I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 101: Chapter No.101 Dragon's Sin Of Wrath (Final)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

I was standing in the pit formed from the aftermath of the battle, feeling the weight of everything that had just transpired. The once mighty sorceress who had manipulated time itself was no more, and the battlefield, now eerily quiet, bore witness to her defeat.

I could still feel the remnants of the Soul King's overwhelming power coursing through me, though his presence had faded back into the recesses of my mind.

"Well, that was... something," I muttered, taking in the devastation around me. The ground was scorched and cracked, and the air was thick with the lingering energy of the fight. I felt different, not just stronger, but more aware of the vast potential within me.

The Heavenly Protagonist. It wasn't just about strength—it was about control. Control over fate, over destiny, and over the story itself. The sorceress had tried to twist time to her advantage, but with the Soul King's power, I had transcended that. I was no longer at the mercy of the plot, but its master.

I clenched my fist, feeling the surge of power within me. The Soul King's final words echoed in my mind.

A gift...

A shadowy figure kneeling before me, the figure resembled the sorceress' but made up entirely of shadow with blue lines...entirely of dark energy, her form flickering like a dying flame. She was no longer the proud, defiant sorceress I had faced. Instead, she was a fragment—a mere echo of her former self.

The Soul King's voice reverberated in my mind, distant yet commanding. 'I left her for you. Use her as you see fit, or destroy her. She can serve you if you wish. And make of those abilities you got, to make the fallen enemies into loyal shadow soldiers Damit!'

I felt embarrassed as I heard the Soul King's exasperated tone in my head. It was a reminder of just how little I had understood about the true extent of my powers. But this… this was different. The sorceress, or rather the shadow of what she had been, was now mine to command.

I stepped toward her, the faint blue glow of her lines pulsing as if in response to my approach. Her head remained bowed as if waiting for an order. The weight of the decision pressed down on me, but I couldn't afford hesitation. Not anymore.

"Rise," I commanded, my voice steady despite the swirling emotions within me.

The shadow sorceress obeyed, lifting her head and standing before me. Her once vibrant eyes, full of arrogance and malice, were now empty, flickering with the same blue energy that coursed through her. She was a shell of her former self, a weapon I could wield.

But there are some conditions for me to 'extract' this shadowy from there: The Corpse and Trigger Command.

I looked at the system panel to read the description of the skills I obtained.

[Name: Shadow Extraction]

[Type: Skill]

[Description: Shadow Extraction allows its users to revive slain living beings as a shadow soldier. It is triggered through a set command word, does not cost mana to use, and can be applied over a large radius, allowing its users to extract hundreds of shadows at once if they want. Even though Shadow Extraction essentially allows its users to create an army of shadows at their command.]

[Trigger Command: Yet To Set]


[1. Shadow Extraction can't be successfully used on targets who are significantly stronger than the users themselves.]

[2. Shadow Extraction can only be used three times on a single target, meaning that the users have only three chances for a successful extraction.]

[Name: Shadow Preservation]

[Type: Skill]

[Description: Shadow Storage allows the user to store the Shadows they have created inside their own shadow, as well as summon and reabsorb them at will, the skill also grants the ability to share senses with the Shadows, being able to use them as a means of remote monitoring.]

[Shadows saved: 1/30]

So... I just became a little Shadow Monarch huh~


Like seriously who would want

to miss out on the chance of having their own shadow army? A smirk crept across my face as I stood there, processing the potential of my new abilities. The battlefield lay silent around me, and it felt surreal, almost as if time itself had stopped to witness the birth of something far more dangerous than the sorceress had ever been.

"Let's test this out," I muttered, glancing down at the shadow sorceress, her form flickering with dark energy, awaiting my command.

I focused, tapping into the skill that I had just acquired. I could feel the faint presence of the other fallen bodies littering the battlefield, waiting for the moment of extraction. The trigger command... I needed something fitting, something that would resonate with the new reality I was creating.

"Arise," I declared firmly.

[Trigger Command: Arise]

[Does the host confirm this trigger command?]



At my word, the dark energy pulsed out from me, crawling across the ground like tendrils of shadow, latching onto the bodies that had fallen during the battle. One by one, they stirred. Shadows began to peel away from their corpses, rising from the ground in forms similar to the sorceress—empty, hollow, but powerful nonetheless.

They stood before me, silent and obedient, their blue lines glowing faintly in the darkness.

[Shadows saved: 6/30]

I felt the power settle within me, a weight of responsibility but also one of potential. These soldiers were mine to command, loyal only to me, bound by the power of the shadows.

The sorceress, once defiant and arrogant, now stood amongst them, a mere fragment of what she had been. But she still held a sliver of that knowledge, that experience of manipulating time and bending reality. And that made her invaluable.

"Your name," I said, turning to the shadow of the sorceress.

Her head tilted slightly as if struggling to remember the identity she had once claimed with such pride.

"I was... Liriel," she said, her voice barely a whisper, flickering like a distant memory.

"Liriel," I repeated, feeling the weight of that name. "You will serve me now."

She bowed her head once more, a silent acknowledgment of her new role.

I turned my gaze to the other shadow soldiers I had just created. They were simple in comparison, warriors who had fallen in battle, with no special abilities or powers to their names. But they were useful. Together, they represented a growing force—one that would continue to expand as I encountered more enemies and more opportunities.

But now I have to go see Mother, just thinking about her being so close to death. My anger flared again and instinctively my gaze went to the shadow sorceress, the flicker of irritation clear in my eyes. Liriel seemed to sense it, though she remained utterly still, obedient, and devoid of the arrogance she had once shown.

"You're lucky," I muttered, more to myself than to her. If it weren't for the Soul King, she would have been nothing more than dust by now. But instead, she would be forced to serve the very force she tried to manipulate.

I dismissed the shadows back into the recesses of my own shadow, watching as they dissolved into the ground at my feet. Liriel was the last to vanish, her form flickering once more before disappearing into the darkness.

[Shadows saved: 6/30]

With a deep breath, I turned away from the battlefield, my thoughts racing toward the next step. Mother had been caught up in this web of danger, so close to losing her life because of the sorceress' treachery. The mere thought of it made my blood boil, but I couldn't let that anger consume me now. She was alive, and that was what mattered.

I had to return to her, to Sionna, to my family. And with this new power, I would ensure that nothing like this could ever threaten them again.

But before I have to move Lady Rutherford from that room to my estate.

"Space Magic: Instant Warp~"

My figure instantly teleported to the room in the Rutherford estate, my eyes fell on the figure of Sera Rutheford looking like she was having a peaceful nap not in a coma.

The medical machines attached to her ran on my draconic energy replacing that Crimson Circle leader's blood magic.

I approached her slowly, my footsteps quiet against the cold floor. Sera Rutherford, the woman who had been caught in this twisted game of power and manipulation, lay before me, still as death but not beyond my reach. Her peaceful expression belied the turmoil she had been through, and for a moment, I found myself wondering what kind of life she had lived before this chaos engulfed her.

"Lady Rutherford," I murmured softly, standing by her bedside. Her pale skin glowed faintly under the dim lights of the room, and the rhythmic beeping of the medical machines reminded me that there was still hope for her recovery. The blood magic that had tainted her system was no longer an issue; my draconic energy coursed through her veins now, stabilizing her condition.

But she wouldn't survive here much longer.

The Rutherford estate was no longer safe—not with so many factions at play, all vying for control, and with the Crimson Circle still lurking in the shadows. I couldn't risk leaving her here in such a vulnerable state.

I reached out, my hand hovering just above her chest, where the magic that kept her alive pulsed gently. The warmth of my draconic energy met the cool air of the room as I prepared to transport her.

"Space Magic: Instant Warp—Ashwood Estate."

In an instant, the world around us shifted. The sterile room of the Rutherford estate disappeared, replaced by the familiar walls of the Ashwood family's private medical wing. The air here was warmer, and more welcoming. I had already arranged for my estate to be a sanctuary, fortified with magic and defenses that would keep Lady Rutherford safe while she recovered.




[To Be Continued]


Tomorrow, The last chapter of the this Volume.1

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