Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 3 - Prologue

Yurishiayou, whyare you, still alive?

The ace of Masters, Scarlet Fairchilds blue eyes was staring at her former comrade with scared look.

Scarlets abnormal state made Aine and Himekawa stopped their frivolous talk and focused on the two.

Yurishia smiled with troubled look and approached near Scarlet.

What are you saying all of a sudden. In the first place, I dont remember ever dying.

Yurishia tried to put her hand on Scarlets shoulder to show her happiness in reuniting with a friend. However, that hand touched empty air. Scarlet pulled her body and dodged the hand, her red ponytail that reached until her waist shook largely.

Yurishias hand was troubled of where to go. She sighed in lament and her finger played with her blonde hair as if to calm down her heart.

Hey, Scarlet. By any chance, were you thinking that I died?

Scarlets shoulder jumped twitchingly.

Be, because, Yurishias Heart Hybrid GearCross is


Yurishia tilted her head.

In exchange for the gears capabilityit gets shaven.

Aah geez, I dont understand what are you talking about. Speak properly so that I can understand!

Yurishia couldnt be patient anymore and roughened her voice. As if to oppose her, Scarlet also yelled with loud voice.

I told you! The source of Crosss energy, it is your life right!?


Yurishias expression stiffened.

It moves by using your life as energy, so thats why Cross is special, I heard that! Thats why, its even stronger than our Heart Hybrid Gear. Because it moves by shaving off your lifethats why

Kizuna, Aine, Himekawa, and also Kei, all people in that place stood stock still in amazement.

Life is used as energyshe said?

Kizuna repeated Scarlets words in his heart many times.

Thats whythats why, if your Hybrid Count become zero, you used up your life, the wearer of Cross will die, thats what I hea

{Leave the idiotic gossip right there.}

A voice resounded through a speaker as if to obstruct Scarlets words. Following after that, a violent rotor sound of a helicopter was approaching near.

Wha, what?

When they looked up, an Ataraxia transport helicopter was in the middle of descending from the sky.

The door at the side of the helicopter was opened widely. From there, the owner of the voice leaned her body forward and got out.


Hida Reiri appeared with a grim face.

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