Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 14.5 - Ch 3.2

Kizuna chased behind Aine.

Aine put her foot into the sea. The approaching wave coiled around her bare foot in a pleasant way. And then when the wave pulled back, the sand was caressing her skin along with the wave and she was pulled into the sea. As though being lured by that wave, Aine entered into the sea.

It feels good.

Yeah, after all even though we are surrounded by sea, but we rarely have the chance to play in the sea. This become a good change of pace.

Invited by the pleasantness of the water, Aine walked more and more toward the open sea. It seemed that the artificial beach was set as a wide shallow beach, and even when she went until a spot where the silhouette of people in the beach looked like speck, the water still only reached until her waist.

The beach was vast and people were sporadic here, so there was also no figure of people around Kizuna and Aine. In this distance voice also wouldnt reach them as long as the caller didnt shout with loud voice.

Kizunas eyes sparkled.

This is, the perfect chance to do Heart Hybrid.

The mission that was levied on him in this holiday, that was to recover the Hybrid Count of Aine and others of Amaterasu.

That was to say Heart Hybrid.

A miracle that occurred when man and woman who possessed Heart Hybrid Gear were joining their body and heart as one, and sharing their love and pleasure. Hybrid Count that had no prospect of getting recovered naturally would be recovered drastically by this outrageous phenomenon.

What was able to carry out this Heart Hybrid was only Kizunas Heart Hybrid Gear, Eros.

Kizuna stared once again at Aines figure.

Each time the wave came, her navel that was at her tight waist was appearing and disappearing from view. However the water was pretty with high transparency. He could see from her waist below until her feet instead. Her long silver hair that was floating on the water was swaying forth and fro at the same time with the wave.

Her upper body that protruded out from the sea had beauty that made her looked like a mermaid princess. If she didnt have a bad mouth and rude attitude, she would look like a princess inside a fairy tale. Her face feature was like an elaborate work of art. Her red eyes were clear like ruby. Long eyelashes decorated her eyes. White pretty skin. Pink glossy lips.

Her beauty looked artificial, but it was shocking how she looked like this despite not really wearing makeup.

The water drops on the surface of her lithe body were shining from the sunlight. There was beauty in her, but she looked vaguely ephemeral, as though she was something frail. Perhaps that was the fault of the little remaining Hybrid Count in Aines body.

Kizuna quietly circled his hands on Aines body from behind.

Wha-wa, wait!

Aine jumped and shivered. She tried to get away from Kizuna in panic. However Kizuna joined his hands together in front of Aines waist and didnt let her escape. And then instead, he brought Aines body close. Aines posture became one where she leaned her weight on Kizunas chest.

Wha, what are you thinking! In this kind of place, what are you!?

Aines cheeks were dyed red in a turn-about change from her composed face just now and she was flustered.

Aine, your Hybrid Count is already running out until 10%. We have to do Heart Hybrid quickly.

I, I know that! But, even so we dont need to do it in this kind of place!

Aine wiggled and struggled to escape from Kizunas arms. However, to restrain her movement, Kizunas hand grabbed Aines breast.


Its because its this kind of place.

Kizuna kept embracing Aines waist with his left hand, and his right hand was massaging Aines breast. No matter when he touched it, Aines breast felt good. While feeling the moderate weight on his palm, his fingers sunk into the large and soft bulge.

Whawhat, ahn! Are you saying-, aah, I, I dont, getiyaaaahn!

The sensation of Aines breast was like soft and fluffy cotton, when he put strength into his fingers, it overflowed from the gaps of his fingers. And yet, inside it there was hidden elasticity that pushed back on his fingers.

He relaxed his strength and opened his hand, and then he put strength again to distort the breasts shape. While he was repeating that, Aines resistance was gradually weakening.

Hauuaahn Do, dontIm telling youuuuuu-

Aines fingers that were holding on Kizunas hands were also not trying to separate them from her body anymore. Rather it felt like her fingers were pressing so that Kizunas hands wouldnt let go.

Today I have to do Heart Hybrid with three people. The first turn is Aine, starting from you.

First? Is that so, Im the first?

Aines eyes moistened.

But, if thats the casethen not this kind of placesomewhere where we can be alone together is

Aines thighs fidgeted and rubbed at each other shyly.

Aine is a shy person after all. Thats why I think that conversely this kind of open way will make it easier for Heart Hybrid to succeed.

Whawhat foolishness aaaahn! Ah, dont do that-!

Kizuna inserted his fingers through the gap between Aines breast and her swimsuit. The stiff tip that was obvious even from above the swimsuit became even more obvious in hardness when it was touched directly.

Hiyyaaaaaaaaan! Pi, pinching isnnaaaaahh

Kizuna used the pad of his fingertip to pinch and push in order to gently massage it. However instead of becoming softer, it was rapidly getting bigger and harder.

Aathat, fu, fuaaaaahn

The more Kizunas hand moved intensely, the more the swimsuit was lifted up. And then finally the breast that couldnt be hidden spilled out. The pink circle on the pure white skin was beautiful. The skin that was wet with sea water shined with luster, adding up even more obscene colouring.

Yah! Do, dontits seen in the open

Aine hugged her chest to hide it from view.

Its fine because there is no people nearby.

But, people like watchman or

My body is hiding you so they cannot see. And there is no one at the open sea.

Strength left Aines hand after such persuasion.

Bu, butjust the breast okay? More than that, is no good.

When she loosened her arms, the pressed breasts recovered their original shape. Aines breasts jiggled and appeared under the summer sunlight.

Those breasts that drew beautiful round curve looked soft, however various feelings like shame and immorality, and then pleasure and love were buried inside, straining up her skin looking like they would burst anytime now.

Aines breasts that looked like they would burst if they were poked with needle. Kizuna gently, and yet certainly rubbed in pleasure into them.


Sparkling light particles swam from inside Aines teary eyes.

Just a bit more until Heart Hybrid succeed. One more go.

Kizuna slid his hand from Aines stomach toward below it. However his hands destination was firmly protected by Aines hand. Kizuna brought his lips close to Aines ear, and he whispered.

If you let out a voice that loud, someone might hear you know?


Aine closed her mouth with her hands in panic.

Kizunas hand extended even further below Aines abdomen in that opening. And then, his fingers slid on the chasm where the swimsuit was digging in.

Aines eyes opened wide in surprise. She looked behind at Kizuna and threw at him a gaze that was overflowing with anxiety, begging him for forgiveness. However Kizunas finger mercilessly dug in even stronger.


Pleasure became scream that leaked out from Aines mouth.

One of Kizunas hands caressed the breast, while the other caressed between her legs. The shape was clearly coming to the front through the swimsuit.

The part that brought intense pleasure to Aine was getting larger in opposition of her own intention. It was like that part was demanding even more pleasure, seeking for Kizunas finger. Perhaps it was Aines body expression her true feeling.

Blue light like powdered snow was starting to drift from Aines body.

Right here!

Kizuna assaulted Aines body even more intensely. With tearful eyes Aine endured the limit of her pleasure endurance. Kizuna whispered into her ear.

Its fine. If its now, even if you let out a loud voice, there is no people in the range the voice can reach.

Aines feeling slackened, at the same time her wall of reasoning crumbled.


The delight that Aines body and heart was feeling appeared as explosion of light. Aines body was wrapped in blue light before it vanished soon.


Aines body lost strength and leaned on Kizunas body. Kizuna caught Aines body that almost sunk into the sea, and he peeked at her complexion.

Are you okay, Aine?

Aine might be fainting because she didnt reply. Her face was beautiful like usual, but it wasnt an ephemeral beauty like before, but looked overflowing with vitality.

Kizuna lifted Aine within his arms in princess carry and started walking toward the beach.

There are Himekawa and Yurishia left huh

Kizuna thought that this day looked like it would be a long one.

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