I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 1: Chapter No.1 Betrayal

[Manhattan, New York, USA]


That's the only thing I got from my parents, Before they left me in an orphanage with the name on a piece of paper. I grew up in the sterile confines of the institution, surrounded by countless other children who, like me, were abandoned by their families.

But amidst the loneliness and uncertainty, I clung to the name they gave me like a lifeline. Samael. It became my identity, my anchor in a sea of anonymity. And as the years passed, I vowed to carve out a place for myself in the world, to prove that I was more than just a discarded child with no past and no future.

Life in the orphanage was harsh, marked by strict rules and meager resources. Yet, it was also where I discovered the first glimmers of my true potential. In the quiet moments when the other children slept, I would retreat to a hidden corner of the library, reading whatever books I could find on the advanced subjects than classes I attended during the day.

Due to my habit of distancing myself from others, absorbed in my studies and introspection. But I didn't mind; solitude was my sanctuary, and knowledge my greatest ally.

As I delved deeper into the realms of science, mathematics, and philosophy, I began to uncover a hidden talent within myself—a knack for understanding complex concepts and solving intricate problems with ease. It was as if the knowledge I absorbed seeped into my very being, shaping me into something more than I had ever imagined.

I passed every academic challenge with flying colors, earning the admiration of my teachers and the begrudging respect of my peers. Yet, despite my academic achievements, I remained an outsider, a solitary figure in a sea of faces.

But that too changed when I entered the college as I was approached by a boy and girl who saw beyond the walls I had built around myself. Their names were Alex and Lily, and they became the first true friends I ever had.

With their unwavering support and acceptance, I began to open up, sharing my hopes, fears, and dreams with them. They saw me not as an outcast or a loner, but as Samael—a person worthy of love and companionship.

Together, we embarked on countless adventures, exploring the city streets and dreaming of a future filled with endless possibilities. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of belonging, a connection that transcended blood ties or shared history.

And in the last year of our college, I proposed to Lily, the girl who had captured my heart from the moment we met. With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, she accepted without hesitation, sealing our bond with promises of love and commitment.

As graduation approached, I stood at the precipice of a new chapter in my life, filled with excitement and anticipation for the future. Armed with my newfound confidence and the unwavering support of Alex and Lily, I set out to conquer the world, determined to make my mark on the world and prove that even a discarded orphan could rise above the odds.

But fate had other plans in store for me.

It's been three years since we have been together. I found an office job of 9 to 5 in the heart of Manhattan, working tirelessly to build a stable future for myself and my beloved Lily. Our love blossomed with each passing day, filling the empty spaces in our hearts with warmth and joy.

Today I was going home earlier than usual, eager to surprise Lily with dinner at our favorite restaurant. But as I stepped into our apartment, the scene that greeted me shattered the illusion of happiness I had built.

There they were—Lily and Alex—locked in an embrace that spoke volumes, their laughter mingling in the air like a cruel mockery of everything we had shared. Betrayal pierced through me like a dagger, tearing at the very fabric of my being.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what I was witnessing. The woman I loved, the friend I trusted—both of them, conspiring behind my back, their deceit hidden beneath false smiles and empty promises.

"Oh Sam, you are back earlier than expected," Lily's voice cut through the silence, dripping with false innocence. "We were just... catching up."

I stood there, frozen in disbelief, as the weight of their betrayal bore down on me like a suffocating blanket. Anger, hurt, and betrayal waged war within me, threatening to consume everything I had ever known.

Without a word, I turned and fled, the sound of their laughter echoing in my ears like a relentless taunt. It wasn't until I reached the sanctuary of the streets below that the full force of my emotions crashed over me like a tidal wave.

"At least watch the full show, Sam!" Alex mocked from behind me, his words like daggers in my back.

With each step I took, the world around me seemed to blur into a haze of confusion and pain. How could they betray me like this? How could they throw away everything we had shared without a second thought?

"Don't you want to know start dating behind your back?" Lily's voice cut through the chaos, her words like poison in my veins.

I froze, the weight of their betrayal crashing down upon me like a ton of bricks. Every word they uttered felt like a dagger to my heart, each syllable a painful reminder of the love and trust they had shattered in an instant.

"...From the start."


Something snapped inside me—a primal instinct, a raw surge of emotion that overwhelmed rational thought. In that moment of madness, fueled by rage and despair, I reached a breaking point. Without hesitation, I turned and stormed into the kitchen, my hands trembling as I gripped the handle of a knife—a weapon forged not of steel, but of desperation and betrayal.

As I stood there, staring at the glinting blade in my hand, a single thought consumed my mind: vengeance. I wanted them to suffer, to feel the same pain and betrayal that had torn me apart from the inside out.

With a trembling hand, I turned and marched back into the living room, the echo of their laughter ringing in my ears like a symphony of madness. But this time, there was no laughter, no mocking smiles—only shock and fear as they realized the gravity of the situation.

Without a word, I lunged forward, the blade flashing in the dim light as it found its mark. The metallic tang of blood filled the air as screams pierced the silence, a symphony of agony and despair that echoed in the recesses of my mind.

But even as I unleashed my fury upon them, a part of me recoiled in horror at the monster I had become. What had I done? Was this truly justice, or had I become the very thing I despised?

And then, in a blinding flash of light, everything changed.



In a world known as Aetheria, Divided into six continents:

Terra Nova: This continent is the primary domain of humans, encompassing sprawling kingdoms, empires, and city-states. From the verdant forests of the Elven Kingdoms to the towering spires of the Human Empire, Terra Nova is a land of great diversity and conflict.

Nocturna: Shrouded in perpetual darkness, Nocturna is the realm of the night-dwelling races, including vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the shadows. Its vast forests and misty moors are home to ancient vampire covens, werewolf packs, and secretive enclaves of dark magic.

Drakoria: Dominated by towering mountains and vast deserts, Drakoria is the ancestral homeland of dragons. Here, mighty dragon clans rule over expansive territories, hoarding vast treasures and wielding formidable magical abilities. The skies of Drakoria are filled with the majestic flight of dragons, from the fiery breath of the Red Dragons to the frosty winds of the Ice Dragons.

Silvandor: A realm of enchanting beauty and natural splendor, Silvandor is inhabited by graceful and mysterious elves. Their forested realms are protected by powerful wards and enchantments, and hidden among the ancient trees are sprawling cities of silver and moonstone. The elves are masters of nature magic and ancient lore, guarding the secrets of the world with unwavering vigilance.

Infernia: A realm of fire and brimstone, Infernia is home to the demonic legions and other infernal creatures. Its landscape is dominated by towering volcanoes, scorched wastelands, and labyrinthine caverns where demons plot and scheme for dominion over the mortal realms. Infernia is ruled by powerful demon lords and dark overlords, each vying for supremacy in the eternal struggle for power.

Celestia: Floating high above the mortal realms, Celestia is the realm of the angels and other celestial beings. Its shimmering palaces and ethereal cities are bathed in divine light, and its skies are filled with the celestial choirs of angels.

Celestia is governed by the Council of Seraphim, a council of archangels and divine beings who watch over the mortal realms and maintain the balance between light and darkness.


The world in which power reigns supreme is a world of endless possibilities, where magic flows like a river and danger lurks around every corner. From the bustling streets of Terra Nova to the shadowy forests of Nocturna, adventurers brave the unknown in search of fame, fortune, and glory.


[Ashwood Estate, Kaitoria City]

Inside a luxurious bedroom, a young boy who just died as his heart stopped beating but as if on cue a blinding light enveloped him, and when it faded, Samael found himself in a world completely unfamiliar to him. Gone were the familiar sights of his apartment in Manhattan, replaced by the opulent surroundings of a grand manor.

Confusion gripped him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Where was he? How did he get here? And most importantly, why did he feel different—changed, somehow?

Looking at his reflection in a nearby mirror, Samael's eyes widened in shock. Staring back at him was not the face of the disgruntled office worker he once was, but that of a character from a novel he used to read—Samael Ashwood, the sacrificial best friend who died in just the first two chapters.

No! No! No! This can't be happening!? Why Me?

As panic threatened to overwhelm him, Samael struggled to come to terms with his surreal predicament. How could he have become a fictional character from a novel? It was as if the boundaries between reality and fantasy had blurred beyond recognition, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Desperate for answers, Samael tried to recall everything he knew about the world of Aetheria from the novels he had read.

The protagonist was just your everyday harem protagonist with an average face and a penchant for getting into absurd situations with a colorful cast of female companions. Samael Ashwood, on the other hand, was the tragic best friend who met an untimely demise early in the story, serving as a catalyst for the protagonist's journey of growth and self-discovery.

Two days remain till the fateful death of Samael Ashwood, according to the timeline of the novel. As the realization of his situation sinks in, Samael is about to have a panic attack but he forces himself to take deep breaths, attempting to steady his racing heart and clear his mind. Panic wouldn't help him now.

He needed to focus, assess his situation, and figure out a way to navigate this strange new world he found himself in.

Taking another look around the room, Samael noticed the intricate details of his surroundings—the ornate furnishings, the rich tapestries adorning the walls, the faint scent of exotic spices lingering in the air. It was a far cry from the cramped apartment he had called home in Manhattan.




[To Be Continued]


Your almighty author here,

I am having an 'author wall' on my other work, But I wanted to write a new novel that would both captivate my readers and challenge myself.

So comment on your suggestion for the novel or any mistakes I might make.

Comment Here->

Thanks for reading till now.

Peace Out✌️

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