I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 107: Center Section Bounties

"It's look like they are weaked whever there are no moonlight," Alros said with a slightly disappointed tone.

The captured Lunar Ants had be subdued, as he wanted to make them not attack the others. Unfortunately, as he suspected, the Lunar Ants are weaked, to the point other ant species at the same size could defeat them.

Which make his hypothesis likely true, that the Lunar Ants did this for the sake of their survival. Though, it did make the Lunar Ants as a species that could only be used on a certain period, or there would be no use for them, at all.

"The priorities at the Cter Section should be more useful than the Lunar Ants," the incubus mused, planning to grab the species he wanted to put in his force.


"Which priority targets should I grab first?" Alros asked himself. Of the five target, both Flame Ants and Forest Wasps, would add more firepower in term of offse, while the Black Steel Beetle would hance the defsive capabilities of his force.

As for the Illusion Butterflies, they would be part of the support, confusing the hell out of their emies, a great debuffer. As for the Wood Termite, they would be used to create fortifications.

Compared to wood defses of the same size, what the Wood Termite is far superior. Not only did it is not flammable, it also almost as hard as stone, with the Wood Termite able to repair it with ease, better than any castles as repairing those would be hard without magic.

Not to mtion, the fortification made by the Wood Termite use mana, or mana is applied on it, making the fortifactions stronger. With so many choices and all of them are good, he had trouble deciding.

In the d, the demon decided to grab the Flame Ants first, mostly to increase the offsive capabilities of his force. The other reason is because it is easier than grabbing the Forest Wasp, which can fly and esstially a pain in the arse to catch.

Second, would be the Black Steel Beetle. With them, his force would have better aerial combat capabilities, with the Giant Dragonfly acting as the fighters while the Black Steel Beetle is esstially the helicopter.

Th, it goes from Forest Wasp, followed by Illusion Butterfly and lastly, the Wood Termite, which is the hardest in term of capturing as they would holed themselves up inside their nest, making it near impossible for him to capture them.


"This is easier than I thought," Alros mused, his Demonic Goblins and Demonic Hobgoblins blocking and trapping the Flame Ants. While the Flame Ants fire magic is a concern in itself, it is not much of a problem wh the wood shields are coated with special resins that is nearly fireproof, making their burning poison and burning bodies plus their abilities to unleash fireball esstially useless.

The nets also receive the same resin treatmt, allowing more and more ants to be captured and subdued. With more and more ants subdued, with some unfortunately having to be killed, the resistance began to die out.

With only the que ant left, the demon ordered his hobgoblins to clear the room towards the que's chamber. As he reached the place, all the guards are subdued. While ants are stronger than human in term of how much they could lift compared to their bodyweight, if pressure is applied at the back of their head, ev a large ant would find itself unable to move.

With the opposition being subdued, the incubus walked towards the que ant before using Subdue.


"This is also too easy," he said, watching as another Black Steel Beetle getting dragged by goblins to the g. Compare to the Flame Ants, the larger beetle posed more trouble, mostly because of it's ability to fly and having thick carapace.

However, the later worked on his favor as there is no reason to hold back by a lot, as it would be harder to kill the beetle. This allowed his goblins to be rougher, and dragged them down with much force, as they are less squishy than the ants.

And with the dragonflies gaging them, the beetle find themselves on the g, besieged by a mixture of Flame Ants and Demonic Goblins. Aside from that, the dragonflies also carried Flame Ants, who dropped and caused immse pain to the beetle monsters and forcing them ag.

The slight problem would be the fact that while the Black Steel Beetle do live in a colony, it is less compared to the eusocial bugs, only a 0 per colony or so, and that is the biggest beetle colonies.

So, he need to attack two colonies, at the very least if he wanted to cap the lair population.


Alros used his spyglass to grasp the details of the terrain a the Forest Wasp's nest that he targeted.

Considering the fact that the wasps would be one of the hardest capture, he need to plan it well, or it would be hard for him to capture them.

As he observe the nest, he quickly note several location of great interest, that would allow him to make capturing the large wasps easier.


"Let it all begin," at the d of his speech, portals oped as countless Flame Ants began to make the beeline towards the nests, already on the branches of tree where the Forest Wasp's nests resided.

At that instance, swarms of Forest Wasp emerged from the nest, all heading towards the Flame Ants. But that's wh the first of the swarm find themselves stuck in webs, created earlier to capture the wasps.

The creator of the webs, a Mist Spider colony he had caught earlier this week, began to swarm towards the captured wasps, and quickly tangling them in the webs before bring it towards the demon, who subdued them.

That's wh the Forest Wasp find itself not only attacked from the trees, but also from the sky as Giant Dragonfly and turned Forest Wasp began to gage with them, slowly overwhelming them.

While wasp colonies are greater than many other insect colonies, it could not be compared to ants, termites and bees, all of which could contain numbers that could reach a staggering 00, compared to the smaller 0 to 00 of the wasps.

So, the wasps began to get overwhelmed, and as what happed to Flame Ant colony soon occurred to the Forest Wasp, it's que subdued by Alros.


"Looks like the expansion is doing well," the incubus remarked. Aside from the Flame Ant, which required 5 medium-sized lairs to contain all of it's number, the rest merely need one medium-sized lair.

"Well, looks like the Flame Ant would be the main force in the Forest of Bug," he said to himself, before returning to plan the capture of Illusion Butterfly colony and Wood Termite colony.

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