Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 7 - Ch 4

At that time, all the humans in Zeltis saw something that was hard to believe.

The center of the world that had existed since prehistory. The motherly existence that gave birth to them. The figure of that Genesis crumbling down.

The people were only looking up in blank amazement at the twilight sky without the pillar they were familiar with which had vanished. The sky that had lost the thing that should be there made the people feel the anxiety of losing their place to depend on.

What will happen to us from now on?

This is the end. This world is over.

So, everyone will die you mean?

Anxiety called for terror, terror invited chaos. Zeltis was falling into chaotic mayhem.

A ground rumbling sound resounded over the tumult of the people.

Hey, whats this sound? This is

That sound didnt come from below them. The people looked up to the sky.

Wha-, what is, that!?

The sky was shaking. The tremor was like an earthquake that split the ground, before long that movement carved a crack in the sky. And then the broken sky became fragments and fell down.


Those fragments destroyed the citys buildings one after another. At the other side of the chipped sky, a black darkness that was like hell was spreading. The sky that was full of cracks hiding the darkness of nothingness was coming down on them. It was only little by little, but the sky was approaching above the peoples heads with certainty. That was the countdown of death towards this world.

The announcement of breakdown without any place to escape swallowed up the people into a whirlpool of despair and chaos.

Whether it was the common citizens, the magic knights of the imperial guard, or even the royalty Aine and Grace, they were all the same.

Grace who was standing with trembling legs was walking as if she was sleepwalking.

It really, collapsed..is it.

When she arrived until the edge of the balcony, Grace leaned on the handrail as if clinging on it.

Itits the end already.

Aine embraced Graces shoulders and hugged her onto her body. However Aines body was also trembling.

No matter how powerful combat strength they had, they were powerless in front of the fate of the world.

Just like a beast that was scared of lightning, they were huddling together shiveringly.

Kizuna tried to contact Ataraxia and activated his floating window.

This is Kizuna! Nee-chan, Shikina-san, Genesis collapsed!

Reiri grimaced her forehead and quickly answered.

{You think we cannot see it from here huh! We are heading to the castle right now. Where are you guys?}

We are at the balcony of the largest spire. Im together with Aine and Grace too.

Keis typed text was displayed in front of Reiri.

{And where is Professor Nayuta?}

Kizuna noticed that and asked Grace.

Grace. Kaa-sanProfessor Nayuta, where is she?

However Grace powerlessly shook her head.

I dont know. But that womans research lab is at the base of the pillarin this situation, perhaps it had been crushed.

Nayutas research lab was right under the Genesis. Right now it was under the broken pieces of the pillar which were becoming a mountain. Surely she couldnt possible end up safe from that.

Nayutais alive.

The voice of a person came from inside the room.

That voiceZel?

From inside the dim room that lost its light, two human shadows dragging their bodies showed their appearances.

Grace raised her voice looking at those figures.

Zelsione! Also, isnt that Valdy! Where were you two until now?

Aine opened her eyes wide at the twos appearances which was exposed under the light from outside.

Those woundsjust what happened?

The figures of the two were figures that made one thought they had just went through a fierce mortal combat. Their magic armors were already gone, they were in their imperial guard uniform but even that looked ragged. Blood soaked the torn clothes and they also understood that blood was trickling down on their exposed skin. Especially Zelsione, she looked severely wounded, she was dragging her feet by borrowing Valdys shoulder. After they came out to the balcony, Zelsione crumbled on her knees as if she had spent her strength.


Aine supported her body in panic. Kizuna also lent his hand and laid her body down on the floor.

Zelsione spitted out a painful voice from her lips that were wet with blood.

Nayutaas we thought, she wasnt doing any research for repairing Genesis.

Valdys face hung down. She was clenching her fist with trembling shoulders. A puddle of tears was created below her drop by drop.

Kizuna stared at the figures of the two with a grim expression.

As expected, Kaa-san isshit-! Just what is she scheming this time!?

Zelsione was pressing the wound on her stomach and her face warped in anguish. Even Kizuna being here was inconsequential in this occasion. There was something that she had to convey, that sense of mission made her squeezed out her words while enduring the intense pain.

Wha, what that woman researched was

The evolution to an existence that is not human.


There was an unfamiliar girl.

Furthermore she was outside the balcony. She was floating with the setting sun behind her.

You are?

Her appearance was like an elementary school student, it was around that age. Her long jet black hair flapping in the wind was beautiful. Her young stark naked body that wasnt wearing anything was only covered by a long white robe that didnt suit her body size.

Her body was wearing only that. She didnt even wear a magic armor. She was floating in the air with just her flesh body.

Even though her appearance was really lovely and beautiful, they felt unknown terror from her.

It should be their first meeting but, Kizuna felt like he had met that girl somewhere.

Thats right. She is similar with Nee-chans photo of the past.

That was not accurate. But it was an impression that was near the truth.

Zelsione spoke roughly while enduring her pain.

That kid, is Nayuta!


For Kizuna, the meaning of those words were incomprehensible.

You say that this child is Kaa-sanjust what does that mean?

Aine and also Grace, even Reiri and Kei that was watching across the communication window in Ataraxia, were feeling the same like Kizuna.

That girl faced Kizuna and smiled.

Kizuna. For you to forget the face of your mother, there is a limit even for lacking in filial piety isnt it?

Such thing is impossible.

What are you saying? Err, who are you?

Zelsione yelled with a pained voice towards Kizuna who was going to approach the girl carelessly.

Be careful! That thing is not like how Nayuta was once! Its a monster!

Kizunas legs stopped.

The girl floating in the air pouted her mouth in a troubled gesture.

You really are talking rudely arent you, Zelsione-sama? Im not a monster, I want to be called as a god.

{Godyou say?}

Reiri talked in irritation from inside the communication window.

{Certainly, this insolent way of talking is really like mother. But, what kind of trick that appearance is? Are you doing some kind of interference with our visual information? Or else an android? There is a limit for dressing yourself younger than your age.}

The girl laughed pleasantly.

Fufufu, its exactly as you see. Im rejuvenated back to my youth. No, I think saying that I was reborn is more accurate. Not as a human but as a new living being.

Kizuna was also gradually coming to an understanding. Rather than that the sense of reality was welling up inside him.

He didnt understand the cause or the method. But, the air this girl was clad in, her presence. This girl was,

There is no doubt, this is Kaa-san.

Surely Reiri also felt that. She was getting increasingly irritated from her exchange of words with the girl.

{New living beingyou say? And, what is the meaning of that!?}

Its about a living being that has evolved even further. The same level of existence with the being who created the Core of Heart Hybrid Gear and GenesisI wonder if its easier to understand if I say it like that.

It was Nayutas forte to talk in a roundabout way that the other side couldnt understand, covering her story with smokescreen. Kizuna yelled impatiently.

Say it clearly, I dont understand at all just what you are saying! Kaa-sanif you are really Kaa-san, it doesnt matter what kind of living being you had become. Rather than that, stop the breakdown of this world!

Aine also returned to her senses and raised a cornered voice.

Thats right! You were doing research for that sake all this time werent you? Professor Nayuta!

Nayuta shrugged her shoulders cutely.

I did. Or I should say, I was researching to decipher the technology of Genesis. Because if I comprehend all of Genesiss secret, naturally the way to repair it will also be discovered, so I was not lying by any means.

Grace glared at Nayuta resentfully.

Stop toying with your justification! Then why was the pillar crumbling! What I commanded you to do is repairing, not destroying it!

Nayuta was smiling widely without even looking like she had done anything bad.

I didnt destroy it intentionally. I made it to do the work of remolding me, so I guess it was quite burdened due to that. In the first place the pillar had been kept operating all the time without any maintenance, so a malfunction occurred. That is the cause of the cataclysm occurring in Atlantis until now. It was continued being used in that kind of condition, so its life span was rapidly shrinking. And then it was only by chance that it reached its limit just now.

Aine gritted her teeth hard. Enduring her fury, she faced Nayuta and spoke.

Professor Nayutatell me the result of your investigation. Just what is Genesis?

The true identity of Genesis, is a tool that creates worlds. That is to say, its the tool the creator used when creating this worldthat pillar is the creators parting gift.

This worlds, creator she said?

The story of Nayuta immediately sounded like a shady story.

That is, so to speak the god you mean?

Thats right. Putting it another way, we can even say that its a living thing of another world who created this world.

In other words, someone from another world created this worldthat was what she said.

The Core is also the same. It seems that it was something prepared by the people who created Genesis in order to imitate the figure like them.

Why, are they doing something like that? Those creators or whatever.

Nayuta shook her small head.

I dont understand that yet.

Reiri threw a voice filled with killing intent from the other side of the window.

{Just now, you said that you became a god right? In other words that is to say that you are the same existence as the creator, you became the same existence like the living being that created this world then?}

My, thats a quick comprehension for Reiri.

Nayuta showed a faked gesture of surprise.

I wanted to understand the technology of the Core and Genesis. And then, as I continued to further my analysis, I became interested in the very creators themselves who created all of these. What kind of existences they are. What should I do so I can approach such transcendental existences.

Raising her small hand, she extended her index finger erectly.

And then I thought. Genesis constructed this world, if it can even create life, shouldnt it also be able to recreate myself, like that.

Nayuta spread the fringe of her white robe and twirled in the air.

And then, its just as you seea great success.

Nayuta who was all smiles looked innocent, lovely, and ominous.

However, about the existences which are at the level where they can create both worlds that are this Atlantis and our world that is Lemuria. There are still many unclear points about them. I was continuing my research in order to shed light to those existences and comprehend this whole world. And so, this is nothing more but one of those experiments.

Keis window started up in front of Nayutas eyes.

{Professor Nayuta, this is Shikina.}

Aah, Kei. You look healthy. What is it?

{Just now, you said that our world was also created by the creator, what is the basis of that? For arguments sake, if thats true, then why there are no Cores or Genesis on earth?}

Nayuta made a thin smile.

There are also those things in Lemuria you know? Whether its Cores and also monuments that are proportionate with Genesis. It is for this reason that I can say that our world was also created by the creator.

What, the?

Kizuna cut into the talk unable to hold himself back.

Just where do such things exist! It will be a big news if those kind of things were discovered right? But, I have never heard anything like that!

No. Kizuna should know about it really well.


Nayuta pointed at Kizuna.

Eros is a Core discovered on earth you know?


Kizuna put his hand at his chest.

This Core of Eroswas originally, from earth?

It appears that the other Cores fell down to our world when the Another World Conflict occurred. However, only Eros is different. It was a mysterious material discovered at an island of the Mediterranean sea approximately several hundred years ago. But, no matter how we see it the industrial goods of modern time only look like a toy. It was sleeping for a long time inside a certain collectors warehouse without anyone even realizing that it was an OOPArt.

Such thing.

It was thought that all their Cores were AU material that fell to earth when Alternate World Conflict happened. But, Kaa-san is saying that, originally, there were also Cores on earth?

Having said that, there is also someone who created our worldand that existence is the same one with the one who created this Atlantis.

The world where we came from, was something someone created?

Kizunas mind was in chaos.

He understood by logic, but he couldnt comprehend or accept it.

It was not just Kizuna, all people present in this place wer thinking the same.

Reiri and Kei were also shocked.

Reiri snapped at her mother even while her gaze was unfocused.

{Howeverthere is nothing like Genesis there, anywhere at all! Isnt that just your wild delusion!?}

There is. It just hasnt been discovered.

{Something that gigantic, just where can it exist without being discovered until now huh!}

That ismy? It seems that this is not the time to speak so leisurely like this isnt it?

The sky was still lowering more. The whole surface of the sky that was dyed by the setting sun was cracked all over, the cracks was falling down as sky fragments like glass.

This world is over already. Im looking forward how much influence it will cause to Lemuria that is connected to this world by the Entrances.

Something snapped inside Kizuna from her way of talking.

Until now, in order to save this worldjust with how much feeling, you think we came this far! You!

Kizuna clenched his fist. His flaming rage circulated energy throughout his body.

Kaa-san! Im going to have you cooperate in saving this world! Even by force!

My. You are planning to hit a girl this young?

Shut it!

Nayuta pressed her mouth while slipping out a chuckle.

In your condition where even your Hybrid Count has hit the bottom, can you take me on?

Nayutas body began to shine with light of magic power.

Dont tell me

Kizunas heartbeat became violent.

The light of magic power created from Nayutas body was writing a magic formula, that formula instantly materialized. It created mechanical parts from her body that appeared to be constructed one after another by unseen hands.

Nayuta spoke with a smile that was filled with joy.

It was said that god created humans based on his own appearance, but Heart Hybrid Gear was also something the creator created based on their own appearance. Let me specially show to all of you, the original.

The parts created from her back extended to left and right and constructed large thick arms. And then large leg units like robots were created, fixed on her legs. Whether the legs or the arms, each of them were something large that was even bigger than Nayutas height.

And then at her back, a board with beautiful luster was unfolding like a spread fan. It looked like shield and also looked like wings. The fan with beautiful regularity opened to the left and right which even reached six meters of width.

This is the true appearance of the current me.

A headdress in the shape of ornate hairpin was on her head, while a kimono that was like a furisode with her shoulders greatly exposed was created on her body. It was an outfit that was like a daughter of a noble who celebrated their aging festival in the shrine.

The armor was also beautiful, as if in coordination with the dressed up Nayuta. Elegant line and luster like a lacquer. Graceful ornament and glamorousness. Rather than calling it weapon for the sake of battle, it even gave the impression whether it was actually used for etiquette or admiration.

Kizuna reflexively murmured looking at that reborn figure Nayuta displayed.

Heart Hybrid Gear

Without any doubt, it was a large type Heart Hybrid Gear. However, it had a presence that drew a line compared to the likes of Kizunas Eros or Aines Zeros. It was not just merely big, the difference in the shaping and material, and then the high class magic power emitted from her whole body. It made him feel that it was obviously in a different class with other Heart Hybrid Gear.

And then there was one more point, something that made him feel unease. That was the sense of unity between Nayuta and the armor, it was as if the two were completely combined. An existence where it was ambiguous where was the boundary between flesh and machine. He felt like she had completely changed into a living thing of another species.

Nayuta spread both her arms proudly.

Now, you said that you want to make me listen to you by force right? Ill look after you then. After all playing with children, is also the role of a parent.


Kizunas teeth gritted audibly.

Both Kizuna and also Aine had their Hybrid Count very near zero, they couldnt even maintain their Heart Hybrid Gear anymore. It seemed that Grace still had magic power remaining, but surely she still had damage remaining on her body.

Kizuna glanced and surmised the state of Zelsione who collapsed on her knees.

Far from fighting, Zelsiones condition would be dangerous if she wasnt treated soon.

This time he sent his glance inside the room.

Valdy was sitting down at the center of the room, staring at the floor with empty eyes. Looking at her, it really didnt appear that she could fight.

Kizuna desperately thought.

Should I call for Gravel now? However both Gravel and Aldea, even Gertrude, they must be exhausted right now.

Kizuna looked up once more at the figure of Nayuta floating in the air. He hadnt confirmed her status by any means. But, he understood. He completely understood. His instinct that had come through several verges of death was alerting him. It was dangerous. Extremely.

Damn itis there no way at all.

Are you being reserved? Then perhaps I should be the one starting.

Nayuta extended her mechanical arm to the front. The tip of that hand disassembled and transformed. The parts changed its construction like a puzzle and a muzzle of particle cannon appeared at the tip of the hand.

Looking at that, it had been installed with that kind of mechanism since the beginningwasnt how it appeared to him at all. It was as though, it was created because it was needed for nowthat was how it looked like to him.

An unknown terror was surging out inside Kizunas chest. The living thing that was once his mother. He was made to understand that she had transformed into an authentic monster.

Light of magic power was converging in the muzzle of the particle cannon. If he was shot in his current state, that would be the end of the road.

Now, Kizuna. Here I go.

At that time, a golden light of a particle cannon traversed through the approaching sky of darkness.

That light hit Nayuta dead on. The explosion of the fierce light occurred in front of Kizunas eyes.


Kizuna stumbled back from the push of the shockwave on his body.

The light just nowdont tell me!?

Golden large caliber particle cannon that instantly traversed the sky.

An accurate bombing from long range.


A familiar voice called Kizunas name.


A Heart Hybrid Gear that even made him felt nostalgic. With golden hair swaying in the wind, the girl extolled as the world strongest was flying towards him.

Its my return to the frontline that has really been too long! Ill have you become my stress relief here!

The reliable former ace of America. Yurishia Farandol of Amaterasu.


Swords flying in the sky were coming from behind that Yurishia. The four swords soared through the sky freely and attacked at Nayuta.


Kizunas voice was lifted up.

Professor Nayuta! I wont let you do any outrageous misdeeds more than this! Himekawa Hayuru, is here!

Himekawa drew out Sword from the sheath on her waist and rushed towards Nayuta.

Nayuta flicked off Blades with the fan wing on her back as shield. However the Blades kept changing direction in the air no matter how many times and persistently slashing at Nayutas opening. There Himekawa herself also slashed with Sword.

I see. So Amaterasu is also in full-set here.

Nayuta burst out magic power particles from the thrusters on her back and legs, she avoided Himekawas slash and ascended above. However, a huge shadow was standing in the way at where she was evading.

You wont get away desu!

That hugeness surpassed even Nayutas Heart Hybrid Gear. It was Sylvias super big Heart Hybrid Gear, [Taros].

Professor Nayuta, tell us the way to save this world desu!

Taros swung down its gigantic right arm that was like a hammer. It was a fierce attack that if one was hit, it would be compressed and smashed to the ground.

Fufu, I had interest in that Heart Hybrid Gear.

When Nayuta raised her flesh arm, the machine arm was also raised up similarly. And then it blocked Taross hammer. Creaking sound thundered from the clash between fellow metal.

It, it was blocked desu-!?

For this much change in result only from changing the installing method, it is really interesting.

At that time, large amount of missiles were approaching from behind Sylvia.

Sylvia retreated after measuring the timing. Right after that missiles impacted Nayuta from all directions. Blast flames occurred in chain explosions and spread, wrapping Nayuta in a cluster of flame.

Even we are here!

Five Heart Hybrid Gears passed above Kizuna.

Scarlet! Also

The five came to a halt in the air and made a pose after twirling.

Masters has arrived!

It seemed that their idol life had permeated deep in their body. However, they readied their weapons simultaneously right after introducing themselves. And then they aimed at Nayuta who showed her appearance from inside the flame and pulled their triggers without hesitation. Bullets rained down on Nayuta like a storm.

Yaayy! This sensation after a few months! As I thought, this is the bestttttttttt! Trigger Happy!!

Clementine made dangerous eyes and kept pulling the trigger as if trying to break it apart. Her braided orange hair was greatly disarrayed and she fired bullets looking delighted from the bottom of her heart.

Next to her was Sharon who was wearing Heart Hybrid Gear on top of her goth-loli pilot suit, she was rapidly firing her assault rifle.

Its reallyhas been too long. Fufu-, this might be a little nice.

Thanks to getting carried away and firing rapidly, they soon ran out of bullets. They immediately took out new cartridge from the unit on their waist and exchanged it with the cartridge that had run out of bullets. And then the cartridge that had become empty was stored back in the waist unit. It had the mechanism of automatically replenishing the cartridge by creating bullets using Hybrid Count.

When Nayuta tried to look at the distance, her gaze was naturally zoomed up. Furthermore every single figure of Masters was transmitted to her as separate image information. It was a sensation of seeing multiple monitors at the same time that was impossible for normal eyes.

Masterscome to think of it before all of you became idols, you all were the Heart Hybrid gear corps of the American army isnt it?

Particles of light were emitted from her thrusters and Nayutas body lightly evaded the bullets. It really didnt seem like a mechanical movement due to thruster control, she was drifting in the air with natural movement like a water current. It was the proof that she was perfectly controlling the Heart Hybrid Gear like a part of her own body.

Ill stop her movement!

The cheapskate Leila with her blonde short cut let loose a shot with short-barreled shotgun in one hand. The bullet that was a compressed light scattered at the area in front of Leila.

Ill give a large service today even if Ive got to bleed out money! Large sale of my whole inventory of bullets. Just for now, Ill resolve myself to be in the red!

Nayuta stopped moving in the sky.

Spreading buckshot, a weapon for annihilating enemy in large range all at once isnt ithowever, each one of it is really not that strong.

Uwaa! Irritating! Henrietta, let her have at it!

At Leilas side was Henrietta who was readying a long anti material rifle.

It helps me that you stop her movement.

When she pulled the trigger, large spark scattered in front of Nayuta. A shockwave that was as if a small explosive was blasting off attacked the surroundings.

The explosive power of the anti material rifle didnt exist only at the point of time when it impacted, the shockwave it discharged was also not something halfhearted. Striking shockwave also hit the side face of all the Masters surrounding Henrietta. Even Scarlet who was opening her missile unit and was going to launch her next payload also flinched reflexively.

Buwah! Hey Henrietta! Shot that thing a little farther from us, thats a bother!

Eeh!? No way, you can say that with a little more

Henrietta almost cried from the unreasonable treatment. She fired one more shot even while stirring bad reputation from her comrades, but there was no effect to Nayuta as if it was just a breeze to her.

Indeed, its destructive power is high. But, at this level it wont even become a test for the Life Saver.

Scarlet opened the missile pod of Ares and aimed at Nayuta who looked disappointed.

Second wave, fire all at once!

Nayuta was once more enveloped in blast flame. At the same time, large amount of flame and smoke that were spurted out from the missile unit wrapped the members of Masters nearby.

Gehoh! Oi, Scarlet! This is not in the level of a mere bother anymore!

Clementine yelled in enragement.

Indeedits even more annoying than Henriettas rifle.

Sharon too was directing moist eyes to Scarlet.

Tha, that cant be helped! This is missile! Because of that in exchange, its destructive power is great!

Leila spoke as if spitting out at Scarlet that was desperately making an excuse.

Never mind that, just move away.

Scarlet received a shock and her eyes turned into dots.

WHATS THATTTT! Isnt it fine even if you dont say it like that!

Kizuna and Aine stared in astonishment at such exchange.

They are living in a world that is unrelated with words like nervousness or sense of danger arent theythose girls.

Seems sobut, they dont let up their attack even during that idiotic exchange, should I say its as expected from them?


A communication from Reiri opened in front of Kizuna.

Nee-chan! Right now Amaterasu and Masters are fighting Kaa-san. I too want to recover my Hybrid Count but, is there no way?

{Im launching the facility for Heart Hybrid. Its arranged to impact at the center of the room you are in. Be careful.}

The rooms center you say!?

Valdy was still crouching there.

Kizuna snapped to himself and rushed into the room and grasped Valdys hand.

Stand! Come with me to the balcony!

While saying that, Kizunas ear caught the sound of something cutting through the air.

This is bad! I wont make it in time!

Kizuna carried Valdys body in his arms and jumped towards the balcony. At that moment the wall of the room cracked. A bullet with the diameter of three meters broke through the wall and flew into the room. Fragments of wall were scattered all over the carpet and dust rolled up.

When the collapsed Kizuna lifted his face, the cannon shell type capsule was sliding in barely ahead of his toes. Kizuna released a sigh of relief.

We are saved somehow.

Kizuna raised his body and spoke to Valdy. However Valdy was still in a state where her heart wasnt here. It was as if her soul was just an empty shell.

Valdy believed Nayuta. She adored her. She yearned at her like a mother. That was how much shock she received. She was deceived and betrayed.

Can you stand?

The man who saved her asked her that but she couldnt bring herself to answer. Rather, it would be better for her to even die. That was what Valdy was thinking.

Valdy lifted her face and looked up at the object that flew into the room. The hatch at the objects side opened while she was staring at it with dim eyes, a black haired woman showed her appearance from the inside.

Kizuna, also you over there. Are you two hurt?

Valdy stood up as if being struck by lightning.

NaNayuta, sama?

However that woman made an obvious displeasured expression and spoke as if spitting out.

Dont group me together with that kind of thing.

Valdy curled into herself from fear.

That womanReiri sighed then called to Kizuna and Aine.

Kizuna, Aine! Hurry. Carry out Heart Hybrid!

Kizunas voice croaked from too much shock.

What did you say!? No matter how you look at it, its impossible in this kind of situation right!?

Its exactly because the situation is like this!

Reiri looked up at the battle between Nayuta against Amaterasu and Masters unfolding above.

The opponent is that Nayuta. The power of you two that did Kiss Charge Hybrid should be necessary!

Aine worriedly peeked at the face of her little sister who was standing next to her.

Grace looked back at Aines eyes and smiled as if to reassure her.

No need to worry, Nee-sama. Rather than that, you have some kind of important business to do right?

Yes. But

That Nayuta. That woman has also done something that I cannot stomach. Leave this to me.

Grace called the name of her Core after saying that.


Grace once again equipped the magic armor with gold and silver wings. Looking at that, Zelsione too supported her trembling body with her arm and tried to raise her body.

Grace-samaI too, will be together with you.

Dont say something stupid. Zel, you are resting here.


Zelsione gritted her teeth in frustration.

I will clear your chagrin for you. Just watch from there.


Tears shined at the outer corner of Zelsiones eyes.

Kicking the floor, Grace soared up to the sky. After seeing off her figure from behind, Aine turned back to Kizuna.

Lets go, Kizuna.

She smiled at Kizuna with an invigorated smile, as if she had been released from a burden.

Yeah. Weve got to give them assistance even for a second faster!

Kizuna also rushed into the capsule that had flown into the room.

Hurry! Im locking the door!

After showing in Kizuna and Aine into the capsule, Reiri closed the hatch and locked it.

So, what is this? It looks different from the Love Room?

Reiri pushed a switch on the wall. Thereupon lighting was turned on until the inside of the dark room.

A pure white bed. At the other side of it, there was Shikina Kei wearing a micro bikini.

Shi-! Shikina-sannnn-!?

Kizuna felt like he was going to fall down.

She was much older than him but, her body figure was completely childish. She was short with fragile petite body. Even her breasts were mostly nonexistent. Such Kei was absurdly wearing a white micro bikini in this kind of place.

Why is Shikina-san who usually was always sending him instruction from Nayuta Lab here?

Aine also opened her eyes wide from shock.

Wh, whyShikina-san is

As expected she might also feel embarrassed, the cheek of the expressionless Kei was slightly tinged red.

{This is the solace deliverance installation number one. It is something like the prototype edition that was created at the experimental stage of Love Room. Unfortunately, Love Room was completely destroyed together with Ataraxia.}

The letters Kei were typing into her keyboard were displayed at the floating window.

Kizuna looked around the inside of the room.

Gorgeous chandelier shining inside the slightly dim room. Leather sofa that felt comfortable to sit on. A metallic cylinder case was fixed on the table put in front of the sofa, ice and bottle were put inside it.

Solacecertainly this room looks comfortableno, but if thats the case, why are Nee-chan and Shikina-san here? If you two dont get out so I can be together with just Aine

When he took a glance at Aines direction, her red eyes were hiding shyly while her face was looking down.

No, it will take too much time with just you two.

Kizuna and Aine leaked out voices Eh? while lifting their faces.

This time as it were is a time trial. We have to carry out Climax Hybrid in the shortest time. And there, seewe too will cooperate.

That is, what kind of thing? Can you explain souwaaa!?

Reiri suddenly took off her shirt and exposed her voluptuous breast that was enveloped by white underwear. The bra that was knitted with delicate lace was heroically lifting up Reiris large breasts. The drifting off sensuality caused a sensation that was similar with dizziness in Kizuna.

Ne-, Nee-chan! Wh, wh-wh-wh-wh-whats this, that appearance!?

I, I told you already. We too will cooperate.

Reiri yelled as if in panic with her cheeks dyed vermilion. And then as though she was throwing her own shame to the wind, she pulled down her skirt in one go. With that Reiris style became immoral with only her underwear and high heels.

Whats the matter Kizuna? Your face is red you know?

Reiri who said that also had a red face. Her figure that twisted her body in embarrassment looked as if she was putting on a coquettish air. And then her eyes that were moist from shame made him feel that it was not the face of his sister but the face of a woman.

*doki*, Kizunas chest throbbed hard to the degree that such sound was going to get audible.

Ca, calm down me! This is Nee-chan. Calm down!

Aine was staring at the flurried Kizuna with moist eyes.

Hey Kizunaare you getting even more excited than with me?

Wha, what are you saying. There is no such thing at all Aine-san.

Just whats with that honorific.

Kei was carrying a portable keyboard with both her hands and began to type with her thumbs.

{We explored for a method to make Kizuna and Aine the most excited based from the track records until now. We are going to boost Kizunas excitement by entertaining you with lingerie.}

Wait a second! Come on, just why I have to get excited towards Nee-chan and Shikina-san.

Never mind that and calm down, sit over there.

Reiri glued her body to him from the side and took Kizunas arm. And then she urged him to sit down on the sofa. When she brought her body near, Reiris large chest was pressing on Kizunas arm.

Wha-, what a pleasant feeling!? Its size is even more than Aine!

Kizuna followed what he was told and sat on the sofa. He was sandwiched by Reiri on the left and Kei on the right.

Do you want to drink something?

Ye, yeah.

Being caught between his sister in underwear and his sisters best friend in a risqu swimsuit, Kizuna didnt know what he should do. When he looked down, the valley of Reiris large breasts was right before him. It drew a beautiful curve, from the twin hills with full score at both its volume and presence, a sweet smell was rising up.

Here, this is a special make energy drink.

A glass with ice inside was handed over to him.

Thank you.

He thought whether this was really the time to leisurely act like this, but it was also a fact that his throat was parched. When he brought his mouth near, the thirst in his throat was even more pronounced, he drank it all down in one gulp. Thereupon Keis window appeared in front of his eyes.

{Ill say it clearly but, ingredients that are absolutely cannot be sold are included there.}

He reflexively choked.

Eh, thats

{Its something that was specially developed in order to recover stamina and mind.}

He thought of protesting but his eyes and mind were stolen by the summits pink color rising to the surface from her breast that was visible through the gaps in Keis micro bikini.

Shikina-san, the bikini is too baggybreast.

However the breast with small undulation was also strangely immoral. In addition, the fact that he saw Keis breast made him excited even reluctantly.

You want to drink one more glass?


The lingerie appearance of Reiri who was gently smiling was exactly opposite of Kei. The brutally voluminous breasts made his head go hazy just from looking. Each time she moved, the breast that was shaking following her every single movement was also concerning but, the panties put on her plump waist and the part hidden underneath were really bothering his mind. The fabric on both places were thin, the color of the thing hidden beneath them was faintly rising to the surface.

Noticing Kizunas gaze, Reiri hid her crotch with her hand.

He, hey, dont look that hard.

Eh!? No, I-I-I-Im not looking like that you know!?

It was really hard to tear off his eyes once his gaze got captured. When he somehow looked at the other side, what was waiting for him was the naked body of Kei who was wearing micro bikini on that childish figure.

It was Kei who usually was really silent doing research where he didnt feel any sex appeal at all from her. And then now there was this extraordinary feeling from the stimulating appearance she was in. This place where he was sandwiched by elder sisters in lingerie was exactly an alternate universe.

{The aim at this times Climax Hybrid is based on the case that was most effective in the past}

Kei was typing on her keyboard once more. The text was visible until where she typed [where Kizuna with Reiri], but the cursor was immediately returning and erased the letters.

{Kizuna need a fresh stimulation. Females like us which you normally dont imagine in sexual connotation are showing this kind of appearance will create an element of surprise. That will awaken the carnal desire and excitement of Kizuna.}

Thats stupid! You mean I, with Nee-chan and Shikina-san?

{Fact, Kizunas heartbeat, pulse rate, and the blood flow to your erectile tissue are rising to the level that has never been seen before.}

Reiri sent a feverish gaze at Kizunas crotch and then her throat gulped audibly.

Its already, like thatits even more amazingthan that time.

That time?

Kizuna tilted his head towards Reiris murmur.

N, no! Nothing. Anyway, thats the reason why we too are taking off a layer of our clothes.

Aine crossed her arms in dissatisfaction.

You two are saying all thatbut, for me this has the opposite effect instead.

{Thats wrong. Our presences are also effective towards Aine.}

Ha? What are Commander and Shikina-san going to do to make me excited?

{We are going to be watching here when you two carry out the Climax Hybrid.}


Aines complexion changed all of a sudden.

{There is really no chance to observe until this close, so I have an extremely deep interest. I have also prepared observation device, so I can record the change to Aines body in detail.}

So, something like thatno way. There is no way I can do that with people watching!

If you cannot then we will force you until you do it. Normally what kind of thing you do with Kizuna, I have been thinking that I want to try confirming it for once.

Reiri was murmuring with a voice that contained anger somewhere.

Aines face that became pale was now tinged with red in contrast. Her heart was beating fast with *doki doki* sound. Her thighs were rubbing at each other fidgetingly.

That kind of shameful actI cannot do it.

{This is a rare chance so Ill collect detailed data. Ill record everything of the act that will be done after this, both the image and the sound.}

No way

Aines eyes were moist. She was moved to tears from imagining the treatment that was awaiting her. Light of magic power was swimming in her eyes mixing with her tears.

Kizuna stared at that light and became astonished.

Indeedit looks like there is an effect.

Reiri brought her mouth near Kizunas ear and whispered as if blowing her breath to him.

Do your best

Shuddering stimulation was driving up Kizunas spine.

Even after receiving the all-out attack from Masters, Nayuta didnt even twitch. The machine body generated Life Saver. It was laid out all over her body in a shape that clung tightly on her skin, bouncing back all the bullets. Nayutas face was calm and collected as though she was receiving a gentle breeze.

If its just an attack at the level of Masters, then it will only get bounced back.

Nayuta nodded to herself in understanding.

Masters shooting skills was just as expected from them. However although the bullets impacted, the armor that had luster like a lacquer didnt allow for even a dent.

If gun is no good, Ill directly cut it! Blade!

The sky flying swords standing by behind Himekawa soared towards Nayuta. Nayuta should be skewered instantly. However at the destination where the Blades were heading, Nayutas body was nowhere to be found.


Blades that were supposed to pursue the enemy no matter where lost sight of Nayuta. It was a movement that was just that sudden. Himekawa searched for Nayutas figure and looked around her restlessly.

The alert of her sensor notified her of danger from above.

Her spinal cord reflex flew the Blades above her. The Blades soared through the sky and intercepted the falling down Nayuta. However Nayuta also drew out a sword and wielded her sword with fast technique that even the eyes couldnt follow, hitting back every single one of the Blades.

No way-!?

Nayuta was falling down heading towards the shocked Himekawa. Himekawas reaction was just a moment slower from her excessive shock. Nayuta swung down a merciless attack at that opening.


Himekawa held her Sword above her head to block against it somehow. However Nayutas sword snapped Himekawas Sword. And then it split into Neross armor just like that.


Fragments floated in the air from the broken chest armor. Her body numbed and she was falling down to the ground unable to move. Nayuta swooped down in order to add further attack.

At that time when she tried to inflict the finishing blowNayuta was blown away right to the side. The impact that was inflicted to her from the side was a really thick pillar of light. It was a bombing from a large caliber particle cannon.

Nayuta turned her eye to the direction where the bombing came from. Normal human eyes couldnt see anything even if they looked at the direction where the light was coming from. However Nayutas eyesight caught the figure of Yurishia beyond the cracked sky at the far distance.

I see. So just now it was the Differential Frame.

She caressed the fan that blocked the particle cannon with admiration.

Nayuta pondered a little, and then she extended her mechanical arm. The tip of the arm was changing its appearance into a particle cannon.

That right arm emitted explosive light. Lines of light were spreading around the arm, piercing the center, a light of magic power extended to the cracked sky. Ahead of the light that was extending in a straight line was Yurishia.

Nayuta set her sight, and Yurishia who was aiming for the next shot hadnt imagined that she would be aimed at in return.


Without delay she exchanged the Differential Frame from supplying attack power into propulsive force. The light of Nayutas particle cannon grazed Yurishias head. Few centimeters of the tip of her beautiful blonde hair was evaporated.

At this range!? Thats bullshit!

Yurishia swooped down with her thrusters fully opened. She hid at the behind of the first castle wall that was nearest to the castle, then she was circling along the castle wall. Suddenly the castle wall ahead of her path exploded.

No way-! Im being accurately tracked!?

Nayutas particle cannon was piercing through the castle wall while chasing after Yurishia that was behind it. And then Yurishia was finally shot accurately.


With her Differential Frame destroyed, Yurishia was going into emergency landing towards the downtown.

Sylvia wont let you go further desu!

Sylvias Taros was charging towards Nayuta. With the terrific propulsive force from the enormous rocket, Taross huge body was lightly accelerating. Taros swung up the hammer of its right arm.

Shouldnt you understand already that your attack wont work?

Nayuta blocked the attack of Taros.

Sylvias eyes shined.


The main cannons at Taross shoulders opened fire. The firepower that equaled the main cannon of a battleship attacked Nayuta from point-blank range. Fierce flame blast hid Nayutas figure from Sylvias view.


Sylvia thought that Nayuta was hit directly. However nervousness ran through Sylvias face. She swung down the hammer raised. Following the momentum she rotated and struck her hammer right behind without even confirming it. The hammer stopped still as if it collided against a wall.

Thats a good instinct.

Nayuta blocked the hammer that was as large as her body with her small hand.

Certainly you have the outstanding talent as a pilot.

With a light snap of her wrist, Taross huge body was blown away towards the ground.


Sylvia fell down on the roof of a five storied building inside the castle. She crushed through that building and broke through the floors in succession before Taros collided with the ground. It was as though a deconstruction project was being done there, the building that was turned into rubble was falling down on Sylvia.

Nayuta rotated her wrist and confirmed the motion of the arm that threw away Taros.

I came to understand the spec of this body considerably.

The bombardment of Masters flew at her once more at that time. Every single shot contained the force to defeat magic weapons. Nevertheless, they couldnt put a single wound on Nayuta.

Aageez! Just whats with this person-!

Henrietta raised a loud voice with her glasses slipping down. It seemed that she wouldnt be able to manage her unease and terror if she didnt yell out.

Their attacks werent working at all. This was the first time they were feeling this powerless.

Everyone do your best! Even that person should have a limit to her energy!

Scarlets encouragement rallied back Masters breaking spirit.

Adding on the bullets that were raining down like heavy rain, barrage of missiles were heading to Nayuta. Nayuta didnt dodge and received those missiles. Several explosions occurred and Nayutas body wasnt visible behind the smoke.

Yes! Eh!?

Scarlets hand that was going to make a guts pose stopped.

Nayuta who appeared from inside the flame faced the Masters and elegantly spread her hand.

Then, so that it will be fair to all of you Masters, lets prepare firepower on the same level.

The fan that was varnished black and gold spreading on Nayutas back. At its surface the weapons that the Masters were using were reflected.

Ehmy rifle?

A dubious expression rose to the surface of Sharons face.

Not just Sharons. Mine toowhats, that?

Clementine also twisted her head.

Each of their favorite firearms was rotating in 360 degree like a 3D model. And then the images stopped moving when they faced forward, before starting to float from inside the fan.

Whats with that!?

Scarlet raised a flustered voice.

The image projected in the fan was materializing. Rifle and shotgun, anti material rifle and missile pod, and so on, something similar with their weapons were surrounding around Nayuta.

Nayuta thrust forward her small fist and opened her fingers.

At that moment, simultaneous firing was begun towards Masters.


The barrage that they had unleashed until now was returned at them. Masters became dispersed like baby spiders scattering everywhere where they ran away in confusion.

Looking up at the created weapons, Nayuta floated an enraptured smile.

So creation of material is also possible. Exactly an almighty existencethe title of god is really fitting.

Its ridiculous for you to be something like a god!

An angel appeared before Nayuta. An angel of massacre with wings of blade carrying a scythe. It was Grace who equipped Koros. The scythe to reap away life which was held in her hands was swung down.

The scythe received an impact when it reached in front of Nayutas face as thought it collided against something.


Nayutas small fingers caught the scythe between them. The blade of the scythe was restrained by her index and middle fingers.


Graces eyes opened wide in fright.

She was supposed to be bisected into two with one attack. Even if it was blocked, Grace thought that it would be blocked by the mechanical arm. Never would she have thought that a flesh arm, furthermore it were the fingertips, that would stop her attack. Such thing was unbelievable.

Nayuta smiled with a face that was only young in appearance towards the grimacing Grace.

Grace-samas ability is to steal the opponents magic powerthe life force. How about trying to steal it? The life force of this me.

Grace clenched her teeth. Her body was going to tremble if she didnt do that.

Fear? This me is feeling fear?

She glared at Nayuta who was showing an innocent smile.

Such stupid thing, is impossible!


Graces pink hair shined, feathers of light were aimed at Nayuta from Koross wings and they were fired. Nayutas body was pierced by the feathers like a joke.

I got you! Your magic power!

The feathers piercing Nayutas body absorbed the magic power Nayuta had and brought it back to Koross wings.

Hahaha, Ill suck you dry!

Feathers of light were coming and going bustlingly. However, even after a while their intensity wasnt stopping.

Cold sweat was trickling down on the cheek of Grace that was showing a joyful smile.

This woman, just how much magic power she has?

Graces body was rapidly increasing in radiance. It meant that the magic power Graces body couldnt stock was overflowing out.

I cannot absorb anymore than this. My body is breaking!

Nayuta faced Grace and showed an innocent smile. That smile made Grace tremble in her boots.

Are you full already? You are more of a light eater than what I imagined Grace-sama.

Nayutayou bastard.

Then how about an after-meal work out?

Graces body was blown away even before Nayuta finished talking.


The impact that attacked her body out of nowhere confused Grace.

Wha, what happened!?

When she noticed, her body had sunk into the spire of the imperial castle.


Nayuta was floating still at the far distance.

I was blown awayfrom over there? How? By what?

Grace blinked.

Her eyelids closed, and opened, Nayuta who was supposed to be at the distance was before her eyes.


Her stomach received a terrific impact.


Nayutas mechanical arm was continuing to unleash blows with terrifying number of rotation. The impact from that destroyed the stone wall of the spire. Cracks were surrounding the spire before fragments and dust cloud burst out like an explosion. Cracks entered Koross armor and its wings broke.

Gah! Haah! GUHAAAAu!

And then finally the spire snapped at the middle. Graces body was falling down together with the destroyed spire. Even while receiving raining down rubble with her body, Grace was withdrawing from the rain of rubble. And then she landed with a roll on the courtyard of the castle.

Before her, a beautiful Heart Hybrid Gear so big one needed to look up at it was getting down.

Even the Koros Vatlantis is proud of is nothing considerable isnt itif its like this, then perhaps Kizuna and Aine will be tougher adversaries. As I thought lets have those two as my opponents.


Grace stood up with trembling legs. However her field of vision was turning round and round, she was in a state that it was difficult to immediately stand.

There was no way to win. But, she had to fight. If she was defeated, perhaps it would be Zeros next that would experience this bloodbath.

I could reconcile with Nee-sama after great painsI wont let you lay your hand on Nee-sama.

She pulled out a scythe from her wings after shouting that sentence that was like a spell.


With all the might of her body, she slashed towards Nayuta. However the feedback she felt that was like bouncing back from a rock made her body get flicked away.

Graces body rolled on the lawn.

GugehohNa, Nayuta

Nayuta blocked the scythe with her mechanical arm. However because the magic power was stolen, the fingertip was cut down. Looking at that, Grace smiled widely.

Fufueven your armor, if its magic power is stolen, will vanish into nothing.

However Nayuta returned a composed smile.

Aah. This? There is no need for you to worry at all.

The moment she said that, Nayutas mechanical arm that was cut was regenerating as if the part was growing again from the base.

Whawhat, the?

Graces eyes were unfocused from looking at the unbelievable sight.

Nayuta approached the collapsed Grace and grasped the wing of Koros with the regenerated arm. When she put strength, the bone frame of the wing bended greatly and it was easily smashed up.

Nayuta smiled sweetly.

Is there any other weapon? Dont tell me, this is not everything there is to it isnt it?

Graces eyes were wet with tears.

Do, dont underestimate methis is, just the beginning!

She made a fist with trembling fingers.


She punched at Nayuta. She couldnt reach the body and hit at the armor of the large leg unit. However the protection of the armor was solid, not a single wound appeared on it. However this was the only thing she could do right now.

HicI will, Nee-samaguah!

Nayutas steel arm seized Graces neck and lifted her up.


Her breathing choked with her neck squeezed.

I feel disappointed of Grace-sama. For you to have strength only to this degree.

KuhNa, Nayuta..only, youI wont

Graces sight was becoming white as if in a haze.

Much appreciated. Its fine for you to rest already.

The strength squeezing Graces neck strengthened.

Agonizing. And then her body couldnt even twitch.

Im, going to die like this?

Certainly when she thought that her sister betrayed her, she thought that this world should just die.

But, she had resolved to save the world together with Nee-sama.

Just when she decided that, this is what happens?

Unable to do anything.

Unable to save anything.

Losing everything after being tricked by this kind of woman.

Tears overflowed from Graces eyes.

Her consciousness was thinning down.


Someone, help.

Release that hand.

Someone seized Nayutas steel arm.


Grace stared at that figure amidst her dimming consciousness.

Black hair and black eyes. And then jet black armor.

Lemurias, demon king.

The armor with black luster was emitting a radiance like something as good as new.

Kizuna grasped the steel arm of Nayuta, he glared at the face of his mother who had returned to her youth.

Kizunathis is surprising. I didnt notice your presence.

Nayutas tone was calm as usual. However a hardness mixed into that smile.

Surely thats because Kaa-san is not recognizing the value of my existence.

Kizunas fingers that were grasping Nayutas arm were filled with strength.


Kizunas fingers crushed Nayutas mechanical arm within their grip. Graces body fell on the ground.

Gehoh! Gahah!

Tears were floating on her eyes and Grace violently coughed.


Aine landed down beside Grace. And then she carried up the body of her little sister.

You okay? Grace.

Nee-samayou came.

Grace looked at the face of her big sister and showed a smile of relief. Nayuta gave a sidelong glance at Grace and Aines figures before facing her own son.

Breaking the arm of this me just with pure arm strength isit looks like I can have expectations to this.

Clenching his fist, Kizuna faced his own mother and took a stance.

Kaa-san. This is as far as your playing around goes. Ill have you teach us the way of repairing Genesis. Because just as you see, the destruction of the world is approaching.

Facing Kizunas serious expression, Nayuta smiled as if in reassurance.

If its about that, there is no need to panic you know?


I became a god. Even if this world is destroyed, Ill create a new world again.

Kizuna asked dubiously.

What is the meaning of that? Creating a world, again you say?

Yes. This world is something created by the creator. The current me possess the same power with those creators. And so, even if this world perished, I will create a new world again.

What is she running her mouth of? This person.

What Kaa-san is saying is incomprehensible. Even if for example you create a new world, so what then? That world will be different with the world where we are! I want to protect this world!

Nayuta put her finger on her lips as if in pondering.

Then lets play a game. If you can defeat me, I will teach you the way to save this world. The other magic armors and Heart Hybrid Gears are lacking for the experiment of my new body. Do your best by all means, please teach me where is the limit of this body.

Shit-! Even at this kind of time, how dare you say that this is a game or an experiment!

Kizuna felt a fierce indignation. However right now he could only do as Nayuta said.

Fine then. Just as Kaa-san wished for, Ill defeat you! In exchange, Ill have you teach me the way to save this world for sure!


Nayuta opened a window and inputted something.

I set it to leave behind all data even in the worst case that I die. Then, work hard. I have expectations from you, Kizuna.

Nayuta put the arm that was crushed by Kizuna forward. Thereupon the destroyed internal structure was repaired, the crushed armor was pushed up. And then the armor too recovered its shine like a new thing.

Kizuna glared at that arm and then to his mother.

YeahIll show you how I answer your expectations.

Nayutas body suddenly disappeared.

But, Kizunas eyes were clearly looking at the movement of Nayuta withdrawing.

This time for sure!

At that moment, Kizunas figure vanished. Along with a sound that was like thunder, the ground where Kizuna stood sunk like a crater.

Kizuna chased behind Nayuta and rose to the sky. However the crack running in the sky that was falling down faster than they imagined was approaching.

The sky has fall until this muchIve got to hurry!

Kizuna confirmed the floating window displayed beside his face. It was displaying the remaining time of Kischarge Hybrid. (TN: Im changing the name of the hybrid, got the idea from Kiznaivers title.)

Thirty seconds.

Nayuta also soared in the sky with a glide. Kizuna accelerated hot on her heels. A dogfight in the speed that far surpassed the speed of sound was unfolding.

At the sky above Zeltis, two shadows were crossing each other fighting in super high speed. However normal humans couldnt catch sight of their figures. Both of them were building up a battle in the territory where no one could follow.

Sparks scattered in the air, electricity sparked. And then sound reverberated behind.

What could be inferred from the clash of the two was only that.

Kizunas speed was increasing even further. Just when he was going to catch up in a little bit more, Nayuta suddenly turned around. And then the sword in her hand drew a flash.


The tips of the sword slashed the chest armor of Eros. However Kizuna didnt pay it any mind and rushed into Nayutas bosom. He further accelerated and dodged the sword attack by swinging his body left and right.

The accelerated fist of Kizuna struck Nayutas armor many times. Slight warping entered the armor with beautiful luster.

I see, thats quite a speed isnt it. But

Kizunas fist cut empty air.


Nayuta was several kilometers ahead. And then innumerable particle cannons were created from the fan on her back, aiming at Kizuna. And then they emitted light simultaneously where a brutal vortex of light attacked Kizuna.

This is bad!


The Life Saver he immediately laid out was instantly destroyed. Eross armor was smashed while Kizunas body was sent flying. Kizunas speed fell to zero in one go and then he was blown away behind in reverse.

Shit-! At this rate!

Nayutas strength was in unknown number. Inexhaustible magic power, creation of various weapons, regeneration of destroyed armor, in addition speed that far surpassed the speed of sound. And then, all her basic specs were absurdly high.

At this rate, will the world perish?

At that time his blown back body was caught by something soft.


Aine? Also

Get a hold of yourself! Lemurias demon king!

Grace!? Why are you, in this kind of place.

He was carried by Aine and Grace at both sides.

Obviously we came running after you!

Aine let out an angry voice.

Nayuta cannot be defeated alone. That womans strength is overwhelminghowever, if we combine our strength, we might be able to create an opening.

Graces serious gaze was directed at Kizuna. Her red eyes were shining like an appeal that was filled with prayer. Aine also nodded and stared back at Kizuna with eyes of the same color as her little sister.

Yeah, got it. Lets combine the strength of us three!

Kizuna flew out with Aine and Grace following right behind him.

The current me can only oppose Kaa-san with speed. Its hard to make a lethal attack with only direct blows! Thats why, you two lend me your strength!


Leave it to me! And so, what should we do?

Kizuna exchanged some kind of words with the two. And then for some reason it was only Kizuna who flew away to a different direction with Nayuta. Seeing off his figure, Aine and Grace nodded at each other.

Then we are going now. Grace!

Yes. We will show her the strength of the strongest sisters in history!

Kicking the air, both of them accelerated in one go. The speed of the two of them surpassed the speed of sound. Merciless bombardment from the particle cannons Nayuta created came attacking at them. Aine and Grace were evading the bombardment while flying into their firing range in one go.

Nayuta didnt move and dared to intercept the two instead.


Aines fist raised a roar. And then Graces fist lashed out.

The super high speed fists of the sisters struck Nayuta.

Fufufu, thats it. Work even harder.

Nayutas mechanical arms blocked the fists of Aine and Grace. The arms palms blocked and shook off the fists. The fists of the two that were thrust out with terrific speed were continued to being dodged using the two arms.

Youdont look down on me!

Aine attacked with a combo of fists and kicks. The attacking speed of the two was gradually increasing. Even though those were fists and kicks, they were attacks that concealed destructive power like a bomb in every single one. Fierce explosive sounds and sparks were scattered. Aine and Graces fists and legs were drawing trajectories of light and shockwaves were roaring like thunder between the three.

And then finally the fists of the two surpassed the speed of Nayuta.

It reached!?

However Nayutas armor bounced back their fists.

Here we go Nee-sama!

Blows that were like cannon shells hit mercilessly. Blood spurted out from Aine and Graces fists. Even so they didnt pay it any mind and struck with all their strength.

At that time, crack entered Nayutas beautiful armor.

Kuh! Just one more push!

Yes! Smash it apart!

But, Nayutas eyes shined with that as the signal. Bottomless magic power was driving through her whole body.

!? The armor!

The cracked armor was being repaired.

This monster!

Both Nayutas flesh arms were thrust towards Aine and Grace respectively. Magic circles opened from Nayutas palms.

No good! Grace!

When Aine yelled, vast magic power burst out from inside the magic circle.


Raw magic power that was like a rainstorm toyed around with the two. It carried fierce pressure and shockwave which beat up Aine and Grace. It broke into magic power circuits, made the magic power mechanism ran rampant, and stole the life of the Heart Hybrid Gear and magic armor.

The bodies of the two which were blown away traversed several kilometers instantly. Their armors were smashed and strength was stolen from their whole body.

Tears overflowed from the eyes of the two.

They didnt achieve anything. Only wounding the armor a little.

And even that was immediately repaired.

But they bought time.

What was left, was only to entrust everything to that person.

Grace drew out the sharpest blade from inside her wings. And then its shaped was changed into a sword, not a scythe. The wing of king, snapped by Nayuta. She raised it to the sky.

Lemurias demon king! Take this!

Unstoppable tears were trickling down from her red eyes.

All the feeling of mine and Vatlantis! For a fitting retribution to that woman.

The sword was gone from that hand.

Staring at her hand that became empty, Grace smiled.

Similar with her little sister, Aine too raised her weapon to the sky.

Remembering back, when she first met Kizuna, clashing with him, and then getting back on her feet thanks to that.

This was the symbol of that.

Her important memory.

The proof that they crossed over the wall by the two of them.

Kizuna! Please! Mine, and your world

Leave it to me.

She felt like she heard that.

The weapon had disappeared from Aines head when she noticed.

Floating a reassured smile, Aine was falling in the sky.

Leaving behind Aine and Grace, Kizuna soared through the sky.

After separating with the two, Kizuna was earnestly continuing to accelerate.

Before when he fought Yurishia, he was able to go until he barely surpassed time.

But, now that he had done Kischarge Hybrid, he could pass through that wall.

When he fought Grace, he could take a little peek at what lied at the other side of that wall.

To jump over that wall completely, an approach run was necessary. That time with Yurishia, it was also impossible to get out the speed of the limit territory in one go. There was the necessity to gradually increase his speed.

In order to do that, Aine and Grace held back Nayuta in place.

Kizuna passed over sound,

Passed over light,

And then,

The past too,

The cause and effect too,

The shackles too,

Shaking free from everything.


Nayuta noticed the approaching existence. There was an object approaching near with outrageously fast speed.

In order to immediately deal with it, she began moving.

But, it was already too late.

Inside the world where the time stopped, Kizuna finally arrived until the place where his hand could reach Nayuta.

And then in his hand was what Grace entrusted to him, Koross sword.

Nayutas armor repelled any kind of attack. And then it would be repaired when it bore damage.

But, that was if it was in the normal stream of time.


Kizuna swung the sword. The sword of Koros that absorbed magic power. Even the solid armor of Nayuta could be wounded if its magic power was absorbed. Right now where even the supply of magic power was stopped, it was just a mere solid armor. Kizuna swung around the sword in his hand recklessly. He cut down the armor protecting the child appearance of his mother.

Even if any kind of bombardment was inflicted on her, all would be repelled by this armor and shield. But, if she lost her armor, then the shield also couldnt deploy.

Inside the world where time stopped, Nayuta exposed her defenseless figure.

And then Kizuna raised the weapon entrusted to him from Aine, which he held in his other hand.


Cutting, agitating, and then pulverizing the time and space of the target.

Its muzzle, was aimed at his mother.

The figure of his mother who had returned to a young child. However that soft smile was unmistakably his mothers smile.

When he stared at the figure of his mother who was reborn again, Kizuna was attacked by a mysterious strong emotion.

Young, child.

Perhaps that was the true nature of this person.

Curiosity without end. Purely straightforward greed in order to satisfy it. Right now this appearance revealed his mothers simple heart. Kizuna was feeling like that.

His finger pressed the trigger of Pulverizer.


Unmerciful light of despair exploded.

At that instant, Kischarge Hybrid met its time up.

The pink light enveloping Kizuna vanished, time moved.

Nayuta saw the figure of her son aiming the muzzle of Corruption Armament. That was also the moment when her armor broke apart.

This is, what happen

Nayutas field of vision was completely filled with the light emitted by Pulverizer.

The lightning of god that crushed everything tormented Nayuta.

Her armor that had broken beforehand couldnt protect Nayutas body. The shield that was slightly generated was also destroyed, her remaining armor was smashed apart. The steel arms were being segmented into small pieces. The fan was torn apart right from its base, scattering in pieces in the air. Nayutas body screamed, her skeletal structure collapsed. Compound fracture occurred throughout her whole body and her internal organs ruptured in succession.


Blood burst out from her mouth. It wasnt tears, but blood that overflowed from her eyes.

And then, the violent light of the utmost limit suddenly vanished just when it was thought that perhaps it would continue endlessly.

It was as though the slaughter until now was just a lie, gentle wind rustled his hair to flutter. At the same time floating windows opened one after another around Kizuna.

{Kizuna!} {Kizuna-kun!} {Kizuna!?} {Captain-!}

The faces of Amaterasu were calling Kizunas name in their mouths.

But Kizuna didnt let his eyes move from Nayuta before his eyes.

{Kizuna! You did it!?}

Reiri asked him vigorously. Kizuna sent the image he was looking at in place of an answer.


Looking at that image, Reiri reflexively averted her face.

Nayutas armor was mostly crumbling, the remaining parts were only few. And then her flesh body could only be described as gruesome. Her whole body was mangled, her appearance with blood trickling could only be seen as a corpse.

Reiri pulled herself together and stared at the figure of her mother that had completely changed.


My, so you are still calling me mother arent you, Reiri?

Reiri reflexively held her breath. Kizuna too was staring with shocked eyes at the figure of his mother who looked only like a corpse.

You are still alivecan you speakKaa-san?

Foor now I restored only my vocal cords.

{Vocal cordsyou say?}

Reiris eyes completely changed, tinged with color of vigilance.

Yes. A damage of this level is possible to restore.

Exactly as she said, Nayutas body was returning to normal. It was as though time was rewinding back, her ruptured internal organs and bone frame were becoming as before.

The inside of Kizunas chest was turning cold all of a sudden.

Even that, cannot defeat her?

He had already used up his Hybrid Count. There was no method to fight remaining.

He had used all ways available to him. If she was still not defeated even with all that, he didnt know what else he could do. Cold sweat along with despair were surging out.

Reiri murmured in irritation.

{This monster}

Fufu, not a monster, a god

Nayuta suddenly shut her mouth. Her bloodied face made it hard to understand her expression, but she looked like she was troubled.

Whyeven, something like this

Her eyes were moving in panic and she murmured something deliriously. Reiri scowled her face at Nayuta whose condition was changed.

{Whats the matter? Its really rare for you to show a change in expression or anything.}

Nayuta directed her eyes that were dyed red from blood to empty air, she raised her face as if noticing something.

Aahso thats how it is. This body, is a replica after all. Then, if there is only the genuine datawith that

Nayuta faced the window of Reiri with a blood soaked face.

The experiment is a failurethis body is not perfect. Surely in no time at all, this body will breakdown.


Just as she said, Nayutas body began to convert into light particles.

Kizuna leaned his body forward in panic.

Wait! Teach us before that. I defeated mother. The data that you said you will hand over, where is it?

Nayuta shook her head with her body that was gradually vanishing.

I didnt think that my body will be destructed until this thoroughly. The research data I planned to leave behind is no more. Later please dig up the research lab and search there.

Kizunas complexion changed.

Wait! There is no time for that! Please, to save this world! Before you disappear, teach me! How can we fix the Genesis!?

Nayuta stared at Kizuna with a gesture as if giving a sidelong glance.

Thats right isnt it. Kizuna had really worked hard. As a present, Ill teach you the way to repair Genesis.


Kizuna made a happy expression like a child. Looking at that face, Nayuta too looked as if she was slightly smiling.

But, even while they were talking like that, Nayutas body was vanishing into particles of light. Her legs had completely vanished, there was only the upper half of her body remaining.

I deciphered the inscription carved on Genesis. What was needed for that was the missing relief of Genesis. It had become the national treasure of Baldein in their safekeeping. It was a really important piece. What was written in that part, was the only words with their meaning understood. That is, [The goddess dances. With nothingness, with death, with emperor. And then to eternity], thats the verse.

Those were words that Kizuna had also heard before.

And then at the same time, that one verse is also exactly the method to maintain the Genesis. That method which Vatlantis has forgotten had remained in Baldein. That is the ceremony presented before the pillar. Descending into special intoxicated state, and then by giving each other pleasure magic power is replenished and the flow of magic power is put in order. And then, that verse conveys to us the ceremony necessary to maintain the pillar.

Kizuna was shocked and his heart greatly throbbed.

How about it Kizuna. Such ceremony, dont you think that you have heard about it somewhere?

I have.

Is itHeart Hybrid.

Exactly. And then the meaning of the song just now. It designated the specific method that had to be done at the time you carry out the Heart Hybrid.


[Emperor] is about the organizer who is holding this ceremony. [Nothingness] is Zeros, [death] is Koros. [Goddess] refers to the creator, in this case it points at Genesis. The dance is about the ceremony of Baldein. That is to say the Heart Hybrid. In other words, if the organizer does Heart Hybrid in Baldein style with Zeros and Koros, Genesis will promise an eternal operation, that is the meaning.

Nayutas body below her chest had already gone. Impatience was born inside Kizunas heart.

Originally this ceremony is for steadily supplying magic power and maintenance. Even if it is done normally, I dont think there will be any great effect. However

Nayuta stared at Kizuna.

If its Kizunas Eros, the story is different.

In other words, I and Aine, and then Grace, if the three of us performed Connective Hybrid, Genesis will be repairedthats what Kaa-san means?

However there was no reply.


The light particles flew away riding the wind. There, Nayutas figure was already nowhere.

No way.

It was too quick.

For him, she was a very large existence. Surely even for all the people throughout the world, there was no one else who had influence as big as her. Yet despite so, now that she vanished it was something that happened really easily that it felt anticlimactic.

You vanishedtoo quick.


{Kizuna. You can hear me?}

Shikina-sansorry. Before I could hear the story properly, Kaa-san was

{No need to worry. I understood the gist of it.}

Eh! Really!?

{But there is a need to hurry. Aine, where is the research lab of Professor Nayuta located?}

Aines window opened in order to reply.

{Im heading there now! Follow along my location information!}


Ataraxia began to advance and moved forward through the sky of Zeltis. The greater part of that sky had been torn off and the deep black darkness was spreading. And then frequent earthquakes fanned the unease of the citizens even further.

Reiri took a deep breath before she crossed her arms strongly.

Kei. About how much time we have remaining until the worlds break down?

Kei lifted up her head while typing on her keyboard and touch panel nonstop.

{The prediction is in two more hours.}

Reiri lifted the corner of her lips and forcibly made a smiling face.

At last, this is the critical moment huh.

Lemuria and Atlantis. The last mission to save the two worlds was begun.

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