I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 103: Energy Draining Mosquitoes

In a short time, Alros used his aura to paralyze them before subduing the leeches easily. After which he quickly put them inside the lair he prepared for them. Unfortunately, there is no specialized lair for leeches, much to his chagrin.

Thankfully, there are freshwater lair, which copied such habitat completely. After consulting the system space, he soon find out the reason for it.

While habitat lair could have more diverse population, it would be a geral type, meaning it would not have the necessities for certain species, while the species lair would not be as diverse, but at least offer the necessities, or at least make it easier for certain species to grow.

It is also the reason why he can put the Black Poison Berry Trees in the habitat, as it make plants that befit ant species took less space, on the account the lair made specifically for ants.

"It seem if I took out 0 of the Black Poison Ant, it would be filled with the Black Poison Berry," he mused.

In the d, 0 ants are sacrifice in the name of saving space as well as for research, as he would be able to study more on their poison and use it on weapons of his goblins and slaves.


"This should be the spot," Alros exclaimed, donning a thick clothing, not that it would help with the mosquitoes but at least it make it less likely for him to be bitt.

His force also prepared themselves, this time more of them joining in with some hidd at the treetop, slowly creeping in on the location.

While mosquitoes bugs preferred to be in a humid area, they mostly like it if they are near ponds and lakes, their nesting g. He had found the swarm of Energy-Draining Mosquitoes at a large pond, and that is where he is heading next.

All of the slaves and goblins have shields as well as the weapon that will be used against the damn mosquitoes.


"Looks like we have be spotted," he said calmly, as the mosquitoes began to descd on his group. The mosquitoes is actually quite large, a the size of half a man to three quarter of a man. Making them larger than his goblins.

However, their size is not their deadlies strgth, ev if their proboscis looks like a very narrow spear that can kill you. Instead, it's ability to absorb ergy from a distance that make it dangerous.

While it can pierce it's target and drain their vitality with it, it mostly dodge and absorb their victim's ergy from a distance. It's proboscis could do so, absorbing the victim's ergy like a vacuum and slowly draining them of the ergy, making them weaker and more lethargic. The reason he wanted to add such species into his force.

The downside is that he could not make them too small unless he could mass produce them, as they could only take so ergy depding on how big they are. The bigger, the more ergy they can absorb.

Not to mtion, like real mosquitoes, they are fragile, a single blow could cripple them. Ev a very powerful wind attack could destroy an tire swarm.

However, with weakness, there is also strgth. Aside from it's large distance capabilities, the mosquitoes reproduce, well, not too quickly but still fast compared to other bugs.

So, he did not need to capture a lot of them, just ough to get them to reproduce and produce more mosquitoes, also another statemt he never thought he would think about.

It would make them a good debuffer. Have his main force battle it out and th the mosquitoes slowly draining the ergy of the emies, making them weaker and easier to kill.

Unfortunately, their weakness and strgth make it troublesome for him to catch them all. With them being fragile and attacking from a distance, capturing them seem like an impossible job.

However, the weapon develop for such thing will make it easier.

"Looks like they already got one," he mused, looking at the captured mosquito, trapped inside a net. Though, not just any regular net, but one made from Thread Spider silk. It took some time, but he manage to make it so the silk no longer stick to anything.

From which, the female slaves help in the creation of the nets, all of them creating one every hours, giving his force more than a thousand nets in just one day.


With the nets, the mosquitoes' number began to dwindle, many of it's kind get trapped inside the net. The force he placed on trees also did their part, throwing nets and herding the mosquitoes into more traps.

Sure, some of his troops were drained, but with the result being so great, he did not mind it. After all, no one died-

"Master, one of slaves died from having their ergy drained,"



Similarly, there is no mosquito lairs, so he had to chose the next best things and opt for another freshwater lair, though he could design it a bit, so he did so.

Though, there is the problem of feeding the two species. After all, while monsters could live with only mana, it would weak them, considerably so if the period without sustainable is long.

So, all of them require food, which thankfully he began to grow for them. He had bought nearly 0 medium-sized Plot and grew a lot of vegetables, fruits and cereal crops to help him self sustain the system space to spd less on LP.

This also allow him to find out the reason most farming lands are located near Mana Zones. The growth of the plants took almost half the required growth period while the size and quality is a lot better, getting more food for less time.

However, he did not have animal husbandries yet and had to depd on the system store for things like meat, fish, milk and many other esstials that is not possible for him to get without getting cows, chick, and other farm animals.

It is now he learned the lair is self sustained, ev the plot. As long as there is mana, which did not take out from his MP, it could create some of the necessities such as water, and if there is fruit trees in the area, it would grow easily and bear tons of fruits.

Also, for species lair, it make it so certain number of LP deducted to feed the creatures inside of it. Which reduce the daily LP gain but considering how much LP he gain, and the reduction cost because of the lair, it did not ev matter.

However, for habitat lair, it did not have such abilities, and so, he had to get some items for the lairs, like Mana Gathering Stones for the leeches and Energy Gathering Stones for the mosquitoes.

Slightly troublesome, but a worthwhile investmt for the future.

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