I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 171

Chapter 171


“Are you all right!?”

The muzzle of a shotgun is pressed against his forehead but the assholes think their brother is in danger, and they’re about to pounce.

This is why I don’t like dumb kids, you have to teach them a lesson.

I smiled as I slowly hovered my finger over the trigger.

“Pretty soon you’ll be calling your brother Dullahan, aren’t you going to back off?”

Did the situation finally sink in? Mapak angrily stretches out his hand toward the others.

“Don’t come back! Don’t come, asshole! He’s going to shoot me!”

He’s exuding so much life, it’s a shame he doesn’t mean it.

As we walked toward the club’s entrance with him in the lead, I could see the bouncers looking surprised.

“The invitation.”

“Get out of the way!”

He gestured with a voice that sounded like a scream, and the club’s doors finally opened.

The invitation works, doesn’t it?

He hesitates, checks the guys on both sides, and cautiously steps inside the club.

“You little shit!”

One of the guards, who I thought had backed off, lunges at me and tries to punch me.

“……Did you think I was kidding?”

I quickly pass the shotgun behind my head and pull the trigger.


With a tremendous boom, the guard is blown backwards.

The Aura explodes, and a smell similar to gunpowder smoke tickles the nostrils.

Mapak tries to scramble but he hadn’t realized its power until now.

“You’re coming with me.”

I pull him to his feet and shove him forward.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you if you listen to me.”

They’ve done something, and I have no intention of putting them out of their misery, even if it’s only to the point of death.

They deserved to suffer for what they did.

“Now, let’s keep going, Mapak.”


Mapak cries like a newborn baby, but I push his back with the butt of my gun, and he finally moves forward.

His cries create an odd harmony with the EDM music playing below.

-Dong! Dung! Ding!

Soon his whining is drowned out by the sound of the music, and I see a stage with tons of people dancing.

White smoke clouded the sky, and lights flashed incessantly. Lasers blazed in all directions, and amplifiers pounded in my ears.

That’s when my captor started talking.

“You see, there’s nothing there! Let go of me now!”

“There’s got to be a place where the VIPs hang out, not here. I wonder where that is?”

After looking around the entire club, I saw a staircase leading down to the basement.

Guards were blocking the stairs, so that must be it.

“Okay, let’s see if my invitation works this time.”


I push my way through the dancing crowd, eyes half-closed and swaying hard.

People who don’t seem to mind at all, like it’s none of their business, despite the fact that a man is squeezing through the gaps with a hostage and a shotgun.

Apparently, they think it’s an event, and they just look in our direction and smile.

“Help me, help me, this asshole is real!”


No, they definitely thought it was an event.

When we finally stood in front of the underground stairs, the guards looked in our direction and gave us a puzzled look.

“Mapak, what are you doing──.”

──Bang! ───Bang!

“Skip the boring repertoire.”

Maybe it was a benefit of this place that the gunshots were drowned out by the strong club music.

I smack him on the back of the head with the shotgun and say a sad goodbye.

Unfortunately, from here on out, there will be VIPs from all over the place, so I’ll have to move fast.

“Oh. Right.”

I pick up the bottle of liquor that was on the empty table before I left and scatter it toward them.

“This way, they’ll think he’s just drunk and passed out.”

They do this a lot in the movies, so it should work here.

With that thought, I start down the stairs to the basement.

At the same time, a long hallway opens up and I see dozens of men packed into it.

They must have noticed something, right?

“Wow. So many people are here to greet me?”

I should have felt a faint flow of mana in between, but it was only a trout’s strength so I didn’t need to be too nervous.

Most of all…….

“You’ll regret it if you stick together like that.”

I have no choice but to use it.

I put the shotgun in the cube and pulled it out and it was like Al Capone’s Tommy. There’s nothing like it to take out a bunch of ragheads.

“Run at them all!”

“Kill them all!”

Dozens of people lunge at me at once, but I’m good. The aura, amplified by the effects of Corleone Bloodline, is running like mad.

“This is too much, I hope you don’t die.”

A heavier-than-usual recoil struck my arm, and a baptism of bullets rained down on the group as they rushed toward me.

──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──! / ──!

“What is this──!”

“It’s not an ordinary gun!”

“Ugh, hhhhhhh!”

The hallway quickly turned into a hellhole.

Panic-stricken, they turn to flee before the power of Al Capone’s Tommy and the Berserker’s Ring.

“Now, wait a minute, why are you suddenly turning around-”

“Everyone run! How the hell are we supposed to beat that thing?”

Eventually, sparks began to fly down the chaotic hallway and when the typewriter sound stopped, all that was left was the sight of everyone strewn on the floor.

“There’s nothing like this for training.”

Al Capone’s Tommy was still vibrating in my hands and blowing smoke hard.

I blow a short burst of air from the muzzle and move forward, tearing through the carpet of bodies.

Skill: [Aura Sonar] shows that they’re well entrenched beyond the door.

I can sense each and every one of the Auras, so they must be using them to drain my power and organize themselves inside.

I snap my neck from side to side, and a popping sound echoes.

Their bodies are sprawled across the floor, muffling the sound of their feet.

As I open the door at the end of the hallway, I hear a light jazz-inspired song instead of the loud EDM outside.

Fly Me to the moon- (Send me to the moon.)

And let me play among the stars- (Let me travel among those stars.)

“‘Fly Me to the Moon’ is a classic. I guess you dirty little bastards have ears to hear, huh?”

As I walked in, I saw three things: terrified men cowering in corners, weapons drawn and glaring at me as if they were about to pounce and then there were the children, chained up and looking around in horror.

“The place you’re going to is not the moon, but hell.”

Of course, it might be the same, except that you won’t be living on Earth anymore.

“Where the fuck did you come from?”

A man with a cigarette dangling from his mouth walked out of the group of armed men and asked the question.

A straight scar was visible behind his sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt draped across his body and he had knuckles on his hands.

He had the look of a neighborhood thug.

“Is it really that important?”

“Yes, it matters. You think you’re going to get away with running roughshod over our organization like this? I guarantee you, starting today, you and your family will live in fear for the rest of your lives.”


The one with the cigarette sticks his head in this direction and chuckles.

My family will live in fear.

“That’s funny.”

It was probably the funniest joke I’d heard in a while.

“KILL THAT BASTARD! Kill him! Kill him! Don’t you know that if my father found out, he’d be all over you?”

One of the guys who had taken cover, the one in the ridiculous yellow suit, pointed at me and started yelling.

Yeah, that’s the one with the daddy bragging rights, this one.

“Did you ask where I’m from?”

Well, I’ll do my daddy bragging, then.

“An enforcer from the Corleone Family Enforcement. Eugene Han Corleone.”

As I say that, I pull out my badge, symbolizing my status as an enforcer of the Corleone family, and hold it up to them.

“My dad is the head of the Corleone family, is your dad better than mine?”

With a snap, the scarred man’s cigarette falls to the ground.

“Co, Corleone?”

His eyes are hidden by his sunglasses, but it’s clear that his expression has changed from its initially laid-back demeanor.

“I’ve told you my affiliation, as you wish, and now it’s time to tell you my purpose…… and it’s simple. As of today, this area will be under Corleone control. Get down on the floor unless you really want to be killed.”

With that warning, I look around the room.

I see that all of the bound children are down on their stomachs, but most of them are still standing, staring at me blankly.

“Well, you want to go to the moon, so what the hell, I’ll fulfill your wish.”

I squeeze and unclench my hand, and Midas’s glove makes a screeching sound.

“Why don’t you hurry up? If you want to live, you’ll have to flee before the main force arrives.”

“Come on, everyone!”

“Yeah, that’s how you come out.”

If you come out like that, the tied up children will be safe.

* * *

The ashtray was still smoldering with the fishy scent of blood.

I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the ice basket beside me and took a swig, the cool refreshment and sweetness filling my mouth.

“……It’s non-alcoholic. Why are you drinking this shit when you have so much money?”

I wipe the champagne from my mouth and look around.

There are guys on the floor, some with bubbles in their mouths, some bleeding and crying.

And then there are those who just lie there, unresponsive.

As I caught my breath and started to walk toward the chained children the door I came through burst open and a group of men in black suits, led by Han Seo-joon, rushed in.

“Ah. Master!”

Han Seo-joon, with blood on his face, looks over and waves.

“You came.”

“Yes. I saw some on the way here, so I was a little late because I dealt with them. Are we done here?”

“As you can see.”

I quench my thirst with another cocktail.

“Take those kids tied up over there to the nearest center, give them some medical attention, and find out about their family ties and how they got here.”

“Victims? Okay, then……what about those over there?”

Han Seo-joon asks while looking at the ones on the ground.

“Take all the others to the warehouse. They’re scumbags who dabbled into human trafficking and drugs.”

“……Human trafficking. That’s what it is.”

And it was those guys who were the real culprits.

“That guy in the yellow suits over there, lying on the ground nearby. I hear his parents are great, so make sure they know exactly what happened to their kid, and make them work for Corleone.”

“Got it.”

With most of the work out of the way, he could organize the rest.

“I’ll go in and get some rest first.”

“You’ve worked hard. Master.”

I sighed as I headed out of the club.

“Really. I’m out here having a hard time, and you’re doing great with Latte, right?”

I guess I’ll have to go check tomorrow morning to see how well my Niflheim-style moral education worked.

…… Maybe I should pick up someone else on the way?

Preferably someone they’ll listen to.

As I trudge toward the car, I hear a song coming from behind me.

Fly Me to the moon-

Well, it’s a classic.

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