Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 4 - Ch 3

The Entrance of Tokyo was in a shape that traversed through the Japan imperial palace, it displayed an eerie presence.

It was a transparent wall that crossed about a kilometer horizontally and vertically. It had no thickness, the surface was dimly shining and swaying slowly like a water surface. From this wall of light, magic weapons and fleets arrived in great amount. It was an understandable story for Tokyo to be vastly damaged.

The bay coast area was particularly in a bad condition, it was turned into a burnt filed with only rubble that stretched continuously. There was almost no undamaged building in the cities of Hibiya, Ginza, and Japan Bridge. The capital highway crumbled down, the bridge fell, the common roads were also filled with rubble and the traffic was paralyzed. Tokyo had completely lost its function as the capital.

Also, the human damage was considerable too. And then, even after the battle had quietened down, Tokyo was trembling down from the figures of magic weapons that strutted around as if they owned the place, the people were living in hiding. Lifelines like electricity and water didnt function, the food amount also hit rock bottom.

The people didnt have hope, there was also no means of salvation. What was left was only to die. The only difference was whether it came fast or slow. Rather, it was better to die quickly with a pain that would only last for a short while. The number of people that thought so were not few.

But, that too was just the story of last month.

The reconstruction is going well isnt it?

Hida Nayuta was walking from Yurakucho towards the entrance.

Yesthe work is carried out focused on each block..the building in, Yurakucho, and Marunouchi will be finished soon.

Large number of people were coming and going nearby the two. When there was a person that was wearing a business suit like a company worker, there was also someone that brought their family for shopping. Also, young male and female couples that seemed to be on date were also not few in numbers.

That scene was like the situation before the 2ndAnother Universe Conflict happened, when the city was flourishing in holiday. They were not concerned of anything at all, whether it was of the crumbled buildings, or the paths with holes gouged out, or the AU fleet floating above, or even the Entrance that stood tall dividing the imperial palace into two. It was as though it was only natural for those sights to be there, or as though such sights didnt even enter their eyes.

Amidst the congestion of people, Nayuta who was wearing the clothes of AU and Valdy who was wearing magic armor were walking. Nayutas clothes was a white long coat that was ordered in AU. It gave an impression like a doctors robe at a glance, but it also looked like a military uniform. Getting told that it was clothing from a SciFi movie could also convince someone seeing it. At the very least, there was no doubt that it would gather curious gazes in the middle of the city.

However, there was no one that gave heed to these two even when they passed each other.

In accordance with the magic power plant project that Nayuta-sama createdwe are going ahead from the areas that are nearby the Entrance. Is thereany problem?

No. Its truly marvelous.

Valdys cheek reddened from Nayutas words of praise.

Sound of construction rang out from everywhere in the surroundings. A great number of laborers were removing rubble from the street and progressing the reconstruction work of the pavement.

The laborers were talking to each other about the progress of the work, they also talked about trivial things. However, the content of those talks felt dreary in some respect.

I saw it yesterday on television you know, it featured Hibiya in the gourmet program. The food looked really cheap and tasty.

Then, how about we try it after the work is over?

That store was destroyed from the battle of Another Universe Conflict. In the first place right now the broadcasting station was not functioning, so there was no television broadcasts. Regardless of that, these laborers were repeating the same conversation every day. However, they were talking lively as if they were really having fun as though they were talking of this topic for the first time. Their eyes too were transmitting full vitality that could only be thought of as coming from a human.

Seems like there is also no problem in the mind control.

Yesin the previous experiment, the emperor also understood about the usefulness of the magic power plantthanks to that, Zelsione-sama also kindly lent her power even more than before.

Even so, she was able to brainwash on a scale this large. Zelsione-samas power is really something.

Yes but, its only for the inside of Ya, Yamanote linering railroad. A wide area magic is deployed using the track of that ring railroad, so..thats how it is, please dont try to get out to the outsidebecause its dangerous.

The people spending a wealthy and peaceful livelihood were only the ones inside the Yamanote line. In contrast the outside was in ruin, there was almost no humans that lived in the neighborhood. It was just that there was the possibility of resistance force of humans lurking nearby.

Understood. I only earnestly ask to please not let humans come near the inside of the loop line. It will be troubling after all if they destroy the magi power plants installation.

Ye, yes. I think, it will be fine. The patrolling of the magic weapons is alsostill continuing.

Nayuta looked at the direction of outside the loop line. Thereupon, at the opposite side of the overhead structure of Yamanote line, she could see magic weapons [Blue Head] and [Albatross] lining up.

Roger. Then next its about the expansion work of the magic power plant, what about the progress at the area from Kudanshitauntil Iidabashi?

The, the work there islacking in workerslooks like it will be late.

If thats the case, lets put to use the gentlemen of the American army that are now used for maintaining public order.

In this place, the people collected from Guam and Okinawa were having their minds controlled to be used as labor force. There were especially a lot of military personnel that were used for maintaining public order. The AU were using humans to deal with the crimes of fellow humans and cracking down on the resistance forces that were against AU.

Lets increase the area where we can collect energy just like this. We have to hurry in order to stop the destruction of Vatlantis after all.

Valdy nodded with a meek face at Nayutas words.

Nayuta-sama, this Valdyeven if I have to risk my life

At that time, an explosion sound could be heard from the direction of Tokyo bay.

Valdy readied herself to protect Nayuta and became alert of the surroundings.

The sound just nowis from the seadid the magic weapons encounter enemies? But, there should be no more humans in the coastlands.

Nayuta smiled at Valdy who was murmuring in puzzlement.

No. Its likely the scouts of Ataraxia, otherwise its a surprise attack.


Nayuta looked up to the sky of Tokyo Bay. The five hundred meter-class battleship that was floating there exploded and fell down.

Nayuta murmured joyfully.

So you came. Kizuna, Reiri.

At Ataraxia, Gertrude was taking position in the middle of the control room at Nayuta Lab in transmission duty. She kept sitting on her wheelchair, but she wore her Heart Hybrid Gear and opened several communication windows around her body. She was opening several lines to multiple people at the same time, so several communication windows were lined up.

Reiri came right beside her and gave instructions to Gertrude.

Its time to rush into Tokyo. Confirm the present condition.

Gertrude nodded and chose Kizunas window to talk.

This is Ataraxia, explain the situation.

{This is Kizuna. Its completely impossible to scout like this! The fleet and magic weapons of the enemy are too many.}

Reiri changed her expression.

Kizuna! Cant you go past without getting noticed?

Reiri faced the window and yelled angrily.

Kizuna sent the image that Eross camera captured to Gertrude. All members that saw the image relayed to Ataraxia lost their words.

And then Kizuna yelled to the window.

The situation is just as you see! This is the second coming of the 2ndAnother Universe Conflict!

Large force even more than imagined was stationed there. Several dozen battleships were in standby at the sky, between those ships were tens, hundreds of magic weapons flying around like fog.

All gears charge! Be careful of stray bullet!

Right after saying that, bullet of light grazed passed right beside Kizuna. The battleships deployed along the Tokyo Bay began their bombardment. And then the magic weapons were surging forward. Kizuna plunged in the middle of that and flew while evading magic weapon and bombardment. He continuously changed his route left and right, he moved in inverted flight and soon rotated back again. Even so a bullet that came flying from somewhere hit his Life Saver and let flew sparks.

Its impossible! This is not a problem in the level that we can go past through!

Kizuna and Amaterasu, and also Masters were evading the surging forward enemies while flying to Tokyo. They somehow slipped through the enemy and came near above the land. There this time it was the magic weapons that were standing by at the main road and intersection that flew up one after another.

Fierce sounds roared, Kizuna looked above. Thereupon one of the battleships that was carrying out ship bombardment was sliced into two. And then it exploded repeatedly while turning into fragments of light that were scattered by the wind.

Nearby the ship was a red Heart Hybrid Gear floating while holding two double-edged swords.

Kizuna faced the window to Ataraxia and shouted.

Himekawa sunk a battleship with Gladius! Now that it come to this lets rampage flashily. Ill use that opening and go to investigate Tokyo!

Reiri called out with a worried voice.

{Roger. Dont forget to secure an escape route.}

Kizuna replied with affirmative and sent a communication to everyone.

Everyone, Ill infiltrate until the center of Tokyo like this! Ill retreat after investigating around the Entrance. Until then, defeat every single one of the magic weapons and the battleships. Got that!?


Voices returned from all members of Amaterasu and Masters.

Kizuna went north from Tokyo Bay and flew above the street that continued to Ginza and Yurakuchou. And then when he passed through the overhead structure of Yamanote line, he noticed how the situation changed completely.

What, is thisthere is reconstruction work?

Until now there was only ruins that continued without end, but suddenly the scenery changed to a city with sign of living. Constuction work was carrying out everywhere in the ordered townscape without rubbles.

And then, there was something that was even more shocking.

People! There are people. Nee-chan! Alsothere are a lot, or rather

{What!? Are they AU people? Or else, are they human of our side?}

I dont know. It looks like just before the Another Universe Conflict happened. Ill land down after this to confirm!

Kizuna lowered his altitude. He couldnt suppress the rapid throb of his heart and landed on the street without even decreasing his speed satisfactorily. He ran right after that and talked at a male in business suit walking nearby.

Wait! You there.

However that male didnt even glance at Kizuna and passed through just like that.

O, oi! Wait!

It was like his calling voice wasnt heard. He left without turning back with unhesitating pace.

Shit-, Im ignored! Oi, you all!

This time there was a group of female highschooler wearing uniform. Three people were talking while walking.

I came from Ataraxia of Megafloat Japan in order to free Tokyo. I got something I want to ask a bi

However, these female students were also ignoring Kizuna.

Oi! Cant you see me?

Kizuna grasped the shoulder of one of the girl and turned her at his direction.

That girl finally looked at Kizuna.

Listen, I

However the gaze of that girl was passing through Kizunas body and focused at far ahead. She didnt recognize Kizunas figure at all. There was nothing particularly unusual in this girl, she was a really normal girl with expression and eyes that wasnt wrong at all.

It was just that she was unable to see Kizunas figure, she also couldnt hear his voice.

Hey, whats wrong?

The girls company called at her.

Eh? Hmm. Nothing.

The girl that Kizuna stopped chased after the other two female students with fast steps and like that they continued to talk while walking.

What the heck, just what is the meaning of this?

Many people were passing through around Kizuna. However, no one noticed Kizunas existence. Something cold crawled at Kizunas back.

They didnt hear my voice even when I was talking to them, they also didnt see me. This is, as if

Its like they are hypnotizeddont you think?

He heard a voice that he recognized. Kizuna turned back at the direction of the voice with a startled jump.

You have come Kizuna.

At the other side of the crowd of people, Hida Nayuta showed her figure wearing the clothes of the AU. Behind her was Valdy sticking close to her like shadow in her magic armor Rael.


The moment Kizuna saw his mothers figure, he tasted a nervousness that was even similar with terror. His legs unintentionally froze and he was unable to immediately rush.

Shit-! Get a grip Hida Kizuna! What are you doing getting cold feet at your mother! Just what are you coming this far for!

Kizuna encouraged himself and glared at her mother. And then he stepped forward resolutely as though to rush forward, he walked until in front of his mother.

Looking at Kizuna who was like that, Nayuta was showing her usual kind smile.


When he saw that smile, things that he wanted to say, things that he wanted to ask suddenly welled up. Mountain of doubt and question searched for exit at the same time, making his throat hitched and no voice came out.

Fufufu, I know what you want to ask. Why are these people not recognizing us, isnt it?

Ye, yeahthats, true.

There was other question, there was something even more important to him. He tried to say that, but Nayutas words cut him off.

Exactly as you guessed, they are put under a powerful suggestion. They cannot recognize the current situation and live inside the happy world before the Another Universe Conflict.

Kizuna gulped audibly.

Whywhy are you doing this?

Because it will be really difficult for the experiment if they have free will left.


I promised you that I will show you something interesting didnt I? Look over there.

Chasing after Nayutas gaze, his eyes were caught at a strange machine installed at the intersection.

It was like a tree created from metal and electronic component. The trunk part was made from metal and entangled complexly by cables, it was growing high until around twenty meter. From the middle of the trunk, several antennas protruded out like spreading branches. And then from the tips, thin cables like telephone line were spreading to four directions.

With that metal tree as the center, a metallic magic circle with diameter that reached fifty meter was spread on the ground. When he looked carefully, he noticed that the magic circle was drawn by a gathering of metallic cable that formed the tree in the center.

This isthe interesting, thing?

Kizuna didnt understand just what was this thing that was like an object of modern art. But, he also felt like it was anticlimactic.

At that time, an office worker wearing a suit was hurriedly passing through Kizuna. He was apologizing with his all at the smartphone he held to his ear while sweating from his forehead.

Im sorry, the train was a little lateyes, in ten minutesyes, my deepest apology. I will arrive soon.

He can usesmartphone?

Nayuta shook her head to Kizuna who was whispering in admiration.

Of course things like base station for telephone are not activated. That office worker is just feeling that he is making a call. He is not talking with anyone. Rather than that, look at the trace of his step.

Being told by Nayuta, Kizuna dropped his gaze at the ground that the office worker passed through. There, his footsteps were dimly shining in bluish white, before long it was absorbed into the ground and vanish.

Whats, that light just now?

In order to answer Kizunas murmur, Nayuta pointed at the tree standing in the intersection.

Light particles were rushing about inside the magic circle drawn on the ground. Those lights arrived on the cable and reached the tree at the center. And then the tree trunk raised the bluish white light above as though it was taking water from the ground. And then that light was transmitted to the cables stretching out from the branches and crossed to the other side of the street.

The light passed over the moat of the imperial palace and vanished at the Entrance that was materialized there. The radiant light traveled along the cable and flowed into the AU.

Kaa-sanwhat is that, just now?

Life force is sucked from that human then converted into energy.


Kizuna doubted his ear.

What I called as energy isthats right, as I thought, calling it [magic power] imitating that world is suitable. Currently it only targeted the area around the Entrance, but three is the plan that before long the whole area inside Yamanote line will become magic power plant.

A great number of people were passing through in front of his eyes. Life force was stolen from all of the steps of the crowd. And then light particles followed the cable and flowed into the Entrance.

Magic power? Plantyou said?

Kizuna was unable to understand the meaning of those words.

All of the people inside Yamanote line are turned into energy source for the sake of supplying magic power. They are supplying their life force that is their stamina and willpower as energy, thats what it means.

What the hell, is that.

Isnt that, completely the same like the mechanism of Heart Hybrid Gear?

Yes. Thats why they will die if their energy is completely wringed out. That will just not work. For that reason an adequate management is necessary. The plant is absorbing half of the energy that human recovered in one day.

Why just half? Its strangely kind just in that kind of place huh.

Kizuna intended to say that as sarcasm with his all. But Nayuta didnt even notice and continued her explanation.

If we collect it all, human wont be able to do their activity. They will be completely asleep the whole day. That will inevitably invited the decline of stamina and there is high possibility of their life becoming short. That will result in the small amount of energy obtained. Thats why, in order to collect energy in the most efficient way, I make them to live following the schedule that I planned. For that sake they are given powerful suggestion like this.

Kizuna stared at the coming and going people dumbfoundedly.

Just why in the world, Kaa-san do something like thisthis magic power, what in the world is it?

If I have to say it simply, its the all-purpose energy at the world over there. Although right now they are faced with a serious problem of the energy drying up. This is the countermeasure for that.

The AUs, energy problem she said?

Dont fuck with methey are invading this world for something like that?

Even if for arguments sake its like that, but this is not really something that is particularly rare right? It also often happened in our world here.

Thats not the problem! You think doing something cruel like this can be forgiven!?

It can.


Kizuna couldnt say anything after getting an answer that was said so naturally like that.

Isnt this fine? They look happy see? Look at them, Kizuna.

Kizuna looked at the face of the walking company worker and students. There was grim face and also happy face, in any case they were faces that were living their respective ordinary day.

But that was a live that came from a fake ordinary day.

Something like an ordinary daya peace that is created from hypnotism, what kind of meaning there is in such a fictive happiness! Something like this is no different than a livestock!

Ten years ago he experienced being abandoned. Even so, someplace inside him there was a heart that was wishing for his mother. He honestly loved his mother. And now Kizuna threw his anger at that mother.

However, that mother spoke as if to admonish him.

For the current them, being livestock is a fitting job.

Kizuna clenched his fist.

This is,

This is, my mother?

Come to think of it, perhaps I too am like a livestock for this person.

She raised me as guinea pig, but she threw me away when I became unneeded.

Kizuna glared at Nayuta with a grim expression.

Kaa-san, I wont expect anything from your conscience anymore. But, Ill have you take responsibility.

Responsibility? For what I wonder?

For making Heart Hybrid Gear and then forcing it to other people! Why did you create something like Heart Hybrid Gear!? That kind of weapon! Not only that, you even went to AU and created for them Heart Hybrid Gear called magic armor!

Nayuta suddenly sighed.

Kizuna is making a mistake of the major premise here.

Mistake? What mistake! Making excuse after this far is

The Core of Heart Hybrid Gear is not something that I created.


The Core is a substance from AU. I also investigated it in Vatlantis, but over there the Core is also treated as mysterious OOPArt, its unclear with what kind of technology it was created. Most likely it was created by the race at the time before Vatlantis Empireby the people that ruled over the AU at the prehistoric era, thats what I think.

Tha, thats impossible! Then, how

Around the outbreak of the 1stAnother Universe Conflict, a Core was discovered nearby an Entrance. Most likely there was an outbreak of small scale Entrance. That Entrance was connected to the place where Vatlantis stored their Cores by accident and the Core fell at the world over herethis is nothing but a hypothesis though.

Its not something, that Kaa-san created, she said?

It seems that in the ancient time, this Cores were items that magician used. They created armor using their own magic power, equipped their body with powerful weapon, it was a kind of magic tool. However, there is no magic power in human. However looking at my research, I understood that there is something with energy that is extremely close with magic power. That is

Kizuna scowled his face.

That is, the life force of humanthe energy of the living is it?

Right. Thanks to that replacement energy, even human without magic power can bring forth Heart Hybrid Gear. What I did was only creating a mechanism to use human life force in replacement of magic power.

Theneven the method to suppress the reduction of Hybrid Count, or extracting the Core

I dont know.

Shit-! Even though I finally found Kaa-san, it doesnt solve anything.

No, anywayIll have you return to Ataraxia. If Kaa-san doesnt know, then think how to do it from now on. Together with the method to repel back the AU.

Kizuna opened the communication window.

This is Kizuna. I discovered Kaa-saProfessor Nayuta, Ill take her back after this. Lend me a hand.

Before he could finish saying that, Aine landed down from the sky.

Kizuna! Professor Nayuta!

When Nayuta noticed Aines figure, she raised her voice happily.

Aah, Aine. So you cam, Ive waited for you.

Aine faced Nayuta with a dubious face.

Waitingfor me?

Yes. Im expecting you. Of your forbidden armament.

what is Kaa-san talking about?

Aine too tilted her neck similarly like Kizuna.

I dont understand the meaning of what professor is talking about butanyway, lets return to Ataraxia.

At that time, an unfamiliar high pitched voice resounded.

I found you, Zeros!

Kizuna searched for the owner of the voice and looked around his surrounding.

At the other side of the street, a battleship of AU was slowly showing its appearance from the gap of the building. The sight of the gigantic battleship showing its appearance from the cover of the building possessed a bizarre pressure.

It was a 500 meter-class battleship with elegant line and slim body. Thanks to its slimness, it could fly above a wide street. The hull was colored bright red, it was a type that they really never encountered.

However, he recognized the figure that was standing on the bow of that ship.

The large type magic armor Demon which was crossing its arms. And then, the petite girl with twintails named Ragrus which was settled inside that large body.

I thought that you will absolutely come to meet Nayuta! Now, Ill catch and drag you in front of Zelsione-sama!

The gear ignited its thruster and charged toward Aine.

Valdy raised a panicked voice.

Ra, Ragrus, inside the wide area magic circle is-

I know! I must not dirty the sorcery of Zelsione-sama! Rather than that, catch those guys!

Ehah, so, sorry.

Valdys arm starting from her elbow suddenly vanished.

At that time when Aine tried to move from the line of movement of Ragruss charge, a steel claw grasped Aines arm.

Wha-whats with this.

Aine felt creepy staring at the steel arm that grew out from thin air.

Aine!? Shit-, that girl!

Even Kizunas arm that was trying to go to help was also similarly restrained. Kizuna had cold sweat from Demon that was approaching with amazing speed. Demons large hands opened and approached Kizuna and Aine.

Damn it! Its going to be dangerous at this rate if we get caught by that!

Demons stout arms quickly reached out and grasped Kizuna and Aines body.


Kizuna struggled trying to escape from Demons palm, but Demons terrifying grip strength grasped Kizuna and Aines body tightly. Demon ignited its thruster and rushed through the wide road. Kizuna and Aine were kept in its grasp and they passed through the overhead structure of Yamanote line in the blink of eye.

Now, we can rampage as we please if its in this side. Well, I guess you two will be crushed in my grasp first before that wont you?

The gigantic palms clenched with all its strength on Kizuna and Aines body.

Aine made an anguished expression and desperately resisted that power.


Blue light of magic power rushed through the surface of Aines Zeros. She put her bodys full strength and tried to pry open the fingers of Demon. However just enduring Demons strength was the best she could do.

Eross armor raised a scream at the severe pressure. Cracks entered the surface and fragments scattered all over.

Damn it, at this rate, we are going to get crushed for real!

Kizuna endured his body that was raising creaking sound while reaching out his right hand as if trying to grasp something.

Mode Neros!

The pink light that ran on Kizunas Heart Hybrid Gear [Eros] changed color to red. At the same time, the power of Himekawa Hayurus Neros now resided in Eros.

Come! Sword!!

A sword was created inside Kizunas palm.

Wai-! Whats with that!?

It was the result of his Climax Hybrid with Himekawa. Kizunas Eros made the ability of the partner he had Climax Hybrid with as his and with that he was able to create the weapon of said partner. He quickly grasped the created sword and aimed not at the Demon, but directly at Ragrus.

Even if she is not killed, its enough to stop her movement. Rather Ill let her live and capture her as prisoner!


He determined his aim at Ragruss shoulder and swung down his sword.


Ragrus threw away Kizuna and Aines body with all her strength.


Kizunas body gouged the pavement of the street and rebounded. He rolled around for some hundred meters in bounces.


He somehow controlled his balance with his thruster and halted his body by sinking in his feet to the road.

When he raised his face, Aine had recovered her posture even quicker than Kizuna and rushed in order to intercept Ragrus.

Here I go, big guy!

Show me the power of the rumored Zeros!

Demons gigantic hand chop was swinging down. Aine crossed her arm and blocked it overhead.


The impact pierced her whole body. Crack ran through the road surface from below Aines feet. Her arms almost broke.

Hah! You block well. But, there is still more after this-!

A punch with large swing blew away Aine. Aines body flew in a straight line and crashed into the building at the opposite side of the street.


Kizuna light up his thruster and rushed at Ragrus.


He readied Sword right beside him and flashed it horizontally. Fierce metallic sound and sparks scattered and the sword broke right into two.


It was blocked by the thick armor that covered Demons upper arm.

Just what are youdoing-!

In exchange, Demons back fist bored into Eross body.


With one attack that lightly shook him off, Kizunas body once again rolled on the street and smashed into the roadside tree.

Aine who raised her body from the rubble of the building walked out in front of Demon.

FuhIm displeased with this stupidly huge body, but how its using bare fist instead of projectile weapon is pleasing. Ill get serious too now.

Aine looked up at Ragrus with her red eyes and put her fist forward, while half her body moved back. Blue light ran through her whole body.

Are you thinking that you can with against this me with that kind of tiny magic armor? If I beat you up and take you home, Zelsione-sama willsurely praise me. She will more, to me

The moment Ragrus had a distant look, smoke raised from below Aines feet. She kicked the ground and displayed a god speed step in.


Demon immediately blocked with both its hands at the front. Aines fist struck at the arm shield. Shockwave was transmitted to Demons body and shook Ragruss body.

Tsuu! Hee, so you can get out a really heavy attack with that kind of body. But, it doesnt work on Demon!

Gigantic fist was swung down. The fist that hit empty air sunk into the road and shockwave that was like an explosion happened. Fragments that became little pieces scattered at the surrounding, breaking the glass of the building that faced the street.

Riding that explosion, Aine ran to Ragruss side. She leaned her body diagonally until she almost fell and circled around while opposing the centrifugal force. She kicked the ground and jumped, twisted her body instantly, and unleashed a spinning kick.

The kick aimed at where the armor was thin, the upper arm. Even if Demon blocked it, it was supposed to inflict quite a damage.



Aines body was pierced with red beam.



Demons palm opened and directed at Aines body. There was a hole opening right at the center of that palm.

Particle cannons firing hole!? That bastard, so it actually has a projectile weapon!

Ragrus broadly grinned daringly.

After all a trump card has to be saved in reserve!

Aine that was hit directly by the beam collapsed on the ground with smoke rising from Zeros.

Shit-, at this rate Aine will-!

Kizuna stared at the broken sword in his hand.

Now that Sword had broken, there was only that left.

Isnt that right, Himekawa!

Kizuna threw away the broken sword and yelled.


Four streaks of light glowed on Kizunas back. Those lights converged and created swords that shined like something wet. Those were the swords that soared in the sky, faithfully following Himekawas Neros, the [Blades].

This is the trump card of the current me!

Blades flew out from behind Kizuna. It rushed in the sky with speed that the eyes couldnt follow. However, he couldnt control them skillfully like Himekawa. It was difficult to drew complex trajectory like Himekawa could, it was his limit to prepare straight attack from four directions.

Aah geez, how irritating!

Demon scattered light particle from its thruster and retreated in panic.

Kizuna used that chance to rush at Aines location.

Aine! You okay!?

After he hugged her up, Aine stood up on her own feet even while her face was distorted in pain.

Rather than thatwhat about that girl?

Dont worry, right now she is facing the Blades

Demon pulled back until an intersection and entered the side road. Her figure vanished from Kizunas sight.

Damn it!

The Blades floated stood still at the intersection. Blade was something that he controlled himself. The instant its figure vanished from his sight, it became impossible to control. If he had piled up experience and training as much as Himekawa, perhaps he would be able to make them fly to a certain degree. But, it was impossible for the current Kizuna. It was something like flying with your eyes closed. It was impossible if he didnt have the map of the city memorized perfectly.

Aine, its dangerous if we dont move!

The moment Kizuna and Aines thrusters spouted out ring of light, the department store right beside them exploded. The glass of the entrance was blown away into pieces and the marble pillar broke. A huge hole was opened going through the department store, the light of the particle cannon that gouged out that wall attacked Kizuna and Aine.


Explosion of flame occurred at the place the two were at. Fierce shockwave and flame enveloped Kizuna and Aines body. The body of the two were sent flying by the explosion and floated in the air before crashing and rolling on the road.

Passing through the gaping wide hole in the building, a gigantic magic armor appeared.

Really, you really give me a lot of trouble.


Strength couldnt enter his body. If he didnt quickly take distance, they would be killed.

Demons feet stomped on the rubble, and step by step, it was approaching.

Im taking away Zeros. The black one over there..I should kill it I guess.

Blood and sweat flowed down Kizunas forehead. He could put strength into his arm and leg, but he was dizzy and couldnt concentrate.

Demon came right beside Kizuna.

Now, have your resolved yourself I wonder?

Ragrus was looking down at Kizuna with a haughty face. The inside of Kizunas chest froze instantly.

Shit-! I dont care what method it is, Ive got to get away from this girl!

Kizuna raised his body with his elbow and rolled on the rubble trying to escape.


When Kizunas posture became looking up, Demons leg stepped on Kizuna. His ribs creaked and his internal organ felt like they were going to burst.

Dont dart about like pest! Be obedient already.

He was lightly stepped not for crushing him but for stopping his movement, but even so it was a heavy mass that could crush him to death.

Demons gigantic fist was slowly lifted up. The gigantic steel fist could pulverize Kizunas head just by its weight. That brutal weapon was now hanged over Kizunas head.

Damn it! At this rate Ill crushed to death!

Her I go black one! Drop dead!

Dont fuck with me-! No way Ill die in this kind of place!!

As though in respond to that scream, light gleamed at the sky.


The next instant, pillar of light pierced in front of his eyes.

Ragrus opened her eyes wide in shock.

!? Wha-!!

A fierce explosion happened.

The shockwave made even Demons gigantic size stepped back. Kizunas body was blown away by the shockwave, he rolled out from under Demons floating foot.

Demon hardened its guard by its both arms and endured the impact while staggering a few meters back.

Wha, just what in the world is

What happened in the next moment was an impact that should be feared even more.

Gigantic mass dropped down from the sky. The ground caved in and the cracked pavement broke and floated in the air. The water pipe and gas line underground ruptured causing a fierce explosion and water spray.

Captain! Are you safe desu!?

A sound he was familiar with resounded. Kizuna pushed away the rubbles weighing on him and raised his upper body.


With the arising conflagration on its back, the figure that fell down from the sky was flickering. Ragrus unintentionally whispered from looking up at that figure.


A huge monster could be seen. It had arms and legs, but it didnt look humanoid. Its balance was bad, and its irregularly long neck that stuck out to the front even looked animalistic.

And then above all was its largeness.

With flame on its background, the figure that shed black shadow was running with purple light. It could be understood that it was using magic power as energy from that radiance. But,

Jujust what is, is thismagic weapon?

Until now Ragrus had never seen a magic armor even larger than Demon. No matter what kind of opponent it was, she always looked down at them from above.

But, this thing was different.

The head that looked like dragon, but also looked like rabbit, was shining with light that imitated eyes and mouth. Those purple eyes were shining far above Ragruss head.

Its shape and size wasnt like magic armor. Rather it was closer to magic weapon, but if that was the case, then just what was that girl settled at the center of that body could possibly be.

I made you wait desu! The adjustment finally just finished desu!

Kizuna opened his eyes wide at that size which he witnessed for the first time.

Sylviathis is, you?

Yes! This is Sylvias Heart Hybrid Gear [Taros] desu!

It was a super large Heart Hybrid Gear. Exactly like A monster Heart Hybrid Gear.

Kizuna stood on his feet staggeringly and looked up at that large body.

So this isthe result of the install that I and Sylvia performed, huh.

Yes! This is our first group work, the crystallization of love desu!

Looking at it from nearby, he once again felt for real the largeness of every single parts that composed Taros.

There were thrusters on the shoulder that controlled the posture, but with that many it felt like they could be used for several normal magic armors share. And then there was a large caliber main cannon at the exterior. The cannon muzzle had the size where a person could comfortably enter, it was not a weapon that could be handled by a magic armor. Rather it was a size that should be packed in a battleship.

The left and right arms were asymmetrical, at the right hand were rectangle tough hammer, and the left hand became a gun. Something like a huge safe key was attached on the hammer for some reason. As for the gun, it looked nothing more than a thick metallic plank in a glance, but there were two eerie large holes opened on the tip.

There was two-motored large rocket that was in charge of the mobility. A sword shaped large thruster was supplementing it. That absurd propulsive force looked like it could even flew away Taross large body until outside the atmosphere.

Sylvia tensed her expression and glared at the enemy in front of her eyes.

Sylvia wont let you lay even a single finger anymore on Captain desu!

Ragrus whipped up her faltering heart and roused herself.

Whats with you! Just because you have big frame doesnt mean anything!

Demon ignited its thruster and struck at Taros.

Sylvia turned at Kizunas direction and yelled.

Captain! Please leave this to Sylvia!

Bu, but!

The charging forward demon broke the street light and the lowered fist gouged up the ground. It was like a launched rocket, the steel fist was shot heading to Taros.

The two gigantic Heart Hybrid Gear clashed.

With its tough hammer that looked like a safe, Taros blocked that fist. And then it swung its left arm that was like a thick steel plank.

Demon was blown back altogether with its guarding arm and crashed into the building that faced the street. Its body sunk into the wall and the impact of the crash tilted the building, glasses cracked all at once.

In order to deal attack the downed enemy, Taross hammer was driven horizontally. Just on the verge of the hit, Demon escape and the hammer pulverize the wall and the pillar of that building into pieces. The building became unable to support its weight from that impact and crumbled down. Intense dust cloud and flame rose.

Kizuna opened a communication window while evading the dust.

Aine! We are leaving this place to Sylvia and retreat!

Aine was projected on the window and let out an amazed voice.

{Wait I mean, what is that? Thats really Sylvias Heart Hybrid Gear? Thats look more like a monster.}

Save the question for later. Rather than that, we will rendezvous at the sky for the moment!

After saying that, Kizuna ignited his thruster and flew to the sky. When he came out of the dust smoke, Aine whose figure came out similarly like him entered his eyes. Aine also noticed him and flew toward Kizuna.

Kizuna opened a communication window with Sylvia.

Sylvia, I beg you dont force yourself! This is an order!

{Roger desu!}

A smile and energetic voice returned from the communication window. Kizuna was slightly relieved and closed the communication window.

Aine stared in astonishment at the explosion that Taros and Demon created.

So, that thing isno, we can talk about that later. Rather than that, what are we going to do about Professor Nayuta?

Aah. Maybe we should go back to the place just now. Or else

Kizuna got quiet and created a grim scowl.

He wanted to catch her so much. However, the longer they stayed the higher the risk. If there was more powerful opponent like Demon that appeared, it would be hard to deal with it. He couldnt get impatient and exposed everyones life to danger by his whim.

Nowe understand well now of Tokyos situation, the result is more than enough as an operation. There is no meaning in remaining here longer. We are falling back.

Kizuna opened a communication window in order to get out the retreat order to all members.

However, Kizuna lost his word from looking at the figure that was projected there.

{Going home already Kizuna? Take your time a little more slowly here.}


Nayutas figure cut into the communication window as if it had been hacked. The communication from Gertrude in Ataraxia opened beside the window that reflected Nayuta. Reiris face came out from the side and reflected in close-up.

{Kizuna, dont listen to her! Youve got enough result. We can form the next strategy with this! Its fine already, just go home!}

Nayuta showed an exaggerated shrug of her shoulders.

{Reiri is too impatient. You can take a bit more timethats right, after two hours the elite squad native of Vatlantis, the imperial guard that is under the direct control the emperor will arrive here.}

Elite squadthe imperial guards she said?

{That Ragrus just now and Valdy over here are members of the imperial guard you know? If you come here for scouting, then isnt it better to pay some respect to them once?}

{No need. If those kinds of fellows are coming as reinforcement, weve got to retreat as fast as possible instead. Kizuna, give the retreat order to everyone. Hurry!}

Reiri acted obstinately and rejected Nayutas words.

{Is that sothen it cant be helped if thats how you act. Well then, lets kill all the humans that are becoming the energy source of the magic power plant all at once.}

It took him time to understand the meaning of those words.

Kill she saiddoes she mean, killing human? Also, all of them!?

Kizuna opened his eyes wide and yelled with a loud voice.

What are you running your mouth about! I dont get what do you mean! Besides, something like thatkilling all of them all at once, there is no way thats possible!

{Its simple. It will happen if the limiter is just released and their life force is sucked all at once.}


Even Reiri questioned her with a hollow voice.

{Right nowhow many people there is in Tokyo?}

{There are two million people in the experiment site. Aah, but you dont need to worry that much about it. In the present condition only a part of them are becoming the energy source of the plant, so the one that will die will be nothing more than around a hundred thousand people.}

Kizuna felt dizzy.

You are making a hundred thousand people.as hostage?

Nayuta clapped both her hands.

{Lets play a game.}

There was no one left that could follow Nayutas speech and conduct. The meaning was unclear. It was nonsensical.

Kizuna unconsciously held his head.

Gamewhats with that! What the heck are you talking about!

However Nayuta explained calmly.

{If you annihilated all the magic weapons and fleet that are stationed in this bay coast area, Ill return back to Ataraxia. But, if you return home before that, Ill absorb the life of a hundred thousand people dry.}

Kizuna didnt understand at all, just what was his mother thinking, or how much of what she talked about was serious. But, he had the feeling of dread, that if it was this person then she might really did it.

Annihilated the enemycould they do it? Kizuna asked himself.

He didnt know if it was before, but for the current Amaterasu and Masters, magic weapon was just not a match for them. The problem was the fleet, but it was possible to deal with them if they could just use Corruption Armament. However, it would be a protracted battle with how many the enemy number was. Looked like he was really going to do Heart Hybrid in battlefield. But if there was just timethey could do it!

Nayuta called for attention, as though she had predicted Kizunas thinking.

{I said it too before, but there is about two hours until the imperial guard arrive. Thats the time limit.}

Two hourshuh.

Kizuna knitted his eyebrows. It was really strict, but it wasnt impossible. It was a time that made him thought so.

{If you can annihilate the magic weapon and return before that, its your victory. Its your lost if the imperial guard arrives. Ill especially go without any punishment game even if you lose. After all if the imperial guards come then your survival rate will really go down, thats already like the punishment game isnt it?}

Reiri asked with stiff voice.

{Why? For what reason you go that far!? If that hundred thousand people die, you wont be able to make more magic power. Why are you taking so much risk for holding back Kizuna and others?}

Nayuta smiled sweetly.

{This is the long awaited reunion with my children. Its only natural to wish to be together with them as long as possible right?}

{There is limit even to being transparent!}

Reiri couldnt hold back and yelled angrily. However, she heaved a large sigh and glared at her mother with a bold smile.

{But..this is rare, coming from you. To dodge the question with such stupid joke.}

{Hm? Is that so I wonder?}

Reiri snorted with a motivated face.

{Hmph, you dont plan to kill them from the beginning. Isnt that right? For you too, those hundred thousand people should be an important resource. To say nothing of the threat of killing a hundred thousand people with such silly reason, thats impossible even for someone like you.}

Nayuta huffed a little, looking at the proud Reiri.

{Fuh, ufufufufu, ahahahahahahahahaha}

Nayuta raised a laugh in amusement.

{Aah, geez-, Reiri. You are really an idiot arent you?}

Reiris expression hardened.

{Something like a hundred thousand people are not that much. I told you already before right? Even just in this experiment site there are two million people you know? And then in this world there is tens of millions of human.

Reiris complexion changed, her eyes were swimming unfocusedly. Sweat flowed on Reiris chest.

{Bu, but, even if its you, to kill that many lives}

{I dont understand the basis of the thinking that someone can kill a person, yet they cannot kill a hundred thousand. Killing a person made you a killer, but kill ten thousand and you are a hero, there is also such saying isnt it?}

Kizuna was made to realize once again. The dreadfulness of his own mother.

Kaa-san, is serious.

She wouldnt steal life meaninglessly just for fun. However, if it was to achieve some objective, if it was needed, she would surely kill without hesitation. It was like dissecting a mouse in an experiment. By no means that the one doing it was having fun. But if it was for the sake of an objective, then there was no reason to hesitate.

It was irrelevant whether it was a person, or a hundred thousand people. This was not a problem of number.

Reiri hit the console nearby with all her strength.


Kizuna could hear from the communication window, he heard the voice of her sister that was in the verge of tear. He barely raised a voice with his clenched teeth.

Its fine as long as we annihilated everything isnt it, Kaa-san?


Got it.


He could hear the reproaching voice of Reiri from the window.

Nee-chan. Kaa-san isthis person, is not thinking of human life as anything at all. No, thats not it. For this person, human is the same like a thing or tool. Thats why, perhaps, she will really kill a hundred thousand people. There is no need to hesitate at all.

Kizuna opened the communication window once more and transmitted to all members.

Informing all members. Strategy change. With our current battle strength, there is no problem in annihilating the enemy. We are sweeping clean the enemy in Tokyo! We are finishing this in two hours! But dont do anything reckless. Those with their Hybrid Count in yellow zone are to report to me without fail! In the case that there is no respond, retreat from the front line without hesitation. Okay!? Well then, all hands go-!!

He cut the communication with Nayuta when he opened that communication. Kizuna slumped his shoulders then.

Shit-! Just what is Kaa-san thinking?

Aine murmured worriedly.

KizunaI wonder if there is a reason or anything in Professor Nayutas action? For me, I really cannot think that she has any design. Its as if, this is just a whim or a simple idea

Yeah, honestly saying, I also think so. But, Kaa-san shouldnt be someone that will do anything meaningless. Thats why, she must have some kind of aim.

However, they couldnt do anything if they didnt understand what it was.

At that time, Himekawas line suddenly opened.

{This is Himekawa. Kizuna-kun! Can you hear me?}

Whats wrong Himekawa?

{Im in the middle of battle with the battleships at Tokyo Bay, but perhaps its because I overused the Corruption Armament, my Hybrid Counts reduction is intensethat, Im greatly sorry but, can you, re, replenish}

Feeling of impatience was whirling inside Kizuna. His clenched teeth made a gritting sound.

Their lifeline that was the Corruption Armament had already one that became unusable. What left was Yurishias Crosshead and Aines Pulverizer. To overcome this situation, Aines Pulverizer was more suitable rather than Yurishia. However.

Ainethis is an emergency situation, no matter what your

At the same time with Kizuna talking to Aine, Yurishias window was opened.

{Can I make a request too? After all the enemys number is a lot, so the reduction rate is quite steep. It will feel a little uneasy if its not get replenished soon.}

Kizuna immediately contacted Ataraxia.

This is Kizuna! The Hybrid Count reduction of Himekawa and Yurishia are more than imagined. I want to do Heart Hybrid urgently.

Aine made a surprised face. That surely was because she thought that she would be ordered to equip her Corruption Armament.


Ataraxias window opened covering over what Aine wanted to say. In the window was a restless Reiri answering him.

{Got it, wait for five minutes. Ill send the Love Room soon.}

Love Room? In five minutes!?

However, Reiri didnt answer him and cut the communication immediately.

Just how in the world Nee-chan is going to do itis she going to use a helicopter like the time I did Climax Hybrid with Himekawa previouslyno, five minutes is impossible with that

After that a contact came from Kei this time. She sent him the coordinate and told him to move to that location.

Kizuna and Aine moved in the air and headed to the designated place at once.

This place, Tokyos Yaesu huh.

It was the business district in front of Tokyo Station, but right now there was not a trace of it that could be recognized. Looking around from the sky, the surface of the surrounding was a mountain of rubbles. There were also remaining buildings, but there was not a single one that was undamaged.

Kizuna-kun! I made you wait.

Himekawa came flying from the direction of Tokyo Bay.

Kizunaa, what are we doing in this kind of place?

Next after her Yurishia arrived.

No, even I dont really understand about that. Its just, I was told to wait here.

The four floated in the air forming a circle. They watched each others back and waited for the Love Rooms arrival, but there was not the littlest sign that it would come. Just when he was getting impatient of what to do, a line from Ataraxia was connected to him once more.

{Kizuna, it will impact soon. Be careful.}

Ehimpact you say?

A sound like flying missile could be heard from the sky.

The next moment, a large rocket passed beside Kizuna and others.


It looked like an ICBM. A sound of destruction roared and it pierced at the middle of the business district. The impact raised fiercely billowing dust cloud with the missile at the center, the cloud was spreading in ring shape.

All present had deployed their Life Saver in preparation of the impact, but there was no sign of explosion.

The explosiondoesnt happen. Is it a dud?

Kizuna yelled toward the communication window to Ataraxia.

You plan to kill us!? I heard that you are going to send the Love Room, but Ive never heard of any ICBM coming instead!

{Thats the new model Love Room. The middle range ballistic missile replenishment room!}


The rocket divided like a three stage rocket. The engine part that was at the farthest back fell to the ground just like that and raised a loud sound, but the middle part itself was attached with posture control thruster, it laid down on the rubble without even any large impact. And then it fired fixing anchors from its four corners that stabbed on the ground.

The setting of the new mode Love Room middle range ballistic missile replenishment room was finished.

Dont tell meI had never thought that it will be carried by a rocket.

Our technical research department really used an out of box method huh.

Himekawa and Yurishia spoke in astonishment.

Yosh, then Aineno, Himekawa.

Kizuna turned at Aines direction for a moment, but he immediately changed his direction at Himekawa.


A sound leaked out unintentionally from Aines mouth.

Even though she was supposed to feel relieved because she didnt get forced to do Climax Hybrid, she felt sad for some reason.

Himekawas Hybrid Count is 20%, Yurishia is in 40%. Thats why Himekawa who is in more danger is prioritized. Is it fine?

Ye-, yes.

Himekawa nodded with a reddened cheek.

Actually if Hayuru and I can do Connective Hybrid, the talk will be faster though.

Yurishia toyed her blonde hair with her finger while murmuring in disappointment.

I guesshowever, we still havent tried something like that in success, so we will go with a certain method.

Roger. I wont let anything lay a finger on the Love Room, so rest assured. In exchange, next will be my turn okay

Yurishia readied her particle cannon and took a pose with a wink. Kizuna smiled wryly and nodded, then he led Himekawa and their figures vanished into the Love Room.

Aine stared intently at the closed door of the Love Room. Yurishia lightly tapped at the shoulder of Aine who was being like that.

Then, how about we go cleaning up the small fries Aine?

Yesyoure right.

Even so, Aine still stared at the door where the two disappeared with a sad gaze.

Scarlet opened the missile unit on her back above the sky of Ginza that had become ruins.


The main weapon of Scarlets Heart Hybrid Gear [Ares] was the X-shaped missile unit equipped on her back. Large amount of missiles were launched all at once from there. Each missiles detected magic weapon and flew in pursuit while drawing track of light behind. The missiles that were spreading to every directions made flower of flame bloomed one after another in the sky of Tokyo. Ten-odd magic weapons became particles of light and vanished.

Hmph, this is easy! For the current me, this kind of bunches are just small fries!

A magic weapon Albatross was flying from right under Scarlet that was in the middle self-absorption.

Eh!? Wa-, since when!?

The Albatross that was standing by in an alleyway reacted to Scarlet and came attacking. It prepared its bayonet aimed at Scarlet and pulled the trigger.

Just right before that happened, the Albatross was blown away right to the side. A large hole was opened in its head, causing it to fall down to the city.

Scarlet, letting your guard down is forbidden.

It was a serious voice that seemed inflexible.


The platinum blond girl with glasses was flying while readying her long rifle.

Thank you, you saved me!

Your welcome. Rather, Scarlet is getting too carried away.

Henrietta lifted the rifle which had a length almost double her height.

Ill cover you so Scarlet willhm?

Smoke was rising from the building a few blocks ahead in explosion where it was crumbling down. It was like a falling domino set, buildings were falling down in succession.

Wha-, what is that?

Scarlet raised a flustered voice.

Something pushed out from the building, entangled metallic lumps were flying out on the wide road.

Magic Weapon!?

Henrietta aimed her gun muzzle at those lumps.

Thats not it! ThatsSylvia!?

Demon and Taros, the large magic armor and the super huge Heart Hybrid Gear kept entangled with each other while mowing down building, scattering sparks everywhere.


Ragruss shriek burst out. Demons stout arm rained down consecutive blows on Taross armor, distorting the large frame.

Withdraw back obediently desu! Get out from this world desu!

The hammer at Taross right arm easily blew away Demons large body. Fierce impact attacked Demon and Ragrus.

Kuh! How can this Demon lose in power-!

Demon who was blown behind stabbed its leg parts on the ground. The ground was gouged up even while absorbing the impact and the body somehow held its ground.

There the gun at Taross left arm spouted out fire. Light bullet impacted Demon.


Ragrus retreated while putting up a shield that was the same like Life Saver. The thruster on Demons leg parts jetted out particles and moved the large body in high speed.

You wont get away desu!

Bullet that pursued Demon impacted the side of a building and explosion occurred in a line. The building broke following that line and crumbled down one after another.

Even I also have fire power!

Demon that escaped the bombing made a turn and faced Sylvias direction. And then Ragrus pointed at the sky, causing her battleship that was standing by above the sky starting to move.

My true strength is not just Demon. A ship that moves following my will is also a part of my strength!

Ragrus directed her palm at Sylvia and thrust it out.

The full bombardment of the battleship was opened and a bombardment aimed at Taros began. Bombardment that was like a rain was immediately heading to Sylvia and rained down. Fierce explosion opened holes on the street. Sylvia was attacked by flame explosion and shockwave.


Taross figure became not visible due to the bombardments explosion.

Ahahahaha! Hows that, the barrage of my battleship!

Sylvia deployed her Life Saver and protected her body from the explosion. However, at this rate it would only be a problem of time even for Taros to be defeated.

First, Sylvia will shot down that battleship desu!

Main cannon(Ignis) firing preparation desu!

Rods elongated from Taross foot and back that stabbed the ground.

The large caliber particle cannon Ignis on both shoulders faced up and determined the aim at the red battleship. Purple light rushed on the whole surface of Taros, flowing into the main cannon [Ignis] of both shoulders.

The air around Taros was whirling, it was gradually increasing in momentum. And then the humming voice of low frequency wave, and a sound that was grating on the ear resounded, those sounds were becoming louder.

The purple radiance was focused in a twinkle and finally overflowed from Ignis. Taross figure was beginning to shine in purple color.


Light to the degree that nothing in the front could be seen was bursting out. The ground trembled together with large reverberation that shook the bottom of the stomach. Taross body couldnt withstand the impact and was pushed to the back while the rods that pierced the ground gouged up the pavement.

From both shoulders of Taros, pillar of light ran to the red battleship straightforwardly. That light instantly pierced the battleship. It evaporated the front armor and destroyed the mechanism inside until there was nothing left, the light particles opened a hole on the deck and rushed until it disappeared to the sky.

Wha-!? What the hellll!

Ragrus opened her mouth widely without closing it and stared in astonishment of her battleship sinking down.

The crimson battleship of the proud imperial guard, the ship that she received from Captain Zelsione that she loved and respected, was shot down in a single attack. Fragments of light scattered all over and fell down to the ground.

Unforgivable, unforgivable-, I absolutely, absolutely absolutely, wont forgive this!

From the whole body of Ragrus and Demon, red light that was like an aura was rising.

Inferno(Scorching Heat Soaring Arm Explosion)!

Ragruss body came out from Demon as if she was going to fell forward. She landed on the ground, due to her lack of leg part right now, her point of view was considerably lowered than before.

She looked up at her beloved magic armor with eyes that was blurred with tears.

At the next moment, Demon disassembled into scattered parts. And then, each single parts changed shape in a transformation and reassembled once more.

The end result was like something which looked like an aircraft with arms as the frame, it could even be seen as a missile.

Looking up at the magic armor which had its appearance changed completely, Ragrus murmured with a trembling voice.

Ill putall of my magic power. Demons strongest and worst, the true trump card

Ragruss hand touched Demon. Thereupon, red light of magic power was flowing into Demon from Ragruss body.

Sylvia felt a strange atmosphere from that state of Ragrus.

By using all of the magic power of the wearer into energy, the main body of Demon will be used as a system that converts magic power into heat and lightthis is Inferno. With thisIll erase everything.

Sylvias back felt cold.

Erase you saywhat do you mean desu?

Ragrus gently move her hand that was put on demon as if caressing it.

If this is exploded in the sky, the area where the battle is carried out right now will be enveloped in heat and light of several thousand degrees. Everything will be destroyed, burn, until there is nothing leftIll materialize a true hell here.

I, if you do such thing, even you will die desu!

There is no way I can live by exposing even more shameful sight than this right!? To lost even the battleship that captain gifted me, I, dont have any face anymore, to go home!

Cold sweat flowed down Sylvias cheek.

Of course, I will not just lie down and die. Ill take everyone else to accompany me! This city of Lemuria, the human, and you too!

Wait desu!

However Ragrus didnt listen. Demon too began to spout smoke, waiting for the time of the launching.

Fly! And then, erase everything! My dream, my hope, my failure, and my humiliation too, everything. Please, Inferno!!

The devil bullet was rushing toward the sky to make hell appear in this world.

Sylvias eyes shined in determination. She directed the hammer at Taross right arm to the sky.

Seal release!

The large safe key attached on the hammer was rotating. The steel bolt that sealed the mouth of the hammer was disconnected, and that door opened.

Sylvia sent communication to everyone all at once.

Evacuate from the sky above Sylvia desu! Dont come near one kilometer of the surrounding!

Scarlet that heard of that transmission from relatively nearby got bewildered.

Wha, what is it. So suddenly.

Henrietta grasped the arm of Scarlet that was flustered.

Its some kind of a dangerous situation. Lets evacuate.

I, I guesswait, oy, dont pull me like thattt!

Sylvia directed the surface of the hammer which was released from its seal toward the Inferno that was rushing to the sky.

There was a hole that was like a cannon muzzle inside the seal. Inside it was a black whirling darkness.

Corruption Armament [Titania(Ultimate Gravity Compression)]!

From the right arm of Talos that had been released from its seal, a pitch black darkness was launched.

It drew a black trajectory that light couldnt get close to at all, the jet black lump chased after inferno and rushed up the sky instantly.

Ragrus scoffed from looking at that situation.

Hmph, its too latewith thisits already

Ragrus who used up her strength collapsed on the ground.

Zel, sionesama, with this, I

Ragrus lost her consciousness while still keeping a happy smile on her face.

At the same time, Inferno burst open in the sky. It was an intense energy. That was the light of Ragruss life. It was as though one more sun was appearing above the earth.


One more celestial body was created above Tokyo.

It was a pitch black globe.

It didnt allow for any existence of light, a black hole that opened in the sky.

The light and heat Inferno emitted were all absorbed into this black globe. The direction where the light advanced was forcibly warped and absorbed. Because of that, Tokyos sky was greatly distorted. And then in its center, even light couldnt exist, a pitch black space was spreading.

Scarlet and Henrietta that were withdrawing quickly were staring in blank amazement at the black darkness spreading in the sky.

Ju, just what isthat?

A cluster of gravitythats black hole.

Yo, you are saying that such outrageous thing is a Corruption Armament!? Wont something like that, destroy the earth instead!

However, Titania was not something that was spreading without end. It stopped at a certain fixed range, and after it eaten all of the energy of Inferno that was supposed to burn everything on the surface, it stopped.

And then, the black hole was shrinking in one go.

When that black lump was compressed until the size of a palm, it returned once more to Taross right arm once more. And then the sealing door was shut and locked at once.

Fuwaaa, how nerve wracking desuuu

Sylvia almost collapsed from too much fatigue. In front of her reeling head, a floating window was opened. The happy face of Reiri in Ataraxia was projected.

{Sylvia, good job!}

Commander. Thank you very much desu!

Sylvia did her best to let out a bright voice so that her tired face didnt show.

{But, your Hybrid Count is already near the limit. Avoid participating actively in battle from now on. Actually I want you to get replenished with Heart Hybrid, butright now Himekawa is in the middle of Heart Hybrid, Aine and Yurishia are also waiting their turn.}

Its a great congestion isnt it desu?

{Therefore, withdraw for the moment. Stand by above Pacific Ocean. Wait for further order.}

Roger desu.

Sylvia ignited Taross rocket and retreated from Tokyo in the blink of eye.

Aine standing on a building saw off the figure of Sylvia leaving.

She dealt mainly with Viking and Blue Head, the magic weapons which were inferior in mobility, but just when she defeated a squad of them she happened to see the battle between Sylvia and Ragrus.

And then Aine was shell-shocked from watching that battle. The overwhelming ability of Sylvias Taros and its Corruption Armament shocked her.

If its now, am I not needed anymore

Such thinking flashed in her head.

In addition Sylvia was honest. As for her, she always couldnt be honest. She wasnt a character that couldnt be loved by other person, but if it was Sylvia then surely she would be loved by anyone.

Surely, even Kizuna too.

The moment she thought that, her chest hurt in prickles.

In addition Sylvia was also using Corruption Armament. That meant that she had also done Climax Hybrid with Kizuna.

Not only Sylvia. Hayuru also did Climax Hybrid, even now she was carrying out Heart Hybrid. Surely, after this Yurishia too would.

Am I fine, with this?

I continue to reject Climax Hybrid no matter what. Right now Kizuna is still asking me to do Climax Hybrid, but eventually wont he stop asking for it? And then someday, I myself will become unneeded, such day will.

Aine shook her head as if to clear away that thinking.

Right, so that even I dont lose, Climax Hybrid is,

When she thought that, the next instant an anxiety that resembled terror welled up.

She must not do Climax Hybrid. Such warning was ringing inside her heart.

Something wrong would happenshe had that kind of hunch.

Suddenly a window opened and Scarlets face was reflected there.

{This is Scarlet. The nearby magic weapons are mostly dealt with. If there is anyone that want help, the cavalry will rush there now!}

A window opened beside her, Clementine who liked western genre replied.

{Its not necessary. Me and Sharon are enough for here.}

A different communication entered.

{This is Leila. There is too much enemy, Its unmanageable with me alone. Five dollar for one magic weapon. You can defeat however many you like with fifty dollar. Just by paying fifty dollar, you can defeat as many as you like. Profitable right? Its first come first served, so hurry.}

{On top of asking for help, you even try taking our money!? Ahh geez, putting aside Leilas rash words, the reinforcement is a go. After this I and Henrietta will head there.}

Henrietta replied after receiving Scarlets words.

{But, we have to do something about the battleship and aircraft carrier at the bay coast areathere will be no end to this unless we do that you know?}

{No need to worry! Amaterasu will do something about that somehow!}

{I guess so. After all those guys Corruption Armament is phenomenal.}

After Clementine spoke cheerfully, Scarlet too grinned widely and appealed.

{Even Yurishia is there, its going to be fine! Well, we can just retreat if it get dangerous, until then we will crush the enemy thoroughly!}


Aine unconsciously forgot to breath. Cold sweat flowed on her chest damply.

They didnt know about the matter of the life of a hundred thousand people in Tokyo. Besides it was to take on battleship or aircraft carrier with the equipment that Masters had. Thinking about that, Scarlets response was the most correct. Aine confirmed the time that had elapsed in this operation at the display of the floating window.

The remaining time was an hour and a half.

They had to annihilate the enemy before then. However, at this rate it was completely impossible to annihilate the enemy. Nonetheless, if the withdrew before that the lives of a hundred thousand people would be lost.

But if there is my Corruption Armament.

Aine jumped and ran on the rooftop from building to building. And then she came until the place where she could see the Love Room under her.

The timing was just right when Kizuna was attacked by Albatross. It seemed that the effect of his Climax Hybrid was cut off in that situation.

Aine danced her body in the air without hesitation. And then she opened a communication to Kizuna.

Dont move.


Kizuna looked up with a surprised expression. Aine rolled forward with a twirl and swung down the heel of her right leg with all her strength to Albatross.


The heel sunk into the head of the Albatross. Its head was easily smashed and the mechanism inside it jutted out. And then the particle cutter on her heel came out. The light sword bisected Albatrosss body into two. With that momentum, Aine rotated and elegantly landed down on the ground.

Albatross caused a large explosion behind her.

However, such thing was trivial. Rather than that,

What are you doing staring blankly like that? I wonder if right now you are having a stupid wild delusion, like if there will be a beautiful girl descending down from the sky or something.

Kizuna finally noticed and scratched his head.

My bad. I let my guard down a little.

Its true you let your guard down, but it has nothing to do with that right? You are weak after all.

No good. Even if I try to bluff my nervousness with a joke, it only shook my determination. I can only go forward resolutely.

Though even for someone like you, there is a way where you can become useful.

Aine grabbed the collar of Kizuna and then took him inside the Love Room.

She could hear Himekawa and Yurishia that just came back complaining, but she didnt pay it any attention and closed the door of the Love Room right in front of their nose with a bang, then she wasted no time to lock it.

It seemed that the door was banged at the outside, but the soundproofing was magnificent. Something in the level of angry yell wouldnt be audible.

{Come out-! Kizuna, Aine! Right now!}

Just when she thought that, a floating window appeared in front of their face.

Really, what noisy outsiders they are.

Aine treated the two noncommittally and forced ended the communication, she then setted the communication to reject any call.

With this the noisy fellows are now gone.

Aine, someone like you is really

Aine faced Kizuna who made a bitter face and spoke bodly.

Kizuna. Do Heart Hybrid with me.

Kizuna confirmed the display of his smartphone. However, Aines Hybrid Count was still in a safe area.

Aine, you are still fine right? Rather it was Yurishia thats more?

This is not about replenishment. What I want is the forbidden armament.

Kizunas breath hitched.

Aine, are you serious?

Forbidden armamentin other words, you are determined to do Climax Hybrid, are you?

If it was before this, then he would raised both his hands in happiness. But right now, he honestly didnt feel happy.

Is it really okayto force her to do Climax Hybrid?

He recalled the figure of Aine who was shaking in anxiety and fear.

Aine, we should be more careful with that

However, Aines red eyes were serious.

I understand. But, the enemy is strong. Besides the army marching from now on is most likely the enemys regular army. We cannot keep acting like until now. If we stay like this, we wont be able to overcome this battle. Besides

However, was this really fine?

An indescribable anxiety was swelling up inside Kizuna. For some reason, he felt like Aine was going to go somewhere far away.

Kizuna. There is no need for you to worry.

Aines tone of voice became gentle. Aines face was approaching to Kizunas face.


I am me. No matter what happened that will not change. Thats why

Aines lips were going to overlap with Kizunas lips.

Lets do it, the [Climax Hybrid].

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