I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 45

The siblings sat in the pavillion for over halfshichen, Ban Heng couldnt stand it anymore, Sis, lets go back. Its too cold here.

T/N One shichen = 2 hours.

Cold wind blew on the face like knife slashes.

Alright. Lets go. Ban Hua saw his face and neck shrunk like a poor little puppy, she couldnt help laughing, Go back.

Ban Heng promptly stood up to leave, but as Ban Hua was still sitting, he hesitated, Sis, are you in a bad mood?

Ban Hua gave him a side-eye, Which eye of yours sees me in a bad mood?

Ban Heng sat back down, clutched his hot tea cup, Ill sit with you a little longer?

Its fine, I am going back too. Ban Hua rose, patted his round head, You go.

Ill go then. Ban Heng ran two steps, turned back again, I am really going.

Ban Hua helplessly gave him a light kick at the rear, Still not gone, want to stay in the cold?

Ban Heng rubbed his rear-end, a string of hehehe laughed out like a dog freed from its leash, limps spread out in joy. Ban Hua watched from behind him, couldnt help but shaking her head and laughed.

Such a silly brother

If the dreams really came true, she would die beautifully clad in fox fur, and her family would be taken care of. But her silly brother, what would happen to him?

T/N (Refresher) Ban Hua dreamt of a scene where she was lying dead on the snowy ground, and a man dressed in black gave an order that her family be treated well. I think Ban Hua wasnt as calm and indifferent as what she showed on the outside.

The next morning Ban Heng heard her sister was unable to sleep because she ate too much at dinner, he felt stupid that he couldnt sleep either from worrying about her. He went out to meet some good friends, they wondered what he had done at night to look so tired.

The moon was bright last night, Brother Ban must have been with a beauty, or drinking under the moon. Zhou Changxiao hooked his arm around Ban Hengs neck, Am I right?

Ban Heng slapped him away, he said with a disgusted look, Drinking under the moon is correct, but with my sister, not with a beauty.

If I could enjoy the moon with Sister Hua, I am willing to stay up all night. Zhou Changxiao had a dreamy expression, Under the hazy moonlight, the beauty in fine clothes, she is the fairy of the moon, the most magnificent sight in the world.

Shut up! Ban Heng disliked jokes about his sister. I come to see you today because I want to ask you something.

What is it? Zhou Changxiao and the few other idlers became interested, Put a sack on Xie Qilins head, or teach Shen Yu a lesson?

Ban Heng:

Count Rong had spoken on behalf of us, Ban Heng was a little embarrassed, I am worried they will give him troubles after he offended Left Minister Yan. I want to ask you to help me find out.

You still dont know? Zhou Changxiao was surprised, Yan family is busy saving themselves, how will they have time to trouble Count Rong.

What happened to Yan family? Ban Heng looked at Zhou Changxiao in confusion, while the other friends looked at him like looking at an idiot.

Yan family committed a crime, His Majesty is furious. Left Minister Yan said he is sick, he is staying at home to reflect.

Yan Hui wasnt pretending, he really was sick. He fell sick of anxiety after his wife Wei-shi was thrown out of Jingting residence by the Grand Princess people. If not because Chen-shi suddently miscarried, he would have ordered that Wei-shi be stopped, unfortunately

He was able to come this far due to being a careful and cautious man, he knew best what sort of person His Majesty was.

Paranoid. Holding grudges. Those he liked could survive, those he disliked would die.

He had been putting in countless efforts and energy in order to gain His Majestys trust, but now His Majesty was bound to be suspicious and discontent with him.

Chen-shi and his eldest son were divorced, the younger son in coma, he was spurned by the Emperor. Yan family.. he dared not think what would happen to Yan family in the future.

Eldest Son, Yan Hui was leaning on the bed head, Take my card, go to the Grand Princess residence to ask for an audience. Offer an apology, or kneel, until the Grand Princess is willing to meet you.

Father, please rest at ease. This Son will ask the Grand Princess for forgiveness. Yan Ming wiped the corner of his eyes, he was half speaking half sobbing.

Its Fathers fault for not teaching you two well. Yan Hui breathed heavily, grabbed Yan Mings hand, Remember, whatever the Grand Princess says, you have to apologise sincerely, this is all our familys fault. Father is not asking you to put on a show but to offer a genuine apology, understand?

Yan Ming had lost a lot of weight, his clothes was hanging empty on his body. But he shouldnt and couldnt fall down now.

If the Grand Princess is not willing to see you, go to Jingting residence and apologise to Fule Junzhu. Yan Hui coughed, some blood came out of his throat, Ban family values good will and places importance on their children. If Fule Junzhu is willing to forgive our Yan family then it is half way done already.

Fule Junzhu? Yan Ming hesitated, She is just a female, and a younger generation.

Do you know why at first I didnt want your mother to propose for Fule Junzhu? Its because Ban family thinks very highly of this daughter. Yan Huis voice was getting smaller, Everyone thinks Fule Junzhu is wilful and unruly, but if she really was a brainless girl, how does she make the Imperial Family favour her so much?

Yan Hui closed his eyes, slowly said, Someone who is entangled with the Imperial Family, and yet still able to live a good life, is definitely not a fool.

Junzhu, try this one?

Dont want to eat. Ban Hua waved her hand, slumping lifelessly on the table. As an idle royal relative who normally played around so much, staying inside for days without getting out at all felt strange.

But like her grandmother, she was supposed to be sick with anger due to of Yan family that she didnt go out.

But this is your favourite snack, Ruyi put the snack in front of Ban Hua, Sure not eating?

Ban Hua turned away, Not eating, give it to someone else!

Who do you want to give it to? Ruyi smiled sweetly in an attempt to coax her, Nubiwill arrange it now.

Send to Count Chengan, say its from the Shizi. Ban Hua remembered Rong Xia had helped her but she hadnt thanked him yet.

She got up, Wait, Ill get something from the study, let the guards bring it too.

Ban family had no shortage of precious rare books and calligraphies. This time Ban Hua chose a scroll of painting that was said to be a genuine work of a famous painter a few hundred years ago. Whether its really genuine or not, they didnt know, but at least the painting was very good and the calligraphy was likeflying dragon and dancing phoenix. Unfortunately its also unreadable, so until now she still had no idea what was written there.

Master Count. Du Jiu placed an envelope in front of Rong Xia, A message from the border.

Rong Xia took the envelope, after reading the content he held it against the flame of the candle. Any news with Yan family?

Oneshichenago Yan Ming went to the Grand Princess residence to apologise, but the Grand Princess didnt meet him. Du Jiu thought for a while, Yan family doing this really . thrown their face away.

If I were Yan Ming, I would meet Fule Junzhu first instead of the Grand Princess. Rong Xia watched the letter burned into ashes, he coldly said, Fule Junzhu is the one to start with. The Grand Princess and Jingting residence are only furious on her behalf, whats the use of begging the Grand Princess?

This.. Du Jiu said hesitantly, The Grand Princess is the one who makes decisions in Ban family. Shouldnt he ask the Grand Princess?

Rong Xia didnt answer. If he hadnt known Ban family, he would have thought the same way as Yan family. However after getting familiar with Ban familys style, he was certain that one could not follow the normal convention when dealing with them.

Master Count, Jingting residences steward asks to meet. He said the Shizi ordered that he presents some gifts of thanks.

Rong Xia blew the candle, got up to open the window. He nodded, Let him in.

Ban familys steward had decent features, his steward uniform was tidy and clean, he didnt look like a servant of a manor.

Greetings Count Chengan.

No need to be polite. Rong Xia looked at the steward, Why does the Shizi sendzaixiaa thank-you gift?

Master Marquis and Shizi are grateful that Master Count spoke in justice on behalf of Junzhu. Shizi knows Master Count is a gentleman and does not care for worldly gold and silver, so he can only send this small gift. Hope Master Count does not dislike. The steward turned to take a food box and a scroll of painting from the hands of a servant. He handed those to Du Jiu.

Shizi is too kind. Rong-mouonly spoke a few words of truth, it is not worthy of the gratitude.

Many people know the truth, but not everyone dares to speak it. The steward gave Rong Xia a deep salute. Zaixia dares not disturb Master Count, zaixia takes my leave.

After the steward left, Du Jiu laid out the two gifts in front of Rong Xia.

Ban family was said to be rich and imposing, gifting these two items looked a bit too cheap.

Rong Xia opened the food box. One box contained two plates of snack, the snacks light green colour was very tempting. He couldnt help smiling, picked up the silver chopsticks from inside the box and put a piece into his mouth.

Master Count! Du Jiu was startled, how could his master eat it just like that, how if it was poisoned?

Rong Xia waved his hand, put the chopsticks down and opened the painting scroll.

Du Jiu:you have just eaten snack and now you look at painting, Master, has the unruly Ban family ruined your manner too?

The elderly said those who are close to ink will turn black like ink, so there is a truth in this.

Opening the lid of the painting tube, Rong Xia very carefully pulled out the yellowish painting from inside and slowly unrolled it.

Frosty Mountain Gazing the Moon?!

Du Jiu looked at the painting in shock, his voice was almost broken. This painting was <>.

It was the work of famous painter Zhao Bicong from a few hundred years ago. This painting was said to be his final one, it embodied his feelings and memories of his late wife.

The emperor of the previous dynasty had wanted this painting to please his painting-lover concubine, he sent people everywhere to no avail.

So here was the point, how did this painting end up here?

Wrong. The point was, how could Ban family give this painting to his Master?

He shouldnt have said Ban family was stingy, it was the opposite, they were generous. So generous that they were out of their minds. A treasure like this should be a family heirloom, who was so stupid to give it away, right?

Du Jiu was not from Ban family, but he felt the heartache for them. What a wastrel Shizi, sending this gift is really..

Rong Xias eyes on the painting, the smile on his face grew, Its not him.

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