I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 2: Chapter No.2 Alice Ashwood

With a deep breath, Samael resolved to confront the challenges ahead with determination and courage. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, he refused to succumb to despair. He may have been thrust into a world beyond his wildest imagination, but he was determined to make the most of his newfound circumstances.

"First thing first, I have to see my magic and at which circle I belong to," Samael muttered to himself, his voice tinged with determination as he began to explore his newfound abilities.

Focusing his thoughts inward, Samael closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, seeking the familiar presence of magic that he had only recently discovered within himself. As he delved deeper into his innermost being, he felt a subtle shift in the air around him, as if the very fabric of reality responded to his call.

And then, like a spark igniting a flame, Samael felt the surge of magic coursing through his veins—a power unlike anything he had ever known. Opening his eyes, he beheld the sight of a faint, ethereal glow emanating from his outstretched hand, casting a soft radiance that illuminated the room with an otherworldly light.

"It's real... I have magic," Samael whispered, his eyes widening with wonder and disbelief. For so long, he had yearned for a sense of purpose and belonging, and now, it seemed that fate had granted him his wish in the most unexpected of ways.

But as Samael marveled at his newfound abilities, a nagging doubt lingered at the back of his mind—a question that demanded an answer: What circle of magic did he belong to?

With determination, Samael focused his thoughts once more, delving deeper into the depths of his magical essence. And as he reached out with his senses, he felt a subtle resonance within his heart—a familiar pulse that seemed to echo in harmony with the very rhythm of his soul.

"It's there... I can feel it," Samael murmured, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sought to unlock the secrets of his magical heritage. And then, like a veil lifting from his mind, he saw it—the intricate pattern of a magical circle etched into the very core of his being, glowing with a faint yet unmistakable radiance.

"It's... a first circle," Samael breathed, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. Despite his initial doubts and fears, he had finally discovered his place in the world of magic—a first-circle mage, with untold potential waiting to be unleashed.

But as Samael reveled in the revelation of his newfound abilities, a sense of urgency gripped him—the protagonist was at Pseudo-Second Circle Mage at this point in the story. If he wanted to avoid the tragic fate that awaited him in the pages of the novel.

"Surpassing the protagonist in two days is impossible," Samael thought, his mind racing with possibilities. "But perhaps I can use my knowledge of the story to my advantage. If I can anticipate the events to come and prepare accordingly, maybe I can change the course of fate."

"The protagonist should be in prison after offending the heir of Rutherford House. That's where I'll find him," Samael mused, "I prevent him from going to prison and meeting the main heroine there, Should I go in the prison in his stead? Through this, I can put him in debt to me and take his chance for more power which the main heroine will offer."

As Samael pondered his next course of action, a plan began to form in his mind—a daring gambit born of desperation and determination. If he could manipulate the events of the story to his advantage, perhaps he could alter the trajectory of his fate and forge a new path for himself in this strange and unpredictable world.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Samael set out to gather information about the protagonist and the events that would soon unfold. Using his knowledge of the novel's plot as a guide, he pieced together a plan to intercept the protagonist before he could land himself in trouble.



"Big brother! come down breakfast is ready."

A sweet voice filled with feminine warmth interrupted Samael's thoughts, pulling him back to the present. Turning towards the door, he saw his little sister, Alice.

Alice Ashwood.

A sweet and innocent fifteen years old girl with midnight black hair and crimson red eyes, stood in the doorway, her eyes bright with excitement and affection as she looked up at her older brother.

But in the future, She would become a villain, who wants to avenge her brother's death.

Samael's heart ached at the sight of his beloved sister, Alice. Despite the warmth of her smile and the innocence in her eyes, he couldn't shake the weight of the future looming over them. He knew the role she would play in the tragic events to come—the sister consumed by grief and vengeance, driven to darkness by the loss of her brother.

"Let's go, Mother is waiting for us. I am hungry~"

'This time I will save you from all that pain, Because I'm here now, and I won't let history repeat itself,' Samael vowed silently as he pushed aside his troubled thoughts, plastering a warm smile on his face for his sister's sake.

"Come here for a second~" Samael called out, beckoning Alice to come closer. As she approached, he immediately wrapped her in a gentle embrace, savoring the warmth and comfort of her presence.

"You're right, little sis. Let's go down and have breakfast together," Samael said, his voice filled with genuine affection as he ruffled her hair affectionately. "I'm starving."

"Mou~ what's with you today?" Cute Alice pouted at her brother's playful antics, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "But okay, let's go before mother scolds us for being late."

With a shared chuckle, Samael and Alice descended the stairs of the grand manor, their laughter mingling with the anticipation of a new day. As they entered the dining hall, the aroma of freshly prepared food greeted them, tantalizing their senses and stirring their appetites.

In this manor, only three people are living; Samael, his little sister Alice, and their mother, Lady Elysia Ashwood. Lady Elysia, a woman of grace and poise, welcomed her children with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with affection as she observed their playful banter.

"Good morning, my darlings. I trust you both slept well?" Lady Elysia greeted them, her voice carrying a soothing tone that eased the tension lingering in the air.

"Yes, Mother. I slept like a log," Samael replied, his smile genuine as he took his seat at the table, glancing at Alice with a playful grin. "Unlike someone I know who tosses and turns all night."

Alice stuck her tongue out at her brother in mock indignation, her laughter filling the room with joy and warmth. For a moment, the weight of their troubled past seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the simple pleasures of family and togetherness.

Samael who was an orphan in his previous life, found solace and comfort in the love of his sister and mother, grateful for the second chance he had been given in this strange new world.

The memories of previous Samael Ashwood helped him to not appear awkward and out of place in this new life, but he knew that he needed to tread carefully. The events of the novel loomed over him like a dark shadow, reminding him of the fate that awaited him if he failed to change his destiny.

As they enjoyed their breakfast together, Samael's mind raced with plans and strategies, each one more daring than the last. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he refused to let fear dictate his actions.

With determination burning in his heart, Samael vowed to seize control of his own fate and carve out a new destiny for himself—one where betrayal and tragedy would no longer hold sway over his life.

As the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the Ashwood manor, Samael felt a sense of hope and optimism swell within him, buoyed by the love and support of his family. With their unwavering belief in him, he knew that anything was possible.

"Big brother! what are you thinking about?" Alice's voice interrupted Samael's thoughts, pulling him back to the present once more. She looked at him with concern, her crimson eyes reflecting the worry etched on her youthful face.

Samael smiled reassuringly at his sister, grateful for her presence and the genuine concern she showed for him. "Just planning our day, little sis," he replied, his tone light and casual as he reached across the table to tousle her hair affectionately. "I was thinking we could explore the nearby forest this afternoon. What do you say?"

Alice's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of an adventure with her brother. "Really? That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed, her smile widening into a grin as she bounced in her seat with enthusiasm. "I can't wait!"

"No! you are doing no such things," The stern voice of Lady Elysia interrupted the siblings' conversation, her expression one of concern and disapproval. "The forest is not a safe place for young children, especially not without proper supervision. I will not have either of you putting yourselves in unnecessary danger."

Samael exchanged a knowing glance with Alice, silently communicating their shared disappointment at their mother's decision. He understood her concern, of course, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her words than met the eye.

"Perhaps another time then," Samael conceded with a sigh, shooting Alice an apologetic smile. "We can find something else to do around the manor. Maybe explore the gardens or visit the library."

Alice nodded in agreement, her disappointment tempered by the promise of alternative activities. "That sounds nice too," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "I guess we'll have to save the forest adventure for another day."

"Let's go, Little sis to the library."

Samael rose from his seat, gesturing for Alice to follow him as they made their way towards the grand library of the Ashwood manor. Despite the disappointment of not being able to explore the forest, he was determined to make the most of their time together, finding solace and adventure within the walls of their ancestral home.

Entering the library, Samael felt a sense of familiarity wash over him—a comforting reminder of the countless hours 'he' had spent lost in the pages of books, seeking knowledge and enlightenment in the quiet solitude of the shelves.

The library was a vast expanse of knowledge, filled with ancient tomes, mystical grimoires, and treasured artifacts passed down through generations of the Ashwood family. Each book held a story waiting to be told, a world waiting to be explored, and Samael couldn't wait to delve into their secrets once more.

"Where should we start today, little sis?" Samael asked, scanning the rows of books with a thoughtful expression. "Do you have any particular interests you'd like to explore?"

Alice pondered for a moment, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she spotted a familiar title on one of the shelves. "How about a story about knights and dragons?" she suggested eagerly, pointing towards a well-worn book adorned with a majestic dragon on its cover. "I love reading about brave heroes and epic adventures!"

Samael smiled at his sister's enthusiasm, feeling a surge of affection for her youthful spirit and boundless curiosity. "Knights and dragons it is then," he replied, reaching for the book and settling into a cozy reading nook with Alice by his side.

For hours, they lost themselves in the pages of the ancient tome, immersing themselves in tales of valor and heroism, of brave knights battling fearsome dragons and saving kingdoms from darkness. With each turn of the page, Samael felt a sense of wonder and excitement fill his heart, the stories breathing life into the world around them and sparking his imagination with endless possibilities.

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the library, Samael reluctantly closed the book, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, he knew that as long as he had his sister by his side, he could face whatever the future held with courage and determination.

"Thank you for spending time with me, big brother," Alice said, her voice soft with gratitude as she leaned against him, her eyes shining with affection. "I had a wonderful time."

Samael wrapped an arm around his sister, pulling her close in a warm embrace. "Anytime, little sis," he replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You're my sweetheart, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"Hehe~ I am big brother's sweetheart~" Alice mumbled with a silly smile, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the endearment. But despite her playful protest, Samael could see the genuine happiness in her eyes, and it warmed his heart to know that he could bring her joy even in the midst of uncertainty.

"Anyway, I am going outside for a while. Tell Mother for me, that I am go to the city to run some errands," Samael said, rising from his seat and stretching his limbs with a satisfied sigh. "I won't be long."

Alice nodded in understanding, her expression filled with curiosity. "Can I come with you, big brother?" she asked, her eyes pleading for permission to accompany him.

"No, Perhaps another time," Samael said as he flicked her nose playfully, earning a giggle from his sister. "You stay here and keep Mother company. I'll be back before you know it."

With a final smile and a wave goodbye, Samael left the library and made his way towards the city, his mind buzzing with plans and strategies for the days to come. He knew that time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste a single moment in his quest to change his fate.

As he walked through the bustling streets of Kaitoria City, Samael couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds of the world around him. Everywhere he looked, there were signs of life and activity, from merchants hawking their wares to street performers entertaining the crowds with their talents.

But amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, Samael remained focused on his mission—to find the protagonist and alter the course of fate. He knew that the key to his success lay in his ability to anticipate the events to come and manipulate them to his advantage.

"It's show time."




[To Be Continued]


Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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