Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 3 - Ch 4

A night passed after the enemy attack.

{Ten thousand square meters of surface part is replaced. Fourteen commercial buildings are half destroyed or completely destructed otherwise. Another six are damaged. Even the underground lifeline was also influenced to some extent, but we estimate that it will be repaired in three days.}

Ataraxias damage report was projected on the labs wall.

Keis damage report that was flowing on top of that image was stared by Reiri and Kizuna with unpleasant feelings.

{Its fortunate that the enemy landed in the commercial area. It was a weekday afternoon so there were few people going out, we can think of the human damage as minimal. In addition, there is also no damage on the R&D facilities.}

Kizuna, is your wound okay?

Reiri looked at the bandage wrapping Kizunas hand and spoke.

Yeah. Its just a scratch.

Kizuna who lost his consciousness was transported to hospital, then he awoke there. The state of the hospital was just like a field hospital. The defense unit members that intercepted Gravel were brought in one after another. That scene was burned into his eyes. People groaned while blood was flowing from their bodies. People who voiced their resentment while flowing tears. People who became unable to move. He couldnt think of it as anything other than a picture of pandemonium in hell.

Is that a minimum human damage

Amaterasu and Masters couldnt match just a lone enemy.

{The current statistics are, fifteen deaths, three missing, twenty six serious wound, and fifty three light wound. Others are Himekawa and Yurishia of Amaterasu who are currently hospitalized for examination. Aine had been discharged and is recuperating in her own residence.}

And then, there is the damage to Masters butGertrude has bone fractures all over her body, as well as burns and lacerations in various parts. In addition she entered ICU due to massive bleeding. Brigit has fractures in her right arm, collarbone, and right leg. And then bruises all over her body, lacerations in various parts, it will take one month for complete recovery. In any case, they cannot be counted on as battle strength. We are in the middle of sounding out West USA for reinforcement of battle strength.

The image of the enemy called Gravel and the analysis data were displayed on the screen.

{Regarding the enemys combat ability and the magic armors capability, we want to wait for further analysis. Rather than that, the point that should be noticed the most this time is the enemys objective. Its not for exterminating us or even occupying this Ataraxia, the enemys objective is Zeros, and then Aine.}

Kizuna couldnt bear it and interjected.

That one. Just why are they aiming for Zeros and Aine?

Reiri shook her head.

We dont know why. Rather I want to ask you instead. You have never heard anything from Aine?

Eh, nonothing at all.

This time is completely our defeat, but our gain is not zero. Compared to Aldea previously, this AU person called Gravel is easier to communicate with after all. There are also a lot of established facts from this.

Kei nodded a little and ran her hand through the keyboard.

{The enemys ability and magic weapon is using an energy source called magic power. And then, we think they are using the term [Lemuria] to refer to the world of this side, and it seems that in this Lemuria, the consumption of magic power is strikingly severe. We think that the reason they are not distancing themselves too much from the Entrances is also because of this.}

Isnt that, just like Heart Hybrid Gear? This magic power those bunch speak about, isnt that what we called Hybrid Count?

{Exactly. Honestly there are many resemblances between the enemys magic armor and Heart Hybrid Gear. And then the question is, their grasp of Heart Hybrid Gears individual naming and even its individual ability. That is actually baffling. We can only think that someone is feeding them information.}

Reiri crossed her arms and sent a sharp gaze.

Kei, what you want to say is actually, that perhaps Hida Nayuta really had gone to AU, isnt it?

{Its only reasonable to think that. Thats why, we want more information regarding the AU. Whether its obtaining the knowledge of magic armor, or grasping the whereabouts of the professor, whichever information it is are connected to the countermeasure method of the Hybrid Count.}

In other words, you are telling us to keep progressing like this. Even though yesterday we were done in that badly?

Kei stayed quiet and pulled her chin a little.

Nee-chan, I also agree. Next time, we will absolutely defeat that enemy. We will capture her, and then make her spit out everything that she knows!

However, how will you fight?

Thatsthis time we were taken by surprise, so we couldnt do Climax Hybrid. If we can just use Corruption Armament, we can defeat even that Gravel!

But, even Corruption Armament is not invincible. Aines Pulverizer was also blocked when it was against Aldea.

Thatscertainly thats true.

Furthermore, that enemy named Gravel is likely a pro of combat. Even if it is magic armor, it has ability that is not inferior with our Heart Hybrid Gears. The foremost matter, is that it conversely becomes harder to use Corruption Armament if Ataraxia is boarded by the enemy. If we get careless, we will be damaged even more than this time.

Kizuna graoned. Certainly Corruption Armament possessed overwhelming destructive power, but due to that great power, it was hard to use. If it was used carelessly, it might even come to Ataraxia sinking.

{Reiri, I propose implementing the plan C.}

Reiri made a complicated face.

Is it possible to be implemented?

{Its still in the middle of verification. But, it has prospect. On the contrary if this is impossible}

Reiri put her hand on her forehead and sunk her body into the chair.

There is no other way, is that what you mean?

Kizuna was completely unable to understand, just what were these two talking about.

Wait, what are you talking about, plan C?

We are going to announce it sooner or later. Wait for a while.

{Look forward to it.}

Rather than looking forward to it, he could only feel a bad premonition.

After Kizuna exited the lab, he returned to the dormitory with the limousine that Reiri arranged for him.

He climbed until the fifth floor exclusive for Amateraus using elevator, walked the corridor and returned to his own room. In the middle of the way, his legs stopped in front of a door.


Her examination should have finished even before him and she returned first to the dormitory. Kizuna reached out his hand to knock at the door. Why was the enemy aiming for Aine? Was Aine knew something about it herself?

He wanted to know that. However, even if he asked her it was highly unlikely that she could answer him.

Even while thinking that, Kizuna knocked the door.

Aine, you there?

After a while, a voice returned from the door.

Kizuna? Whats the matter? If its newspaper, I dont need it though.

Just when do you think I became a newspaper salesman!

Thats why, I dont need anything like detergent.

Im not planning to offer you that! Rather than that, Ive got something I want to ask you a bit.

The door opened.

What is it?

Its about the enemy we fought yesterday, can you give me a little time?

Fine then. Enter.

Aine was a little hesitating, but she opened the door widely and invited Kizuna in.

The make-up of the room was basically the same like Kizunas room. However,

Thats a lot of book.

Novel, manga, photo album, traveling guide and so on, books from every genre were piled up, forming towers. Those towers of books were soaring over the surrounding. Not only book, there were also large amount of disks that recorded image piling up.

It was a great difference with the room Aine used when she was a child in Nayuta Lab.

Is all of this, data? For searching clue of the memory you recalled?

Yes, thats right. Its a little scattered here, Im sorry.

You call this a little?

There was almost no space for his foot to step, he couldnt even walk straight. He moved until the sofa in front of the television with trouble, but there were also books put there. Aine moved the book on the sofa to the table and built a new tower.

Please, sit.

He sat on the sofa.

Aaerr. Hows it going with your search? Have you found some kind of clue, like the town or the country where you were?

I find nothing at all.

Is that sothen, thing that aroused your interest, or a knowledge that you know even before reading the book, is there anything like that?

There is also nothing really like that. But, thanks to the increase of my knowledge from reading and watching video, I was able to mostly understand, that all over the world there are many fun things outside of fighting.

Thats great.

Kizuna reflexively smiled. Looking at that smile, the beating of Aines heart became faster. She turned her back to him so that her faintly colored cheek could be seen.

The, then, whats the matter? You said you want to talk about the enemy yesterday.

Aah, about thatthat woman Gravel, her objective seems to be Aine right? Thats why, Im thinking if Aine might know something about it.

Aine recalled about her exchange with Gravel, and also with Aldea.

{I want to ask one thing. Do youremember your time as child?}

{Yes, yes, the current you dont get the meaning of what Im talking about isnt it! Aah, but there is no need to worry! Yes, leave everything to me! I will save you for sure!}

Just what are they saying?

Nothing. Im the one who want to ask them instead.

Is there no clue or something inside the memory you recalled?

Aine twitched before her body trembled.


While Kizuna was watching Aine, her recalled a simple question.

Which reminds me, where did Aine come from?

Aine was discovered in Chidorigafuchi at Japan mainland when she was a child.

In the end, her family couldnt be found and they couldnt understand, where did she come from and what was she doing before she lost her memory.

Aine faced Kizuna with a face that looked cornered.

Kizuna..you see, each time I did Climax Hybrid, things that I recalledno, things that I think is my memory, when I look at them again, it makes me think, this is actually not a memory isnt it, something like that.

Eh? Thats, what do you mean?

The memories that I remembered, all of them looks unrealthe thing that I remembered first, a beautiful nature and a splendid city, and the large mechanical clock, they are still normal. I thought that they might be somewhere in Europe. But, the things that I remembered from the Climax Hybrid before this, a chalk white castle built on top of a waterfall, eerie black city and black castle. A person that looked like a queen from a movie, riding on gigantic stone statue and palanquin while waving her hand. And then the figures of so many people covering the surface kneeling.

Thatscertainly, that doesnt seem like your personal experience.

Right? On the contrary, it felt like I was watching a movie. Its not something about myself, I thought that perhaps it might be just a book I read as a child, or movie that I had seen. Thats why

Thats why?

Even if I do Climax Hybrid, I think that I still might not be able to understand who I am. Rather, perhaps its better to not do it anymore

What do you say!?

Those words were something he never expected to hear from Aine, who desired so much for a powerful long range weapon.

No, putting aside Aines thinking, he also had his own circumstances. From now on too, powerful enemy like Gravel might appear again. At that time, if Aines Corruption Armament became unusable, it would be a great loss for their battle strength.

Not just thatrecently, even Heart Hybrid felt strange somehow.

Strange you say, strange how?

The time when we did Heart Hybrid in the lab before this too, I felt likelike Im going to remember something. It was like a haze and not really clear but, that, felt like something that I must not remember, that was how it felt. Thats why

With a gaze as if begging him for forgiveness, Aine looked up at Kizuna.

Nothats bad.

If she didnt do Heart Hybrid, he couldnt expect her Hybrid Count to recover.

And then, if her Hyrbid Count became zero, Aine would die.

Waitplease wait, Aine. That, even memory like that is also one kind of a clue isnt it? Certainly, you dont understand if its about yourself or not, perhaps it was only about a movie scene. But, basically if we understand what kind of movie is it, there will be something more we can understand from that. The thing that you dont want to remember, perhaps its something like horror movieby any chance, perhaps its something like a scary memory from your time as kid?

Perhaps thats so butI, I already

already dont want to do Heart Hybrid anymore.

Those words, were going to come out from her mouth even now.

Please, Aine. From here on the fighting will become even fiercer. At that time, Heart Hybrid and Climax Hybrid will become powerful weapon. If we wait for natural recovery, its not impossible, but continuing to fight the enemy will be really hard.

Thats, I understand that. Butah

Kizuna embraced Aines body. Her body was slightly trembling.

Are you scared, Aine?

Not particularlyIm not scared or anything

Aines hand circled on Kizunas back. She rubbed her face on Kizunas chest.

Yes, Im fine.

Im not scared anymore.

Listen to me Aine. Certainly if you remember a memory that is something like an unknown dream, you will become anxious, I understand that. But, no matter what kind of memory it is, because that past exist that Aine is here right now. No matter what kind of past you remember after this far, Aine is Aine, nothing will change dont you think?

Kizuna gently separated from Aine, then he gazed at her red eyes.

The next moment, violent embarrassment rose to their faces. The two of them had faces that were so red, to the degree that steam might came out from there.

Shit, just how can this be even more embarrassing than Heart Hybrid!

The, then, Ill go already. Aah, thats right! About what we talked just now, those bunches aim is the Core of Heart Hybrid Gear, Aldea also said that. Surely they came searching just for Zeros, not for you, perhaps.

I, I guess soyes! Thats right, surely thats how it is!

Kizuna exited from the room after making collapse around two towers of books.

Inside the room that had turned quiet, Aine released a deep sigh.

She headed to the bedroom with floating steps, then she laid down on the bed heavily.

Kizuna said those things but, those things that came back to mind when doing Climax Hybrid, they are certainly, feels like a fragment of my memory. There is no basis to that. But, thats how it feels.

But, they are not something that I wished for.

Thats why, I must not do any more Climax Hybrid.

Inside me, that kind of warning is ringing loudly.


Aine recalled, Kizunas arms that were embracing her, the sensation of the chest he pressed her cheek at, she traced the place where Kizuna touched with her finger.

If Kizuna demanded it from me, I will.

Before long sleep invited Aine, and she departed to the world of dream.

And then, she whispered while moving toward the dream.

The goddess dancenothingness, and death, and emperorand thento eternity.

Kizuna bended his body backward largely and stretched. In this clear and great weather, he could see the white cloud floating in the blue sky. Under that blue sky, six asses lined up were lifted high.


*DON*, together with such voices, the students rushed out. Their bodies that were overflowing with liveliness were running through the track of the field.

Kizunas second year first group was in PE class.

Today they were measured in track and field events, the content was to confirm their basic performance in physical ability. Nevertheless, Kizuna was the only male student. This PE class was far harsher than study class.


Kizuna ran through the track and looked towards his classmates.

For an instant, he mistook their silhouette as being naked. Matching the running movement, breasts were greatly bouncing.

Without even mentioning the clear depression that was the chasm of the ass, even the subtle line of the body was completely exposed under the bright sunshine without anything to hide it.

That was just obvious. All the students were taking the class in their pilot suit.

He was watching Amaterasus pilot suited figures daily, but usually he could only see the figure of his classmates in their uniform. Now those classmates were running around with the line of their body exposed, making him completely stimulated by the gap.

No, dont. Its just too rude to stare at them when its not even a duty.

Kizuna averted his face and looked up to the sky.

Hm? Thats

Human silhouettes were visible above the sky at the neighboring field. Streak of light was left around the silhouette. Before long, two silhouettes clashed in the sky.

Heart Hybrid Gear? No, thats the Technical Gear that Shikina-san made. A practical training using that? Now that I remember, Sylvia also told me so.

{Ah, but, from a while ago, we start using Technical Gear for training desu. Im working hard, so that I can quickly become useful for Captain in battle too.}

Kizuna took out his smartphone and confirmed the schedule of the middle school. Currently, the one who was having practical training right before his eyes was exactly Sylvias class.

Well, it should be fine for me to skip a little. Ive promised Sylvia that Ill go seeing her. Even if stay here watching my classmates immodest figures, its just a torture.

Kizuna pretended to go to the toilet and moved to the neighboring field. After passing through the unmanned gate and passed the corridor, he found the entrance toward the track field.

The track field was almost as big as a soccer field. It was too cramped for Heart Hybrid Gear to fight seriously there, but he guessed that it posed no problem for practicing Technical Gear there.

The students were gathered in the middle of the field. He guessed that there might be around fifty people. The number of the boys was around the same with the girls, so perhaps the class today was a combined lesson for two classes.

Four Technical Gears were already standing by in the air, they seemed to wait for the signal of the beginning of the match.

Is thatSylvia!?

There were two girls and boys each. Among them, there was one person that was awfully petite, it was undoubtedly Sylvia.

Looking at her like this, he could understand well that even among her same year students she was really petite. Even though they were wearing the same gear, the Technical Gear that Sylvia wore looked like a large type.

Technical gear didnt have a design as refined as the real thing. Frame that was like exoskeleton was bared, giving off boorish impression. Inside it, Sylvia wearing her pilot suit was settled snugly.

At the same time with the starting buzzer, the four gears began to move.

In order to check each other, they took distance and rotated. Looking at the disordered movements each gears were making, it seemed that it was not a tag battle, but a battle royale.

There was no peculiar weapon for each Technical Gear, all four were carrying conventional assault rifle in their hand. One gear among them was shooting from afar. The aim wasSylvia. Calm down me, there is no way it will hit from that far. However, it makes me jittery already from the starteh?

Sylvia was flying amidst the coming bullets without even the slightest wavering. And then when she approached the firing range, she readied her rifle with a calm motion, and aimed steadily.

And then she pulled the trigger.

The shoulder of the gear firing at Sylvia was painted with pink liquid. It seemed that the bullet they were using was paint bullet.


Kizuna reflexively shouted.

Nice, nice, she is really calm there. Thats great, keep it up!

The remaining two swiveled and they aimed at Sylvia from two directions at the same time before firing. For some reason, they were cooperating to defeat the powerful opponent first. Sylvia reversed her body with full-bodied motion. Her legs opened largely, where she controlled her body freely with her leg thrusters. That light movement made the other two gears unable to fix their aim.

Uooo, thats awesome Sylvia!

Kizuna was excited as if it was himself in the work, no his excitement was even more than that. Sylvia easily took her opponents back and dealt the shot down mark with the paint bullet.

However, the remaining gear was firing at Sylvia from above.

Danger! As expected, there is no dodging this. But, she removed two gears by herself. Thats just too great performance. Ive got to praise her later.

The instant he thought Sylvia was shot down, Sylvia demonstrated a sudden direction change without any preliminary motion. She was spinning while aiming her gun muzzle at the opponent.

She avoided that!? But, there is no way she can hit from that impossible sta.

The chest of the opponent was hit by pink liquid.


The students raised joyful voice.

{Match over. Everyone come down!}

The voice of the instructor flowed from the speaker, all the gears were slowly descending. When the match was over, Sylvia and the other three were talking while laughing without caring of any side.

The other three were also not bad. However Sylvias talent was outstanding. The excellent evaluation on her was a truth without exaggeration. Honestly, he could even call her a prodigy.

Sylvia-chaaan! Amazing.

Thats awesome, Sylvia!

Her popularity among the same year was also great. Especially the loud cheer of the boys, it made him a little bothered.

When they landed on the field, the leg part of Technical Gear that a boy put on got entangled.

Ah! Dangerous!

Sylvia at the side got dragged and collapsed on the ground. Scream was raised among the students.

Kizuna dashed and headed to Sylvias position.

Sylvia! You okay!?

He? Ca, Captain!? Why are you here desu?

While still lying on the ground, Sylvia looked up at Kizuna with surprised eyes.

The surrounding students looked surprised from the high school student that suddenly appeared. Eh, who? Whats with him, acting so familiar with Sylvia-chan, gossiping voices like those could be heard.

Aa, its great that the bad rumor hasnt spread to Sylvias class butI might be too rash.

Rethinking it as something that couldnt be helped, Kizuna pushed the release button of the Technical Gear and liberated the pilot suited Sylvia from the gear.

Yeah. After all I promised that Ill go watching your practice.

Ehehehe, I shown Captain my uncool side desu.

She stood up while scratching her head awkwardly.

What are you saying? That was amazing. You have great skill.

Rea, really desu?ouch-

Her knee suddenly bent down with a jerk and she almost fell. Kizuna hugged her body to stop her fall.

Oi, you okay!?

I, Im fine desu. I show Captain an unseemly act againeven though, Captain finally come to watch me

Sylvia became teary eyed.

Kizuna lifted up Sylvias body without asking.

So to speak, it was the so called princess carry, Sylvia girl classmates cheered.

Ca, Captain!?

Your foot got twisted when you fell right? We are going to the infirmary right now.

Ignoring the dazed male students and the instructor, Kizuna began ti run with Sylvia in his arms.

After running for five minutes, he arrived at the school building of the high school department. Without even bothering to change into indoor shoes, he dashed to the infirmary just like that.

Wait, the infirmary teacher is not here!

Rather, should he go to the lab?

E, err, Captainyou dont need to be that worried, this is not anything big desu. I think it will be healed if we just compress it.

Even me can deal with it if its just that butanyway, lets take a look at the hurt place.

Kizuna put down Sylvia and made her sit at the edge of the bed.

Yes. Ah, but there is no way I can make Captain do something like

Its fine, so just sit obediently.

Sylvias pilot suit was a one piece that covered her neck and also chest, but it was a halter neck type with her back part greatly opened. The cut in her armhole and nether region was largely opened, while glove until above her elbow and tights until her thigh protected her limbs.

Kizuna took off that tights. A white dainty leg revealed its appearance. The ankle of that leg was swelling red.

Uwa, this looks painful.

First he was going to cool it down. He took out a new towel from the glass shelf, soaked it in water and wringed it lightly, then he began to wiped it on Sylvias leg.

It was really slim and small. It was like she was a completely different species from them.

Haathe cold is pleasant desu.

Sylvia sighed from the pleasant feeling.

Ah, Im late in saying this but, thank you very much for coming to see me. Err, that, what did Captain think? Sylvias practical skill is

Yeah, it surprised me. Sylvia really is excellent. You have amazing talent.

Rea, really desu!?

Sylvia leaned her body forward and her eyes sparkled.

Yeah, its truewait, I told you, dont move around!


She was smiling cheerfully in a complete good mood.

He was not joking, Sylvias balance sense and her ability to grasp space were outstanding. But for her to be called as excellent, meant that she would come out to the battlefield early. It also meant that danger would be her constant companion. If like this she also had affinity with Core and Heart Hybrid then.

Looking at Sylvia who was smiling like an angel, his feeling became complicated.

Hm? Captain, is something the matter desu?

Ah! No, nothing. Err, perhaps there is also bruise in other place, how about I check it for the peace of mind?


She returned an energetic reply and began to take off the other tights and gloves. The moment her limbs became bare, suddenly her outfits exposure rate became high.

Was the design this erotic without the gloves and tightswait, what the hell I am thinking!

Ah, it become scratched and bruised this much here and there

The bruises on the white and smooth skin looked painful, it made him felt that he couldnt leave her alone. He searched the medicine shelf and there was a salve for bruise there.

Lets see, the way to use itplease take the appropriate amount in your finger, and spread it with a massage in the center of the hurt spothuh.

Kizuna took the salve in his hand and began to caress Sylvias ankle with a massage.


Does it hurt?

Noit feels good desu.

Her words that leaked out together with her sigh were strangely erotic.

Oi, the one in front of you is Sylvia! Get a grip!

Kizuna shook his head and persuaded himself.

He also slid his hand on her thigh with the salve. Sylvias skin was really soft, smooth, it was completely like a baby skin. No matter where he touched it was soft, he even felt that he might be the one who felt good even though he was the one massaging.

Kizunas hand advanced to the inside of the thigh, until the direction of her thigh joint.

As, as I thought, more than this isbut, I have to treat the wound.

He paid attention so he wouldnt touch further above than this, his finger traced just barely near the thigh joint.

Fuaso, somehow, this is the first time, I feel like this desuu

Sylvias cheek was dyed pink. Inside the spellbound and narrowed eyes, her moist eyes were shining.

That expression was an inflammatory one that couldnt be thought as coming from a child. Kizunas throat gulped his saliva audibly.

Is, is there, other place that hurt?

Yesif Captain can, do my back too

Sylvia twisted her body to show her back. It looked like she was putting on a coquettish air, Kizunas heart throbbed from that. He fell into a hallucination, as if an adult woman was tempting him with a young girl figure.

Co, cool off, me! This me that had battled against women with erotic body like Aine and Yurishia, is not going to lose against childish figure like this! Rally your feeling!

Kizuna answered with a voice that was as calm as he possibly could.

Your back, is it? Okay.

He felt awkward whether it was to climb on the bed or made Sylvia stood up, so he circled his hand from the front.

Thinking it over, this posture is quite dangerous.

His finger timidly touched her back, then his finger softly went down her spinal column.


A sweet gasping voice was played on Kizunas ear.

His rallied feeling was smashed apart instantly.

Sylvia warped her back as if she was struck with electricity, she convulsed twitchingly.

Oi, you okay? Did it hurtdoesnt seem so huh?

Sylvia answered gaspingly.

Ye, yessomething feels tingling, Sylvia feels strange somehow desu. This isthe first desu. Is Sylvia getting sick desu?

No, I think you are finemaybe.

Her collarbone was visible on her bended chest. And then even though it was small, was the slim chest that softly bulged up. And then on its center was a small protrusion that was not standing out until now, it was beginning to proclaim its existence.

Even though he was mostly not bothered about it until just now, but right now it was clearly pushing up the pilot suit, teaching him of its shape.

Sylvia, more than this is

Funyu? Is something the matter Captaindesuu?

Shining light was flowing into her violet eyes.

This is! Dont tell me!?

No, there is no doubt. This is the sign of Heart Hybrid. If I think like that, then this drunken state of Sylvia is also understandable.

But, she is still not installed with core yet?

The explanation I can think of isEross ability, is it?

By some chance, is thisa way to investigate the aptitude for Heart Hybrid?

Ca, CaptainnnSylvia, that

Tears emerged on Sylvias eyes, she was rubbing her thighs together.

Now that it had come to this, he couldnt help it.

Sylvia, Ill comfort your right now.


Kizunas hand lovingly caressed Sylvias back.

He caressed as if to confirm the shape of her shoulder blade from her back, and then his hand went down to her waist.


Unable to bear it, Sylvias body floated and her chest was further pushed out. It was as though it was waiting impatiently for stimulation from Kizuna, the chest was shivering in front of his face.

Kizuna gently brushed up that chest, and then he lightly grasped it.


Soft sensation could be felt from the really small breast. He temporarily released his grasping hand, then gently touched with his palm. He rolled the pointy tip his palm felt as if in a massage.

Auu! Ah! Hauu!

Sylvias body bounced up as if she was getting shocked with electricity in interval.

Kizunas fingers gently pinched the tip of that breast.


It was just a little, but a splash of violet flew from Sylphias body. It shined sparklingly, entangling slightly with the pink light welling up from Kizunas body before vanishing.

Sylvia was spent and fell on the bed. Her breath was rough as if she was just finished doing an intense work-out. She was sweating slightly, with expression of trance on her face.

There was no mistake. Sylvia had an aptitude for Core.

She was an outstanding talent endowed with her ability as pilot and doubled with her high aptitude with Core. Surely she was the strongest candidate as the next member of Amaterasu.

Kizuna stroked Sylvias face. Her blond hair was fluffy like feather, it felt really good to touch. Sylvia too nuzzled her head to his hand like a spoiled child, as if she was feeling good.

If you know about this, you are going to be happy arent you

But, Kizunas heart was sinking down heavily.

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