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21 hours ago
I used to think that my stealing skill only worked on what was worthless to a person. But... Read more I used to think that my stealing skill only worked on what was worthless to a person.But just before I died, I realized that I could also steal the skills.So I stole the regression. Collapse Ability Steal, Academy, Age Progression, Age Regression, Beautiful Female Lead, Cheats, Conditional Power, Contracts, Curses, Enemies Become Lovers, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Gods, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heroes, Male Protagonist, Nobles, Obsessive Love, Revenge, Second Chance, Skill Assimilation, Special Abilities, Sword And Magic, Underestimated Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Yandere Not bad so far. At about chapter 50 and nothing really stands out as bad. Some explanations are a little off in how they read but not to the point of being confusing or hard to read. The other people in this section are a bit harsh in their reviews as the only time any of the heroines or the hero are mentioned is in the first few chapters but so far they haven’t been mentioned again so I am curious as to what their interactions with the MC would be like. 6-7/10. Above average as far as online novels go and could definitely be good (8-9/10) depending on how it goes in future chapters. Do you have the MTL link? I can't get past the first few chapters. Omg no way the hero is actually evil?? And all the women around him are evil too and everyone is mean to him even though he's useful and selfless wow so tragic. It's so waaaaay over the top and exaggerated it makes me cringe. I can't. Is there incest? How do you come to a conclusion for that comment? I don't that is why I ask no incest tag and no mention of it as of yet, so I don't suppose there will be any. If you wish to be completely certain you'll have to wait till the book is finished but it's reasonable to assume there isn't any. It's good for now except the beginning is just too illogic... I can accept that he was mistreated and was just a mere canon fodder... But all the heroines are just straight ungrateful garbage with no hint of virtue? That is just a poor excuse and situp for whatever revenge he is planning to do. I am pretty sure most of the readers found this stupid rather than vengeful. #panic# the novel is korean not chinese. the language in the stats says its chinese The novel is progressing quite well up till now (chapter 25) with no clear weak points as of yet.I will refrain from giving it a rating till I finish reading the available MTL chapters. You got a link for mtl? Sadly, I didn't find any. It seems that the piracy industry isn't that developed in Korea. They have strict measures to prevent any sort of privacy. Lol, you mean piracy, right? Your Honour, I would like to push all the blame to Auto-correct. Depends on the Korea you're talking about LMFAO Yeah, well, the south isn't really free either considering the influence and sway America holds You from the north then? Not that the other would steal anything besides decades old cars and outdated military equipment scematics. Where can I find its mtl chapter Nope, interesting concept but seriously… harem in this sort of setting? No go for me There is no harem tag bro, the original regressor had a harem. The MC stole his regression skill, not his harem lol. There is a harem tag now Oh shit, I didn't see it!! And it is in the f#cking Genres no less! But I didn't see any indication of a harem in the 25 chapters translated. Maybe he will really steal Arthur's harem. 😂👌 Really? Bianca his fianceé and Darling are already in the bag, that is 100% a harem looks like garbage, I don't even know why I opened this after seeing the synopsis and title.Maybe I expected some surprise ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ Spoilerwell you guessed at least three bastard women committed betrayal to mc to be able to back off with athur and help mc there will be where mc misunderstood the behavior of the three bastards common Korean protagonist L Regression with a twist hmmm let the poison tester come forwardregressionJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile.