I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 202 [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [2] Talk With The Foster Brother

As I strolled through the campus of the Royal Eden Academy, adorned with extravagant decorations, the whispers of girls followed me.

"There he is! It's Edward!"

"Oh, my God!"

"He looks even more handsome today! How is that possible?"

"I wish I could be his concubine!"

"Idiot! The Holy Sword of Lord Nihil chose him! He deserves better!"

The flattery was not unwelcome, and I couldn't help but grin, crossing my arms behind my head.

[<Just make sure it doesn't get to your head.>]

"Never. I have your Legacy, Cleenah. I must be handsome."

Cleenah giggled at my words. [<You're still far from the level of the gods I know, though.>]


[<Zeus, Michael, Hades, Baphomet->]

"Are you trying to pick a fight?"

[<No. I'm just lamenting my inability to protect you from angering dangerous gods.>] Cleenah replied with an exaggerated tone.

"No need to blame yourself. There will surely be plenty more gods coming after me," I responded.

[<Believe it or not, but you've managed to anger more than just four gods.>]

"That's actually quite scary, but I have time."

These gods must really have nothing better to do than to get angry at someone like me in the 5th Ascension. Fortunately, it seems I'm not their top priority, considering there are other psycho gods and even mortals like Leon roaming freely in the lower world.

As I made my way into the campus, I spotted Aurora, busily giving orders to the other students. After Louisa's death, an election was held to choose the new Student Council President, and Aurora won by a landslide. It was what Louisa would have wanted.

As the Student Council President, Aurora was responsible for overseeing the Closing Ceremony. She was doing a commendable job.

Noticing my presence, Aurora approached me. "Oh, Edward. How are you?"

"Fine. Looks like you're busy."

"Indeed," Aurora smiled. "The next three days are important for all of us. The third-year students will be leaving the Academy, and new freshmen will join."

"Sylvia and Ruby will join next year," I remarked.

"Yes," Aurora nodded. Then, she expressed her gratitude. "We haven't had a chance to talk since the birthday, but I want to thank you, Edward, for what you did for Sylvia."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It just came out of nowhere. I'm disappointed in Uncle Charles and Aunt Edith."

Aurora's smile faded slightly. "I am too. Fortunately, I talked to them, and they agreed to delay any decisions until Sylvia turns sixteen."

"Before selling her off to Jayden?" I scoffed.

"I won't allow that. Sylvia deserves a different path from mine," Aurora asserted, glancing at the blue ring on her finger—the engagement ring from Prince Rythvel of the Arvatra Empire.

"Nice ring you have there. I missed the whole engagement while I was out," I commented.

Aurora nodded. "Prince Rythvel is a kind person. He also seemed curious about you."

"I'm not interested, though," I replied dismissively.

Aurora's expression twitched at my response. "You're changing more and more every day, Edward. But I'm glad to see you still care about others."

"Not all of them," I interrupted. "Alfred, for example."

Aurora's face darkened at the mention of Alfred. "He's changed completely since the birthday. He only has eyes for Milleia Sophren now."

"I thought we weren't supposed to bring up our parents' deaths among us, but that bastard did it, and he involved Layla, too. Lucius would have punched him right after Miranda's slap."

"Edward..." Aurora shook her head. "Alfred is still the Crown Prince. You should show some respect-"

I laughed, cutting her off. "Whether Alfred becomes the future King or even a god, I don't care, Aurora. The Kingdom means nothing to me. Only certain individuals within it hold my interest. That's all."

"... What do you mean?" Aurora asked, her brow furrowing slightly.

"You know exactly what I mean, Aurora," I replied before turning and walking away.

A Kingdom ruled by Alfred…

It might have sounded right a year ago but not anymore.

As I continued walking, I spotted Simon with Lyra. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

"Simon," I called out to him and approached.

"Edward..." Simon's expression turned cloudy upon seeing me.

Touching to see my brother's care for me.

"Then? What's happening between you and our lovely father?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"He is not..." Simon mumbled something, but I couldn't quite catch it.


"He is not my father!" Simon shouted.

"Simon, please..." Lyra tried to calm him down.

"Is Lyra like a walking healing potion, keeping you sane every time you snap?" I quipped with a sneer.

"Edward!" Lyra snapped angrily at me.

"Fine. I just want to know why our once caring foster brother has suddenly become cold towards Elona," I said.

Simon seemed to bite his lips in response to Elona's name. "You must be aware, right? He killed my parents..."

"No, he only killed your father because he was part of Ante-Eden-"

"Shut up!" Simon suddenly grabbed my shirt and glared at me. "And you believe his lies?! My parents were the most righteous people-"

"I don't care about your parents, Simon," I cut him off and grabbed his arm. "I just want to know why you're avoiding your sister. Elona is worried."

Simon lowered his hand and clenched his fists. "I don't want to hate her because of her father... that's all."

"What the hell does that have to do with Elona?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I-I don't know! But the Falkrona House... it sickens me..."

"But you're the Heir, aren't you?" I chuckled a little. Just a few months ago, he had that determined look, eager to bring the House to greater heights.

"...not anymore. Come, Lyra," Simon grabbed Lyra's hand and turned around to leave. "You can have it back."

"No thanks. I'm good as I am," I replied, unfazed by the idea of being the Heir.

Simon ignored me and walked away with Lyra, leaving me feeling somewhat helpless about Elona's situation.

Suddenly, Lyra stopped and said a few words to Simon before walking back toward me.


"Edward, it's been a while," Lyra greeted me properly this time.

I smiled and nodded. "I hope you don't hold any more grudges about what happened back then?"

I remembered threatening her about getting involved between Alfred and Milleia.

"Oh, it brings back memories, but no. I don't hold any grudges anymore," Lyra shook her head. "In the end, you were right. Now, because of Alfred's obsession with Milleia, I'm worried for the Kingdom."

"That's nice to hear. Even though I threatened you, I have nothing against you. In the end, Alfred's obsession with Milleia might have happened regardless of what you've done..."

As I said that, something struck me as strange about Alfred's behavior. His obsession with Milleia was becoming increasingly bizarre, especially during the last month.


It's the same with Jayden.

In the Game he was always naive but not this annoying and weird with Milleia...


"Nothing, just thinking about Alfred's behavior," I replied.

"I'm also glad," Lyra continued with a smile. "I don't want to be on bad terms with my brother-in-law."

I was taken aback by her words but smiled in return. "I guess."

"Oh, and how are you going to answer Milleia?" Lyra asked, changing the subject.


Lyra sighed, seeing my confusion. "Milleia is going to confess to you. That's why she called you today. She's been pestering me, worried about how you'll respond."

"W-What?" I stammered. "She's going to confess to me?"

"Of course, brother-in-law," Lyra nodded. "You've been unreachable all this time. Answer her properly this time."

"..." I looked dumbfounded as Lyra left.

Milleia wants to confess to me?

That's impossible.

She's not supposed to love anyone.

Otherwise, she would have awakened entirely. 

Something doesn't add up…

Her Awakening sudden inside that place.

It wasn't even a complete one.

Why the hell am I only noticing that now?

Was I that stupid and naive months ago?

|You're an idiot, aren't you? How could you be so blind to the obvious? This blue-haired girl has been suspicious from the start. Those pink eyes of hers should have been a sign of her Raphiel's bloodline, but she had them even before she should have awakened contrary to the other 'daughter' born with natural hair and eyes. And don't get me started on her sudden sickness; it's just too coincidental that everything went to hell the moment that 'innocent' girl showed up.

You're supposed to be a genius, but you couldn't see through her lies? Pathetic. Your plans have been falling apart ever since she came into the picture, and you took your sweet time figuring it out. I thought you were smarter than this, but clearly, I overestimated you.

Now, you better be careful when you meet her. Don't let your guard down for a second. Who knows what kind of twisted schemes she's planning? Keep your wits about you, for once in your life.|


I froze on the spot after Laima's speech.

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