I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 85.2

As she was taken out of Shi family gates, Shi Feixians mind went blank. Looking up at the grey sky, tears streamed down her face.

Miss Shi, please get into the carriage.

The carriage was neat and clean, quite exquisite and luxurious, but she knew that once she sat inside, it was a free-fall for her reputation, it was going to be even worse than how it currently was.

She paused, turned to Ban Hua, Are you happy now?

Ban Hua was taken aback, Shi Feixians righteous attitude made her laugh in anger, Why should I be happy or not happy. Whether you are well or not, does it affect me in any way?

Shi Feixians eyes swept behind Ban Hua, she suddenly laughed, Youve been targetting me, isnt it because Xie Qilin still liked me even after he was bethrothed to you? Ive been telling him not to approach me, but what can I do if he doesnt like you?

Rong Xia who was behind Ban Hua silently looked at Shi Feixian, there was no change in his expression.

If he likes you then let him like you. What is it to do with me? Ban Huas chin was slightly raised, My fiance is better looking than him, has higher position than his, he is brilliant and attentive, why would I care about Xie Qilin? Just someone like him, is he worthy to bring up?

Fine. Ban Hua saw Shi Feixians face was utterly hideous now, You can think so if it makes you happier. This small thing, I dont care.

The warm smile on Rong Xias face made Shi Feixians heart felt like being stabbed by needles. She turned around and entered the carriage without looking back.

This slut!


Shi Feixian viciously bit her own lip until it bled. The harrowing hatred and humiliation today, she would not forget for a lifetime.

Ban Hua mounted her horse, riding side by side with Rong Xia.

Rong Xia was full of smiles, he was in a very good mood. Ban Hua turned to glance at him, then once again, and finally she couldnt resist, What are you smiling about?

En.. Rong Xia rubbed his chin, I am in a good mood, so I smile.

Ban Hua recalled that neither Xie Qilin and Shen Yu smiled whenever she did anything outrageous.

How come you are in a good mood? Ban Hua thought for a while, I ran to Shi family to make troubles. And you.. what do you think of it?

In this case, you didnt do it properly, Rong Xia frowned, Too impulsive.

Oh. Ban Hua felt her face turned slightly cold.

Next time you want to harrass anyone, you should let me know in advance. At least so I can make plans, and can help if you encounter difficulties. Rong Xias eyebrows were a little furrowed, You are a straightforward person, I am afraid youll suffer against a reckless opponent.

Ban Hua froze for a moment, before she reacted to what she thought Rong Xia had meant.

Are you saying my brain is lacking, and that I will lose? Ban Huas lips curved down, My martial arts is not bad.

Rong Xia laughed helplessly, how did this turn into him despising her?

There is a good saying, nothing is difficult when a man and a woman pull together. Literary and martial skills hand-in-hand can force a bear to withdraw. Rong Xia held back his laughter, You are good at martial arts, I am good at literature, when we act together, wont our enemies be at loss?

Ban Hua was greatly enlightened, You have a point. Next time Ill call you to join me?

En, sure. Rong Xia smiled in agreement.

Du Jiu behind Rong Xia kept his face rigid, pretending to hear nothing.

Like, he didnt hear that Master Count planned to follow Junzhu when she wreaked havoc. Also, he didnt hear Master Count encouraged Junzhu to think up bad ideas.

The Bans were too scary, they possessed this bizarre ability to corrupt people.

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Ban Hua and Rong Xia followed Dalisi group up to their base. After seeing with her own eyes that Shi Feixian was placed into a clean cell, a little smile finally appeared on Ban Huas face.

The Director of Dalisi had early on received the Emperors decree that Count Chengan would assist with the investigation, so he had happily made himselfan arm-flinging shopkeeper, leaving everything to Liu Banshan. However, when he found the person being put into the prison was Miss Shi, his knees turned into mush from fear.

*(lit. arms flinging shopkeeper) = someone who ask others to work but does nothing himself.

How did Prime Minister Shis precious daughter be dragged into the case?

Qingfeng, The Director discreetly pulled Liu Banshan into a corner, What is going on, how come you have Miss Shi locked up?

T/N (refresher) Qingfeng is Liu Banshans courtesy name.

Daren,shuxiahad no choice. Liu Banshan told the Director what had happened, Shuxia didnt expect Miss Shi is so bold to do something like this.

Killing to silence people? The Head tsk-ed. This dainty Miss Shi dared to kill someone?

Could there be a misunderstanding? He was not convinced, How if we investigate again?

Of course we should. Liu Banshan sighed, his face helpless. If this was in the past, Miss Shi wouldnt have been incriminated in person. But today Fule Junzhu was present, and Count Chengan was investigating, so xiaguan had no choice but to make an arrest.

I understand, it wasnt easy for you either. The Director grimaced and patted Liu Banshans shoulders, Then you need to work harder, Count Chengan and Fule Junzhu there

Pleasedarendont worry, xiaguan will handle this properly. After peering around, Liu Banshan whispered, Since Count Chengan has intervened, if anything happens in the future, then it will fall on him. Our Dalisi will still be dragged in, but it wont be too big.

The Head smiled to hear it, he was very satisfied with what Liu Banshan said. Tell Rong-daren I am sick, and the responsibility of this case is entirely with Count Chengan. You just need to assist with whatever he needs.

After patting Liu Banshans shoulder once again, he walked away smiling happily.

Daren take care. Liu Banshan respectfully saluted the Directors back. After the person had gone, Liu Banshan turned around and walked into the prison.

In the prison, Rong Xia and Ban Hua were sitting on one side having tea. Liu Banshans face was a bit stiff, Rong-daren, has there been a result on the inquisition?

Rong Xia put his cup down, Liu-daren was not present, how can I trespass?

T/N Rong Xia meant, he wouldnt start the questioning by himself only.

Rong-daren is too polite. Liu Banshan smiled, Xiaguans superior is not feeling well and has to recuperate at home for a few days. This case please Daren take full charge.

Its not very proper. Rong Xia shook his head, I have a marriage agreement with Duke Jingting house, its inappropriate if I was solely in charge. Why dont we invite Assistant Minister Li from the Ministry of Justice, and the three of us can work together?

Li Chengkai the Right Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Justice was a mediocre man who was afraid of troubles, a marginal figure in Shi party. After his transfer to the Ministry of Justice, his value in Shi Chonghais eyes had reduced even further.

Having someone from Shi party involved would shut peoples mouths.

Rong-daren is right. Xiaguan will send someone to invite Assistant Minister Li now.

Li Chengkai was at home teaching his son to read. For some reasons his precious son has been making less troubles recently, it made him so happy that he ordered 3 bunches of firecracker to be lit up.

T/N Remember the little boy Li Wang who was given a lesson by Ban Hua for recklessly playing with slingshot.

He was an Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Justice, but he was not assigned much work so his days had been free and relaxing.

The invitation from Dalisi made him puzzled, but he dared not turn it down, so he changed to official uniform and was stepping out.

Father, Li Xiaoru entered, seeing her father in his official uniform, Are you going out?

T/N Li Xiaoru was the girl who was offended when Ban Hua failed to recognise her (chapter 4), then oddly felt touched when Ban Hua finally remembered her name (chapter 37).

Yes, Father is going to Dalisi. Li Chengkai laughed heh-heh, Your little brother is studying in the courtyard, go watch him.

Dalisi? Li Xiaoru thought of what everyone was currently talking about. As she saw the Dalisi staff waiting outside. Li Xiaoru said in whisper, Please be careful, Ive just heard Dalisi broke into Minister Shis residence and arrested Miss Shi.

It cant be. Li Chengkais face abruptly changed, Dalisi has that much gut?

He knew the Director of Dalisi, a very cowardly man. How would such a man dare to lead people to make an arrest at Prime Minister Shis house, especially that it was Miss Shi?

Didnt sound like something he would do.

Not him, the Assistant Head did it. The news was buzzing outside, Li Xiaoru hurriedly returned home because of it. Its said that Fule Junzhu brought guards to break into Shi familys door, then Count Chengan also came, and thats how they were able to make the arrest.

Fule Junzhu? Li Chengkai tsk-ed, This Junzhu has a really big temper. Stay away from her, otherwise youll suffer a loss.

Li Xiaoru could not tell him that she had already eaten several losses in the hands of this Junzhu, so much so that she feared her now.

But how come Count Chengan was there too? Li Chengkai looked at his daughter in confusion, Was he there to back up his fiancee?

Li Xiaoru couldnt help laughing, Not that simple. Minister Shi and Count Chengan dont see eye to eye. And I heard Count Chengan has a decree to assist with the case, so its not unexpected that he was there.

Li-daren, Dalisi officer outside the door cupped his hands, Is Daren ready now?

Ready, ready. Li Chengkai smiled, Coming now.

Li Xiaoru watched her father leaving with a deep sigh. She hoped this would pass soon without her father being dragged in. She did not understand politics, but intuition told her this was a trouble.

Dalisi prison was for major cases, ordinary criminals were not qualified to be detained at Dalisi even if they asked for it. It was Ban Huas first time to be there, she took the chance to have a good look.

No bloodstains on the walls, and neither there were any torture tools hanging. The room was dim, the windows were small, and the bars were entirely made of metal. It was a cold place that wouldnt burn in case of fire.

She was outside sipping her tea while Shi Feixian was inside in a daze. Ban Hua thought Shi Feixian would make a big fuss or yell curses at her, but she had been quiet once inside, her face pale and looking scared.

Just as she was about to look away, Shi Feixian suddenly raised her head. Her eyes filled with hatred, as if saying that her predicament today was all due to Ban Hua.

Ban Hua was a little stunned, then she immediately gave Shi Feixian a bright smile.

Shi Feixian tightly grasped the haystack she was sitting on until the strands broken.

Rong-daren, Liu-daren, Li Chengkai entered the prison, he smiled widely as he saluted Rong Xia and Liu Banshan. As his eyes fell on Shi Feixian in the cell, shock appeared on his face, Isnt this Miss Shi, what is going on?

Liu Banshan cursed this old fox inwardly, he didnt believe Li Chengkai did not know Dalisi had taken Miss Shi into the prison.

This case is really too tricky, so Rong-daren and xiaguan would like to ask Li-daren to investigate this together. Liu Banshan said with a smile. His Majesty has decreed that the Ministry of Justice is to assist with the investigation, therefore afraid we have to trouble Li-daren for a period of time.

Li Chengkai waved his hand, Xiaguan lacks talent and is shallow of learning. Xiaguan is not able to assist the two Darens, how about

Li-daren, Rong Xia turned to him, As an Assistant Minister of Justice, you cant possibly be lacking talent and learning. This joke isnt very funny.

Li Chengkai stiffened, how come he had forgotten that Rong Xia was the Minister of Personnel?

If he failed to comply today, his Assistant Minister position might evaporate.

Realising this, Li Chengkai could only smiled bitterly, Xiaguans ability is limited, but if there is anything Rong-daren requires, xiaguan will definitely assist.

What could he do in the face of the authority?

Liu Banshan smiled, As we are all here now, the inquisition can start.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Liu Banshan turned and walked to the door of the cell. Cupping his hands towards Shi Feixian, he said, Miss Shi, may we ask why did you go to that secluded broken temple yesterday afternoon?

Shi Feixian looked at him without answering.

Liu Banshan was not angry at being ignored, he asked again, Xiaguan finds it strange. As a noble miss from the prime ministers establishment, you would have a lot of attendants wherever you go. How come you were alone at the broken temple, were you meeting someone?

Thats right, I was meeting someone. Shi Feixian suddenly turned to Rong Xia, Someone sent me a letter, told me to meet there.

Who was the person making the appointment with you? Liu Banshan asked.

Shi Feixian was silent again.

Miss Shi, you said you are wrongly accused. If you dont tell us the truth, how can we prove your innocence?

That person didnt give a name.

Miss Shi, why would you agree to meet someone who wouldnt disclose their identity?

Because I know this persons writing. Shi Feixian stared at Rong Xia with a pair of burning eyes, I have seen that writing many times, I only need to glance once to know its his.

Whose writing it is? Liu Banshan also looked at Rong Xia, but he was still pursuing.

Count Chengan, Rong Junpos writing.

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