Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 101 Dealing With The Gang (3)

Diza was an old factory that used to manufacturing plastics. But, since it was located closer to the city, they were forced to move to another side due to the pollution that they were causing.r

Now, it seemed that the Jerks Brothers Gang had taken over that warehouse of theirs as their new base. From the location and a few other factors, it was indeed a good place for them to hide from the public.r

Jack wasted no time as he drove faster, he knew that the more time that he wasted, the higher the losses that he was going to suffer. Well, although it couldn't be considerate as real losses, less profit was loss to him now.r

He had to accumulate a wealth of $500B. This was just the amount of money that he was supposed to have in hand, not to mention the five companies with net worth of at least $500B.r

Now, as long as he could get money, Jack wouldn't dare be careless to let the chance slip away.r

About twenty minutes later, he arrived at the old warehouse. The area around the warehouse was almost empty and only a few people were passing by this area.r

Many people didn't like this part of the city due to the pollution that had occurred here about five years ago. All the same, Jack didn't care and drove the Bentley towards the gate.r

The factory of this warehouse itself was located not far from this location. But still, it was about three kilometers from here.r

The moment that Jack's Bentley arrived, a group of people got out of the warehouse. There were more than one hundred of them and each one of them had a weapon of their own liking in their hands.r

They gazed towards the approaching Bentley Continental GT excitedly. They were looking forward to beating up someone.r

Jack stopped not far from them before he alighted from the Bentley. Although there were more than a hundred men in front of him, Jack wasn't afraid in the least. He stood in front of them without showing any fear.r

"Where's your boss? Tell him to get out of here, or is he afraid of me even before we meet?" Jack stated as he looked at the group in front of him.r

"Kid, who are you to ask to see our boss?"r

"Do you know where you are? This is the territory of the Jerks Brothers Gang, nobody makes a scene here!"r

"Maybe he's just a newborn calf that isn't afraid of the tiger."r

"F*cking idiot, just you wait till I smash this bat on your head."r

The crowd of gangsters immediately began throwing curses and taunts towards Jack. Jack had no intention of bantering with them. So, "Better stop talking nonsense if you're not the leader here! If your leader is a coward I'm that he can continue hiding even after I came here, then I can only go inside and pull him out by myself."r

Jack's words were arrogant in front of the muscular and armed group. But all the same, they had no chance of speaking as a person came from behind them at this moment.r

It was a man who seemed to be in his late forties. He had a huge scar on his chin. Currently, several tattoos could be seen on his exposed parts of the body. But, the most eye-catching was the tattoo of a knife that was on his left side of the neck.r

That knife was the one that was used by the military. And, the one on him was one that had been drawn in such a way that it depicted the blood stains on it. Just from this tattoo, Jack could conclude that this guy was cold blooded.r

Looking at Jack who was standing straight in front of the over a hundred men, the person that had come from behind the group smiled as he said, "You're brave for a youngster. I didn't expect that you would really show up alone."r

The voice was extremely familiar to Jack as he had heard it not long ago. He gazed at the man and said, "Do you know how much losses you've caused? That's over a hundred million dollars, can you compensate me?"r

Big Brother Three: "…."r

"Are you kidding me? Who's that in this city that can make over a hundred million dollars in a single day? Even the biggest family in Inchoate city, the Dante family cannot do that." Big brother three said contemptuously.r

"If you haven't seen that happen that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist." Jack wasn't ready to explain himself and went straight to the point.r

"Who was the one that sent you to cause trouble for my stores?" He asked, coldly this time.r

Big brother three looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot and said, " Why should I tell you? It's not like you have the ability to make me tell you that, right?"r

In return, Jack smiled and said, "Okay then, let's see my ability." With that, he gazed at the crowd of gangsters and said, "Whoever beats up the so called big brother three till he says who gave him the mission will receive $100,000 from me.r

Jack's words caused the crowd that was whispering to each other to immediately go silent. Each and every gang member gazed at Jack, wondering if he was joking or if he was serious about what he had just said.r

Seeing no response from the crowd, Jack raised two fingers in the air and spoke once again, "If you think that $100,000 is not enough, then I'll make it $200,000."r

Jack's words made the crowd swallow their saliva while thinking about the big amount of money. If they could get that amount of money, they could simply retire from being gangsters and live a better life that had no risks involved.r

When he saw Jack's plan, big brother three's expression shifted, mostly the moment that he saw that the group seemed to be considering Jack's words.r

Controlling the gangsters wasn't something simple as all those that joined the gang all had their own reasons. And, if they could get a benefit, they wouldn't mind killing someone, let alone beating him up. So, he was forced to take command early and stop Jack from giving out more benefits.r

"What are you all thinking about? Get him and beat him up. Once he's down, the money that he's promising will be ours any way." Big three said.r

(A/N: Instead of the long name, I'll just call him big three.)r

When they were told another method of gaining even better benefits, the group no longer felt tempted by Jack's reward. So, they all swarmed towards him, ready to beat him up.r

Jack sneered when he saw this. So, it was true that big three was someone with brains after all. So, the only means to convince these people would be to beat them up. When they saw that they had no other way out of this, they would have to compromise.r

"What about five hundred thousand dollars?" Jack tried again. If he could solve this without having to waste his time fighting with them, it would be better.r

"Hehe, your small rewards are not appreciated."r

"We'll just beat you up so that you can hand over the money by yourself."r

They no longer listened to what Jack had to say as they charged towards him.r

Upon seeing that there was no way out of the situation, Jack could only roll the sleeved of his shirt to prepare himself for the fight.r

When the first person arrived in front of him, Jack gave him no time to attack and used the chance that they were underestimating him to deal a decisive blow.r


A single hit on the chest and the guy was forced to fly backwards, knocking down those that were charging forward.r

Jack didn't stop at that as he swung his fists at those that came towards him. Since there was a crowd of over a hundred men charging towards him, it was obvious that not all of them would attack him at the same time.r

So, as he moved around the crowd, he landed heavy punches on them, one punch that would make sure that the one that was punched wouldn't get back onto their feet.r

With everything of his being four times higher than the ones that were attacking him, Jack had no problem at all.r

He evaded what could be evaded and used other gangsters as shield when necessary. And so, it wasn't long before more than twenty gangsters lay on the floor wailing miserably.r

The others had no choice but to take a few steps backwards because none of them had expected that Jack was this fierce. Now that about a fifth of them were on the ground while Jack had no injuries on him, they lost the confidence that they were having before.r

Even big three wasn't expecting such a scene. He had thought that it would be easy for them to kill Jack. With him dying in a place that was far from the public eye, there would be no one that would take them accountable considering that there were no witnesses.r

As if this was just a warm up, Jack began stretching his joints. He had never been forced to use any aspect of his improved self to the maximum.r

But facing the more than ten men at a single time, he had to use his speed and reaction at the maximum to avoid being hit.r

He looked at the goons that were eyeing him warily and smiled as he said, "Now, I don't want you to beat him up. Instead, all those that are going to join and work under me will receive a monthly salary of $30,000."r

Jack's words immediately changed the previously tense and somber atmosphere around the warehouse.r

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