow, but he wore a mischievous grin as if mocking the effort required.

Next came the 100 push-ups, a true test of upper body strength. Fein's arms strained against the weight of his body, rising and falling. His butler, Loui, watched in amusement, his face a mirror of both respect and bemusement.

"Care to join me, Loui?" Fein called out between push-ups. "I promise it's the secret to eternal youth and charm."

Loui chuckled, his eyes twinkling with fondness for his eccentric master. "I'll pass, sir. Watching you is entertainment enough."

Undeterred by Loui's refusal, Fein pressed on to the final segment of his routine: the dreaded 100 sit-ups. His abdominal muscles engaged, the exertion bringing forth a mixture of groans and laughter. With each sit-up, he imagined himself becoming a paragon of strength, a legend whispered among the demons. After all, this is Saitama's work out routine!

As the last sit-up came to an end, Fein leaped to his feet, his body pulsating with energy. It was time for the grand finale, the ultimate display of his prowess—a showdown with a harmless, unsuspecting tree.

Gripping the wooden sword with gusto, Fein assumed a battle-ready stance. He swung the sword with a flourish, pretending to be locked in a fierce duel with an imaginary opponent. The air whistled as the wooden blade sliced through the space, his movements a blend of skill and theatrical flair.

With a mighty swing, Fein aimed for the towering 20-meter tree standing in his path. The impact reverberated through the backyard, the sound of cracking wood filling the air. Fein watched with a mix of awe and amusement as the tree surrendered to his fantastical strength, splitting in half.

As Fein stood there, basking in the glory of his tree-splitting triumph, Loui approached with a mixture of admiration and curiosity in his eyes. He had witnessed his master's incredible swordsmanship, and now he couldn't help but inquire about the secret behind such an astonishing feat.

"Master," Loui began, his voice filled with awe, "how did you manage to split that tree with a mere wooden sword? It defies all logic."

Fein, relishing the opportunity to indulge in his mystique, turned to face Loui with an enigmatic expression. He looked up at the sky, his gaze deep and introspective. Slowly, he crossed his hands behind his back, as if assuming the role of a wise sage ready to impart his wisdom.

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